matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever racism reactionary bullshit red pill

Matt Forney: Forget gun control. We need “immigrant control, black control and Muslim control”

Matt Forney, world’s worst Anton LaVey impersonator

It seems highly unlikely that any of you have been wondering how internet garbage person Matt Forney responded to the horrific shootings in San Bernardino. But I’m going to tell you anyway, if only as an example of the manosphere’s continuing drift into straight-up Nazism. Also because Forney is a blithering idiot.



This is idiotic even by white supremacist standards, too idiotic to even deserve the few seconds it takes to formulate a rebuttal.

But what the heck, someone’s already done the work for me:


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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Bogdan Cvetkovic — can we not with the classism? I get it, fuck, I used to say it, but the term “white trash” isn’t “white people who are human garbage” but closer to “trailer trash” which is kinda classist on its face.

On topic, ish, this is me rejecting nested comments. Also, he really is human garbage, the selective view of history is just impressive really. If this plays out anything like the version that happened in my kitchen yesterday expect a rebuttal about how many people Muslims killed on 9/11. Cuz apparently white men need to kill 1,000+ more people before we get to question it. (Even my NRA member brother questioned that one, with statistics no less! I iz proud!)

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago
Reply to  nparker

Forney is quite possibly the least intelligent guy on the entire planet.

I’d like to see him and right-wing jackass Jim Hoft (a.k.a., The Gateway Pundit, The Dumbest Man on the Internet) go head-to-head in whatever test would determine the winner. It would be close, that’s for sure.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

“Maybe we should control all the white men shooting up movie theaters, churches and schools.”

As a black man, I am behind this proposition 100%, and would even volunteer to form some sort of militia to ensure control.

Who’s with me? I need warm bodies that can patrol a given perimeter for a set amount of time.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago
Reply to  David Futrelle

David, your new website is looking mighty boss, by the way. As a fellow site owner, I give you mad props.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

In the collective photo, who’s the one at the bottom right? I recognize all the others — at least, I think I recognize top right — but not that one.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

msexceptiontotherule | December 5, 2015 at 12:48 am
I need to stop swearing so my comments don’t get stuck in moderation don’t I.


Everyone got auto-modded once we moved over. Trust me, I don’t think David has a problem with swearing. 😉

On a less fun note: My relatives are now going “I told you so” when it was revealed today that the San Bernardino shooters declared loyalty to ISIS.

All because I told them that we shouldn’t assume that the shooters were ISIS related just because someone’s shooting something up.

Oh, and there was a report on our local news about how one of the couple shooter’s neighbors heard strange noises coming from their house at all hours of the night but she didn’t want to call the police because she didn’t want to appear racist, so the hook for the article was “Are we too ‘politically correct’?” and I had to roll my eyes super hard from the kitchen while I was making dinner.

I think there’s a difference between “We shouldn’t assume all Muslim people are shooters”, and “Don’t ever criticize a Muslim person ever, even if they’re doing something odd and/or terrible, because then you’re racist“.

Too bad most people only see “All Muslims are TURRORISTS” and “Muslim people are ALWAYS ABOVE REPROACH AT ALL TIMES”.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Frank Torpedo | December 5, 2015 at 2:11 am
“Maybe we should control all the white men shooting up movie theaters, churches and schools.”

As a black man, I am behind this proposition 100%, and would even volunteer to form some sort of militia to ensure control.

Who’s with me? I need warm bodies that can patrol a given perimeter for a set amount of time.

I’d do it if my back weren’t fucked up and I wasn’t a tiny white fluxgirl who no one would find intimidating in the slightest (unfortunately). I’ll signal boost ya though!

Of course, then you’d be accused of “enticing violence” against the poor, oppressed white man, but hey, change has to start somewhere. (Kind of reminds me of how republicans were only pro-gun control when it came to the Black Panthers.)

But this does remind me of a tweet I saw earlier (I’ll paraphrase it since I can’t find it): “If black men all went out and bought a gun and joined the NRA, we’d have gun control in a heartbeat.”

9 years ago
Reply to  Frank Torpedo

I’m in — though I am white I am also a woman so I hope I don’t count in the gun control thing. Though, really, I am a very skilled weapons fighter and would be happy with batons.

9 years ago

“Maybe we should control all the white men shooting up movie theaters, churches and schools.”

As a black man, I am behind this proposition 100%, and would even volunteer to form some sort of militia to ensure control.

Who’s with me? I need warm bodies that can patrol a given perimeter for a set amount of time.

Can I volunteer? I’m white and pasty enough that I wouldn’t tip them off to anything suspicious.

9 years ago

My favourite thing about the manosphere’s shift toward the values of the KKK is how they refer to it as “white advocacy”. Talk about putting lipstick on pig!

Crip Dyke
9 years ago

Trufax: Open carry became illegal in California when white legislators and the white, republican governor flipped their shit after the Black Panthers open carried in the capital.

That governor that couldn’t enact gun control fast enough after the BP educational protest & open carry event?

Ronald fucking Reagan.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

PI — either I’m getting through the mod filter one comment at a time, or the f word is being filtered. Well, either that or something truly silly is, but seeing how this question’s only been raised about “naughty” words…

It’s the first one? *whines* Daviiiiiid why am I not white listed? It looks like I had comment(s) go through, but now everything keeps coming up as in mod queue and it seems it isn’t just cuz I have a potty mouth!

9 years ago

I think I fucked up badly. My dad basically implied that all Muslims are terrorists and I kind of blew up at them and basically called what they were saying bullshit. Unfortunately, I am in a family of Mormons and so I don’t know how this is going to affect things.

9 years ago

Paradox: While violence against stupid bigoted white guys IS looking more enticing every day, I think you meant “inciting”. 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  David Futrelle

Good idea, David. You need the evidence to remain, if this guy actually gets around to realizing how stupid his own tweets are here. They’re stupid even by racist standards.

9 years ago

Matt Forney may have said the stupidest thing ever uttered by a racist, and that is no easy feet. “We wouldn’t have no crime if everyone was white and we didn’t have no Muslims”

Even the “white genocide” morons don’t deny that white people commit murder with guns. Its like this guy never watches the news, or reads the newspapers or knows anyone who watches the news or reads newspapers.

9 years ago

“We wouldn’t have no crime if everyone was white and we didn’t have no Muslims”

Considering that the above statement is a double negative, what it’s saying is that “We WOULD have crime if everyone was white/nonmuslim”. Which is technically correct.

Somehow I doubt that is what Forney meant to say, though.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Nequam | December 5, 2015 at 5:10 am
Paradox: While violence against stupid bigoted white guys IS looking more enticing every day, I think you meant “inciting”. 🙂

Blah, you’re right! My bad.

Sometimes words are hard for me. Damnit Katie, I’m an artist, not a writer!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Catalpa — quadruple negative I think, so it’s the completely nonsensical:

We would have crime if everyone was white and didn’t have no Muslims.

I actually can’t manage to snark that without inadvertently making his point actually. I can, however, be redundant.

9 years ago

Hey, don’t drag me into this, you’re on your own with words and shit! Just I dunno…come up with a comment editing notice program for your computer so it spots inconsistencies in time for the 5 minute editing window to still be open.

Katie. Will be cranky this weekend.

9 years ago

They actually think and argue that one or two people that happen to be mass shooters that aren’t white guys, skew the equation in their favor.

The Amazing Gomez
The Amazing Gomez
9 years ago

Whoever wins, we lose.

9 years ago

I just figured it was a really novel case of autocorrect, for what that’s worth.