![Measuring things is hard.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-31182-1352416174-1.gif?resize=580%2C435&ssl=1)
Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, the regulars have come up with a new thing to hate about women: their alleged ignorance about penis size.
One Red Piller by the name of rumham730 touched off a discussion on this important issue with a plaintive query: “Why the hell do so many girls think normal sized dicks are “small”?”
Runham730 explains that he had just had a conversation with “this 18 yo bi girl at work” that left him fuming. After overhearing her say that “every guy I’ve been with was super small,” he asked
how small, and she responded with “idk like 5 or 6 inches.”
WHEN THE FUCK DID THE AVERAGE penis size become “super small”?
I have a 6 inch dick so yes this hurt my feelings a little bit even though this girl means nothing to me. …
It just pisses me off. The chick who said this has no tits at all, but yet if I made a comment about flat chested girls around her, you better believe I’d be considered an asshole. Yet girls can make snide remarks about “small” dicks all day long and no one bats an eye.
Well, except for the dudes who post angry rants about it online.
As it turns out, the alleged ignorance of women re dick size happens to be something of a sore point with the Ask the Red Pill regulars, many of whom have strong opinions on the matter.
StarDestinyGuy noted that
One girl I hooked up with said the last two boyfriends she had had 11″ dicks.
The odds of that are so small it’s practically 0.
They are ridiculously ignorant/oblivious on the topic of penis size.
IoSonCalaf seconded his notion:
Women really don’t understand dick size. Trust me. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Half the time they don’t even know what dress size they are
FrameWalker added
Yeah dude they don’t have any idea. Girls overestimated my size by three inches at times. I’m average. I think half inch variations feel like two inches to them.
Dude, I hate to break it to you, but those women weren’t confused or ignorant; they were being nice to you.
MightyTaint offered his own math:
Girls are dumb as hell when it comes to dick size. A guy with a 3″ will tell her it’s 5″ (just a little below average baby!). A 6″ guy will tell her it’s 8″. A 7″ guy will tell her it’s 10″.
If that girl thinks 5″ to 6″ is small, she is going to think a 7″ dick is really 10″. …
The only women who brag about fucking big dicks are whores.
InscrutablePUA delivered his verdict in the form of a numbered list:
1) They don’t know what the actual lengths and girths of the dicks they’ve had before were.
2) Level of dryness/expansion of the vagina affects how big a dick feels.
3) Girls are just lousy at estimating dick size because guys probably inflate their own dick sizes.
4) Remember that the bottom 50 perhaps 80% of men are invisible to women. If the top 20% of dick sizes are 7+ inches then that’s what they consider as ‘normal’.
Wait, what?
Since the men of the world don’t generally walk around with boners sticking out the front of their pants, how exactly can women even tell which men are in the top 20%, dick-size-wise?
MightyTaint offered a rather different assessment, arguing that a man’s alphaness matters more than his dick size.
If a guy really comes off as an alpha, she’ll convince herself his dick was twice as big as it was. It just has to be otherwise why is he so confidant? Typical rationalization.
Niczar went further, suggesting that
Dick size only matters if you’re ashamed of it. It’s always big enough when you’re making her choke on it.
Suck_My_Zarflog, meanwhile, reported that the gemlike hardness of his average-sized zarflog penis regularly fooled the ladies into thinking it was bugger than it really is.
My dick is average, 6.5 at most. However, I’m well known for having a huge dick because…my dick gets really hard, like really really hard. So when I’m fucking girls it feels more “intrusive” than some of the softer guys with 8″ that I’ve seen… Yes, I know this from experience 😉 Most bigger dicks can’t get as much blood into them and aren’t as hard.
awalt_cupcake raised the possibility that women today have developed an intricate dick-size-sharing network, ensuring that all women can learn in advance the penis size of any man they’re considering having sex with:
I dunno man girls lately keep tabs on guys with big dicks. How could they not? Snapchat, multi media texting to prove it, the immaturity of it all starting in highschool when Billy MonsterCockTM had sex with Sharon the captain of the cheerleading squad and she told all her friends who ended up telling the world.
But he’s come to terms with the size of his own penis:
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Unless you get surgery to make your soldier huge, you’re stuck with it. Make the foreplay and sex fun for you and it will be fun for her (unless she’s a slut) and move on with yourself.
Just remember: never get married.
Cyberdellic drew a rather different conclusion. As he sees it, his average-sized penis — “5.75 non bone pressed and 6.25 to6.5 bone pressed” — will never be enough to satisfy the shallow “hypergamous” women of the west:
we live in full hypergamy so women will literally drop the guy shes with at any moment if the next guy ‘ticks all the SAME boxes’ PLUS hes got a big dick…
this is why the words of Wu Tang ring true – lust em but never trust em
most women are evil cruel manipulative macheivellian creatures… its not entirely their fault either, media and other guys make small dick jokes constantly
ive been living MGTOW the past 6 weeks and every aspect of my life is greatly improved except im not getting laid….
so to answer your question
with the advent of tinder and women being able to get pummeled by a new dick in 30 min (24/7) women have seen a lot of dicks and want to get that ‘stretched out’ feeling that is a mix of pleasure AND pain
they like that
ill never be able to go deep or stretch them out like the other men theyve been with
the ONLY workable strategy ive come up with is to move to asia, eclusively approach tiny petite 19 yr olds whove never had foreign dick before and im trying to find a tight hole
Dude, stop worrying about your dick. Your dick is fine. It’s the person attached to your dick that’s the problem.
Not that it didn’t make me cackle, but I think you mean “bigger,” not “bugger” when discussing the charming Mr. Suck_My_Zarflog.
@msexception – I thought D cup stood for “Damn, my back hurts.”
– mockingbird, who wears anything between a 34 D (what I’ve always worn, save when pregnant or nursing…then ERMERGERD) to a 32 F (the size given after my latest/first actual measurement and fitting…seems off to me, but the bras *are* pretty spectacular and my upper back / shoulders don’t crack like bubble wrap after dis-bra-ing)
Congrats on the new bras. Given what you’ve said, could you explain what you mean that they “seem off?”
“WTF does (shudder) “bone pressed” mean?”
I’m not 100% sure, but I think I can guess that it’s referring to the practice of pushing the ruler into the skin until it hits the bone of the pelvis. It’ll add an extra half-inch or so to your length if you’re the type of person that matters to, as I was when I was a stupid, insecure teenager.
@Orion – It’s totally a thing with my head space. I’ve always been able to make 34-36Ds (ish) work and had never even considered going up in size (except when pregnant or nursing, during which time I more closely resemble an ancient fertility statue than anyone found in most porn).
I’ve got to admit that the new size / new bras do a great job, though, even if the parameters push me into “niche market with (even) high(er) prices” territory.
Re: Bras
I once tagged along with a GF to a fitting at a place called Rigby & Peller (which I was told is the place to go if you don’t want a bad back)
It was pretty amazing, I’ve seen archeologists take less care on measurements. There are so many variables! The women in the shop knew a heck of a lot about this surprisingly interesting subject.
I learned that the most common mistake with bras was to go a size too big with a cup size too small, but people who need to know that probably already know that.
I don’t think I’d be able to get through an entire day with the external bits configuration without pinching, sitting on, and otherwise putting things through some ouch – I can’t pee standing up with no special equipment involved, but the internal bits configuration (though I don’t have experience having the other kind either…) kind of seems easier, if only because it’s rarely getting smacked around by random things in the environment including other parts of itself or the clothing over it.
And seriously what gives with the whole “new dick to be had in 30 minutes all day and night” thing, do they simply imagine that women have nothing else they do for social activities but walk around with bow-legs and a venus flytrap vagina getting one new dick after another new dick night after night thus rendering “Mr. Insecure” useless because of his under-achieving member once women are no longer 19, virgins, and foreign? I’d certainly be running from this guy if I were a 19 year old virgin from a foreign country even if it meant joining a nunnery/convent. I should feel sorry for the RP’s, they just don’t understand that a vagina won’t get ‘permanently stretched out’ barring some very specific and clinically significant instances. Normal use does not constitute irreparable damaging wear and tear, nor is frequent use…though some evidence exists that non-use can lead to tissue atrophy over time, which seems to suggest the best choice is getting that vagina out and giving it a spin on a regular basis scheduled as the individual determines. 😉
Peni may not be the technically correct plural of penis, but it’s funny. So that’s what I use.
Bone pressed just means that you press the ruler into your belly to the bone instead of stopping as soon as you hit skin. Researchers like it because it’s the most objective measurement. Gaining weight to the stomach can change the apparent length if it’s not bone-pressed, and it’s hard to be objective about exactly when to stop. Braggarts like it because it’s a bigger number than the other way.
It’s kinda dumb to use for general sexting purposes though because people aren’t used to using it, and so a bone-pressed 7 is not what they think a 7 is.
So… where do I send the bill for my replacement keyboard? 😉
Bra fitting is getting to be almost a science, well at least within the bra-wearing community where many found they don’t fit in the bra-matrix size range and struggle to get the right bra thanks to human variability and manufacturers keeping design details secret (they’re a business after all) so developing different ways to assess fit, determine size, predict by the numbers what bras will likely fit have been coming from the community itself. Places like bratabase and the reddit abrathatfits, niche size bloggers, it’s actually pretty amazing. There are still a few hiccups with size denial – stuffing ones breasts into bras that aren’t the best size but are available and found in many stores somehow seems easier to lots of bra wearers who aren’t keen on accepting they need a niche size because of how (American) society perceives breasts and make judgements based on the size of them alone (and other boob related things). Sister sizing is something that became popular to move inventory at stores, the more people buying bras they’re convinced are their size the more money the place makes. Cup volume is proportionate to the band size and while a 32D technically has the same cup volume as a 34C, the breast isn’t being supported with a loose band so it’s better to get your actual size and not simply fall for the sister sizing lure. I am on the edge of where the matrix sizes stop and niche begins, very few brands bother with the size and there are various other factors that shrink the choices pool even more. Personal preferences like aesthetics and one’s tolerance/desired band tightness get involved too.
Sorry, I’ve sort of taken things on a detour here with all the bra talk. It’s an important and personally meaningful subject which can lead to some bravangelism. 😛
I’m a B, yet frequently get comments that my boobs look massive (thankfully from people I like and want to spend time with). This has been a bit of a puzzle, to the point where I’ve impulse-visited Marks and Sparks to get myself measured just in case. And yep, they’ve always still been B’s.
It came to a head one day at work, when I was bemoaning the pain of running up and down stairs at home without a bra and a workmate told me she was a D and asked what my cup size was, possibly hoping for some big-boobed solidarity. I told her I was a B. She laughed and said, “No you’re not. Mine are smaller than yours”. I assured her I was. This led to a strange, confused bonding moment, in which we both stared at our respective chests and silently questioned life, the universe and everything.
And now I understand. Fucking TARDIS BOOBS. Bigger on the outside, smaller in the cup.
What’s “sister sizing”?
Funny how interesting this is. I’m a real blokey bloke but it’s intriguing. Maybe it’s the engineering aspects. What did women do before bras? Are bras necessary? Why did breasts evolve? There’s a documentary to be had here.
@Alan Robertshaw:
I don’t know why exactly but, yeah, the Ancient Greeks had a thing about big dicks. Apparently, they were considered so hilarious that Greek plays often had comic relief scenes in the form of guys running around the stage wearing big gag dongs. I guess you had to be there.
To the Ancient Greeks, there was apparently no problem having your naked penis on display but a visible glans was indecent, to the point where Olympic athletes (who competed nude) would often tie themselves shut with a little string in case they, um, popped out during strenuous activity. Needless to say, the Greeks didn’t like circumcision and looked down on cultures that practised it. Having said that, they didn’t seem to have a problem with decorating their temples with big erect dongs (Google Image Search for “herm” for examples)
Ok, I’m pretty sure we don’t have bra measurement in my country or all my female relatives have failed me.
Seriously, how come?
I suppose that was meant to be punctuated as:
Well, that baby elephant posted above seems to be having a good time.
Bras are very, very necessary. At least for me, whose existence would otherwise be limited to the ground floor.
I guess I could hold them (and have done) when going up and down stairs, particularly down as gravity is a painful enemy of the boob, but jogging, leaping, power-walking or anything above a sedate meandre is a definite no-no.
Alan Robertshaw: “Sister sizing” is essentially an attempt to suggest an alternate size that might work just as well. I think the key is that if the one the woman wants is not available, she can effectively increase the band length while decreasing the cup size. For the reasons msexceptiontotherule stated, in many cases, the theory is stronger than the practical reality, but for some women at least it will likely do in a pinch (say, current bra has a bent clasp digging into the spine).
Bras being ‘necessary’ is not quite the right question. They are useful in some cases, ornamental in others, and more trouble than they’re worth in still others. This variance is true not only from one woman to the next, but also one situation from the next. Many women who would just as soon go bra-less in their daily lives still would want a good selection of comfortable sports bras for times of physical activity, because it can reduce pain considerably.
I’m part of various communities that are concerned with penis size and excessively measure them. It’s fun. I think in a lot of men, a penis is just a sign of greater masculinity and superiority. That’s why we obsess over them. I know some women think that’s silly, but I think it’s an important part of being a man and is mostly harmless, at least to women.
“Make the foreplay and sex fun for you and it will be fun for her (unless she’s a slut)”
Slut – a woman who wants to acrually be mutually pleasures during sex.
but if the guy just doing whatever he wants is fun for you, not a slut?
Thats almost as bad as the Bye Felipe definition of slut, “a woman who turns down sex”
And people wonder why studies show that lesbians overall give their partners better orgasms?
“ive been living MGTOW the past 6 weeks and every aspect of my life is greatly improved except im not getting laid….”
“the ONLY workable strategy ive come up with is to move to asia, eclusively approach tiny petite 19 yr olds whove never had foreign dick before and im trying to find a tight hole”
Yikes! Racist, fetishist and sexist all rolled up into one. What a horrible person.
Conflating masculinity with superiority is not harmless.
So long as you understand that size doesn’t make you better at sex and that your penis doesn’t make you actually “superior” to anyone, you can even fence with your dick for all I care.
@Alan Robertshaw
It’s probably a sexual-selection thing: at some point in our past, one of our male hominid ancestors decided he liked lady hominids with rounder chests, and things went from there. Asking why where sexually-selected characteristics are concerned is a bit pointless because they’re kind of arbitrary. “Ah, but it shows the woman has body fat reserves and is capable of bearing healthy children!” says the kinds of person who reads evolutionary psychology papers and takes them seriously. Yes, but that fat could be stored anywhere on the body; it doesn’t explain why human women have breasts and not something else.
Of course, if Desmond Morris is to be believed, it’s because humans switched from predominantly rear-entry to face-to-face mating at some point in our evolutionary past and we poor human males, who up till there were all “ass men” like our chimpanzee relatives, had to be furnished with a “surrogate ass” around front to look at. Yes, really.
Yeah, but where did they get that number from? It’s not like we whip out a ruler after the knickers come off and before we do the horizontal tango to figure out the penis size of every penis-having partner we’ve had.
Protip: We got that number from men who routinely lie about the size of their dicks.
So, if women are citing six inches as the average, that’s most likely what they were told the size of their partner’s dick was.
I don’t get how this means women are somehow feeding into male insecurities about their penises. We’re only repeating what we were told on the matter by (cis) men.
I’m a vagina-owner who actually kind of gives a shit about penis size (I think it’s referred to as being a “Size Queen”, but I’m definitely not the majority, dudebros), but that’s why I go buy my dildos online.
Also because I can get a 14 inch rainbow-colored dragon dildo. I ain’t getting that in real life, that’s for damn sure.
However, it doesn’t really matter what size my partner’s penis is because of that. As long as the foreplay’s good, and they understand that sometimes, I can’t get off on just their penis. I dated a guy once who got a little huffy (It wasn’t too bad) when I couldn’t get off just on him fucking me once and I reached for a vibrator so I could finish myself off. 😐
Hold the fuck up, OP. We need to have a chat.
You want to know why women don’t know what their dress sizes are? Well, sit the fuck down, because you’re going to learn something today!
When it comes to men’s fashion, there’s a generally accepted sizing system that goes across all brands, styles, and items of clothing. For example, pants are the size of your waist and your leg length.
You know what my pants size is in women’s clothing? 16. I don’t have any idea what that number means. That could be the phase of the fucking moon cross-referenced with my sun sign multiplied with the date I was fucking born divided by 2 for all I know.
Oh, but that’s only for one particular brand of pants. Fun Fact: Each brand of clothing can set their own fucking sizing! For another brand, I’m an 18. For another brand, I can get into a 14. All these numbers look really fucking arbitrary to me.
And that’s not all! I have to account for my leg length because I’m short, so I have to get “petite” sizes, and even then some brands are too long in the leg, I have to account for my hips, my butt, my calves, and it’s really fucking hard to find pants that fit all of these nicely.
I know what you’re thinking: “Oh, but these are mass-produced? So how are they different sizes?” Simple. Some fashion companies (like Abercrombie and Fitch) don’t want fat women (like me), wearing their clothes. So they take something that was produced as a medium, and call it a large. And some fashion companies will take something that was produced as a medium, and call it a small. And there’s no standard or cheat sheet you can refer to for everything. Each store has their own sizing chart and you’re pretty much fucking left on your own to figure it out.
Ever wonder why women take so long to shop for clothes? This is fucking why.
How does this relate to dress size? Simple: Dresses have the same fucked up sizing system that everything else in the women’s section does. And then I have to worry about if my boobs will fit into the fucking dress too, because while it might fit in the waist, half the time, it’s too tight in the chest. Oh, and I have to worry about if it’s the right length again, because if it’s not short or long, it makes my legs look fucking stumpy.
And don’t you get me started on how the fuck bras work. I’m supposedly a D cup, but looking at my boobs would make you think I’m a generous A cup at best.
TL;DR: Women don’t know what our dress size is because every brand of dress has different sizes attributed to arbitrary numbers, you fuck. Go learn about how this shit works before you shoot your fucking mouth off about it, you horrifically upholstered dick cushion.