
Happy Thanksgiving and/or Thursday

Mmm, stuffing.
Mmm, stuffing.

The world’s been a pretty dark place recently, so whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, I’m thinking it might be worthwhile to spend a few moments reflecting on things we’re thankful for.

I’m thankful for you, dear readers and commenters, for all that you contribute to this blog, and for supporting me (and each other) when things have gotten weird. Also, stuffing. I’m thankful for stuffing.

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9 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving Dave!!

9 years ago

And corn pudding. Happy Thanksgiving!

9 years ago

I’m thankful that we have Thanksgiving at a reasonable, civilized time of year; none of this November nonsense. But also, I’m thankful for the smart and interesting people who comment here, and for Dave, tirelessly logging this ridiculous crap and somehow making it funny.

9 years ago

Finally it’s Thursday again!

9 years ago

Thank you, David. It’s great to have a place to turn when the news is weird and bad. I always appreciate what you have to say. And thank you, commenters, for your insightful, witty remarks. Thanks, everyone, for keeping me laughing!

I always eat out on Thanksgiving, so I’m also thankful for spicy Pakistani food at a pretty good price. And a movie afterward. This year it might be “Suffragette.”

And I’m grateful to my cats, who guide me into whatever success I might enjoy in this life.

Hezekiah the (meta)pianycist

I’m thankful for cats ????

9 years ago

Thankful for kitties, even when they wake me up by pouncing on me at stupid-o-clock in the morning, puppies belonging to friends that jump into my arms for cuddles when I visit (I am aware of the grammatical ambiguity of that sentence, which way it is read depends on which friend I visit) and for pumpkin pie and coffee.

9 years ago

I am, sadly or otherwise, stuck working this Thanksgiving. On the upside, the spread catering is putting out sounds wonderful: 3 different kinds of turkey, crab legs, lobster bisque, etc.

And we’re playing Rum & Bones after dinner, so I get to laugh maniacally as the Kraken pulls pirates to their doom.

9 years ago

Thanksgiving is a relatively new thing to me, having been in the U.S. only nine years and having yet to adjust culturally. But thanks for all you go through in bringing this blog to us, and providing a space where so many witty and decent people can share their views 🙂

Malice W Underland
9 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving, American WHTM commentariat. (I’m Canadian so mine happened last month. I went to a friends-only dinner. Someone brought homemade ice cream and we got drunk. It was great.)

To be honest, and sorry that this is contrary to the intent of this post, I had to think for a bit about what I’m thankful for because I have been really depressed lately. I’m getting only occasional work with a couple of companies for which I am on call, and my applications for other jobs haven’t yielded even one bite. I’ve also gone through a long series of romantic rejections. I have never found love, and it’s looking increasingly likely that I never will (I’m in my mid 30’s, so I’m not a kid.) I generally feel like the world doesn’t want me.

So…The one thing I’m thankful for is friends. Seriously, I have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to friends. Oh, also, my parents are both alive, healthy, caring and relatively sane, and I get along well with my other relatives. I guess that’s at least two things.

9 years ago

Mmmmm! Stuffing!

We don’t do Thanksgiving in Australia, but I hope y’all have a great holiday doing whatever makes you most contented and grateful. Because happiness comes out of gratitude, not the other way around. 🙂

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

I don’t celebrate the holiday myself, which one of cartoonist David Malki’s characters once memorably described as a day dedicated to “making national heroes out of the villains of ‘The Scarlet Letter.'”

But I am thankful every day for David Futrelle and all of you other folks who stand up to the MRAs and all of the other bigots and bullies who blight the landscape. Cheers y’all!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I’m thankful for my new job, which keeps me very busy but which pays me considerably more and has tons more advancement opportunity than my last one.

9 years ago

This is going to sound strange, but I’m thankful for my supervisor, who has been so supportive since I moved here. He even invited me out for dinner with his family tonight, since he knows I don’t have other Americans to celebrate with.

I also introduced them to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. It was good fun.

I’m also very thankful for Skype, so that I could see my family today, even if I couldn’t be there.

9 years ago

I’m thankful for finally, after a decade of constant pain, being properly diagnosed and medicated so that I can continue with my life. I’ve now gone back to university and work for the first time in 2 years, and it’s going ok.

9 years ago

No thanksgiving out here in Japan, but hope all you Americans have a great day! Thanks for the great work on the blog, David.

9 years ago

Thankful for the big bag stuffed full of new pj’s and nightgowns my mother bought me for the hospital stay I’m going to have (I have surgery coming up in a few days). I’m wearing some of the pj’s now, and they’re so comfy!

9 years ago


Best of luck! Not too scary of a surgery I hope.

9 years ago

@dhag85 Well, it’s back surgery, and moderately serious. But there’s a good chance it’ll help me with the chronic pain, so I’m ready for it.

9 years ago


Ow, well good luck and congrats on the pj’s. 🙂

9 years ago

I’m thankful for a patient husband, who realized that when I fell asleep superhard this afternoon/evening that we could have the little vegan roast i’d bought later, and made himself dinner (mac & cheese with sausage). He also graciously accepted my apology and did dishes.

9 years ago

I’m thankful for my children who are thoughtful and kind and loving but also hilarious and fierce and full of chaos. I have kidney problems, I was in hospital last year from it. This week I’ve been in a lot of pain with it and my youngest son who is only 6 surprised me earlier by helping me to make lunch. He also wrapped me in a blanket in the evening because he didn’t want me to get cold. My two lovely boys give me hope for the future. When they do things like filling a box with toys and clothes they want to give to refugee children or when they bake cakes for the homeless shelter I’m so proud of them I feel like my heart will burst.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’m thankful for this blog, for without it, I wouldn’t have met all you wonderful people and sharpened my troll-slaying skills to a razor’s edge. I also wouldn’t have a place to reference whenever manospherians were being shitlords.

I’m also thankful for kitties and stuffing. Mmmm. Stuffing.

9 years ago

I want to share something apparently there’s going to be a movie about the first thanksgiving and it’s about native Americans. I’m happy but nervous at the same time I hope the movie will be ok.

Just got back from Black Friday it wasn’t bad thankfully but it’s really funny that Black Friday exists right after a holiday that we suppose to be thankful for what we have. America amiright?

9 years ago

I’m thankful for you, David, and other allies. Without you and people like you, I fear I would be treated as just an hysterical woman and not taken seriously, especially working in a male-dominated field, like I do. Knowing people like you and my husband have my back helps me to keep going despite blatant sexism.