alpha males creepy empathy deficit has possibly never spoken to a woman men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA red pill

His New Pickup Technique is Unstoppable

Not having it
Not having it

Did I say “unstoppable?” I meant the total opposite of that.



H/T — r/TheBluePill 

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9 years ago

Regarding the feral cats, I presently have 4 cats indoors and one porch-dweller. All were neighborhood cats of uncertain provenance when they found my house, and all but one volunteered to join the household. That last one, Tristen, was the genuinely feral one, and we live-trapped him to get him inside because he was both freezing and starving while living in our back yard. It took him about 6 months of watching everyone ELSE get petted over breakfast to decide he wanted to try that, and he’s been my lap kitty ever since. Yes, ferals can be tamed.

9 years ago

Florkje: I’m not saying you’re totally wrong, but the behavior involved generally is directed ONLY at women. To continue your analogy, when this guy walks into a mailbox, he’s still going to go kick a lamppost, because in his mind, lampposts are for kicking.

So it’s still a very misogynistic worldview, even if he’s not consciously considering the woman as a desired goal.

9 years ago

Florkje – I don’t agree. That only works if a man is doing it with other men around – my experience was much more of being sidled up to or approached when few people were around. As for ‘pain of rejection’ – do you really think that approaches like the above described are really employed with a genuine expectation of success?

If a man makes a reasonably respectful approach and is rejected rudely then maybe, but saying outrageous things is just to provoke, and I cannot seriously believe that that kind of men is then hurt by the inevitable rejection.

I agree that in some ways it is not directly hateful – it is more the contempt by someone who thinks you are less than nothing – but that is still misogynistic.

9 years ago

So you’re not a person to them, either to love or to loathe

But how is that not misogynistic?

They get aggressive and weird because of the PAIN of rejection, and the HUMILIATION of losing face in front of other men

This can be true at times, but a lot of harassing and aggressive behavior happens when there is no other man around.

9 years ago

Thanks all for the replies. You do have some points there. I’ll go chew on them for a bit. And it is indeed misogynistic what they do.

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

Unbearable….that’s the word you meant