So far we only know bits and pieces about the strange and isolated life of Robert Lewis Dear, the alleged shooter who murdered three people and injured many others after holing up in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic yesterday afternoon.
We know that he had numerous run-ins with the law and with his neighbors, that he was accused in the past of domestic violence, that he lived in a small shack in the woods.
While Dear didn’t leave behind a manifesto, the fact that he targeted Planned Parenthood seems to be a rather large clue as to his motivations. Indeed, the mayor of Colorado Springs told reporters that they could make “inferences” about Dear’s motivations “from where [the shootings] took place.” Meanwhile, NBC is reporting that Dear talked about abortion after he was arrested, making reference to “baby parts,” according to NBC’s law enforcement sources.
Apparently embarrassed by the actions of yet another white male terrorist, some right-wingers are trumpeting a bizarre claim: that Dear is a trans woman.
The claim seems to have originated with the blog Gateway Pundit, which posted voter registration information for Dear that labeled the alleged shooter as “female.”
To Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, this isn’t just an innocent mistake on the part of some government clerk; it’s proof that Dear “Identifies as [a] Woman.”
Naturally, others picked up on the bizarre claim. Rich Hoffman, who blogs as Overmanwarrior, treated this “news” as a giant “gotcha.”
Guess what, Obama, MSNBC, CNN, Hillary Clinton and all the rest of the knuckle dragging losers of progressive politics? They thought they finally had a white middle-aged Republican man who committed a terrorist act—so that they could propose more gun control.
Never mind that most of America’s terrorists are in fact white men.
Sadly for them, the shooter—Robert Lewis Dear—the lunatic who shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27th 2015 appears to be a cross-gender loving pervert who shared much more with Obama’s LBGT community than the NRA loving American traditionalists.
Never mind that the only political activism anyone says they’ve seen Dear ever engaging in was handing out anti-Obama leaflets.
According to early reports from The Gateway Pundit shown below indicate Robert Lewis Dear identified as a woman, not as the man that he is. Bet you won’t hear that on the news networks.
Probably because it’s not true.
Dear sounds like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That would explain his appearance.
Apparently Hoffman has never actually seen Rocky Horror.
Hoffman continued on — and on:
This is just further proof that liberals make most of the problems in our society. They feed anger toward Planned Parenthood with immoral justifications then they create a loose society full of perverts, peeping Toms, and losers who are men who think they are women and women who want to be men. USA Today almost had an orgasm when they saw the pictures of the suspect, but quickly put on the brakes once the stories of this idiot became clear. They reported that the motive was unclear so the hard reporting will probably die now that Robert Lewis Dear has turned out to be a Bruce Jenner clone—a woman in a man’s body. Perhaps Dear was jealous that real woman were able to get abortions for casual sex while he was not able to commit such a vile crime—so he went on a shooting spree. That conclusion is just as valid as Obama’s early comments regarding the push to use gun control as a way to keep more idiots like this loser free to peek in our windows all in the name of a more “progressive” society of morally loose punks and general depraved nut cases. Gun control laws obviously didn’t work with this confused person. Robert Lewis Dear was a Obama kind of guy—a bewildered mess who didn’t know what he was.
Naturally, Hoffman isn’t the only one crying “gotcha.” On Twitter, right-wingers are spreading the “news” of Dear’s imaginary status as a trans woman; they sound positively giddy.
Democrat. Trans. BOOM!https://t.co/nVZkgqUwu4
— MelDoyle (@meldoyle9) November 28, 2015
Official records show shooter identified as a female! A trans-terrorist?… https://t.co/yRs0AuKLnq
— Family Policy WV (@FamilyPolicyWV) November 28, 2015
Naturally, some couldn’t keep themselves from indulging in transphobic jokes:
The runner up for Caitlyn's Trans-ESPY award did not take the snub well. #PlannedParenthood https://t.co/E3kJPc3a47
— HaleStorm (@RealTJHale) November 28, 2015
@THEREBELTV According to his voter reg Robert Lewis Dear identifies as woman.
"She ain't perfect she's my brother"— Jones (@Sanerfpta) November 28, 2015
A man who thinks he's a she⏩ RT @exposeliberals: Who is Robert Lewis Dear? https://t.co/HoAz921RN0 #tcot #tlot #tgdn https://t.co/UNIXDNY2FL
— Patty 🌻🇺🇸🌵 (@littlebytesnews) November 28, 2015
#trans #PPShooter MO: Identifies as #FEMALE,So,HeWantedAbortion &PP WouldNot GiveHimOne? #LGBT #celebrities #TMZ https://t.co/SMP1YR828z
— sara hall (@sarahal15586515) November 28, 2015
Do any of these people actually believe that Dear is a trans woman, or are they deliberately spreading disinformation to amuse themselves and muddy the real issues?
I suspect that it is largely the latter. Either way, it is not a shining moment for them.
H/T — Thanks to yutolia, who tipped me off to this development in the comments here.
If you can’t label someone human garbage outright, just call them a woman. It works every time. We’re the longest running source of evil – or so men tell us.
No, they believe it.
I was engaging with them for a while earlier. The consensus among commentors who are n’t idiots is that they’re doing it to try to cover ass for yet more Right Wing terrorism.
They even went so far as to quote that yellow journalism drek LifeNews that accused Robin Williams of killing himself because of a 40 year ago abortion a girlfriend had, and suggest the whole thing is a false flag operation.
Oh my god I thought I’d seen the bottom of the barrel for right-wing hack journalism but this takes the frelling cake.
Even if Dear was a trans woman, that would prove… what? I’m pretty sure even the most hardcore genderweird queer activist (hi!) isn’t attempting to claim that every trans person in the universe is a perfect angel of love and light. There are trans people who are total assholes, there are trans people who are violent, there are trans people who hold views I personally find repulsive. Amazingly, my head hasn’t exploded from cognitive dissonance yet (the trick is to think of them as human beings, see).
Also “a Bruce Jenner clone”, really? Can we fucking not with the whole Caitlyn-Jenner-is-the-only-trans-woman-ever thing?
My birth certificate says I’m male. I’m not. (Misgendering) shit happens.
Wait, wait, wait, a bunch of people whose stated goal is to exterminate trans women are spreading lies about trans women? Gosh, MRAssholes, white Christian fundamentalists, and radical fauxminists will fall on themselves to see who can be the most loudly transexterminationist here!
This, this is my stunned face. My driver license says I have blue eyes, by the way, but that’s literally genetically impossible for me. BIOTROOOOFFFFFS or clerical error?
Hint: it’s probably a clerical error.
Because we need brain bleach — I’m typing one handed while trying to keep a very pointy, very drooling, but incredibly sweet kitty from either making meat pie while kneading or drooling on my screen. It’s adorable. As will be her nails once I get the Soft Paws on her.
Proof once again that certain forms of political fanaticism have much the same effect as methamphetamine.
Desperate, morally bankrupt liars
desperate, morally bankrupt lies.
And, yet again, Right-wingers think that because someone may or may not identify as left-wing or transgender, that suddenly we think they’re above reprisal or punishment for shitty deeds.
What the actual fuck.
This misinformation campaign is not funny. At all. Trans women all already at a high enough risk of being the victims of violent crime. The last thing the world needs is a bunch of angry, frothing right wingers seeking vengeance against trans women as a whole for the dead cop (I’m sure they don’t care about the civilian victims as they were either workers or patients at PP).
Wow! Point taken.
Maybe he has some gender confusion issues as part of his mental health problems (doubt it), but geez…the statistical likelihood of being a 6’4″ woman is soooo small.
Can’t even with this bullshit. These guys are the fucking worst.
@Invisible Mikey
Whoa. Literally not a word of that was good. Stop.
Im not even surprised. Transphobic bullying often accompanies caricatures of us as violent “perverts”.
I can only assume invisible Mikey is deliberately trolling.
I bet 20 Internets that these people will claim that all of the BS quoted above was satire when the facts overwhelm their claims, but I’ll hedge my bets and put 10 Internets on their claiming that they’re actually correct and any information to the contrary is part of a conspiracy being pushed by the lamestream media.
Remember, kids, government can’t ever do anything right until it gives you political hay.
I can’t help but wonder if a Bobbi Dear somewhere is getting deluged with calls from curious reporters.
Oh and BTW, the far-right is linking to a third party site, not to the Colorado Secretary of State, which if you look up this cowardly cop-killing scumbag’s info, doesn’t show a listed gender.
(You know the murderous scumbag’s name. First and last, no middle. Scumbag’s address ZIP code as listed publicly is 80449 and CSPD publicly listed Scumbag’s DOB as 04/16/1958. Go to town, and a special message for my internet boyfriend JacKKK Barnes, when you screenshot this and claim ERICA DOXXXXXEDDDDDDDDDDD MY LITTLE WARRIORRRRRRRRRRRR KILL THE FUCKING (trans slur) (n-word), this is all publicly released in the news, and voting records are publicly available in Colorado pursuant to C.R.S. 24-72-201 et seq. In other words, I didn’t dox anyone, and trying to make that claim makes you look as asinine as, well, being Jack BarneSS generally.)
BTW, if I can’t gender this murderous scumbag, I can still call a scumbag a scumbag.
@Invisible Mikey You seem confused? Height and gender identity aren’t really related.
The thing is, I think it’s wildly unlikely that Dear identified as a woman, and vastly more likely that it’s a clerical error. But if it was true… so what? What would have changed? How would it be a gotcha even if true? They all seem to think that my worldview should be shattered by this supposed revelation, and my evil little queer feminist brain will explode if a trans woman does a Bad Thing, and…. no?
“Forget the tons of straight cis white men terrorizing and murdering people there’s a trans woman! So all of you can shut up about misogny, racism and homophobia/transphobia now it doesn’t exist anymore but misandry, anti white and straight/cis phobia totally exists becuase I can’t talk bad about them and have to treat them like people! I can say whatever I want it’s a free country stop taking my rights to take other people’s rights away! Boo-hoo”
I’m just going to post brain bleach
@Invisible Mikey
Are you new here and unaware of the commenting policy? Not only do we not appreciate mental health “diagnosis” based on a person’s beliefs and/or actions, but the implication that women can’t be tall and that trans women aren’t women is grossly inaccurate and, IMO, extremely trans-phobic. I suggest reading the policy and lurking for a while to get a feel for the community before posting again.
The statistical likelihood of Invisible Mikey not being a troll is sooooooooo small.