antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam ugly feminists

Man Who Calls Women Bitches Attacks Organization That Saves Men’s Lives

Paul Elam, alleged "men's human rights" activist
Paul Elam, alleged “men’s human rights” activist

Funny story: Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — you remember, the tiny British partylet that managed to win literally 0.0007% of the vote in the last UK elections — is trying to organize a men’s rights conference in London.

He recently approachedĀ Amnesty International to see if he could rent one of the rooms in their London headquarters for his little shindig. They said no, because AI is a feminist organization, and Buchanan’s little party has more or less declared war on feminism.

Paul Elam — America’s most embarrassing Men’s Rights Activist — apparently thinks that Amnesty’s “no” to Buchanan is a greater violation of human rights than police torture, political imprisonment, and all the other human rights abuses the organization has fought for decades to eliminate.

In a YouTube video, ElamĀ — a transcontinental pal of Buchanan — hasĀ accused Amnesty International of a ā€œpretty brazen display of bigotry.ā€ declaring that the venerable human rights organization only cares about human rights ā€œif you have a vagina and align yourself to the correct political ideology.ā€

The perpetually angry Elam informs us that

this is the moment in time when Amnesty International has gone on the record subscribing to the narrative that men are not human beings and therefore not recognized as having human rights issues.Ā 

HeĀ urges people not to support ā€œa human rights advocacy group that fails to recognize the humanity of half the population.ā€

By that he means Amnesty International, not his own hateful gang.

AI’s alleged failure ā€œto recognize the humanity of half the populationā€ might come as something of a surprise to these guys:

And these are just a few of the thousands of men the organization has campaigned for over the course of many decades of dedicated and diligent work. Amnesty International literally saves men’s lives.

The groupĀ also campaigns on behalf of 13-year-old girls forced to marry 70-year-old men, rape survivors forced to marry their rapists, and women sexually tortured by police officers. Because AI recognizes that, you know, womenĀ have human rights too.

Amnesty International stands up for oppressed people, regardless of gender, often at great risk.

Mike Buchanan, by contrast, used his platform as a political candidate in the last elections to inform potential voters that marriage is “slavery for men,” that feminists are “hatchet-faced miserable women” and that men groping women’s bottoms without their permission is no big deal, if you think about it. His stance on these and other crucial men’s human rights issues won him 153 votes. Not 153,000. 153.

As for Elam’s A Voice for Men gang, well, aside from calling women “bitches” and worse, slanderingĀ people on Twitter, and running a website that loses traffic and influence by the day, AVFM’s only real-world accomplishment in the last year or so has beenĀ holding a small retreat for its male ā€œactvistsā€ in which said activists got drunk and made a video in which they made assorted crude sexual remarks about several feminist writers.

Elam was apparently so proud of his drunken performance in thisĀ video that he posted it online. And here it is, because I never get tired of reposting this wondrous thing.

That’s the weirdest bit of “human rights activism” I’ve ever seen.

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9 years ago

Funny, Wikipedia has a fairly extensive list of human rights organizations. A Voice for Men isn’t anywhere on it. The editors must have missed their stunning record on human rights. Let me check the A Voice for Men’s website. I want to post their accomplishments, just a second….still looking, just a sec….

Huh, A Voice For Men’s human rights accomplishments seem to be missing from their website. That’s odd. Maybe there’s a problem at their website. Or maybe it was hacked by a manjina.

9 years ago

I used to work for Amnesty International as a lowly street recruiter. Their recruitment techniques basically amounted to street harassment, and the misogyny/homophobia was pretty bad among my co-workers. Not that I would hold AI as a worldwide organization responsible for the specific conditions at my workplace, but just goes to show shitty people are everywhere. Still, props to my ex-boss for firing people after I outed everyone on my way out. :p

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Paul Elam has no right to talk about other organizations failure to protect any ones rights until he actually uses his own organization to do the same. Where are those shelters for battered men? He’s fine with using there absence as a talking point, but he’s yet to do anything about it.

Of course if he really wanted to help men he would try to free them from the toxic masculinity that he stews in every day.

Peter Rawlins
Peter Rawlins
9 years ago

I watched the bottom video, not only is he proud of his stupidity, he can’t count. 1000’s of men, is not the same as 13 people. 14 if you count the dumb ass behind the camera.

9 years ago

In every picture of him I’ve ever seen, Elam always looks like he’s about to literally explode.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

All I can think of is “you’re intolerant of intolerance!!!”.

That’s literally what’s happening here. AVfM and the Men and Boys Party are literally getting their underwear-of-choice in a knot over the fact that AI was like “yeah, no, we’re not letting you rent a space because you literally declared war on us because of different beliefs”.

They’re mad because they hate feminsts and feminism, and talk about how we’re all vile evil harpies all the damn time, and then turn around and get mad when feminists won’t rent them a space.

Apparently, we should be grateful for the opportunity to have slurs and threats thrown at us by these gentlemen, who obviously care for human rights (so long as you have a penis and identify as male, because that means you’re human)!

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

As a close follower of Amnesty’s actions I’d say they’ve done just a smidge more than AVFM has for men. Also, this evil feminist has done more than not suck the AVFM cock, I give Amnesty monthly donations and so do my evil feminist friends.

As a sort of related topic, I had the bothersome ‘why I don’t call myself egalitarian’ conversation with someone I know to be intelligent. I call myself a FEMINIST because equality is *still* a women’s issue. Something that slipped by these honeybunnies when they declared Amnesty was skewed when they denied a hate group an entrance. What’s next, KKK want to rent a room in Amnesty’s headquarter? They are even famouser than the lovehoneys at Buchanan’s planned conference. Amnesty surely will treat them like Hollywood!

Sorry if I ramble, there used to be wine in the bottle next to me.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

Amnesty International don’t care about men’s human rights? I just. I. What the. I give up.

Spinster Threat
9 years ago

I love the images you post of Paul Elam. Dude is grizzly and maniacal-looking. A truly horrible, angry, hateful man. I’ve been following this blog for a while and appreciate the work you do keeping an eye on these terrifying A-holes.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

By the same measure, the NAACP refusing to rent space to the Klan for a “white rights” conference would be RACISM, right Paul?

9 years ago

Well, those men Amnesty is helping don’t look much like Elam’s lilywhite constituency, so maybe they’re not men to him?

9 years ago

In his video, he doesn’t blink.

9 years ago

I have never seen Men’s rights activists like A Voice For Men raise money for shelters for men. Only crying that we don’t have any and it’s so hard to build them while raising and wasting thousands of dollars over nonsensical documentaries. So you know they’re lying and actually don’t care.

They don’t discuss about homophobia only “why gay men should not be feminists” and anyone raised by gay men are “lucky” in their stupid memes and articles.

They never discuss about transphobia only trans men are “women who understand the pain of what men go through” and trans women “men who hate themselves”

They never discuss about disabled men and ableism. They constantly use the words “crazy”, etc.

I have never seen or hear them discuss about racism or what they can do to help and provide (Native American men, black men, etc) only when they’re standing up for men/boys of color who have been accused of violence/rape by women/girls and using men and boys of color to shut up and derail feminists’ and women/girls’ spaces.

They even compare themselves to segregation of white and black people whenever women have their own spaces (women only gyms, women only shelters, etc)

They complain endlessly about feminists making women and girls have victim complexes and that feminists should think about the women and girls in other countries while (see above for segregation) literally complaining in the same sentence and in their nonsensical memes that men have it worse and are the true victims. (Comparing themselves who were divorced or haven’t gotten laid when they paid for dinner, etc to rape victims)

They never discuss about toxic masculinity and how to stop it but use it to their advantage to shut up and control feminists and others.

They never ever done anything that is remotely helpful. They only fuel men and boys to be nothing but dangerous terrorists to feminists, women and girls and everyone else when they don’t get their way.

I really do hope that someday hypocritical and dangerous organizations like A Voice For Men and others like them will be seen as serious threats and will be seen and put on the list of terrorists as they should be.

9 years ago

Wikipedia is clearly run by feminist hags and their beta mangina slaves, duh. /s

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Ah, you see, what has Amnesty International done for the white men of the United States, the only true men out there, like Elam himself? Men can’t go around slapping women and forcing them to clean on their hands and knee and give them sandwiches and blow jobs so what good has AI truly done really?

9 years ago

Wow, I’ve seen you post that video before but this is the first time I’ve been able to bring myself to click on it. And it’s just, erm, I can’t think of the right adjective here. Bizarre?

And through the winter, as well as working my regular day job, I also do voluntary work one or two nights a week at a homeless shelter. I spend my nights there washing the clothes of homeless men, making sure they are fed and comfortable, in some cases comforting them and being a shoulder to cry on. Paul Elam can go fuck himself with his “feminism is anti men” bullshit. I’m a feminist and I improve the lives of men all the time in my job. I’m a feminist and I’ve done more for men than Elam has ever bothered to do.

Snork Maiden
9 years ago

Oh my, Elam’s really going for gold in the victim Olympics.

Imagine if a feminist organization had asked if they could set up a lemonade stand in Elam’s front garden, somehow I think he would be less than accommodating.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Fruitloopsie raises some great points! Like, all of those issues would be solved by feminism, anti-racism and pro LGBTQ.

Do they wanna logic? I think followers of this blog know the answer.

BTW, is it too early for bleach?

9 years ago

But David, NONE of the men you have shown helped by Amnesty are white!

I guess that that is what Elam means. I mean he could hardly believe that Amnesty ignores men could he?

9 years ago

Paul will never do anything to truly help men because the simple fact is that the more male suffering there is ,real or imagined the better off he is. He’s profiting from convincing men that the rest of society and especially Women are out to get them.

Josh Miller
Josh Miller
9 years ago


I’d just like to say I love the “remodel”–the house looks great!–and that this is one of your finest-written pieces. You’re a great man, and you often reinstate my faith in my own gender and humanity in general after cowards like Elam and his ilk shatter it for me. Your voice (among many others) is unfortunately very necessary, so please keep up the great work!

9 years ago

If they wanted more than just the right to freely bitch and complain about what they don’t have, what they’re not getting, and who they think is getting or has those things…maybe they should do more than bitch and complain freely about what they don’t have, what they’re not getting and who they think is getting or has those things.

You know, being proactive and fundraising, then building a shelter for men, or a campaign to get political support and maybe a couple authors to write and introduce legislation on circumcision (though I’m not sure what needs to be done, it’s not mandatory and parents choose according to either personal preferences or a protected right of religious beliefs…maybe just educate those for whom its merely personal preference? Let them know their options and how those being circumcised feel about their experiences?) But that’s toooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard for the portion of the population responsible for building all those civilizations, inventing all the stuff that’s important, and so forth….Wow. Glad we’re not stuck depending on them to live, put a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

9 years ago


If by better off, you mean he’s got company on the shit train to irrelevance. šŸ˜›

9 years ago


Well thats where he’s headed but I was think along the line of better off in terms of his bank account and his ego as the con artist leader of a hate cult.

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