advocacy of violence dread game emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill

“Feminists you should be F***ING SHOT,” and other insights from Scott Adams’ fans

Belle Starr: Proof that women run the world?
Belle Starr: Proof that women run the world?

So our dear old friend Scott Adams has responded to my recent post on him by declaring it “Pathetic Outragism” and me an “Outragist.” He also strongly suggested that I was a stupidhead. Which is a step up, I suppose, from calling me fat, which is the go-to response of many of those I’ve written about.

Adams’ fans, a tiny army of whom showed up here after Adams linked to it, haven’t been quite so polite, leaving behind some comments that I haven’t let out of moderation. But I thought I’d share a few of them with you all.

“You, sir, are an imbecile of the first order,” wrote one. “P Z Myers is a c**t,” wrote another, perhaps a little confused as to what blog he was on. (And no, the original comment didn’t contain asterisks.)

But it was a fellow calling himself John Doe (but using an email account with a woman’s name) that really took the terribleness cake. I’ve broken his huge wall of text up a bit.

CONTENT WARNING: Domestic abuse, gaslighting, genocide, you name it.

Adams is so great. Fuck all you dirty piece of shit feminists you should be FUCKING SHOT or sterilized. or sent to a rehabilitation facility.

Well, I’ll give him this: he gets right to the point.

You should lose your right to vote. Ignorance is dangeorus. and Feminism is evil ignorance. Feminism is not about equal rights and has not been for many decades. Maybe if this was the 1960s america you could say something to me, but now you can shove it up your fucking ass. Fuck american womena nd fuck feminism.

When I started this blog I really had no idea that there were still people around who think women shouldn’t have the right to vote. Turns out there are a lot of them.

Men will stop getting marreid more and more. THe spawn of the MGTOW groups are evidence of this.

I’m not sure that these guys leaving the dating pool is quite the catastrophe for women that MGTOWs think it is.

The government is getting what they want. People to stop breeding.

Uh, I’m pretty sure that the government, at least here in the US, is not terribly interested in stopping people from “breeding.” Hell, the IRS actually gives parents an assortment of tax breaks.

But it turns out that Mr. Doe doesn’t actually think it’s a bad idea to, er, reduce the population of planet earth. Specifically by shooting feminists.

I think every feminist should be sent to a labor camp or imprisoned or shot dead. I don’t care. You are scum and if you are not capable of changing you should lose your right to live. All humans are a burden to the earth, but Feminists are a burden to all humans and everything else, especially men.

This seems harsh.

Women are treated like children and coddled with kid gloves and in some ways you always have been.

[citation needed]

Even in 1890 there was a female bandit in the west that did crazy shit and got away with it for years. But there were men that did the same that were shot dead instantly.

An odd example, but I guess that’s as close to a citation as we’ll get. Presumably he means Belle Starr, who had a long career as a bandit in the “wild west” before being shot to death, possibly by her husband, possibly by a dude who was mad she wouldn’t dance with him. (No, really, those were two of the prime suspects.)

After this short digression, Doe returns to his main themes:

And men have always fought the wars. Women rarely in any society ever had to do so. You got to stay home. You got the easier job.

Women have been working, in the home and out of it, since the dawn of time. They have also been victims of war.

The rant then takes another dark turn:

The only way now for a normal guy to have a healthy relationship with a girl under 30 in the new generation is to scare the shit out of your woman and make her fear you and make her think you will end her life if she tries to screw you over. That is the only way to keep them in line from being destructive bitches. And even then you might have to sit them down and threaten them now and then.

This is abuse 101, though not terribly different from “dread game” as promoted by Heartiste and other pickup artists.

I had to, i’ve had to with the last girl i dated. all the time.

I can only hope he’s talking out of his ass here.

Look what happened when i didn’t. She told her friend i was a drug dealer simply because she was jealous she liked me. She publically slandered me. So i used her took her virginity which honestly id trade for her hotter friend at this point.

What a romantic!

Unless you are rich and powerful and good looking youre only real option to have a good time and enough control that you can relax is to scare the shit out of these girls, find some way to blackmail them or scare them and use it. That is the only way.

Today I Learned that “healthy” heterosexual relationships are only possible if the man is rich and/or abusive.

Even without me saying any of this it remains true and feminism has destroyed the country and everyone born from the 90s onward.

And once again an opponent of feminism demonstrates clearly why feminism is necessary.

Doe had some words for me as well:

David Futrelle is a piece of shit beta male and should lose his right to vote among other freedoms for supporting such a piece of shit ideology.

Apparently the only people Doe thinks should be allowed to vote are men who hate women.

The US and Canada and most 1st world countries are female dominated all the way up to the super rich who then are the men having power but everyone who is not rich is ruled and controlled by females if they want any kind of success. Period.

Yeah, that’s not actually how it works.

Unless you do as I was saying before, find a way to scare a girl and blackmail her into doing what you want. Because even if she likes you, even if you are perfect for her, she would rather run away and flirt with many other guys and fuck things up. So scare her into submission.

If you hate women so much that your notion of a “healthy” heterosexual relationship is one in which the man is so abusive that the woman literally fears for her life. here’s a thought: Don’t date women. Don’t come near them. Seek treatment for your fucked-up ideas.

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9 years ago

Part of me wants to hope that all the thoughts being expressed are an impulse reaction that this person will feel terrible about, given a small amount of time to think. However the sheer number of them and the fact they keep coming back makes that seem impossibly naive. Hope for humanity is out there somewhere but im afraid these people are the furthest thing from it.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

“Women are treated like children and coddled with kid gloves and in some ways you always have been.”

And apparently he thinks that this is a positive approach that somehow benefits women.

9 years ago

 So i used her took her virginity which honestly id trade for her hotter friend at this point.

I suspect he means violent rape.

9 years ago

Gosh, such an outrageist, writing about his blog post. You should have done something less outragey, like threatening to blow yourself up if people don’t hug you.

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

#MasculinitySoFragile that criticizing a fucking comic strip writer is cause to revoke women’s right to vote, open woman only labor camps, abuse ANY AND ALL women you want a relationship, and commit gynocide.

9 years ago

“This seems hash.”

I was thinking crystal meth myself.

And, I thought MGTOWs were not supposed to have any spawn, are they?

Unless Mr Textbook Abuser is confusing a rather disparaging word used to refer to someone else’s offspring with ‘spew’, which could characterise many MGTOW’s rants, as well as his own.

Golly, how proud Scott Adams must be of his fanboys.

9 years ago

I’m actively seeking sterilisation and I already work in a rehab so hopefully this charming guy will calm down a little. I feel a bit sad for him that he’s so very angry, that must be a terrible life to lead. Just constantly walking around filled with rage and fear and not being able to have meaningful relationships.

At the same time, I hope he’s this blatant about his toxic views in his day to day interactions so that all women everywhere know to run the other way rather than being in danger with him.

9 years ago

I can only hope that this horrible example of humanity is kept far away from any woman. The fact that a real person actually thinks like this is horrifying.

9 years ago

I actually looked at the response from Adams to see if he attempted to respond to any of the criticism rather than just declare it “outragism”.

Spoiler alert: he doesn’t.

9 years ago

It must suck to be this guy, and suck so bad.

9 years ago

The only way now for a normal guy to have a healthy relationship with a girl under 30 in the new generation is to scare the shit out of your woman and make her fear you and make her think you will end her life if she tries to screw you over.


That does simply scream “normal” and “healthy”.

I mean, I know that’s how I navigate the social sphere – instilling fear, claiming ownership of other human beings, and threatening death.


9 years ago

I know it was a very minor point in that slew of awfulness, but I felt the need to rebut this particular bit with a single link to someone who fights far better than I do:

And men have always fought the wars. Women rarely in any society ever had to do so. You got to stay home. You got the easier job.

Fuck off, John Doe, fuck off forever.

9 years ago

Wow. A raving, homocidally hateful misogynist who want any woman not toeing the line enslaved or killed. That’s… actually not surprising at all. Given Scott Adams apparant views on women, that’s pretty much what I expected his more die-hard fans to be like.

9 years ago

I was a bit upset that he didn’t explain further how you achieve MGTOW spawning, is it game spawning, frog spawning, salmon spawning, some kind of half arsed straight to torrent DVD b-movie horror spawning, or do MGTOW-ers have to shag themselves in order to recreate their own special kind if recessive mix in the gene pool.

Today I had a penny dropping moment when I realised that I;ve managed to cut out most ablist words and thinking… and along comes John Doe to set me back.

9 years ago

auto – I think MGTOW-spawning is more akin to how zombies “procreate” rather than actual breeding.

9 years ago

I hope all the Adam’s fans who are maintaining that the misogyny was a joke, a satire or taken out of context will also rush over to point out to John Doe that he wasn’t supposed to literally interpret the post as “women who don’t hug/fuck/date men on demand are to blame for terrorism.”

9 years ago

I hope there is only few of them out there in RL….And I hope that they’ll VERY far away from the rest of us !

9 years ago

I was a bit upset that he didn’t explain further how you achieve MGTOW spawning

If a man looks in the mirror and says “Eliot Rodger” 3 times, Rodger’s spirit will emerge and touch his hand with an enchanted joystick that causes that hand to compulsively troll the internet, talking about how evil women are.

9 years ago

Adams has three go-to defenses for all the shit that comes out of his mouth:

1: “You’re misreading me/taking it out of context!” This is never, ever accompanied by a clarification of the meaning or context that would actually make the shit palatable.

2: “Outragist!” This is the latest iteration of “politically correct”, it’s a weaselly attempt to suggest that the person being so labeled doesn’t actually care about the issue in question, or find it to be important and worth discussing. It deserves nothing more complex as a response than a healthy “FUCK YOU!”

3: “Satire!” This essentially tells us that Scott Adams has no fucking clue what the word “satire” means.

9 years ago

Another dude who thinks women are treated too gently and by too gently, he means not murdered. …and he thinks women are evil for prefering other men to him.

I don’t doubt that he’s an abuser. They have internet access too.

9 years ago

SpecialFfrog, you see me utterly surprised. Who could have know he would prefer to bury his head in the sand ?

9 years ago

“Ignorance is dangeorus”

This quote is so delicious, I just had to repeat it.

9 years ago

It seems to me the a lot of the manosphere is made up of guys who yearn for some sort of fantasy bygone past where men procured a young wife and marriage worked as a clear cut business transaction. He provided financial security and she provided sex and progeny (or offspring, or spawn. They are never referred to as children. That would imply some sort of emotion rather than ownership). She could never leave of course, because she could not provide for herself and who would want her when she was used? So he held all the cards and got everything he wanted. To them, that is what a healthy relationship looks like. I get what I want or else.

Now they see a world where women have to like you based on abstract concepts like personality and can leave whenever they like. This seems like some sort of profound injustice to them. Being equal is unequal because treating a woman like property is their birthright. This guy talks about abusing women because he resents that they won’t naturally submit him like he imagines they should.

9 years ago

Sorry about the confusion. You’ve got to admit, we do look like twins when one is blinded with rage.

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