Jennifer Lawrence is, in case you didn’t know this already, an incredible goofball, almost as famous for her hilariously unfiltered comments as she is for her film roles.
“If I don’t have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on,” she once confessed to Glamour. “I’m the fastest pee-er ever,” she told Rolling Stone. She’s compared her dancing ability to “Gumby getting electrocuted.” She’s talked about diarrhea on David Letterman.
A quick Google search reveals scores of web pages with titles like 61 Hilariously Honest Jennifer Lawrence Quotes That Will Make Your Day, from which I took the example above, and The 10 Most Jennifer Lawrence Things J-Law Said at Comic-Con.
But now she’s said something so unbelievable, something so outrageous and terrible that it has Men’s Rights activists in an uproar.
Brace yourself. In an interview with Vogue, Lawrence confessed that she’s been having trouble finding a boyfriend.
I am lonely every Saturday night. Guys are so mean to me. I know where it’s coming from, I know they’re trying to establish dominance, but it hurts my feelings. I’m just a girl who wants you to be nice to me. I am straight as an arrow. I feel like I need to meet a guy, with all due respect, who has been living in Baghdad for five years who has no idea who I am.
Well, to the Men’s Rightsers of the world, this is apparently the equivalent of someone announcing that in their spare time they like to dress up as a Nazi and murder puppies. How DARE a famous actress — whose stolen nude pics they’ve undoubtedly all seen — complain that men have been “mean” to her.
A Men’s Rights Redditor calling himself Ovendice took it upon himself to explain to J-Law just why men are mean to women. (SPOILER ALERT: It’s because women are terrible.)
I don’t doubt men are [mean] as fuck to her. For about the last ten years I have become more and more mean and cold to women in general and today I pretty much talk to them all like they’re garbage, idiots and less than nothing. I’m short with them, have zero patience and at best I’m indifferent.
Hmm. I’m thinking that “indifferent” is not exactly the right word to describe how you feel about women. But why are you so mean to women, dear Redditor?
WHY? I’ll TELL YOU WHY. Most women have become so unbelievably arrogant, so SMUG, cold as a razor blade, zero empathy, creepy, virtually inhuman, a lot of them just seem like emotionless robots, the only time I see women today acting human in the movies, as well as spiteful and CONFRONTATIONAL out of nowhere INSTANTLY!
Huh. That seems like an awfully confrontational thing for a guy complaining about women being confrontational to say.
[Women] go out of their way to TRY to hurt your feelings and another huge percentage of them will lead you on a little ONLY JUST so they can later, not just reject you, but shit all over you like you’re some kind of idiot for even thinking there was a chance with them and women get a HUGE amount of ENJOYMENT out of rejecting men and saying ‘no’ – they GET OFF on it, the bizarre behavior, the FLAKINESS, complete unaccountability, zero character, entitlement, the ‘fuck you’ attitude, the snide cattiness, the threats, trying to get fired from your job if you defy them, trying to act like they have God like power over you, the false accusations, the ‘superior’ attitude when their contribution to the world is less than nothing, the complete, absolute IGNORANCE OF EVERYTHING.
That was all one sentence.
I could go on ALL DAY listing why American women are so horrendous and why I wouldn’t want to be kind to them or even want to lift one finger to do anything for them.
I’m sure you could go on all day. I’m guessing you regularly do.
I can’t even think of the last time a female did ANYTHING for me at all. It’s prob been decades. I don’t owe women one motherfucking thing and with the way they are, that includes kindness and graciousness.
Gosh, why wouldn’t a woman — sorry, a “female” — want to do nice things for prickly here?
Another Men’s Rightser suggested that J-Law’s problem was that she didn’t want to date a “regular guy.”
She’s hanging around the crowd of wealthy, extremely good looking guys, who can have basically any woman they want. If they hear excessive whining, well if you have an option to upgrade (in their opinion) to another woman, well being a wealthy good-looking man, of course they have that option and of course they’ll upgrade. She should give a regular guy a go.
He graciously offered to be that regular guy. So long as he got to divorce her later and take a good chunk of her sweet, sweet cash.
I can pretend to be that Baghdad guy she’s searching for. Hopefully I won’t sign any prenups, last long enough and get a fat piece of her stash when things go south. Then she’ll be equal to men in that regard.
Still another commenter suggested some real-world activism MRAs could do to solve the problem of women wanting men to treat them like actual human beings.
Haha. I love it.. lets stop holding doors and being kind to females like we were taught to do..and wait until they get upset and then we get the power back.
It’s good to know that there are such dedicated Men’s Rights Activists out there doing their best to bring about a better world. As Lao Tzu once observed, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single unheld door, because fuck you, bitches, especially that one from Hunger Games, I hate her, she’s so stuck up!”
H/T — r/AgainstMensRights
He graciously offered to be that regular guy. So long as he got to divorce her later and take a good chunk of her sweet, sweet cash.”
That conniving he-whore! -)
If I met her, being mean would be the last thing on my mind regardless of any relationship prospects.
So basically, if Jennifer Lawrence can’t find a man to date, the problem is with men. If a man can’t find a woman to date, the problem is with him personally.
Holy lack of self-awareness, Batman!
This from the camp that thinks that if a woman can’t find a man do date, the problem is with women, and if a man can’t find a woman to date, the problem is with women.
Did Dave post this, and all of us come to talk about it, because Jennifer Lawrence said she can’t find a boyfriend because guys are mean to her? No. That happened because when Jennifer Lawrence said that, the manosphere started hurling abuse at, not just Jennifer Lawrence, but LITERALLY ALL WOMEN ANYWHERE EVER.
If a (straight) man who goes on at length about how he hates all women ever can’t find a woman to date, yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say the problem is with him personally.
Observation: The phrase “so basically” is almost inevitably followed by a woeful misrepresentation.
Yes, that’s right. They only hate the women who don’t do exactly what they’re told. Not misogynistic in the slightest!
Um… no?
He’s so close to an epiphany, yet so far away. This is actually a correct statement. But his conclusion is just so very wrong.
So basically, you hate all men.
I beg you to think about this a bit more.
Define:”bitch” (something other than “women you hate” and you’ll find your definition explains the MRA’s view of women as a whole.)
I’ll do it.
@Tessa: Seconded, btw.
“If I met her, being mean would be the last thing on my mind regardless of any relationship prospects.”
In order: can you introduce me to McAvoy, I’d like to swoon over his accent; how the hell did you put up with the costuming for Raven/Mystique?! Yeah, being mean isn’t on that list (and McAvoy’s married, so no, it’s not because of relationship prospects in that regard either)
Woah! The blockquote mammoth! No! What have you done!? I’m sorry about this guys! Sorry David but can you erase my comment please?
How is this keep happening? Sorry again everyone I’ll be in a corner.
Woo! That’s the third worst Blockquote failure I’ve seen! *highfive*
I did it twice.
Show off…
I’ll go back to my corner.
Fruitloopsie — email me the text and I’ll fix it, I can’t seem to copy it cuz iPad.
This is a test
Yes! Thanks Argenti Aertheri!
“They set the bar for what income level qualifies for benefit really low. If a recipient starts to dig out of the hole but still aren’t in a place where they can live without it, they’ll get kicked off the benefits and slide ride back into crushing poverty. With child care and health insurance and other expenses costing so much, it’s sometimes more advantageous for a single mother to stay single rather than marry and add a tiny income to the household and get kicked off of benefits.”
Yeah, THIS. ^^^^^^
It’s even worse when it comes to cohabiting relationships with shared children. It usually won’t cost any more money to add a husband to your heath insurance, but a boyfriend often won’t qualify for insurance through your job. AND with the way Obamacare is run, of he tries to go on state insurance, you’ll end up with two separate insurance policies, both at expensive_ass rates, instead of one insurance policy at an expensive-ass rate. And I could go on.
Unfortunately, because of our policies, poor people cohabitating with kids is just financially foolish in the US. Often they’re better off living separately.
“They set the bar for what income level qualifies for benefit really low. If a recipient starts to dig out of the hole but still aren’t in a place where they can live without it, they’ll get kicked off the benefits and slide ride back into crushing poverty. With child care and health insurance and other expenses costing so much, it’s sometimes more advantageous for a single mother to stay single rather than marry and add a tiny income to the household and get kicked off of benefits.”
Yeah, THIS. ^^^^^^
It’s even worse when it comes to cohabiting relationships with shared children. It usually won’t cost any more money to add a husband to your heath insurance, but a boyfriend often won’t qualify for insurance through your job. AND with the way Obamacare is run, of he tries to go on state insurance, you’ll end up with two separate insurance policies, both at expensive-ass rates, instead of one insurance policy at an expensive-ass rate. And I could go on.
Unfortunately, because of our policies, poor people cohabiting with kids is just financially foolish in the US. Often poof people ARE better off living separately.
“They set the bar for what income level qualifies for benefit really low. If a recipient starts to dig out of the hole but still aren’t in a place where they can live without it, they’ll get kicked off the benefits and slide ride back into crushing poverty. With child care and health insurance and other expenses costing so much, it’s sometimes more advantageous for a single mother to stay single rather than marry and add a tiny income to the household and get kicked off of benefits.”
Yeah, THIS. ^^^^^^
It’s even worse when it comes to cohabiting relationships with shared children. It usually won’t cost any more money to add a husband to your heath insurance, but a boyfriend often won’t qualify for insurance through your job. AND with the way Obamacare is run, of he tries to go on state insurance, you’ll end up with two separate insurance policies, both at expensive-ass rates, instead of one insurance policy at an expensive-ass rate. And I could go on and on.
Unfortunately, because of our policies, poor people cohabiting with kids is just financially foolish in the US. Often poof people ARE better off living separately.