alpha males creepy evil sexy ladies hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW penises red pill reddit

“Women REALLY don’t understand dick size,” Red Pill dudes complain

Measuring things is hard.
Measuring things is hard.

Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, the regulars have come up with a new thing to hate about women: their alleged ignorance about penis size.

One Red Piller by the name of rumham730 touched off a discussion on this important issue with a plaintive query: “Why the hell do so many girls think normal sized dicks are “small”?

Runham730 explains that he had just had a conversation with “this 18 yo bi girl at work” that left him fuming. After overhearing her say that “every guy I’ve been with was super small,” he asked

how small, and she responded with “idk like 5 or 6 inches.”

WHEN THE FUCK DID THE AVERAGE penis size become “super small”?

I have a 6 inch dick so yes this hurt my feelings a little bit even though this girl means nothing to me. …

It just pisses me off. The chick who said this has no tits at all, but yet if I made a comment about flat chested girls around her, you better believe I’d be considered an asshole. Yet girls can make snide remarks about “small” dicks all day long and no one bats an eye.

Well, except for the dudes who post angry rants about it online.

As it turns out, the alleged ignorance of women re dick size happens to be something of a sore point with the Ask the Red Pill regulars, many of whom have strong opinions on the matter.

StarDestinyGuy noted that

One girl I hooked up with said the last two boyfriends she had had 11″ dicks.

The odds of that are so small it’s practically 0.

They are ridiculously ignorant/oblivious on the topic of penis size.

IoSonCalaf seconded his notion:

Women really don’t understand dick size. Trust me. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Half the time they don’t even know what dress size they are

FrameWalker added

Yeah dude they don’t have any idea. Girls overestimated my size by three inches at times. I’m average. I think half inch variations feel like two inches to them.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but those women weren’t confused or ignorant; they were being nice to you.

MightyTaint offered his own math:

Girls are dumb as hell when it comes to dick size. A guy with a 3″ will tell her it’s 5″ (just a little below average baby!). A 6″ guy will tell her it’s 8″. A 7″ guy will tell her it’s 10″.

If that girl thinks 5″ to 6″ is small, she is going to think a 7″ dick is really 10″. …

The only women who brag about fucking big dicks are whores.

InscrutablePUA delivered his verdict in the form of a numbered list:

1) They don’t know what the actual lengths and girths of the dicks they’ve had before were.

2) Level of dryness/expansion of the vagina affects how big a dick feels.

3) Girls are just lousy at estimating dick size because guys probably inflate their own dick sizes.

4) Remember that the bottom 50 perhaps 80% of men are invisible to women. If the top 20% of dick sizes are 7+ inches then that’s what they consider as ‘normal’.

Wait, what?

Since the men of the world don’t generally walk around with boners sticking out the front of their pants, how exactly can women even tell which men are in the top 20%, dick-size-wise?

MightyTaint offered a rather different assessment, arguing that a man’s alphaness matters more than his dick size.

If a guy really comes off as an alpha, she’ll convince herself his dick was twice as big as it was. It just has to be otherwise why is he so confidant? Typical rationalization.

Niczar went further, suggesting that

Dick size only matters if you’re ashamed of it. It’s always big enough when you’re making her choke on it.


Suck_My_Zarflog, meanwhile, reported that the gemlike hardness of his average-sized zarflog penis regularly fooled the ladies into thinking it was bugger than it really is.

My dick is average, 6.5 at most. However, I’m well known for having a huge dick because…my dick gets really hard, like really really hard. So when I’m fucking girls it feels more “intrusive” than some of the softer guys with 8″ that I’ve seen… Yes, I know this from experience 😉 Most bigger dicks can’t get as much blood into them and aren’t as hard.

awalt_cupcake raised the possibility that women today have developed an intricate dick-size-sharing network, ensuring that all women can learn in advance the penis size of any man they’re considering having sex with:

I dunno man girls lately keep tabs on guys with big dicks. How could they not? Snapchat, multi media texting to prove it, the immaturity of it all starting in highschool when Billy MonsterCockTM had sex with Sharon the captain of the cheerleading squad and she told all her friends who ended up telling the world.

But he’s come to terms with the size of his own penis:

In the end, it doesn’t matter. Unless you get surgery to make your soldier huge, you’re stuck with it. Make the foreplay and sex fun for you and it will be fun for her (unless she’s a slut) and move on with yourself.

Just remember: never get married.

Cyberdellic drew a rather different conclusion. As he sees it, his average-sized penis — “5.75 non bone pressed and 6.25 to6.5 bone pressed” — will never be enough to satisfy the shallow “hypergamous” women of the west:

we live in full hypergamy so women will literally drop the guy shes with at any moment if the next guy ‘ticks all the SAME boxes’ PLUS hes got a big dick…

this is why the words of Wu Tang ring true – lust em but never trust em

most women are evil cruel manipulative macheivellian creatures… its not entirely their fault either, media and other guys make small dick jokes constantly

ive been living MGTOW the past 6 weeks and every aspect of my life is greatly improved except im not getting laid….

so to answer your question

with the advent of tinder and women being able to get pummeled by a new dick in 30 min (24/7) women have seen a lot of dicks and want to get that ‘stretched out’ feeling that is a mix of pleasure AND pain

they like that

ill never be able to go deep or stretch them out like the other men theyve been with

the ONLY workable strategy ive come up with is to move to asia, eclusively approach tiny petite 19 yr olds whove never had foreign dick before and im trying to find a tight hole

Dude, stop worrying about your dick. Your dick is fine. It’s the person attached to your dick that’s the problem.

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9 years ago

Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahaaha! He thinks *dick specs* is what makes some men better than others! Ahahahahaahahahahhaha!!! Oh god you guys I’m gonna get the hiccups, help! hahahahaa!!

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Katz — no, just no. We are not bringing Owly into this!

Mostly I’m just laughing to hard to want to remember that convo.


9 years ago

Walter has made an unfortunate error and has somehow confused “pecking order” with “pecker order”.

9 years ago

That’s the most unnecessary acronym I’ve ever seen.

I wonder, not for the first time, whether men this entrenched in toxic masculinity can have friends, since other men are all opponents and women aren’t even people, just markers of status.

9 years ago

You just better make sure you don’t casually see other men’s peni when it’s coldcomment image

9 years ago

For the curious on what is recommended to be measured when working out which bra sizes to start with if looking for the best fit:

It also has more links that could be useful when learning about the subject!

Tardis boobs can also look smaller on the outside and be much bigger on the inside. I learned to just figure out my own measurements and trial and error-ed things until I had successfully arrived at my size range and brands most likely to work – fitters at stores often use an older method of sizing or a completely screwy one (VS I’m looking at you and your low-quality bras that all look the same!) and they constantly underestimated mine until they brought me the wrong sizes and saw all that runneth over the cups at every place breast tissue could think of escaping from. I grew tired of having to humor salespeople when shopping for bras, and my journey towards better fit began. Bras are a lot more complicated than the two measurements; band circumference and fullest point circumference. There’s shape, distribution of fullness, tissue density, etc. And it doesn’t help that companies enjoy all that mystery of what numbers they use when drafting and sizing new bra styles, but it’s a profits focus for mass produced and not many businesses want to risk expanding their lines into niche territories when they already deal with a narrow profit margin on matrix sizes. Then there’s the consumer aspect of not wanting to pay full price for things, so already expensive bras in the niche market ending up marked down just to get rid of the inventory doesn’t add up for big companies and is almost impossible to do for small businesses in the lingerie retail world.

Oh, and if we’re going to talk pants shopping…what fits the hips and butt requires a belt with more holes in it to make the waist fit, and if I try to fit the waist those pants will not make it past mid-thigh let alone to where they’re supposed to be. If I find a pair that fit I buy as many of them as I can because dog only knows the next time THAT will happen and I can’t risk waiting then coming back to a store to find all of my size or the style itself completely gone from the sales floor. I hate that and it happens way more than it should. My height would indicate I should wear petites, but can’t get petite clothing past the shoulders, over the boobs without risk of sudden indecent exposures by buttons going flying or other misfortunes, oh and the waist to hip would work *maybe* a bit better if there wasn’t some mysterious binding-type torture of the ladybits. I learned to sew just so I could do my own alterations and that turned into making clothes from patterns that I’ve been able to modify specifically for my body (also a process of trial and error – and the major sewing pattern companies use that flimsy tissue paper stuff but still these patterns aren’t cheap – when I find one I like I spray adhesive the pattern pieces then mount onto butcher paper so they can handle being used over and over.) My work wardrobe is a realm that I have accepted will most likely always come from a store, especially with all the tailored pieces in materials with little to no stretch, unlike the more casual items in my closet and drawers. With years of practice I’ve learned what to look for (besides a generous exchange or return policy) and the general size range for mass produced clothes, but I think I take for granted all the things I learned about how to dress for one’s body type and style from my mom and the women on her side of the family starting when I was just a preteen. The internet has just expanded my access to different resources on these matters, and made it much more convenient to help others in need of some style and clothing help expeditiously.

9 years ago

Penis is not a myth of a lie.

My penis is not a myth


It’s a legend


… I’ll show myself out.

9 years ago

interesting the different words people are using for penis. As this is a discussion regarding size in the US do you also use the word Schshort, if you have the word schlong?

Anyway, I’ve had a few fun and fabulous adventure with altering the size of my own penis. It wasn’t because I was dissatisfied with it or an attempt to make status symbol or a symbol of power.

it’s just that I’ve had a very reckless attitude towards it. I was once having a rather athletic shag on a waterbed, when my partner at the decided to swap from underneath to on top. Well, waterbeds being what they are, as she stood up to get on too, a bedwave happened, she wobbled and fell flat on my erection. Oh! the pain, I saw stars and fainted. Following morning we woke up, first thing she said was a complaint that her bits hurt too much, my head was still swimming with pain and when I looked down my penis was black and blue with bruises and had swelled to the size of a milk bottle. I couldn’t get my trousers on.

I once got ballanitis, and the glans really swelled up.

pity I didn’t know that both those events increased my make status.

9 years ago
9 years ago

I think it’s interesting that so many people on this site want to turn basic facts about dick size and how it relates to men’s interactions with each other into something negative about women.

Dick size has nothing to do with women. Absolutely nothing, outside of the times women want to have intercourse with men, they don’t need to be concerned with dick size at all. Dick size os important to men because it deterkines how mich of a man we are and who is superior among MEN. Women aren’t part of this conversation. Women have no more say in what it means to be a man or masculine than men have in what means to be a woman. Women decide what it means to be a woman and men decide what it means to be a man. Anything other than that is one sex dominating other, which to me is sexism.

To all you people saying that I’m promoting the idea of women being less than men, let me ask you this: let’s say you have a basketball player and she is the greatest b-ball player of all time. She is accepted as being superior to all of her peers. Does her superiority on the basketball court somehow make her superior to her cousin the mid-level accountant? No. .Of course not. Because accountants and pro athletes are two different groups. They might interact with each other, but they are two different groups with their own standards and ways to rank each other. Gender is the same. Men and women are two different groups. The standards and requirements of one group don’t affect the other. Being the greatest man in the world doesn’t make you better than any woman, because women aren’t men and can’t be judged by the standards of being a man.

What I’m saying isn’t transphobic either, because I’m not saying that women can’t become men. They can if they want.

9 years ago

Walter is hilarious indeed and totally love that verse Anarconist I’m a Christian and I thought that’s funny.

9 years ago

Are these dudes talking about women in real life or women over the Internet? I’ll bet it’s the latter because if I’m right they’re talking to gay men who are posing as women to get them to send pix of their penises. I remember it used to be a big deal on Craigslist (is CL still a thing?) where guys send pix of their penises to women on w4m to impress them (let’s say the women are not impressed). Anytime you see a post on CL where the woman obsesses about penises, it’s probably a gay dude playing head games with them (no pun intended).

PS. I’m not knocking gays or saying they are all like this. I’m sure it’s a tiny minority that do this stuff. I just know it happens.

9 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit
I’m in tears.

In honor of “Brave New World”, I’ll name this tale after a Shakespeare quote that talks about dicks. Shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Also schlong kind of sounds like a bell sound. It should be in the hymn of this new world, and I have to use it as often as possible.

9 years ago


for us chaps its the side that one dresses that matters. Have you ever seen the ‘suits you’ sketches in the Fast show

Does sir dress to the left or the right.., meaning which trouser leg does the penis hang down

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Because these women have fat gaping snatches with no muscle tone because they are a pack of lazy bitches who never exercise. They are lazy and think they dont have to work for sex, and have no concept of sexual fitness.

That reminds me, I’m late for my Vagilates class. It took me years to achieve this lean, sculpted cervix.

9 years ago

My penis is not a myth


It’s a legend


*slow clap*

9 years ago

So I have precious few preferences where penes are concerned, and these days all I want is that said penis is attached to Mr. Ghostbird.


That being said, if having a large phallus attached to one’s body = masculinity and male superiority, does this include strapons? Because if it does I am, or at least am sometimes manlier than goddamn Conan the Barbarian.

9 years ago

Basket ball players and accountants?

You literally just said it, if a man has a bigger penis then he is superior and anyone who doesn’t “win” or fit into this standard of the “man box” then they are not manly not much of a man aka a woman if not then what is he? Have you heard of “stop crying like a girl”, “you fight like a girl” “grow a pair” and “stop being a p*ssy”? these are part of toxic masculinity aka misogny

The standards of a woman is to stay at home and raise the kids but I don’t want that does that mean I’m less of a woman and actually a man? Becuase men are supposed to work? Isn’t that a standard for men? If a man does stay at home then is he a woman?

No matter what I do it’s womanly and I’ll always call myself a woman. Same goes to men you will always be a man no matter what anyone tells you and it’s unhealthy and damaging to think otherwise.

Trans women are not men who become women they are women. Trans men are not women who become men they are men. So yes it’s transphobic.

All you said is harmful to men (toxic masculinity) and it’s transphobic which both comes from misogyny.

9 years ago

this is pure comedy gold.

on one hand dick size is nothing to do with women and its all about male status interactions. but then its all, about how those terrible wimminz want bigger and bigger Hamptons (cockney rhyming slang Hampton Wick = prick) and then dis them cos they just ain’t good enough.

what a fucking sad old palava,

9 years ago

Just putting this out there:
I’ve know men who said they had trouble finding lovers because they were too large. Word gets around that you’re massive and alot of women are gonna pass on that. Different bodies, expectations and preferences are going to change what people think of as desirable. I’m sure plenty of women ( and men) believe myths about genitals. I mean look how bizarre manureosphere’s beliefs about vaginas are? You’d think information on the vag was kept in a vault on a mountaintop to read the silly things those guys write. We need comprehensive sex ed for everyone. In general though, I think the redpillers are just projecting their insecurities onto women. I’m sure they think one woman not wanting their cock more than once is the end of the world, but it isn’t. You are not an undesirable lover for everyone just because you are not desirable to someone. Hell, maybe what he/she didn’t like is what many more people want. Maybe it isn’t. At the end of the day people wanting to fuck you does not make you a worthwhile person and sexual rejection does not belittle you as a human being. If these guys could let go of fear and bitterness, they’d be so much happier.

9 years ago

Maybe this is like when I thought I had the most trouble finding well fitting jeans because I’m shortish, but not petite and I’m thick of thigh and tummy but not that thick of butt.
Then I shopped with my friends.
One was shaped like a Coke bottle. What fit her butt did not fit her waist.
My tall friend had to buy men’s jeans.
My skinny friend had to buy kid’s jeans.
We all thought our bodies were “weird”.
They aren’t.
All cocks are good cocks, (including store bought) so long as they belong to good people.

9 years ago

@msexception – That looks like a lot of good info, will reply later. Now time to make sure that the chilluns’ go to sleep so I can be an adult for an hour.

(If I’m posting on here between the hours of 7am and 9pm EST, I’m either hiding in the bathroom, waiting for our adopted dog with issues to go outside so she can see that I’ve seen and am OK with it, or waiting for something to boil.)

9 years ago


I can’t believe I missed the part where you declared me to be more manly than you. You really are committed to your bullshit. It’s hilarious and neatly presents everything that’s wrong with masculinity.

Dick size os important to men because it deterkines how mich of a man we are and who is superior among MEN.

The only thing you’ve ‘deterkined’ here is how desperately you cling to trite gender stereotypes and how harmful they really are. I mean for fucks sake, you just admitted that you are a ‘lesser’ being than some random guy on the internet (me). Do you comprehend just how ridiculous that is?

You see, I do not consider you a lesser man than I no matter what your genitalia is (let alone it’s size). You’re definitely naive, ignorant and incapable of listening to others, but I would never declare you to be less of a man because masculinity is NOT something that can be taken from you or from anyone else. That’s a shitty way of thinking and the sooner you realize this, the happier you will be.

9 years ago


Walter, we totally get that you consider penis size a comparison to tell who the manliest of the manliest are.

We’re trying to tell you that that’s a ridiculously stupid way of determining who the manliest of the manliest and the superior specimen of maleness is.

Because it’s a ridiculously stupid way of determining who the manliest of the manliest is.

Also, it’s a method of deciding manliness that seems most concentrated in dude-bro circles, which also happen to be the circles where misogyny tends to aggregate. Yes, correlation does not equal causation, but I’m not going to flat out ignore correlation when looking for potential explanatory variables.

As I said before, if all your friends are super hung up on how well everyone else is hung, you might want to look for friends who aren’t so focused on covert examination of everyone else’s packages.

9 years ago

(P.S. Your ideology is still super transphobic.)

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