alpha males creepy empathy deficit has possibly never spoken to a woman men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA red pill

His New Pickup Technique is Unstoppable

Not having it
Not having it

Did I say “unstoppable?” I meant the total opposite of that.



H/T — r/TheBluePill 

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9 years ago

I gotta say, as gross and horrifying as I find this kind of behavior, whether online or or not, I also kind of envy these guys. Because I can’t even imagine having the nerve to just say “hello” to a woman I find attractive, let alone that thing that I’m given to understand normal people do called, I think, “flirting”?
but these people go to a whole new, disgusting, level.

9 years ago

Maybe I’m giving their intelligence too much credit, but I think they don’t actually expect it to attract anyone. They just want to disturb their targets. Much like how catcalling is about intimidating the more vulnerable people (why else does it happen so much to the underaged, pregnant, sick or injured?)

9 years ago

Ninja’ed by WWTH.

9 years ago

Random Thing: Argenti? My parents are joining you in feral cat taming.

They started working on a feral kitty, only to find that feral kitty was actually a MomCat and has a tiny BabyCat. MomCat is now letting my mom pet her, but won’t come inside. BabyCat is more skittish, does not want anything to do with peoples, and they’re calling him/her Spook.

MomCat is a longhair brown tabby, and little Spook is a tinyblack puffball.

Crossing Fingers for the kitties to decide indoors is a good place to be, because it’s cold up near my folks’s place (currently -9 F).

Mom’s promised pictures, if she ever gets any.

I’ll be home to help with the taming process in 22 days.


9 years ago

Back on Subject: WWTH and BritterSweet I think are spot on.

9 years ago

You know, in the grand scheme of things I’m not even really that nihilistic, but upon reading this, I have to say — what’s keeping the asteroid?

9 years ago

I’m reminded of this

Every once in a while, Sex and the City is actually relevant.

9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Sounds like the technique the advance-fee fraudsters use: look as obviously awful as possible, so that only the most gullible even follow up. It makes sense with the economics of spam, where sending messages is very fast / cheap but hands-on followup is slow / expensive.

Somehow manages to be *more* despicable as a dating technique, tho.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

I get my news from WHTM. Had no idea there was a PP shooting. PP also helps poor women get mammograms and other non-pregnancy related exams. Are those who are against the agency going to pick up the slack if PP goes bust? How about all the “pro-lifers” paying for pre-peri-post-natal care of pregnant women and their infants? Or does their “pro-life” stance have a “sell by” date? Put your money where you mouth is, people!

“Listen here constrictor”.

I don’t get it.

9 years ago

The weird thing is when the hostility is right there in with the lust before there’s even been a rejection. Before the lucky, lucky recipient has even seen the message, most like.

Isn’t that strange?

Unless of course the aim is to disturb, or to trawl for the most vulnerable, exploitable people possible.

9 years ago

VOT: The preborn are precious and sinless. Once they’re born they’re covered in original sin and you let them go to Hell in their own fashion.

9 years ago


I gotta say, as gross and horrifying as I find this kind of behavior, whether online or or not, I also kind of envy these guys. Because I can’t even imagine having the nerve to just say “hello” to a woman I find attractive, let alone that thing that I’m given to understand normal people do called, I think, “flirting”?
but these people go to a whole new, disgusting, level.

But what is there to envy? Whatever you imagine might be a desirable outcome if you did speak to a woman you found attractive, these guys certainly aren’t getting that outcome. All they’re getting is disgust and derision, which I’m going to go out on a limb is one of the outcomes that inspire your nerves.

9 years ago

I feel like I’m spamming the shit out of this thread and I am sorry for that. But I had to share the very important news that old children’s cartoons are basically MRA propaganda.
At least number 3 and 5 on the list are. Number 1 is more of a hybrid between Silent Hill and a Chick tract.

9 years ago

@bluecatbabe – “The weird thing is when the hostility is right there in with the lust before there’s even been a rejection. Before the lucky, lucky recipient has even seen the message, most like.”

Elliot Rodger comes to mind, for all his insinuations that women *would have* rejected him *if* he’d tried to talk to them…


9 years ago

Jesus thats hilarious.

9 years ago

I feel like this is a good thread to share this lovely blog I found:

9 years ago


Definitions of courage are subjective, so maybe you won’t agree with me. But I’d say this:

You don’t need to envy this man’s courage or “nerve” because he doesn’t have any more than you. Underneath the hate and the swagger he has the same problems.

If you are afraid to say “hello” to an attractive woman, what’s underneath that fear? At bottom, I’d guess it’s fear of uncertainty and the unknown. If you put yourself out there, you don’t know what will happen. If you think of it as a high-stakes situation, that’s nerve-wracking. If you say nothing, then you know what will happen, and the anxiety goes away.

This guy is just as afraid of uncertainty as you are, and he’s solved it the same way — by choosing a behavior which will always generate the same result.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

“Listen here constrictor”?

That has to be the weirdest conversational gambit I’ve ever heard. I keep wanting to read it in a Dashiell Hammett hardboiled detective voice. “The dame was reticulated, and had coils that wouldn’t quit. As she slithered into my office, she looked like she was about to squeeze either a trigger, or me.

‘Listen here, constrictor -‘ I began, but she clamped down on my arm.

‘Go step on a Lego pile, crocodile’, she hissed.”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The weird thing is when the hostility is right there in with the lust before there’s even been a rejection. Before the lucky, lucky recipient has even seen the message, most like.

There’s a certain type of trollosexual for whom the aim isn’t sex, it’s revenge. They get off on discomfiting women by insulting them and/or planting unwanted images in their heads. However the woman responds, in their heads they’ve won because they forced someone to pay attention to them.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

There’s a certain type of trollosexual for whom the aim isn’t sex, it’s revenge. They get off on discomfiting women by insulting them and/or planting unwanted images in their heads. However the woman responds, in their heads they’ve won because they forced someone to pay attention to them.

This could be the Wiki summary for Roosh.

9 years ago

The dame was reticulated, and had coils that wouldn’t quit. As she slithered into my office, she looked like she was about to squeeze either a trigger, or me.

‘Listen here, constrictor -‘ I began, but she clamped down on my arm.

‘Go step on a Lego pile, crocodile’, she hissed.

Why is this in absolutely no books. I would read that book. That imagery is amazing.


If you ever write a dorky detective novel, I am so buying it.

9 years ago

Jesus, I…I mean…wow, ok, so, here’s the thing. I’m autistic, I’m socially broken, I’ve never flirted with a girl in my life, I wouldn’t know how, I can’t even remember the last time I talked to a girl in person, and even I would never EVER be stupid enough to think saying something like that is clever or a good idea. What the hell is his excuse?

9 years ago


Do you mean can’t remember speaking to a girl you were attracted to? Or to a “girl” as in someone near your age? (But you’ve talked to older adult women) Or that you can’t remember the last time you talked to anyone female?

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

Now let’s talk about f###ing or death metal. Those are your choices.

As someone who has spent money on death metal on more than one occasion, I still wouldn’t.

Bye, edge-bro.

9 years ago

Hugs and kisses for all who dealt with creeps and hugs and kisses for gosuamakenatek and contrapangloss for your kitties.