matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever racism reactionary bullshit red pill

Matt Forney: Forget gun control. We need “immigrant control, black control and Muslim control”

Matt Forney, world’s worst Anton LaVey impersonator

It seems highly unlikely that any of you have been wondering how internet garbage person Matt Forney responded to the horrific shootings in San Bernardino. But I’m going to tell you anyway, if only as an example of the manosphere’s continuing drift into straight-up Nazism. Also because Forney is a blithering idiot.



This is idiotic even by white supremacist standards, too idiotic to even deserve the few seconds it takes to formulate a rebuttal.

But what the heck, someone’s already done the work for me:


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9 years ago

Where to even start with this guy? Has he ever said anything remotely correct?

9 years ago

Can we sent Matt Forney back to whatever planet he migrated from?

9 years ago

Forney is quite possibly the least intelligent guy on the entire planet. Has he even seen the news (or any of the outside world) recently? Its like he’s a parody, so its hilarious to know… he’s real.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Back during Forney’s and Roosh’s fat shaming campaign, when pointed out the hypocrisy of Forney fat shaming… anyone… they jumped to his defense, and he to his own, claiming he was “doing something about it”.

David I just read this;

And need to say that “Rookh Kshatriya” guy is an Indian uncle and his attitude about “anglo bitches” is not uncommon amongst some of them, even some in my own family. I have had to explicitly warn some white women about dating them. Warn them about what may go down if they go to India.

9 years ago

Forney should run for the Republican presidential nomination. He’d be the frontrunner for sure.

9 years ago

Wait. Why am I back in moderation? Did this happen to anyone else?

9 years ago

Oh my word!

“Bring them under control” will “end the violence”?

What would you have to do to “bring under control” everyone Matt Forney dislikes which would NOT be violence?

{edited to add: EDIT FUNCTION! Yay! Thanks David.}

Bogdan Cvetkovic
9 years ago

Matt Forney is the definition of white trash.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Sometimes when I look the nonsense that these people say I wonder how they can even go through life. They seem so blinded by hate to the point that they can’t even recognize basic facts. How do they even function on a day to day basis?

9 years ago

Speaking of frontrunners, did Trump really do an interview with Alex Jones or did I have the best dream ever?

9 years ago

If you sketched a door on a blank wall Matt Forney would try and open it. It’s bizarre that anyone would believe any of his nonsense.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago

The stupid, it burns.

Wait, if I become as numb in the skull stupid and hateful as Matt Forney, can I achieve the same level of . . . well, I guess he’s achieved nothing.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Back during Forney’s and Roosh’s fat shaming campaign, when pointed out the hypocrisy of Forney fat shaming… anyone… they jumped to his defense, and he to his own, claiming he was “doing something about it”.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Maybe we should control all the white men shooting up movie theaters, churches and schools.

Oh, wait, those guys are a-okay in Forney’s book, because they’re the “right” color, and they’re shooting “acceptable targets” like PoC and women.

The hypocrisy and mental gymnastics on display are worthy of the Right Wing Olympics.

EDIT: Is anyone else having problems embedding images? I can’t do it the old way anymore.

9 years ago

People have asked to see an MRA that’s not misogynistic (there does not seem to be one). Now I’m wondering if there’s one who’s not racist.

9 years ago

What we need is some asshole control.
Douchebag control too.
Dickweed control…and a mute button for the trooollls…(sung to the tune of 12 days of xmas).
that is all.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

eta: img src html just disappears and doesn’t embed the image.

Snork Maiden
Snork Maiden
9 years ago

I suppose Forney has logiked that if there were only white people in America, then those occasional white people who feel disposed to going out and committing mass murder wouldn’t do so because they’d be nothing to upset them? Maybe?

Then again he’s probably just trolling on Twitter.

Speaking of Twitter trolls, Judgybitch has been Twitter trolling up a storm under her real name since she doxxed herself, it’s a funny/embarrassing car crash type affair.

Three Snakes
9 years ago

Speaking of frontrunners, did Trump really do an interview with Alex Jones or did I have the best dream ever?

Best dream or worst dream? 😛

9 years ago

I need to stop swearing so my comments don’t get stuck in moderation don’t I.


9 years ago

@Three Snakes

Best! I’m happy to see Trump accurately placing himself in the same category of weirdness as Alex Jones.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Are we sure he isn’t secretly a troll account of Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

9 years ago

Matt Forney and other white idiots: “Immigrants should go back to their countries!”

Native Americans: “We agree…so when are all of you leaving?”

Seriously no one in America has any right to complain about immigrants except Native Americans.

9 years ago
Reply to  dhag85


It’s really that concise.

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