It seems highly unlikely that any of you have been wondering how internet garbage person Matt Forney responded to the horrific shootings in San Bernardino. But I’m going to tell you anyway, if only as an example of the manosphere’s continuing drift into straight-up Nazism. Also because Forney is a blithering idiot.
This is idiotic even by white supremacist standards, too idiotic to even deserve the few seconds it takes to formulate a rebuttal.
But what the heck, someone’s already done the work for me:
@Paradoxical Intention
Sometimes I Google terms to know what Mammothers mean. So I Googled “fluxgirl” and this is what I got:
Call up Mr. Flux’s insurance company and you’ll speak to a scantily clad femme fatale / underwriter whose job title includes the name of the company owner. (Definitely. No middle-aged, fully clothed frumps work for Flux!) I can only imagine the calls they get.
I used to volunteer at my local National Organization for Women office. My job involved writing down messages left on the voicemail. I didn’t bother writing down the messages that involved heavy breathing. I guess that the word “Women” in the name got some guys going.
As far as controlling other people goes, what I learned from the anti-domestic violence movement is that batterers try to control others because they can’t control themselves.
Something else I learned: Batterers don’t know how to get along with other people.
So I’m not surprised that there’s lots of crossover among PUAs, MRAs, MGTOWs, Nazis, and other hate groups. I think of them all as batterers, even though they might not all (currently) hit women. They might instead try to exert psychological control, economic control, etc. But they’re all batterers.
I wonder if Matt keeps a little piece of paper in his pocket on which “Breath In THEN breath out” is written.
It is classism, but it’s also racist. You never hear the term “black trash,” because the race qualifier is only seen as necessary when the trash is white.
– brought to you by someone who briefly had a friend who would compliment others for doing a nice thing by saying “that was mighty white of you.”
I often wondered about the etymology of that term, which I’d only heard in old noir detective fiction (Hammett and Chandler, so we’re talking 1920s-1930s here, though Chandler’s Philip Marlowe tended to use it with much sarcasm). I’m still not sure to this day if white was used the way it would be in “white knight”, which doesn’t seem to have started with racial connotations, or if it was like “white man” which definitely would have racial connotations.
“brought to you by someone who briefly had a friend who would compliment others for doing a nice thing by saying “that was mighty white of you.”
I don’t get it.
Forney lives a closed, sheltered life. I remember him writing about how uncool Seattle or Ashland is, despite the hip reputation, because nobody there asked him about his bus trip to the Grand Canyon or showed enthusiastic interest when he brought the subject up. When it was pointed out to him that cross-country and even international travel by bus or hiking is something the people he’s meeting there have already done multiple times over, he was flummoxed.
The double negative actually makes that a true statement. 🙂
Yeah, as a native of Seattle I can’t see that conversation being remotely interested to people here. Plus as a cultural thing we generally don’t get into conversations with strangers. I believe that’s where the “Seattle freeze” comes from – we have a reputation for being cold. I’m an introvert, so I like that aspect of my culture. I find it awkward and fake when people are overly talkative to strangers.
I reckon it’s easier to get across if you think of them – and refer to them – as bullies.
It’s absolutely true of domestic abusers, even those who’ve not yet got around to using their fists. And it’s not a bad term for many others in those groups.
He looks exactly like Davis Aruni. Are all these racist MRA types just clones? It would make some sort of horrible sense.
Alphabots to replace men in 10 years. And the Manosphere thought sexbots were only for them…
Speaking of complete idiots, seems like GamerGate/HoneyBadgers/8chan are having a giant hangout starting at 11pm GMT and going for “4-6 hours”, hosted by user Bane Speaks (“bane666au”) live streaming on youtube.
Karen Straughan and Sage Gerard are among the confirmed guests, with Dean Esmay listed as “maybe”. Let’s hope!! 🙂
I think that batterers actually know how to control themselves perfectly well, because they generally make sure to escalate their abusive behaviour gradually enough that even their target might fail to notice the pattern.
They also seem perfectly capable of being considered a reasonable, decent human being by casual acquaintances and coworkers, and can even manipulate DV counselors into believing they’ve reformed when they haven’t.
(Lundy Bancroft’s – ‘Why Does He DO That’ makes it clear that even batterers have extremely good self-control and can be superficially charming people).
It takes phenomenally good people skills to manipulate others – just not the kind of empathetic, pro-social skills that people associate with making friends.
A lot of the Manurespherians (Elam and Roosh, especially) strike me as being extremely well-practiced abusers, I’ll agree, but they’re not without the power of self-control, even if they’re poor at hiding their true asshole natures.
Honeybadgers? Is that another hate group?
I think that they are the female contingent of the MRAs – the FEMRA’s. And yes, they do tend to be pretty hateful.
The Honey Badgers are, as far as I can tell, those MRAs who have cooties and therefore can’t be invited to certain AVFM gatherings.
You make some good points. I’ve read Why Does He DO That and really appreciated it. I believe that the author’s main point is that batterers aren’t crazy. In fact, a lot of planning goes into their violence. Usually, they start off nice. Then they become more demanding. Then they resort to violence. Then they start the cycle all over again. The battered woman walks on eggshells, trying desperately to prevent further violence — but it’s impossible.
My counselor wasn’t trying to say that batterers can’t help what they do. She was saying that they use other people — usually a wife or girlfriend — to try to make up for their own deficiencies. “They try to control others because they can’t control themselves” is a good mantra and easy to remember.
On a related point, I know that many batterers are highly respected in their communities, even beloved. But that’s not always the case. Some (many?) batterers are not high achievers and are most certainly not widely beloved.
And I would say that “Batterers don’t know how to get along with other people” is also true. If you’re manipulating and deceiving people, you’re not getting along with them.
I heard Ben Jealous, the then-head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, on the radio some time ago. The interviewer was asking him about some actions of white supremacists. In a relaxed tone, Jealous said that maybe they ought to try to learn to get along with other people. Perfect!
And here’s something funny. I looked up Ben Jealous while writing this, and I discovered his father, Fred Jealous. This is what he’s doing:
that actually sounds pretty positive and exactly the sort of thing that the MRAs should be supporting. But since the mens right movement is just a shitty half assed excuse to treat women and non-whites like shit that will never happen
Totally. Fred Jealous is pretty much the opposite of Paul Elam: truly concerned about men (and other people!); truly working to better men’s lives; and racially inclusive.
BTW, Ben Jealous is a mixed-race guy. His dad, Fred Jealous, is white. His mother, Ann Todd Jealous, is black and a retired psychotherapist. She and Caroline Haskell wrote Combined Destinies: Whites Sharing Grief about Racism.
Innaresting… I click on MF’s twitter link in the post above, and it says “This account has been suspended.”
Yeah, Forney’s twitter account has been suspended, I think justifiably. He’s making a big deal of it.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people threatening him, at least one account impersonating him, etc. That’s not cool at all.
Very very interesting. Seems like Matt Forney has indeed been suspended from Twitter, but I don’t exactly know why. There’s a hashtag #FreeMattForney and a bunch of sockpuppet accounts like @MattForneyMRA and @basedmattforney tweeting constantly.
I was gonna check Juicebro Cernovich’ twitter because I saw him making a claim that MF was threatened by “Black Lives Matter” (-_-)
…but alas Juicebro has clogged up his twitter with some weird campaign where he calls Obama gay/f*g/f*ggot/homosexual every 2 minutes while at the same time accusing Obama of being homophobic. So who the fuck knows what’s going on.
Ninja’d by blog owner. I feel special now.
Can we do something about VooT now?