antifeminism entitled babies MGTOW misogyny reddit that's not funny!

Why Aren’t Men Funny? A Case Study, with MGTOWs

Stranded on Total Lack of Sense of Humor Island
Stranded on Total Lack of Sense of Humor Island

So the fellas on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are trying their hands at humor. It’s not going very well for them.

Here they try  a variation on the old “so-and-so walks into a bar” formula, with Jessica Valenti and Anita Sarkeesian replacing the usual rabbis and priests. (I also make an appearance.) Here they attempt a MGTOW version of Jeff Foxworthy’s “you know you’re a redneck when …” schtick.

But their grandest failure in the humor department is this … thing, which even the regular MGTOWs couldn’t bring themselves to upvote.  I present it in its entirety, because what the fucking fuck:

A feminist, an MRA, a RedPiller and a MGHOW are stranded on a desert island ... (self.MGTOW) submitted 3 days ago by UneducatedLoser A feminist, an MRA, a RedPiller and a MGHOW are stranded on a desert island. The feminist begins harping about how the men are privileged with upper body strength and so any food they hunt must be taxed, with the tax given to her. The MRA counters by saying any law created must be equally applied to both sexes and any man-only tax is unfair. The MRA and the feminist continue arguing back and forth until the MRA, exasperated, takes out his gun and shoots himself committing suicide. The RedPiller looks at the body of the late MRA, shakes his head and goes up to the feminist. He backhands her sending her flying. He viciously beats her and tells her to learn her place. The feminist is quiet and subdued. Satisfied, the RedPiller turns around when the feminist takes a rock and hits him on the back of his head - knocking him out cold. The MGHOW looks at the unconscious RedPiller, the body of the late MRA and shakes his head. He goes up to feminist and the following conversation takes place : MGHOW : I am conducting a social sciences study as part of my thesis at Harvard University. Would you care to volunteer? Feminist : What is this study about? MGHOW : It concerns the abject failure of men in satisfying women through receiving fellatio.

Bah-dump tssh?



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9 years ago

This made me think of Black Rock too. I’d definitely recommend it to people here. Especially fans of horror and/or Lake Bell.

I haven’t watched Jessica Jones yet, but it’s in my queue and I’ll probably start it over the long weekend.

9 years ago

@mockingbird I watched MitHC. I didn’t like it.

The pace felt like it had cement shoes around the middle.

Also wasn’t the draw “a conquered america”?

I know that I’m repeating what other articles said but it felt less like “a conquered america” than “occupied america.”

Once again, other reviewers said this better, but it feels like americas defeat was watered down because they didn’t want to write something where we were totally beaten.

While that would be great for real life, it feels like a cop out.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Off-topic–can you guess what word was used while planning the Minneapolis Black Lives Matter protest shooting?

The white supremacist mocked “social justice warriors” and other anti-racist whites, who they described in psychosexual terms.

“Best to act as much like a beta white cuck as much as you can,” one the racists said.

9 years ago


Wow. Like straight outta 4chan.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

“The white supremacist mocked “social justice warriors” and other anti-racist whites, who they described in psychosexual terms.

“Best to act as much like a beta white cuck as much as you can,” one the racists said.”

Does anybody remember the days when leftists and anarchists were the ones considered ‘punk’ for shouting provocative stuff? Nowadays I could just imagine a right-wing, unequalist punk band singing about how Trump is Jesus.
All this pretending that a protest demanding humanity and equality is somehow some declaration of war and needs a shoot-up.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

occasional reader — not the dreaded fish!Malk, anything but that!

On topic — that’s actually a rather apt parallel. Attempts to be a big scary vampire, ends up slapping people with a fish, everyone gets pissed about this and throws them out of the group until they can take shit seriously. (Context here is an RPG with Malkavians as a vampire clan, players tend to be doofuses about it and make their group cranky)

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“All this pretending that a protest demanding humanity and equality is somehow some declaration”

The irony would be funny if not so damn dangerous. People protest cops shooting black people, racist assholes imply or outright state that these protests should be met with violence. I can’t even.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

I meant to quote this — “All this pretending that a protest demanding humanity and equality is somehow some declaration of war and needs a shoot-up.” — and something failed >.<

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

@Leda Atomica

It seems like these days, to “make a profound statement”, you have to do something that feels like you went back to the 50s. For example, being the one with a clean-shaved face when everyone else has a beard. Yes, I shaved during “No shave November”, because I think it’s a stupid thing to do when there’s more than men’s health to be aware of, like how November is also Alzheimer’s awareness month and National Home Care-Giver’s month (the latter being important because I’m a caregiver myself).

9 years ago

He backhands her sending her flying

Uh… the only time I’ve ever seen that happen was the Shawn Michaels/Hulk Hogan oversell match. Do you even physics?

9 years ago

Upper body strength – I really do envy men for this. It would come in very handy!

9 years ago

The problem with the fellatio joke is that real MGTOW’s don’t talk or think that way. As a true MGHOW my self, from way back before it had a name, I am not interested in playing those sorts of games with women. I respect women enough to let them go their own way, they can even choose to ride a bicycle if they want and I won’t even make any “fish riding a bicycle” jokes. The reason I am MGHOW is simply that I do not think committed relationships with women are worth the cost or the risk or the drama or the hassle. I’m content to live without that sort of excitement in my life. What makes MGTOW a “thing” is that people like me are finding other people that we can “out” ourselves to. We can actually discuss our social and emotional and sexual celibacy with people who are able to do more than just call us names and try to shame us for not wanting to buy something that we think is overpriced and too risky and dangerous and stressful. If people insist on thinking I’m just gay and can’t get laid, they are free to do so. For all I know, I couldn’t get laid if I tried, even with a man, so, who am I to argue with someone who tells me nobody wants me and that’s why I choose to be alone?
Whatever the real reason is, I’m content to be alone and I don’t feel so bad about it. I’m thinking that the REAL problem is, I don’t feel bad enough about not being able to get laid as people feel I should. Which is weirder to be than I am, I think.

9 years ago

Ugh. I am not pleased that there are people who use terms like beta or cuck unironically in my community.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

“Best to act as much like a beta white cuck as much as you can,” one the racists said.”

The film eXistenZ was a documentary, it seems. Who knew that Cronenberg was a prophet?

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

“Uh… the only time I’ve ever seen that happen was the Shawn Michaels/Hulk Hogan oversell match. Do you even physics?”

I see it in the football field all the time.

9 years ago

I’m seeing more & more photos of “Jennifer Lawrence” on MGTOW.

So are my suspicions correct?

Is she … Katie?

I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it — Katniss, Katie!

Much, much WOW!


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Kat

Was one of the people on the mountain diabetic perchance and had either forgotten their insulin or eaten too much sugar? If so, I think I know the scenario you describe.

Speaking of law and eating people, check out “the spelunkian explorers”. That’s a fascinating insight into the subject.

You may also enjoy the case of Dudley and Stevens. I’m trying to write a screenplay about that (“A Matter of Necessity”) as I think it’s the greatest true story no one knows about.

9 years ago

SFHC said:

“The MRA and the feminist continue arguing back and forth until the MRA, exasperated, takes out his gun and shoots himself committing suicide.

I’d like to note that he’s literally making a joke of male suicide here.”

SFHC actually only said that last line, above that is a quote, but I am scared of block mammoth, so…………

He is making a suicide joke, but, he has blamed the suicide on the only woman present. Everything, all of it, is always the fault of the woman.

This joke wasn’t funny and it didn’t make any sense at all, but it did manage to hit on every single bit of MRA ideology.

9 years ago


A manospherian walks into a bar, alone. Then he walks home from the bar, alone. Every night for 42 years he does this.

I think I’ve been on the Internet too long; after reading this, I immediately heard, “such is life in Moscow” in my head

9 years ago

@jsolbakken: Although I reject your analysis of heterosexual relationships, you’re the sort of MGHOW I have no real problem with, assuming your self-description is accurate. We probably disagree deeply on a lot of your premises, but once you accept them, your conclusion is sound.

If you really don’t think romantic relationships with women are worthwhile, then the correct thing to do is not to have such relationships and finding like-minded fellows to discuss how that decision affects your life is an excellent idea. It seems you don’t hate women or spend your time obsessing about how terrible women are, two examples of the sorts of behaviours that give MGTOW a bad name in these parts.

So this feminist has great respect for your decision to go your own way. If you don’t care for modern gender roles and relationships, then staying away from dating women is an excellent decision for you and them.

9 years ago

jsolbakken | November 24, 2015 at 1:55 pm

The problem with the fellatio joke is that real MGTOW’s don’t talk or think that way. As a true MGHOW my self, from way back before it had a name, I am not interested in playing those sorts of games with women. I respect women enough to let them go their own way, they can even choose to ride a bicycle if they want and I won’t even make any “fish riding a bicycle” jokes. The reason I am MGHOW is simply that I do not think committed relationships with women are worth the cost or the risk or the drama or the hassle. I’m content to live without that sort of excitement in my life. What makes MGTOW a “thing” is that people like me are finding other people that we can “out” ourselves to. We can actually discuss our social and emotional and sexual celibacy with people who are able to do more than just call us names and try to shame us for not wanting to buy something that we think is overpriced and too risky and dangerous and stressful. If people insist on thinking I’m just gay and can’t get laid, they are free to do so. For all I know, I couldn’t get laid if I tried, even with a man, so, who am I to argue with someone who tells me nobody wants me and that’s why I choose to be alone?
Whatever the real reason is, I’m content to be alone and I don’t feel so bad about it. I’m thinking that the REAL problem is, I don’t feel bad enough about not being able to get laid as people feel I should. Which is weirder to be than I am, I think.

The problem, jsolbakken, is that virtually none of the MGTOWers seem to actually operate this way. Instead, they seek women out solely for the pleasure of telling those women that they (the MGTOWers) are living without them. Hell, you’re on a site dedicated to feminism right now–how did you come to be here, if you’re actually GYOW? We aren’t suspicious that you’re gay, nor do we regard your decision to not worry about relationships as somehow suspect, nor do we tolerate mocking people just for being celibate/virgins (it happens here, but every time it does, the poster gets smacked down, and hard). Some of us either have had similar periods in our lives, or are in them now, in fact.

But the rampant misogyny of the community you refer to leaks out of virtually every pore. Hell, look at your own post–how grateful are the women here supposed to be that you deign not to make ‘fish riding a bicycle’ jokes about them? And then, of course, there’s this line:

“We can actually discuss our social and emotional and sexual celibacy with people who are able to do more than just call us names and try to shame us for not wanting to buy something that we think is overpriced and too risky and dangerous and stressful.”

From the context, it’s clear that you’re talking about women, or relationships with them, as something you ‘buy’, at great cost and risk. This, in and of itself, is astoundingly dehumanizing, and yet you blithely threw it out there without even realizing how it comes across, or at least not giving a damn.

9 years ago


We can actually discuss our social and emotional and sexual celibacy

Yeah no. That’s not what you actually do. In fact, let me just pop over to and see what they’re talking about. Seriously, I’m doing it.

OK, right off the bat there’s a live twitter update thing on the front page. First three tweets I see, one is about “offend a feminist day” and the second one says “never compliment a female, ever”. The third goes like this: “As of 06.2015, the average American female weighs 166.2 pounds. The same as the average man – in 1960.”

This is not a good start.

Let’s check out the forums instead. Here are some of the more popular general message boards:

– Marriage & Divorce
– Relationshits
– Dating & Online Dating

Now I’m confused. Let’s click on a board and see what kinds of topics are being discussed.

– Another Ex Story
– The “Domestic Abuse” machine as an apparatus for men’s enslavement
– Single men / single women – who is happier??
– Women destroy a man’s sense of worth
– Why Man Up when Woman Out?
– Kate Ball-lick STILL won’t marry
– A 1950s article explaining to women what their responsibilities should be
– Understanding womanspeak
– When She’s Had Enough Drama…
– Cr*zy H**s From L.A (stars added by me)
– Women’s Worship of Celebrities
– Cr*ziest Woman you have dated (star added by me)
– Woman fesses up on her manipulative ways
– Post wall cougar
– Life As A Walking Wallet
– Now I remember… you’re a b***h. (stars added by me)
– Women hate Feminist Men
– Women Not Only Hate Feminist Men They Laugh At Them
– 40 Things College Girls Say And What They Actually Mean
– It’s Funny How Women Resent OUR Expectations of Them
– Screwed up western women
– Khloe Kardashian Putting Relationship With James Harden “On Hold”
– How should I reverse this c*nt’s shaming tactics?

ooook I’ve had enough.

Let’s not pretend like MGTOW is about going your own way. Literally nobody outside your bubble is buying it. And how could they?

9 years ago

I know it’s been brought up here before, but I just got to love the obsession manurespherians have with how fat American women are. Judging from their sites, you’d think women are the only ones who are fat in the US. Never mind that statistically, men are fatter.

9 years ago

I mean, just going by the statistics, plenty of men commenting on manosphere sites have to be fat. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just so hypocritical that they hold women to such higher standards of physical conventional attractiveness.

9 years ago


From what I understand of manlogic, women are supposed to not be fat and men are supposed to not be poor. It’s ok for men to be fat, and it’s ok for women to be poor. No wait, it’s not ok for women to be poor. But that’s where the manlogic comes in.