alpha males creepy evil sexy ladies hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW penises red pill reddit

“Women REALLY don’t understand dick size,” Red Pill dudes complain

Measuring things is hard.
Measuring things is hard.

Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, the regulars have come up with a new thing to hate about women: their alleged ignorance about penis size.

One Red Piller by the name of rumham730 touched off a discussion on this important issue with a plaintive query: “Why the hell do so many girls think normal sized dicks are “small”?

Runham730 explains that he had just had a conversation with “this 18 yo bi girl at work” that left him fuming. After overhearing her say that “every guy I’ve been with was super small,” he asked

how small, and she responded with “idk like 5 or 6 inches.”

WHEN THE FUCK DID THE AVERAGE penis size become “super small”?

I have a 6 inch dick so yes this hurt my feelings a little bit even though this girl means nothing to me. …

It just pisses me off. The chick who said this has no tits at all, but yet if I made a comment about flat chested girls around her, you better believe I’d be considered an asshole. Yet girls can make snide remarks about “small” dicks all day long and no one bats an eye.

Well, except for the dudes who post angry rants about it online.

As it turns out, the alleged ignorance of women re dick size happens to be something of a sore point with the Ask the Red Pill regulars, many of whom have strong opinions on the matter.

StarDestinyGuy noted that

One girl I hooked up with said the last two boyfriends she had had 11″ dicks.

The odds of that are so small it’s practically 0.

They are ridiculously ignorant/oblivious on the topic of penis size.

IoSonCalaf seconded his notion:

Women really don’t understand dick size. Trust me. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Half the time they don’t even know what dress size they are

FrameWalker added

Yeah dude they don’t have any idea. Girls overestimated my size by three inches at times. I’m average. I think half inch variations feel like two inches to them.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but those women weren’t confused or ignorant; they were being nice to you.

MightyTaint offered his own math:

Girls are dumb as hell when it comes to dick size. A guy with a 3″ will tell her it’s 5″ (just a little below average baby!). A 6″ guy will tell her it’s 8″. A 7″ guy will tell her it’s 10″.

If that girl thinks 5″ to 6″ is small, she is going to think a 7″ dick is really 10″. …

The only women who brag about fucking big dicks are whores.

InscrutablePUA delivered his verdict in the form of a numbered list:

1) They don’t know what the actual lengths and girths of the dicks they’ve had before were.

2) Level of dryness/expansion of the vagina affects how big a dick feels.

3) Girls are just lousy at estimating dick size because guys probably inflate their own dick sizes.

4) Remember that the bottom 50 perhaps 80% of men are invisible to women. If the top 20% of dick sizes are 7+ inches then that’s what they consider as ‘normal’.

Wait, what?

Since the men of the world don’t generally walk around with boners sticking out the front of their pants, how exactly can women even tell which men are in the top 20%, dick-size-wise?

MightyTaint offered a rather different assessment, arguing that a man’s alphaness matters more than his dick size.

If a guy really comes off as an alpha, she’ll convince herself his dick was twice as big as it was. It just has to be otherwise why is he so confidant? Typical rationalization.

Niczar went further, suggesting that

Dick size only matters if you’re ashamed of it. It’s always big enough when you’re making her choke on it.


Suck_My_Zarflog, meanwhile, reported that the gemlike hardness of his average-sized zarflog penis regularly fooled the ladies into thinking it was bugger than it really is.

My dick is average, 6.5 at most. However, I’m well known for having a huge dick because…my dick gets really hard, like really really hard. So when I’m fucking girls it feels more “intrusive” than some of the softer guys with 8″ that I’ve seen… Yes, I know this from experience 😉 Most bigger dicks can’t get as much blood into them and aren’t as hard.

awalt_cupcake raised the possibility that women today have developed an intricate dick-size-sharing network, ensuring that all women can learn in advance the penis size of any man they’re considering having sex with:

I dunno man girls lately keep tabs on guys with big dicks. How could they not? Snapchat, multi media texting to prove it, the immaturity of it all starting in highschool when Billy MonsterCockTM had sex with Sharon the captain of the cheerleading squad and she told all her friends who ended up telling the world.

But he’s come to terms with the size of his own penis:

In the end, it doesn’t matter. Unless you get surgery to make your soldier huge, you’re stuck with it. Make the foreplay and sex fun for you and it will be fun for her (unless she’s a slut) and move on with yourself.

Just remember: never get married.

Cyberdellic drew a rather different conclusion. As he sees it, his average-sized penis — “5.75 non bone pressed and 6.25 to6.5 bone pressed” — will never be enough to satisfy the shallow “hypergamous” women of the west:

we live in full hypergamy so women will literally drop the guy shes with at any moment if the next guy ‘ticks all the SAME boxes’ PLUS hes got a big dick…

this is why the words of Wu Tang ring true – lust em but never trust em

most women are evil cruel manipulative macheivellian creatures… its not entirely their fault either, media and other guys make small dick jokes constantly

ive been living MGTOW the past 6 weeks and every aspect of my life is greatly improved except im not getting laid….

so to answer your question

with the advent of tinder and women being able to get pummeled by a new dick in 30 min (24/7) women have seen a lot of dicks and want to get that ‘stretched out’ feeling that is a mix of pleasure AND pain

they like that

ill never be able to go deep or stretch them out like the other men theyve been with

the ONLY workable strategy ive come up with is to move to asia, eclusively approach tiny petite 19 yr olds whove never had foreign dick before and im trying to find a tight hole

Dude, stop worrying about your dick. Your dick is fine. It’s the person attached to your dick that’s the problem.

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9 years ago


Toxic masculinity is bad, but only when it deals with outdated myths or modern lies. Penis is not a myth of a lie. It is the truth.

So I disagree, but respect your opinion and thank you for sharing it.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Aww, ninja’d by Moocow. Dirty minds think alike? =P

9 years ago

Some submit?

Am I just being over sensitive or did that sound a little rapey?

9 years ago

Whole relationships change once a big dick is revealed.

Now THAT I believe. Your relationships do probably change drastically when you whip it out.

9 years ago

Penis is not a myth of a lie. It is the truth.

Especially when it’s DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH!

9 years ago

Penis is not a myth of a lie. It is the truth.

Respects is earn.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The cake is a lie.

9 years ago

The first-ever Nobel Prize for Dickology awaits you!

A fitting followup to the Ignobel Prize in Scrotal Asymmetry.

9 years ago

Penis is not a myth of a lie. It is the truth.

And this is even more hilarious!

I have the sudden urge to write a story about a dystopian society where rank is measured by dick size. The families that have the genes for big dicks would reproduce among themselves to mantain power but then… from a family of men with really tiny pricks, a man with a massive dong is born! And he will challenge the unfair system by…
Scratch that – this will be a porno.

9 years ago

prettttty sure the idea of a random body part size meaning superiority is not, uhm, “truth”.

random thought – Sometimes trollish comments are let through for their humor….

9 years ago

In unrelated news a man/ men has been fat shaming on London Underground: “The group, calling itself Overweight Haters Ltd, has been roundly condemned for its offensive and triggering actions – not to mention its inability to spell the word ‘beautiful’.”

I am sure that no one here will be surprised that all those thus far handed a card which is a litany of abusive fat hating have been women.

9 years ago

Okay, that was legit funny.

Penis said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes (…) except through me. (Dick 14:6)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


“Overweight haters.” Let me guess: /r/FatPeopleHate again.

*clicks link*

I’M FUCKING PSYCHIC. Or it was obvious because they’re not very good at naming themselves. Either or.

9 years ago

@wwth – true story, I once gave a young girl a copy of an old wonder woman comics compendium (the big book that is blsck and white so kids could color it) but I went through and took out/ colored over some parts about her “bracelets of submission” because it just sounded too creepy and rapey to give to a kid (the rest was harmless cheesyb69s stuff and the other WW comics were too adult, like scary bloody fight scenes rather than 60s style depictions of more playful fighting). I am also very sensitive so I womder if doing that didnt draw more attention to the underlying BDSM themes that were deliberately placed in old Wonder Woman comics by their creator who was himself a poly bdsm fetishist….

9 years ago

sorry for typos past and future, I have trouble seeing them

9 years ago
9 years ago

Yep, fat people are to blame for world hunger. You heard it from Overweight Haters Ltd. folks!

How do you even deal with this level of ignorance?

9 years ago


If your penis is big as you say, you are more manly than me. That is a fact. Being more manly means that you have more value than me and are my natural superior. You are what it means to be a man.

Thankfully for me though, we live in a society that makes men value things besides dick size, so my life isn’t totally worthless. But you are still superior on an instinctual level.


BPEL (bone pressed erect length) is all that matters.


This has nothing to do with women. It is solely about men and how we should relate to each other. Women are in no way inferior, or superior, for not having a penis. Please don’t twist my words to mean something I never said.

9 years ago

Fun story: Ron Jeremy was in my university town years back to promote his new line of rum, “Ron de Jeremy”. Morbid curiosity got the better of my roommate and I, and we went to the liquor store where he was signing bottles of rum and shaking hands with fans.

99% of the people there were men, most of whom fell into the dudebro category. The man himself was … a wreck. He looked drugged out of his mind, was wearing flip-flops, dirty black sweatpants and black t-shirt, and he was covered in dandruff and sweat. “Disheveled” is putting it more than mildly. He had a handler who handled most of the questions and kept explaining that they had chosen the name “Ron de Jeremy” because “ron” in Spanish is “rum”. Meanwhile his “fans” took pictures with him while he was on the verge of passing out.

…and apparently this guy is superior to 99% of men…

9 years ago

“DAE think that women and girls are emotional and irrational who complain about first world problems a lot?”

Sorry if I’m being homophobic but I don’t get how being compassionate and playing with dolls are seen as gay but talking about ‘d***s’ all day and playing with half naked, beef cake action figures wrestling each other isn’t.

Yeah I agree we shouldn’t use body shaming tactics against anyone.

Sorry that happen to you. Hugs.

Wow that’s totally healthy /s
I don’t know how to tell you this but it is sexist to think that bigger d***s are better and superior because if it’s small then you are associated with women you are weak and inferior for not “being a man” aka “toxic masculinity” it’s hurts men and it’s transphobia too.

9 years ago


Hehe, indeed! Now I’m imagining some sort of BDSM scene based around penis pecking order. I shall resist the urge to go into further detail although RosaDeLava gave a very good mis-en-scene. XD

@fat shaming discussion

Seriously!? Didn’t r/fatpeoplehate get shut down?

Also, I hope that douchebag who handed a card to a woman on the train trips and faceplants on a pile of legos. I despise cowards who take their insecurities out on other people like that, it’s beyond pathetic.

9 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Not caught up but dudes, stop claiming your 6″ are 8″ and maybe she’ll stop saying that 6″ sounds small. It’s vanity sizing, for dicks. (Pun absolutely intended)

9 years ago


fugly lump of sweat-marinated meat


9 years ago


You’re putting words in my mouth. A smaller penis is not feminine or closer to women. A smaller penis just less manly. Feminine is not the opposite of masculine. They are not opposite sides of the same spectrum. Masculinity and femininity are two totally separate things and being more of one does not make you more of the other. That’s my opinion at least.


There were mostly men there because all men want to be around a superior man and they knew he was superior because of his big dick. Men instinctually recognize the superority of a large dick. Your examle proves that.

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