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Men’s Rights Redditors outraged that Jennifer Lawrence wants a boyfriend who’s not a jerk

J-Law: Literally Hitler?
J-Law: Literally Hitler?

Jennifer Lawrence is, in case you didn’t know this already, an incredible goofball, almost as famous for her hilariously unfiltered comments as she is for her film roles.

“If I don’t have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on,” she once confessed to Glamour. “I’m the fastest pee-er ever,” she told Rolling Stone. She’s compared her dancing ability to “Gumby getting electrocuted.” She’s talked about diarrhea on David Letterman.

A quick Google search reveals scores of web pages with titles like 61 Hilariously Honest Jennifer Lawrence Quotes That Will Make Your Day, from which I took the example above, and The 10 Most Jennifer Lawrence Things J-Law Said at Comic-Con.

But now she’s said something so unbelievable, something so outrageous and terrible that it has Men’s Rights activists in an uproar

Brace yourself. In an interview with Vogue, Lawrence confessed that she’s been having trouble finding a boyfriend.

I am lonely every Saturday night. Guys are so mean to me. I know where it’s coming from, I know they’re trying to establish dominance, but it hurts my feelings. I’m just a girl who wants you to be nice to me. I am straight as an arrow. I feel like I need to meet a guy, with all due respect, who has been living in Baghdad for five years who has no idea who I am.

Well, to the Men’s Rightsers of the world, this is apparently the equivalent of someone announcing that in their spare time they like to dress up as a Nazi and murder puppies. How DARE a famous actress — whose stolen nude pics they’ve undoubtedly all seen — complain that men have been “mean” to her.

A Men’s Rights Redditor calling himself Ovendice took it upon himself to explain to J-Law just why men are mean to women. (SPOILER ALERT: It’s because women are terrible.)

I don’t doubt men are [mean] as fuck to her. For about the last ten years I have become more and more mean and cold to women in general and today I pretty much talk to them all like they’re garbage, idiots and less than nothing. I’m short with them, have zero patience and at best I’m indifferent.

Hmm. I’m thinking that “indifferent” is not exactly the right word to describe how you feel about women. But why are you so mean to women, dear Redditor?

WHY? I’ll TELL YOU WHY. Most women have become so unbelievably arrogant, so SMUG, cold as a razor blade, zero empathy, creepy, virtually inhuman, a lot of them just seem like emotionless robots, the only time I see women today acting human in the movies, as well as spiteful and CONFRONTATIONAL out of nowhere INSTANTLY!

Huh. That seems like an awfully confrontational thing for a guy complaining about women being confrontational to say.

[Women]  go out of their way to TRY to hurt your feelings and another huge percentage of them will lead you on a little ONLY JUST so they can later, not just reject you, but shit all over you like you’re some kind of idiot for even thinking there was a chance with them and women get a HUGE amount of ENJOYMENT out of rejecting men and saying ‘no’ – they GET OFF on it, the bizarre behavior, the FLAKINESS, complete unaccountability, zero character, entitlement, the ‘fuck you’ attitude, the snide cattiness, the threats, trying to get fired from your job if you defy them, trying to act like they have God like power over you, the false accusations, the ‘superior’ attitude when their contribution to the world is less than nothing, the complete, absolute IGNORANCE OF EVERYTHING.

That was all one sentence.

I could go on ALL DAY listing why American women are so horrendous and why I wouldn’t want to be kind to them or even want to lift one finger to do anything for them.

I’m sure you could go on all day. I’m guessing you regularly do.

I can’t even think of the last time a female did ANYTHING for me at all. It’s prob been decades. I don’t owe women one motherfucking thing and with the way they are, that includes kindness and graciousness.

Gosh, why wouldn’t a woman — sorry, a “female” — want to do nice things for prickly here?

Another Men’s Rightser suggested that J-Law’s problem was that she didn’t want to date a “regular guy.”

She’s hanging around the crowd of wealthy, extremely good looking guys, who can have basically any woman they want. If they hear excessive whining, well if you have an option to upgrade (in their opinion) to another woman, well being a wealthy good-looking man, of course they have that option and of course they’ll upgrade. She should give a regular guy a go.

He graciously offered to be that regular guy. So long as he got to divorce her later and take a good chunk of her sweet, sweet cash.

I can pretend to be that Baghdad guy she’s searching for. Hopefully I won’t sign any prenups, last long enough and get a fat piece of her stash when things go south. Then she’ll be equal to men in that regard.

Still another commenter suggested some real-world activism MRAs could do to solve the problem of women wanting men to treat them like actual human beings.

Haha. I love it.. lets stop holding doors and being kind to females like we were taught to do..and wait until they get upset and then we get the power back.

It’s good to know that there are such dedicated Men’s Rights Activists out there doing their best to bring about a better world. As Lao Tzu once observed, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single unheld door, because fuck you, bitches, especially that one from Hunger Games, I hate her, she’s so stuck up!”

H/T — r/AgainstMensRights

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9 years ago

These guys seem to think that being friendly and having interests is leading them on. I’ve asked women who have done these things out, and not only have they never seemed to take any joy in turning me down, they’ve done it thoroughly gently. I can’t really speak for the guy, but I can only think there’s a significant difference in the way we approach women.

9 years ago

Maybe if he acts like an even bigger asshole, those barely legal teenage girls will finally recognize him as their Overlord authority, strip down and present their bums to him.

(snorks!) Yeah, just be a bigger asshole, and wait for it.

9 years ago

I just don’t get this whole “help, I’m being oppressed by opening doors for people!” attitude. Maybe it’s my Canadianism coming out but it is two seconds out of my day, so I regularly hold doors for people, and regularly have them held for me. To date, I have not taken anybody’s power (as far as I know. I suppose I wouldn’t know how to activate my X-ray vision even if I did have it.)
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Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

The more I find out about Jennifer Lawrence, the more awesome she becomes. Long may she reign!

9 years ago

It’s hilarious when these guys try to clarify that, when they speak about women, they mean American women…as if those same attitudes aren’t applied to non-American women by non-American men.

The fact there are plenty of MRAs – or at least MRA-sympathetic – outside of the United States, whether it’s Britain or India, who make the same claims about women in their country is just proof that this “I’m talking about women specifically in the United States” defense is total bunk. They’ll shit on women regardless of nationality and, like the insincere cowards they are, claim that their views are more “complex” than that when called out.

It’s a tactic I’m getting sick of – the instant back-pedaling. GamerGaters do it all the time when it comes to online harassment, being dismissive of it one moment until someone presents evidence that it is (in fact) an actual occurrence…only to then play the “No True Scotsman” or false equivalence card. Because their egos are both so overbloated and fragile that admitting that, perhaps, they’re wrong is avoided at all costs.

These same people who, for all their talk about women not taking responsibility for their actions, constantly avoid taking responsibility for their own behavior.

Why the fuck do they expect anyone with some semblance of reading comprehension and critical thinking to take them seriously?

9 years ago

I just don’t get this whole “help, I’m being oppressed by opening doors for people!” attitude. Maybe it’s my Canadianism coming out but it is two seconds out of my day, so I regularly hold doors for people, and regularly have them held for me. To date, I have not taken anybody’s power (as far as I know. I suppose I wouldn’t know how to activate my X-ray vision even if I did have it.)

Me neither – holding doors open for others is just an act of common courtesy. You do it regardless of the person’s gender, age, race, etc. because just letting a door close in someone’s face, even though they were right behind you, is simply rude and inconsiderate.

Then again, these are the kind of assholes who think being “politically correct” (i.e. treating marginalized groups better) is some form of oppression as well. Being told to do anything, apparently, is oppressive. Though, oddly enough, they have no issue in making demands and expecting others to be compliant about it…only to self-victimize when it doesn’t go their way.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

NickNameNick | November 22, 2015 at 7:42 pm
It’s hilarious when these guys try to clarify that, when they speak about women, they mean American women…as if those same attitudes aren’t applied to non-American women by non-American men.

I think it also stems from their gross racism. I’ve no doubt that OP thinks that Asian women are “submissive” and fetishizes the fuck out of them, and/or dreams of mail-order brides from Russia. *shudder*

Us American feeemales are all gross land whales with personalities and such to these guys. I’d hate to see some poor woman from another country have to deal with their fetishes and gross fantasies, though I hope that one of them has the ability to verbally rip them a new one.

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)

Well spotted – I love that album (despite some of its serious problems), and I didn’t catch that.

For those who don’t know the song, what makes the later lines even more terrifying is that the later lines (“Would you like to watch T.V.? Or get between the sheets? Or contemplate the silent freeway? Would you like something to eat?”) are punctuated with the sounds (and, in the case of the movie, visuals) of the speaker violently destroying the things he talks about (smashing the TV, ripping the bedsheets, shattering the window, throwing food). If I recall correctly, “Would like to learn to fly?” is accompanied by him throwing the remains of the TV out of the (top story) window. It’s truly a chilling portrayal, and yup, a very apropos source for Overdice to draw his similes from.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Haha. I love it.. lets stop holding doors and being kind to females like we were taught to do..and wait until they get upset and then we get the power back.

It’s Over – Feminists Throw In Towel, Jubilant Men Celebrate Return To Power
Tearful tatted trollop: “I just want to go inside, but how?”

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intent:

I think it also stems from their gross racism. I’ve no doubt that OP thinks that Asian women are “submissive” and fetishizes the fuck out of them, and/or dreams of mail-order brides from Russia. *shudder*

Oh, no doubt. Especially with previous posts on this site about American ex-pats who go to places like Thailand, to exploit young women who are often desperate for money and willing to tolerate their shit in exchange for that.

One thing I’ve really liked about Orange Is The New Black is how they have that incompetent prison therapist, who does have a mail-order bride from Russia and is puzzled as to why she doesn’t just like him. Considering what a bitter, humorless, and domineering asshole he is – it’s no wonder, mail-ordered or not, his Russian wife can’t stand him.

Us American feeemales are all gross land whales with personalities and such to these guys. I’d hate to see some poor woman from another country have to deal with their fetishes and gross fantasies, though I hope that one of them has the ability to verbally rip them a new one.

I’m sure that, were they to go to a country they believed to be full of “loose women” – like, say, France – they’d experience the same negative reaction they get from women in the U.S.

The fact they assume nationality plays that big role in determining the personality of women is fallacious thinking on their part. It’s also weird they don’t think culture effects men whatsoever despite the overwhelming evidence for such.

9 years ago

Yea we’ve all been treated with contempt by the opposite sex at times. A woman at work turned her co-workers against me for the crime of not returning her smiles and friendly gestures when she started (my mother had passed away a month earlier, wasn’t into making new friends at the time). And I’ve had a few women suddenly stop talking for no apparent reason. I’m sure women have similar experiences with men. Generalising about 50% of the world only makes you look bitter, irrationally angry little whiner no-one would want to be around. And when people naturally don’t, this is used as justification for blaming women collectively for whatever real or imagined snubs they’ve experienced.

9 years ago

I’m realizing Garfield Minus Garfield works very well for illustrating a manospherian’s offline existence.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I’m guessing Ovendice isn’t seeing the best side of women. Instead he’s getting the “omg i can’t get away from this hateful creep fast enough” side.

This, of course, makes him an authority on women. You know the spiel: “This is how they really are underneath all that artificial pretend kindness and love crap. Only I can see them for the heartless scum they are”. Of course, what he’s seeing is a shield. “Robotically emotionless” is the defense mechanism of someone trying to edge away from a seething cannonball of hatred who won’t take no for an answer.

9 years ago

I live in the South, so everyone tends to open doors for each other, it’s not even particularly gendered. Now that I’m using a cane, I’m happy when it happens. People have a fear of appearing impolite in public.

That said, if someone puts so much baggage on the simple act of holding a door, they can skip it. I don’t need it.

9 years ago

Dating and then being mean to Jennifer Lawrence seems like just the dumbest thing. She’s a gorgeous, talented (and rich!) young actress who’s also hilarious and witty. I just cannot imagine why any guy she was with would want to screw over a relationship with her by playing stupid dominance games.

I can, however, imagine why MRAs want to whinge and insult her when she calls said men out on it: they’re petty little assholes.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

Yeah, when guys start telling me that women get a better deal because men hold doors, I think: How about women get 130% of your salary, 80% of Congress, two thirds of the Supreme Court, the next 44 Presidents, pretty much all CEO jobs and corporate board memberships, 85% of major TV and movie roles, leadership in all the major religions…..and I’ll hold those heavy, heavy doors for YOU?

9 years ago

That said, if someone puts so much baggage on the simple act of holding a door, they can skip it. I don’t need it.

Oh, I’d give them shit for it – because opening the door for someone behind you doesn’t involve that much effort nor “mean” anything other than being a random act of kindness.

9 years ago

Haha. I love it.. lets stop holding doors and being kind to females like we were taught to do..and wait until they get upset and then we get the power back.

Why do not try holding doors for people, and being kind to people? You silly silly man.

9 years ago

Dating and then being mean to Jennifer Lawrence seems like just the dumbest thing. She’s a gorgeous, talented (and rich!) young actress who’s also hilarious and witty. I just cannot imagine why any guy she was with would want to screw over a relationship with her by playing stupid dominance games.

Because, unfortunately, Hollywood is filled with men who are self-involved and spoiled yet also incredibly insecure and emotionally immature about their position. When you consider the fact someone like James Cameron has been married five times over, with his marriage to Kathryn Bigelow only lasting for two years, it makes perfect sense why Jennifer Lawrence is dealing with this nonsense and is not at fault for it.

I suppose many others would say this but, were it ever in the realm of possibility (which I know it isn’t), getting to date someone like her would be something I’d be far too grateful about.

9 years ago

“I’ll TELL YOU WHY. Most women have become so unbelievably arrogant, so SMUG, cold as a razor blade, zero empathy, creepy, virtually inhuman, a lot of them just seem like emotionless robots, the only time I see women today acting human in the movies, as well as spiteful and CONFRONTATIONAL out of nowhere INSTANTLY!”

Yup. out of NOWHERE.

I know he says that he

“pretty much talk to them all like they’re garbage, idiots and less than nothing.”

BECAUSE women acted “SMUG” First,

but come on, let’s be real, Ive met this guy at parties, and I fucking AM cold, robotic, “smug” and “confrontational” (read: Defensive!) BECAUSE, well, certain dudes are so sexist and creepy that women are put on the defensive by their vibe, thats all Im sayin

9 years ago

I think this one is the perfect portrayal of the manosphere:

9 years ago

“Cold as a razor blade” is a line from a Pink Floyd song. I’ll paste in the whole song, because it’s so spectacularly illustrative of this arsehole’s issues with women:
One of My Turns (Waters) 1:33

Day after day, love turns grey
Like the skin of a dying man.
Night after night, we pretend its all right
But I have grown older and
You have grown colder and
Nothing is very much fun any more.
And I can feel one of my turns coming on.
I feel cold as a razor blade,
Tight as a tourniquet,
Dry as a funeral drum.

Run to the bedroom,
In the suitcase on the left
You’ll find my favorite axe.
Don’t look so frightened
This is just a passing phase,
One of my bad days.
Would you like to watch T.V.?
Or get between the sheets?
Or contemplate the silent freeway?
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to learn to fly?
Would you like to see me try?

Would you like to call the cops?
Do you think it’s time I stopped?
Why are you running away?

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago


Great, that means I’m Canadian even though I was never born and raised in Canada. I hold the doors open for anyone, although special cases for people with children, elderly, and anybody trying to haul stuff into the building..

But as for the “woman on fire”… She needs to just keep rocking and hopefully will find someone who’s decent to be with.