abortion men who should not ever be with women ever reactionary bullshit transphobia

Right-wingers claim Colorado shooter Robert Lewis Dear is a trans woman

Accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear
Accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear

So far we only know bits and pieces about the strange and isolated life of Robert Lewis Dear, the alleged shooter who murdered three people and injured many others after holing up in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic yesterday afternoon.

We know that he had numerous run-ins with the law and with his neighbors, that he was accused in the past of domestic violence, that he lived in a small shack in the woods.

While Dear didn’t leave behind a manifesto, the fact that he targeted Planned Parenthood seems to be a rather large clue as to his motivations. Indeed, the mayor of Colorado Springs told reporters that they could make “inferences” about Dear’s motivations “from where [the shootings] took place.” Meanwhile, NBC is reporting that Dear talked about abortion after he was arrested, making reference to “baby parts,” according to NBC’s law enforcement sources.

Apparently embarrassed by the actions of yet another white male terrorist, some right-wingers are trumpeting a bizarre claim: that Dear is a trans woman. 

The claim seems to have originated with the blog Gateway Pundit, which posted voter registration information for Dear that labeled the alleged shooter as “female.”

To Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, this isn’t just an innocent mistake on the part of some government clerk; it’s proof that Dear “Identifies as [a] Woman.”

Naturally, others picked up on the bizarre claim. Rich Hoffman, who blogs as Overmanwarrior, treated this “news” as a giant “gotcha.”

Guess what, Obama, MSNBC, CNN, Hillary Clinton and all the rest of the knuckle dragging losers of progressive politics? They thought they finally had a white middle-aged Republican man who committed a terrorist act—so that they could propose more gun control.

Never mind that most of America’s terrorists are in fact white men.

Sadly for them, the shooter—Robert Lewis Dear—the lunatic who shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27th 2015 appears to be a cross-gender loving pervert who shared much more with Obama’s LBGT community than the NRA loving American traditionalists.

Never mind that the only political activism anyone says they’ve seen Dear ever engaging in was handing out anti-Obama leaflets. 

According to early reports from The Gateway Pundit shown below indicate Robert Lewis Dear identified as a woman, not as the man that he is. Bet you won’t hear that on the news networks.

Probably because it’s not true.

Dear sounds like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That would explain his appearance.

Apparently Hoffman has never actually seen Rocky Horror.

Hoffman continued on — and on:

This is just further proof that liberals make most of the problems in our society. They feed anger toward Planned Parenthood with immoral justifications then they create a loose society full of perverts, peeping Toms, and losers who are men who think they are women and women who want to be men. USA Today almost had an orgasm when they saw the pictures of the suspect, but quickly put on the brakes once the stories of this idiot became clear. They reported that the motive was unclear so the hard reporting will probably die now that Robert Lewis Dear has turned out to be a Bruce Jenner clone—a woman in a man’s body. Perhaps Dear was jealous that real woman were able to get abortions for casual sex while he was not able to commit such a vile crime—so he went on a shooting spree. That conclusion is just as valid as Obama’s early comments regarding the push to use gun control as a way to keep more idiots like this loser free to peek in our windows all in the name of a more “progressive” society of morally loose punks and general depraved nut cases. Gun control laws obviously didn’t work with this confused person. Robert Lewis Dear was a Obama kind of guy—a bewildered mess who didn’t know what he was.


Naturally, Hoffman isn’t the only one crying “gotcha.” On Twitter, right-wingers are spreading the “news” of Dear’s imaginary status as a trans woman; they sound positively giddy.

Naturally, some couldn’t keep themselves from indulging in transphobic jokes:

Do any of these people actually believe that Dear is a trans woman, or are they deliberately spreading disinformation to amuse themselves and muddy the real issues?

I suspect that it is largely the latter. Either way, it is not a shining moment for them.

H/T — Thanks to yutolia, who tipped me off to this development in the comments here.

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9 years ago

Apologies – there were no other replies to Mikey visible when I hit send. Sorry to pile up on you, there.

Vanessa Emma Goldman
Vanessa Emma Goldman
9 years ago

This ACTUAL transgender woman is way beyond ANGRY about this. Stupid right wingers spreading lies! I wonder if any TERFs have a hand in this, they often team up with right wingers to go after women they do not like, such as trans women and sex worker women.

erica, ascendant
9 years ago

Also my mother’s 6’4″ and gave birth to me and identifies as female, so that’s a small statistical likelihood, but it does happen with cis women.

As anyone who’s watched a WNBA game can tell you, it happens more than one might think.

This is just the MRBM looking for an out for the behavior they actively encourage when it’s traced back to them. They full well believe doing harm to trans women is worth it to avoid responsibility, and they really don’t care, which is odd because according to MRAsshole theology, we’re confused men.

Hmm. Pro-patriarchy activism moving the goalposts? I’m stunned. Totally stunned. As stunned as my cat liking salmon levels of stunned.

9 years ago

I don’t really get the point about height either. Not only are some trans women 6’4″ but cis women are about that height or taller. Gwendoline Christie is 6’3″ and there are or have been several WNBA players taller than that.

So, huh?

I vote trolling too.

9 years ago

I’d like to add that statistical likelihood means fuck all when we’re dealing with one specific instance. If a woman is 6’4, the likelihood of her being 6’4 is 100%.

Invisible Mikey
9 years ago

I thought this post was interesting, and hadn’t heard of this bogus assertion, then I agree with you it’s an obvious lie (by pointing out women that tall are very rare)…and I get called a troll for doing it??!! Thanks for the warm welcome…

9 years ago

Kinda random but I wanted to share this. It’s a web comic about a trans girl named stephie and the comic talks about trans issues, gender roles, etc It’s defiantly worth checking out.

Garen Truscott
Garen Truscott
9 years ago

Yeah she identifies as a woman. Everyone abandon feminism and close the shop. It was good while it lasted.

9 years ago

@Invisible Mikey

– Strawmanning the criticism against you
– Repeating the stupid things you said before
– Doubling down
– Victim card

And you’re not a troll?

erica, ascendant
9 years ago

Things are a touch cagey right now, Invisible Mikey. This is a dangerous assertion being made by the far-right (and indeed by MRA types, since I already said far-right) designed to whip up more violence against random trans women. Ergo, people might be kind of touchy when someone new shows up and makes assertions that look vaguely like trolling. Are you trolling? Don’t care, not my place to say, but a brand new account showing up amidst these calls to hatred and violence from the far-right is going to be under more scrutiny.

Good to see you agree this assertion is bogus, and the facts aren’t backing this up at all, but people are going to be on edge. We have enough shit in our lives as trans women without a fresh set of lies that people dedicated to our extermination are shouting.

Because let’s be real here: when these calls to harm come out, they end up harming random trans women of color, not Caitlyn Jenner, an execrable person who so happens to be trans. I’m a random trans woman of color…for certain reasons it’s highly unlikely I’ll be on the wrong end of random violence for being trans, but it still will be used to do me and mine harm past just street violence.

People get edgy, and the word troll can be thrown around. Please understand that if they’re wrong, it would behoove you to ignore it and roll your eyes more than assert not being a troll given that this is a loaded, hellish issue right now that the far-right is asserting for their gain and to devalue my life and the lives of those I care about even further.

9 years ago

Invisible Mikey – you made a statement that was both blatantly transphobic and ableist. If you’re not a troll, learn the comment policy. Most non-trolls don’t manage two violations in their first post, so yeah, with all the trolling we get here, we’re suspicious. But if what you are is really just a non-troll who gets hot under the collar when asked to be respectful of transpeople and those with mental illness, well…you might not find us overeager to extend a warmer welcome.

9 years ago

@Invisible Mikey

OK, if it really is the case that you simply don’t understand why people would think you’re trolling (even though they’ve explained it), here are three reasons:

1. Speculating about people’s mental health is not allowed. Check the comment policy. It’s also a bad idea in general.

2. WTF is “gender confusion”? Just stop.

3. Height has nothing to do with gender identity. What were you thinking?

9 years ago

Sooooo, did this voter registration form also identify Dear as a democrat? Or are they concluding this because of course trans women can’t possibly be republicans? Apparently they’ve never heard of Caitlyn Jenner?

9 years ago


I was wondering that too. It’s ironic that the only trans woman they can (wrongly) name happens to be a Republican.

9 years ago

Invisible Mike – only bigots think that when they say bigoted shit they deserve deference and kindness. When you insult women on a feminist blog, you’re gonna get called out. YOU insulted US first.

9 years ago

Wow. Two commenters have brought radical feminists into this discussion, for absolutely NO reason. Seriously, “I wonder if any TERFs are involved”?

Everybody remember, it’s not male aggression or patriarchy at work here. No, the real enemy of trans women are radical feminists, working behind the scenes. Wait, that sounds familiar…

I’ve found some commenters here less than welcoming to radical feminists, but this takes the cake. Right wingers start screeching about trans women, and some people’s knee jerk reaction is…try to blame feminists?

9 years ago

Here’s my cat Fingie’s sister, Lisa. Brain bleach? It worked for me.

9 years ago

That’s what I was thinking Paradoxical Intention – Right Wingers give the crazies a pass because they’d secretly bomb PP clinics themselves if they could, so they think we hold the same ideas. My secret longing for right wingers mostly involves making them live life as a poor person and have to go to school. Yup, I’m talking budgets and having to absorb new ideas.

9 years ago


Not “crazies” please.

9 years ago

@dhag85 @amandajane5 Do you two know each other irl? Because I swear the cat in Amanda’s icon is the same one as in the picture dhag posted.

9 years ago

Amazing when white straight cis men do something bad, people are quick to excuse his actions with mental illness, showing him sympathy, and there’s really no misogny, racism, etc but when anyone else did something bad wether s/he is a woman, trans, gay or a person of color then it’s “feminists!”, “Thugs!” “Terrorists!” “This is what happens when you give them rights!” And so on.

9 years ago

I’m “crazy” and I never even dreamed on being a terrorist.

I’m signing PI petition to make this site a better place for mental and physical disabled people.

9 years ago


Haha. Fingie wants it to be known that he does not look anything like any other cat, and he is highly disappointed with you for these untrue untruths. Meow.

9 years ago

Or did you mean Lisa? I don’t have her with me right now so she can’t speak for herself on this. :p

9 years ago

Here’s Fingie’s sausage form birth certificate as proof: