antifeminism chivalry citation needed dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about matriarchy rape culture scott adams

Scott Adams: We live in a matriarchy because men have to get permission for sex

Matriarchy in action?
Matriarchy in action?

The Paris attacks have inspired cartoonist and opinion-haver Scott Adams to reflect on some of the true injustices in the world today.

Specifically, the fact that in the United States, men often pay for dates, yet cannot have sex with women without getting their permission first.

In a blog post that is incoherent even by his standards, Adams compares the male-dominated societies of the Middle East with what he describes as “female-dominated countries” like the US.

In his mind, American men live in a matriarchal dystopia in which women force men to pay for dinner and open car doors for them:

When I go to dinner, I expect the server to take my date’s order first. I expect the server to deliver her meal first. I expect to pay the check. I expect to be the designated driver, or at least manage the transportation for the evening. And on the way out, I will hold the door for her, then open the door to the car.

Weird, because I’ve literally never had a date like that. And even if all this were true, as a general thing, it wouldn’t be proof that the US is “female-dominated.” Chivalry is part of patriarchy, not proof of matriarchy.

When we get home, access to sex is strictly controlled by the woman.

Er, dude, that’s how sex works. Both sex partners have to agree to it, otherwise it’s rape. And men have veto power when it comes to sex just like women do. Women aren’t allowed to force themselves on unwilling partners any more than men are.

If the woman has additional preferences in terms of temperature, beverages, and whatnot, the man generally complies. If I fall in love and want to propose, I am expected to do so on my knees, to set the tone for the rest of the marriage.

What a romantic fellow, proposing to a woman even though she’s some kind of spoiled princess who has preferences about room temperature and refuses to have sex when she doesn’t want to have sex.

Also, Adams wants everyone to know that when he talks over women in meetings, it’s not that he’s a sexist, it’s just that women talk too much.

Women have made an issue of the fact that men talk over women in meetings. In my experience, that’s true. But for full context, I interrupt anyone who talks too long without adding enough value. If most of my victims turn out to be women, I am still assumed to be the problem in this situation, not the talkers.

But really, the problem is that ladies just won’t shut up amirite fellas high five!

The alternative interpretation of the situation – that women are more verbal than men – is never discussed as a contributing factor to interruptions. Can you imagine a situation where – on average – the people who talk the most do NOT get interrupted the most?

Uh, yes. Because that’s not just a hypothetical “situation.” It’s the way the world actually works.

I don’t know if the amount of talking each person does is related to the amount of interrupting they experience, or if there is a gender difference to it, but it seems like a reasonable hypothesis. 

Unfortunately for Adams, this is a hypothesis that’s been repeatedly disproved. Men talk more than women in meetings, yet are more likely to interrupt women than women are to interrupt them.

Weird how Adams, who thinks of himself as a rational sciencey guy, didn’t even bother to do the 30 seconds of Googling that would have shown that his “reasonable hypothesis” was a crock.

Speaking of weirdness, Adams goes on to suggest that he might turn to terrorism if no one gives him a hug. Literally.

So if you are wondering how men become cold-blooded killers, it isn’t religion that is doing it. If you put me in that situation, I can say with confidence I would sign up for suicide bomb duty. And I’m not even a believer. Men like hugging better than they like killing. But if you take away my access to hugging, I will probably start killing, just to feel something. I’m designed that way. I’m a normal boy. And I make no apology for it.

NOTE TO SELF: Do not invite Scott Adams to any party without also inviting this dude:


Or maybe don’t invite Adams to any parties at all.

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9 years ago

I donated a bunch of books to my local library today, including a few by Scott Adams. Now I wish I’d just trashed them. He doesn’t deserve circulation among the masses.

9 years ago

Like most comic strips, Dibert is occasionally still pretty funny but really seems to have been wearing out its welcome.

9 years ago

Are you alright? Did he get caught? Im glad you have another guy hopefully he’s the right one for you.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

For anybody who wasn’t aware of Scott Adams’ sexist, racist, everything-ist grossness, here’s the worst of his so-called “Articles”: He thinks rape should be legalised (TW for thinking rape should be legalised).

9 years ago
9 years ago

I don’t want to click on that. Can somebody give his “reasoning”?

9 years ago

Holy crap. I had no idea he was such a raging git.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

It seemed both misogynist and misandrist at the same.

This is true of everything every MRA has ever said.

9 years ago

“He’s right though. Violence and war did not actually exist before feminism.”

That’s not actually what he claims. He says that patriarchal societies are actually more violent and worse for most men because most men have less sex in them. He’s actually supposedly making an argument for our current western society, he’s just so blind to privilege and bias that he insists it’s a matriarchy.

9 years ago

On a personal note, I just had the very very very rare kind of (heated) internet argument that ends with someone actually changing their mind. My spontaneous reaction was wtf? I guess people can be convinced through reason and arguments sometimes? I’m flabbergasted.

9 years ago

Congrats on your victory, Furrinati Warrior. Your name will be in the Fempire Hall of Fame. We are one step closer to the beautiful utopia: Gynocracy, this pleases the Fempire greatly.

9 years ago

Yeah I posted about it here a few weeks ago. He was sending me up to 70 text messages a day, I blocked him on all social media but he was still texting and calling my phone. I tried blocking his number but he started calling me all through the night from a withheld number. I went to the police, they spoke to him and told him if he didn’t stop they would arrest him. He hasn’t contacted me since then. Around 5 weeks now I think.

It’s not serious with the guy I’m seeing (which he knows) and I’m seeing more than one guy casually because I’m not really up for commitment right now, which I’m sure makes me a hypergamous slut or something in the eyes of the manosphere despite the fact that all parties involved are making an informed consensual decision. I’m going to see him tomorrow though because he’s an amateur wrestler and he’s wrestling tomorrow.

9 years ago

“When we get home, access to sexa woman’s body is strictly controlled by the woman.”

Because a woman’s body ≠ sex. Sex is something people do, dipshit.

9 years ago


As a straight manboy myself, I’d like to add I would also hug the free hugs guy. Holy shit.


Ewwww. These guys have to make up their minds – is it “men are natural rapists” or “#NotAllMen”? Can’t have it both ways.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(By the way, if it sounds like this moron annoys me more than other morons, it’s because I was a big fan back in the ’90s, even taking my now-long-binned Dogbert plushie to school every day. Toppled heroes. =P)

9 years ago


Haha. :p

Although the argument was not directly to feminism. It was over the usefulness of gender neutral pronouns, which for some reason is an incredibly controversial topic here.

9 years ago

So if you are wondering how men become cold-blooded killers, it isn’t religion that is doing it. If you put me in that situation, I can say with confidence I would sign up for suicide bomb duty. And I’m not even a believer. Men like hugging better than they like killing. But if you take away my access to hugging, I will probably start killing, just to feel something. I’m designed that way. I’m a normal boy. And I make no apology for it.

What the shit? For one thing, how fucking entitled can you be to say “if I am not provided with regular sex ‘hugs’, I might just start mmurdering people”?

For another, this logic is completely incomprehensible.
Point A: “In western society, women control all access to sex and expect men to like, respect them and shit before spreading their legs, wah.”
Point B: “But in middle eastern societies, women are treated like chattel, and men aren’t expected to kowtow to them!”
Point C: “If I was in a situation where my ability to have sex- er, get ‘hugs’- was limited, then I’d probably start murdering people too!”

The obvious conclusion here is that it’s men in “matriarchical” western societies that should be trying to murder everyone, and the Scott Adams himself already has an explosive vest strapped to himself.

9 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if a woman tried to initiate sex with one of these guys. They seem to think that they need to “convince” a woman to sleep with them (which is creepy), but they don’t seem to realize that sometimes we actually do want to have sex. We just don’t want to have sex with guys who don’t consider us to be full human beings.

9 years ago


I actually don’t think he was arguing for the legalization of rape, although it’s possible I misread the blog post. This is how I understand his “reasoning”:

1. It is natural for men to rape.
2. It’s natural for women to not want to be raped.
3. Society has decided that male natural behavior is “bad” and female natural behavior is “good”.
4. We must hold men accountable for these behaviors, or society would collapse.
5. But ultimately men should be “chemically castrated”, or they will become depressed because of not being allowed to rape.

Ta-dah. What a fucking idiot.

9 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

The article you linked doesn’t say anything about legalizing rape. Mr. Adams does make the absurd claim that men’s natural desires are illegal in our society, but he doesn’t support those “natural desires” being made legal. In fact he claims that those natural desires would lead to chaos if they were legalized.

9 years ago

So apparently this guy likes Madonna.

9 years ago


He actually claims that “matriarchal” societies are better, basically because it’s easier to convince women to have sex with you than it is to convince other men to let you have sex with women that they “own.”

But he spends a large amount of his post trying to prove that we live in a matriarchy, using mra “proof” like “men have to pay for dates.” So David is pointing out the obvious flaws in that “logic.”

9 years ago

I’m glad things are going well for you and may it stay that way.

9 years ago

The article you linked doesn’t say anything about legalizing rape. Mr. Adams does make the absurd claim that men’s natural desires are illegal in our society, but he doesn’t support those “natural desires” being made legal. In fact he claims that those natural desires would lead to chaos if they were legalized.

Well sure, he doesn’t actually say “rape should be legal,” but he does admit that he would like to constantly rape people, which is surely reprehensible enough on its own.