abortion men who should not ever be with women ever reactionary bullshit transphobia

Right-wingers claim Colorado shooter Robert Lewis Dear is a trans woman

Accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear
Accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear

So far we only know bits and pieces about the strange and isolated life of Robert Lewis Dear, the alleged shooter who murdered three people and injured many others after holing up in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic yesterday afternoon.

We know that he had numerous run-ins with the law and with his neighbors, that he was accused in the past of domestic violence, that he lived in a small shack in the woods.

While Dear didn’t leave behind a manifesto, the fact that he targeted Planned Parenthood seems to be a rather large clue as to his motivations. Indeed, the mayor of Colorado Springs told reporters that they could make “inferences” about Dear’s motivations “from where [the shootings] took place.” Meanwhile, NBC is reporting that Dear talked about abortion after he was arrested, making reference to “baby parts,” according to NBC’s law enforcement sources.

Apparently embarrassed by the actions of yet another white male terrorist, some right-wingers are trumpeting a bizarre claim: that Dear is a trans woman. 

The claim seems to have originated with the blog Gateway Pundit, which posted voter registration information for Dear that labeled the alleged shooter as “female.”

To Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, this isn’t just an innocent mistake on the part of some government clerk; it’s proof that Dear “Identifies as [a] Woman.”

Naturally, others picked up on the bizarre claim. Rich Hoffman, who blogs as Overmanwarrior, treated this “news” as a giant “gotcha.”

Guess what, Obama, MSNBC, CNN, Hillary Clinton and all the rest of the knuckle dragging losers of progressive politics? They thought they finally had a white middle-aged Republican man who committed a terrorist act—so that they could propose more gun control.

Never mind that most of America’s terrorists are in fact white men.

Sadly for them, the shooter—Robert Lewis Dear—the lunatic who shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27th 2015 appears to be a cross-gender loving pervert who shared much more with Obama’s LBGT community than the NRA loving American traditionalists.

Never mind that the only political activism anyone says they’ve seen Dear ever engaging in was handing out anti-Obama leaflets. 

According to early reports from The Gateway Pundit shown below indicate Robert Lewis Dear identified as a woman, not as the man that he is. Bet you won’t hear that on the news networks.

Probably because it’s not true.

Dear sounds like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That would explain his appearance.

Apparently Hoffman has never actually seen Rocky Horror.

Hoffman continued on — and on:

This is just further proof that liberals make most of the problems in our society. They feed anger toward Planned Parenthood with immoral justifications then they create a loose society full of perverts, peeping Toms, and losers who are men who think they are women and women who want to be men. USA Today almost had an orgasm when they saw the pictures of the suspect, but quickly put on the brakes once the stories of this idiot became clear. They reported that the motive was unclear so the hard reporting will probably die now that Robert Lewis Dear has turned out to be a Bruce Jenner clone—a woman in a man’s body. Perhaps Dear was jealous that real woman were able to get abortions for casual sex while he was not able to commit such a vile crime—so he went on a shooting spree. That conclusion is just as valid as Obama’s early comments regarding the push to use gun control as a way to keep more idiots like this loser free to peek in our windows all in the name of a more “progressive” society of morally loose punks and general depraved nut cases. Gun control laws obviously didn’t work with this confused person. Robert Lewis Dear was a Obama kind of guy—a bewildered mess who didn’t know what he was.


Naturally, Hoffman isn’t the only one crying “gotcha.” On Twitter, right-wingers are spreading the “news” of Dear’s imaginary status as a trans woman; they sound positively giddy.

Naturally, some couldn’t keep themselves from indulging in transphobic jokes:

Do any of these people actually believe that Dear is a trans woman, or are they deliberately spreading disinformation to amuse themselves and muddy the real issues?

I suspect that it is largely the latter. Either way, it is not a shining moment for them.

H/T — Thanks to yutolia, who tipped me off to this development in the comments here.

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9 years ago

Kale, who are you responding to? Who claimed that ‘all trans people are attacking “radical feminists”’? I feel like I’m missing half of this conversation….

9 years ago

Kate: “some trans women talking about how a hate group harasses them doesnt mean all trans people are attacking “radical feminists”

100% true, many, many radical feminists are trans peoples’ greatest allies.
Also true is that many, many trans people are feminists, a lot radical ones as well.

“Also nonbinary trans people and trans men exist.”. Yep and sadly often forgotten. There is this obsession with trans women but the transgender umbrella covers a whole range of gender variant and non conforming people. The number of our brother trans men are rising ever faster and will soon (if not already) equal trans women.

9 years ago

Hey, L.G., thanks for that. I understand.

9 years ago

@dhag85 @sbel I think the comment that defended TERFs was deleted shortly after it got called out, I assume it was either them realizing they said something bad and deleted it to try and not cause any more harm or that one of the moderators got to it. Seems certain others in here is happy to take over the job of trying to defend their precious TERF sisters to the death instead of trying to get the comments back on rails though, hmm

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

“radical feminists” whatever that label actually means.

Radical feminism is a branch of feminism that posits that the most basic structures of society are flawed and sexist, and as a result society itself must be completely restructured if the sexism is to be rooted out.

That is literally all that all radical feminists have in common. Every other point of doctrine varies between the different groups of radfems. However, it’s an important distinction between radfems and other forms of feminism. What was once called liberal feminism, for instance, thinks that the structure of society is fine, and the problem is the way it is implemented. If women are given improved access to education, jobs and job promotions, and child care, then sexism can be eliminated without completely revamping societal structures. Radical feminism says no, that isn’t enough.

Let’s say that we observe that aggressive, alpha-personality traits and a lot of time and effort dedicated toward work activities get people farther on the corporate ladder than any of the alternatives. We furthermore observe that women usually don’t exhibit these personality traits, and are often hampered by the requirements of child care and can’t dedicate the same amount of time toward work activities as men.

Liberal feminism and its successors say that the solution is to teach women to be more aggressive, and to provide them with better child care options so that they have the same time and energy to dedicate to work activities as men. This will put them onto equal footing as men and let them compete on the same grounds.

Radical feminism says hold up, why are male-coded traits the recipe for success? This is not exactly a force of nature; this is a societal choice. Instead of trying to make women more like men so that they can compete with men, we should question why traits that are coded as male are used to signal fitness in a corporate structure, and why are these specific traits coded as male in the first place when not all men display them and not all women lack them. Why is the sheer amount of time you can spend at work valued more highly than your ability to do work in a time-efficient way, and why is that a male-coded trait in the first place?

So that’s what the label means.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

“Seems certain others in here is happy to take over the job of trying to defend their precious TERF sisters to the death instead of trying to get the comments back on rails though, hmm”

Who the what now?
like I said, meds. But I did not read this conversation in this way at all. “TERF sisters” was particularly accusatory and disturbing).

9 years ago


Are you sure? I didn’t think comments usually get deleted here. And we’ve had some pretty vile stuff. I hope it’s not the case that it’s been completely deleted because it makes discussions difficult to follow.

9 years ago


OK, that would explain why I didn’t see it.

But now you’ve made another claim. Who is defending TERFs? All I see is people claiming #NotAllRadicalFeminists, and people asking why we’re even discussing TERFs.

9 years ago

Well this whole thing started because someone used the term “radical fauxminists” and then out of the woodwork came a wave of #NotAllRadfems and “if you are gonna be mean to us, we are not gonna protect you!” and other nonsense, which is why I am saying to stop with the whole trying to defend radical feminism against the “meaniepants trans people” or whatever and just get back on topic already.

Some trans people feel unsafe around radical feminists because not enough is done to try and get rid of the TERFs from the movement. Deal with it, and move on.

9 years ago

Wow. The Rightwing can’t sink any lower. So a trans woman cannot be a Conservative/Republican? Caitlin Jenner is a Republican and has publicly stated her dislike for President Obama. These people are desperate to dissociate from a monster they’ve created. Dear is all theirs.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Seems certain others in here is happy to take over the job of trying to defend their precious TERF sisters to the death

which is why I am saying to stop with the whole trying to defend radical feminism against the “meaniepants trans people” or whatever and just get back on topic already.

Thanks for providing an example of someone equating radical feminism with TERFs, as though they are synonyms, because nothing says that I’m overreacting to a nonexistent thing like proving that the thing exists.

9 years ago


I don’t even know where to start with all that straw. Honestly I have no idea what thread you’ve been reading, but I must’ve missed it completely.

TERFs are bad. Trans people are as good as other people. Radical feminist =/= TERF. Minecraft = now.

9 years ago

@dhag85 @sbel I think the comment that defended TERFs was deleted shortly after it got called out, I assume it was either them realizing they said something bad and deleted it to try and not cause any more harm or that one of the moderators got to it.

That’s not likely; you can’t delete your own comments and David or the mods would have said something.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

#NotAllRadfems is actually a valid point. Comparing it to #NotAllMen which is there to only derail conversation from actual issues is not valid.

“I am saying to stop with the whole trying to defend radical feminism against the “meaniepants trans people” or whatever and just get back on topic already.”

I am a radical feminist. Of this description:

“Radical feminism says hold up, why are male-coded traits the recipe for success? This is not exactly a force of nature; this is a societal choice. Instead of trying to make women more like men so that they can compete with men, we should question why traits that are coded as male are used to signal fitness in a corporate structure, and why are these specific traits coded as male in the first place when not all men display them and not all women lack them. Why is the sheer amount of time you can spend at work valued more highly than your ability to do work in a time-efficient way, and why is that a male-coded trait in the first place?”

“Some trans people feel unsafe around radical feminists because not enough is done to try and get rid of the TERFs from the movement. Deal with it, and move on.”

Radical feminism isn’t a club at which TERFs have a table. So we cannot walk up to their booth and set it on fire. We can, however, keep pointing out that the term ‘radical feminism’ is being misused. Or do you call all terrorists muslims and all muslims terrorists until the muslim community gets rid of terrorism magically somehow?

9 years ago

What trans people like myself get so angry about (and so often very hurt) by TERFs is not the political/theoretical attacks on us. That can be dealt with, we can all debate and argue over those.

It is the horrble, deep personal attacks. You have no idea how bad some of them are.

There is one site that outs young trans men (as youmg as 15) trawling through personal pages then puting their names and pictures in public for their parents, schools, etc to see.

The horrible cruel things said by some about poor Leehlaj Alcorn or about Jazz Jennings. The endless attacks (again so often very cruel) on trans children, over and above adults.

Julie Burchill just did a 1,150 word ‘hit piece’ in the Spectator on the Transgender Day of Remberance recently and it was horrible.

There are very few trans people that don’t know someone else that has been attacked or (more often) committed or tried to commit suicide…or tried it themselves. So TDOR has become very important to us, familes and friends, to remember and reflect on those we have lost.

it was cruel and completely unnecessary, full of slurs, derogatory statements and personal attacks. This of course triggered off an outpouring of trans hate in the comments.

This is an intelligent, well educated, well read person who writes this sort of stuff for a national, major media outlet…and gets published. Things like:
“when Paris Lees and her mates were making makeshift tissue-paper tutus for their Action Men”
“And these caterwauling cry-bullies deserve their own flag?”
“They are vulnerable to physical attacks from stupid people and low sarcasm from smart people like me.”
“…to commemorate a sect who spend their lives looking down their knickers”

What is worng with these people? This is not some radical feminist political critique thing happening, this is downright hatred.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

It is the horrble, deep personal attacks. You have no idea how bad some of them are.

That’s wrong, and it’s completely legit for you to be upset about it.

9 years ago


Yup. That’s fucking terrible. Nobody should be saying that stuff. If someone does it here, I sincerely hope they’ll get shut down fast by the regular commenters.

9 years ago

There’s a difference between saying “not all radical feminists” and saying, “not all radical feminisms.” Kind of in the same way that pointing out the difference between Men’s Lib (historically pro-feminist) and Men’s Rights (historically anti-feminist) isn’t like a cry a “Not All Men,” unless context makes it so.

That said, context wasn’t great. There was a lot on inappropriate response to the innocent question about TERFs, and I’ll reiterate that I regret my part in that.

9 years ago

Having just googled Julie Burchill, she seems like a horrible person. 🙁

9 years ago

Point is, people were getting super overdefensive over a speculation and completely derailed the entire comment section. So let’s just deal with this and get back on track, okay?

9 years ago

Here’s a comment and question from Cristan Williams

“I find it interesting that sex essentialists (some right wingers, TERFs, and religious folk) have latched onto the idea that the Planned Parenthood shooter was a trans woman.

From the perspective of critiquing sex essentialist ideology, do you think this serves sex essentialist narratives? Do you feel that such narratives serves patriarchy?”

My reply was, it is just a tactic.
“Do you feel that such narratives serves patriarchy?”. Yes.

The patriarchy are desperate to avoid facing the issue that there are organised, supported white male Christian terrorists in the US. Many of whom target women and coloured people.

These are the stalwarts and foot soldiers for the patriarchy and as such are untouchable.

The usual excuse is that they are all ‘mentally ill’, extending that to them being LGBTI is just another tactic.”

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Here’s an article about one of the people Dear murdered, Ke’Arre Stewart:

It includes a link to a Gofundme for his funeral expenses. He leaves behind two young children.

Also slain was Jennifer Markovsky, mother of two small children. I can’t find information on a fund yet.

And of course, there’s Officer Garrett Swasey. There’s a fund for him, too, but I’m giving my money to Stewart’s family, since they’ve raised far less so far.

9 years ago

nightmarelyre: It’s a bit tricky trying to find a shorthand term to cover everyone in the non-white spectrum. In the US and elsewhere the victims chosen are often, but not always black, they can be a Native American, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern or Asian hues as well. They are often targets as well.

The people that do this (and the bigots that support them) just go and pick any non white person as a target, their bigotry extends right across the spectrum. Similary with women, they will attack any type of woman.

I need to find something more descriptive of the range, but I am stuffed if I can find one appropriate and short. if anyone has a good idea please post.

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