matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever racism reactionary bullshit red pill

Matt Forney: Forget gun control. We need “immigrant control, black control and Muslim control”

Matt Forney, world’s worst Anton LaVey impersonator

It seems highly unlikely that any of you have been wondering how internet garbage person Matt Forney responded to the horrific shootings in San Bernardino. But I’m going to tell you anyway, if only as an example of the manosphere’s continuing drift into straight-up Nazism. Also because Forney is a blithering idiot.



This is idiotic even by white supremacist standards, too idiotic to even deserve the few seconds it takes to formulate a rebuttal.

But what the heck, someone’s already done the work for me:


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9 years ago

Thanks, David.

9 years ago

Seems like @basedmattforney is actually Matt Forney. He links to that twitter account from his website.

9 years ago

David, you know Forney lives in the same city as you, right?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Virtually’s bullshit finally got modded? Praise be onto our Dark Lord!

John Pavlich
9 years ago

Awww, I’m late to this thread and missed out on whatever it was that VooT did/said. I really would like to know. Can anyone give me the gist of it?

In any event, I’m actually surprised it took so long for Matt Forney’s account to be suspended. He’s said plenty of awful stuff in the past. Unless of course, this isn’t in fact his first suspension?

Re: His claims that he’s “doing something” about his weight. Didn’t he say that a while ago? Current evidence would suggest he’s done either very little or nothing at all. Now, if he’s decided of his own accord to consistently be of a certain size and shape, that’s fine but I don’t think he’s allowed to maintain that while shaming others over their weight. I mean, you shouldn’t be doing that, regardless but in his case, it’s especially hypocritical and wrong.

9 years ago

There was an interview with Matt about Vested Flannagan where Matt and the host discussed about how white male mass shooters were more “marginilized.”