![Measuring things is hard.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-31182-1352416174-1.gif?resize=580%2C435&ssl=1)
Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, the regulars have come up with a new thing to hate about women: their alleged ignorance about penis size.
One Red Piller by the name of rumham730 touched off a discussion on this important issue with a plaintive query: “Why the hell do so many girls think normal sized dicks are “small”?”
Runham730 explains that he had just had a conversation with “this 18 yo bi girl at work” that left him fuming. After overhearing her say that “every guy I’ve been with was super small,” he asked
how small, and she responded with “idk like 5 or 6 inches.”
WHEN THE FUCK DID THE AVERAGE penis size become “super small”?
I have a 6 inch dick so yes this hurt my feelings a little bit even though this girl means nothing to me. …
It just pisses me off. The chick who said this has no tits at all, but yet if I made a comment about flat chested girls around her, you better believe I’d be considered an asshole. Yet girls can make snide remarks about “small” dicks all day long and no one bats an eye.
Well, except for the dudes who post angry rants about it online.
As it turns out, the alleged ignorance of women re dick size happens to be something of a sore point with the Ask the Red Pill regulars, many of whom have strong opinions on the matter.
StarDestinyGuy noted that
One girl I hooked up with said the last two boyfriends she had had 11″ dicks.
The odds of that are so small it’s practically 0.
They are ridiculously ignorant/oblivious on the topic of penis size.
IoSonCalaf seconded his notion:
Women really don’t understand dick size. Trust me. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Half the time they don’t even know what dress size they are
FrameWalker added
Yeah dude they don’t have any idea. Girls overestimated my size by three inches at times. I’m average. I think half inch variations feel like two inches to them.
Dude, I hate to break it to you, but those women weren’t confused or ignorant; they were being nice to you.
MightyTaint offered his own math:
Girls are dumb as hell when it comes to dick size. A guy with a 3″ will tell her it’s 5″ (just a little below average baby!). A 6″ guy will tell her it’s 8″. A 7″ guy will tell her it’s 10″.
If that girl thinks 5″ to 6″ is small, she is going to think a 7″ dick is really 10″. …
The only women who brag about fucking big dicks are whores.
InscrutablePUA delivered his verdict in the form of a numbered list:
1) They don’t know what the actual lengths and girths of the dicks they’ve had before were.
2) Level of dryness/expansion of the vagina affects how big a dick feels.
3) Girls are just lousy at estimating dick size because guys probably inflate their own dick sizes.
4) Remember that the bottom 50 perhaps 80% of men are invisible to women. If the top 20% of dick sizes are 7+ inches then that’s what they consider as ‘normal’.
Wait, what?
Since the men of the world don’t generally walk around with boners sticking out the front of their pants, how exactly can women even tell which men are in the top 20%, dick-size-wise?
MightyTaint offered a rather different assessment, arguing that a man’s alphaness matters more than his dick size.
If a guy really comes off as an alpha, she’ll convince herself his dick was twice as big as it was. It just has to be otherwise why is he so confidant? Typical rationalization.
Niczar went further, suggesting that
Dick size only matters if you’re ashamed of it. It’s always big enough when you’re making her choke on it.
Suck_My_Zarflog, meanwhile, reported that the gemlike hardness of his average-sized zarflog penis regularly fooled the ladies into thinking it was bugger than it really is.
My dick is average, 6.5 at most. However, I’m well known for having a huge dick because…my dick gets really hard, like really really hard. So when I’m fucking girls it feels more “intrusive” than some of the softer guys with 8″ that I’ve seen… Yes, I know this from experience 😉 Most bigger dicks can’t get as much blood into them and aren’t as hard.
awalt_cupcake raised the possibility that women today have developed an intricate dick-size-sharing network, ensuring that all women can learn in advance the penis size of any man they’re considering having sex with:
I dunno man girls lately keep tabs on guys with big dicks. How could they not? Snapchat, multi media texting to prove it, the immaturity of it all starting in highschool when Billy MonsterCockTM had sex with Sharon the captain of the cheerleading squad and she told all her friends who ended up telling the world.
But he’s come to terms with the size of his own penis:
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Unless you get surgery to make your soldier huge, you’re stuck with it. Make the foreplay and sex fun for you and it will be fun for her (unless she’s a slut) and move on with yourself.
Just remember: never get married.
Cyberdellic drew a rather different conclusion. As he sees it, his average-sized penis — “5.75 non bone pressed and 6.25 to6.5 bone pressed” — will never be enough to satisfy the shallow “hypergamous” women of the west:
we live in full hypergamy so women will literally drop the guy shes with at any moment if the next guy ‘ticks all the SAME boxes’ PLUS hes got a big dick…
this is why the words of Wu Tang ring true – lust em but never trust em
most women are evil cruel manipulative macheivellian creatures… its not entirely their fault either, media and other guys make small dick jokes constantly
ive been living MGTOW the past 6 weeks and every aspect of my life is greatly improved except im not getting laid….
so to answer your question
with the advent of tinder and women being able to get pummeled by a new dick in 30 min (24/7) women have seen a lot of dicks and want to get that ‘stretched out’ feeling that is a mix of pleasure AND pain
they like that
ill never be able to go deep or stretch them out like the other men theyve been with
the ONLY workable strategy ive come up with is to move to asia, eclusively approach tiny petite 19 yr olds whove never had foreign dick before and im trying to find a tight hole
Dude, stop worrying about your dick. Your dick is fine. It’s the person attached to your dick that’s the problem.
Sex is so much more than “insert Tab D into slot V”, but these guys make it seem that exact thing is the end all be all – not very conducive to learning all the other things a potential partner might want or find exciting. Would they even want to? Doesn’t seem like it with all the focus on the size of the penis and the tantrums about nobody wanting to be a slot V to their tab D (who must also meet their stringent standards because not just any old V is good enough for their D!).
I thought that establishing penile dominance involved being able to piss hands free, the alpha being the one who only has to lean slightly to not piss on themselves…kinda like who can piss higher on a tree?
I can comprehend pole position, but then there’s the ‘tackle’ to worry about? Then there’s the matter of guys who are constantly and obviously adjusting their equipment…could be hygiene, could be something else entirely? Now I’m wondering how guys coped with the pants styles of the late 80’s and early 90’s, I already know the 70’s really needed longer shorts judging from pictures.
I am so, so sorry.
No you aren’t. And you shouldn’t be.
Y’know what gets me about Walter’s mindset is, where does it come from, what is the root of it,
I’m 50 years old, I was brought up in a very entitled, patriarchal society, y’know the old school stuff.
yet nowhere was there any socialisation that said a man’s status was determined by the overall length of his penis.
Hard work and ability were the cornerstones, education, perseverance and talent were foundations… there wasn’t a pillar of penus size that sets someone apart as superior.
without the “because it does” argument, where is the evidence for it?
Does anyone by any chance anyone know, the likes of the Apollo astronauts, Warren Buffet’s, Steve Jobs, Dale Carnegie… because I think they all have a lot of status.
BTW Dicksize OS is a minor Linux distributions based on Slackware, it was abandoned.
All I know about high-status American males’ penises is that apparently Bill Clinton’s has distinguishing characteristics and, according to John Oliver, Jimmy Carter’s is circumcised. And frankly, I was quite happy not knowing either of these things.
I think I know. it reminds of a couple of episodes of Patrick on spongebob when he talks about his ancestors and how he’s not worried about accomplishments in life becuase his ancestors did them for him and he also became king in one episode and became a real lazy and bossy d*** to everyone becuase he was king.
I think some straight cis men are obsessed with the length of their penis becuase they didn’t accomplish anything or think everything is too hard for them so the next best thing is just compete with each other with what’s between their legs.
How many people do you know who can accurately estimate lengths in inches by sight?
True story: The first and only time I’ve ever been in a Subway,* I asked for a six-inch sandwich and the guy misheard me and brought out a 12-inch baguette. As a male who’s never measured his own weiner, I sort of did a little cough like Robert Carlyle in The Full Monty and thought, “Holy shit, is that what six inches looks like?” Then the guy was like, “Oh sorry, you wanted six inches”, and I was like, “Oh thank fucking God.”
* It wasn’t the only time because of the weiner thing. It was the only time because Subway sandwiches are fucking horrible.
I love subway, I always get chicken teraki and pepper jack cheese with sweet onion sauce. Yum.
Bleh. To continue the dick analogy, their bread was the most flaccid I’ve ever seen.
I don’t think there’s any point arguing with Walter because he’s not here in good faith; I doubt he actually believes what he’s saying.
Walter is almost certainly a fetishist of some kind. It’s really common online for men to pretend that the world really does work the way their porn does or the way they wish it did. Generally, they are smart enough to know better, and it’s because they know better that they repeat themselves so often. Describing their fantasies aloud as if they were true makes them feel more “real,” temporarily, and that turns them on. They like to start groups because if they can get other men to echo their fantasy back to them, it feels even more real. Walter probably gets a boner every time he posts here.
Not to be “lol gay!”, but Walter sounds very similar to a lot of gay men I know online and a few I know in real life. Gay men with kinks related to dick size — having a big dick, having a big dick (so to speak), having a small dick, etc. — join echo-chamber groups to amplify these doctrines. The majority of them are submissive size queens; they want partners with big dicks, and they want to imagine that their partners are their superiors. That’s what I took the line about “some submitting” as a reference to; nothing related to rape, just to men who love choking on huge cocks. Walter’s willingness to declare Moocow his superior suggests that he might be one of these guys.
If he is gay, it would explain why he thinks these games don’t affect women. There’s plenty of gay men who socialize almost entirely with other gay men and make no effort to understand women’s lives. They’re (willfully) blind to the ways homosocial masculinity feeds into misogyny. Also, straight male dick fetishists are often invested in proving that men are better than women, while Walter is happy to agree that they’re not (even if his other claims undermine this).
This isn’t to say that he is necessarily gay or bi. There are straight men whose fetishes involving size comparisons and dick-based hierarchies. Cuckolds are the biggest and most visible group. Cuckolds generally like to feel inferior to their wives’ other lovers, and cock size is an easy way to get there. There’s also men who get turned on by dominating other men (but only have sex with women), and various other types of people.
In conclusion: there’s no use telling Walter to get new friends. If his friends really do wave their dicks around (which may well be a lie), then it’s because he wants it that way. While Walter has gone wrong in 2 big ways — roping innocent bystanders into his kink, and dismissing the ways hypermasculine culture affects women — he’s actually right about those groups; they generally are, among the participants, all in good fun. both the big and the little guys are having fun, and in fact, men are often willing to honor each other’s kinks by calling an average dick large or small as requested.
(Also, ‘flaccid’ is an awesome word that’s not used nearly enough in reference to the Manosphere and its rhetoric.)
Now that I’m done dying of laughter, I’m giving Walter all the side eye.
Tell me, good sir, how it can be that the size of ones… gentleman’s area… determines ones standing among fellow men, and yet you can say, seemingly without humor, that this is not transphobic? I ask only because I need to know, for, you see, I identify as neither a man nor a woman, so it is of the utmost importance that I discover my place among your ranks.
Damn, it feels good to break out my Victorian Time Traveler, it’s been far too long. Also, is anyone else smelling used laundry?
Oh, we know. Honestly, he’s probably just Chaucer Conspiracy Dumbass again, socks with schticks usually are. But we’re having way too much fun taking the piss to care. =P
How can associating maleness with superiority be misogynistic? How can associating maleness with genitals be transphobic? What are words? What are other people?
So much fuss..
over such a small thing!
So much fuss..
over such a small thing!
Hey, speak for yourself, shweetheart.
(Just kidding. As detailed above, I’m a man who was literally made to feel sexually inadequate by a piece of bread.)
rabid rabbit,
Lyndon Baines Johnson’s … johnson … was huge, and he spent a lot of time hanging out in bathrooms trying to intimidate other congressmen with it.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
That image is hilarious.
I won’t bother replying to the rest of the responses to my posts. I have my opinion and you have yours. There’s nothing more to say than that.
I think there’s some study that found that in retrospect, women do tend to remember their partners’ penises as being longer than they were, but the fact that manospherians get *pissed* about that…well, that says quite a bit about them, huh?
Every time I think we’ve seen the worst of their insecurities, a new contender arrives on the scene.
The reality is that most women don’t give two hoots to the size of their partner’s penis.
Walter is kinda amazing, no offense, but it’s kinda hard to take you seriously.
Not just one community, but various. Think about that people.
How does this work? If it’s not about usage… (pleasuring other people), how does the size even matter? How does it make one “better”? Is it like a display thing? Like antlers, or tusks…?
A) Wouldn’t they need to be erect to give a true indication of superiority? I haven’t noticed that kind of thing at the beach… Is that what goes on in bathrooms and locker rooms? How come there’s never a line in the men’s room?? Not only do men get to pee faster, they do so while also having time for ritualistic power displays?
B) HMM A) and the stuff about antlers and tusks put the image of elaborate penis fights to prove dominance.
They fragmented after the Bone-Pressing Schism of ’03.
It appears that these guys need to think with what’s between their ears and not with what’s between their legs.
That’s how you’re supposed to use your head…