antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism red pill

That Anders Breivik dude has some good ideas, Dark Enlightenment Redditors suggest

Modified_Hackware 2 points 8 hours ago I only read the Brievek Manifesto semi recently. They told me it was the ravings of a delusional madman. Whilst I do not agree with all of it it is generally well considered, well thought out and well written.
No, just no.

I found the above on the Dark Enlightenment subreddit, home to some of the most reactionary dudes on all of Reddit.

Seriously, fellas, if you’re turning to a neo-Nazi mass murderer for insights into the world, you might want to sit down for a while and rethink the choices you’ve made in your life.

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9 years ago

I don’t get why these chuckleheads are anti-Muslim, since their simplistic view of it seems to incorporate precisely the sort of gender relations they would prefer.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

@Tulse Perhaps it’s the Horseshoe theory at play? And being that most New Sincerity “Dudebros” are so unaware of irony and the reality before them, they won’t see how they aren’t any different than a terrorist organization.

9 years ago


The right, overwhelmingly, is defined not by what they want, but by what they hate. Any time you wonder why they aren’t friends with some group with almost identical ideology, it’s because that group is different from them in some small way thus the enemy.

The “good guys” are defined by being EXACTLY like them in every way. And as long as you look superficially similar enough, use the right code words, and hate the right people, they’ll ignore that you’re one of the enemy groups they hate.

Muslims, by and large, are just too visibly different, so they’re bad.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Does “dark enlightenment” refer to vamachara tantra?

9 years ago

There’s a really good book about Breivik and the shooting; title is “One of Us” by Asne Seierstad. One thing that was p. Exceptional is that about 50% of the book is not about Breivik at all, but about the victims whose lives he ended. Not only was Breivik “one of us” but so too were the people he killed; including a Kurdish refugee names Bano who spent her whole life integrating into Norwegian society only to be shot by Breivik.

Can’t recommend that book enough if you want to know more about this sordid story; Seierstad covers everything from birth to Brevik’s life in prison now.

She covered this manifesto, too. According to her, it was largely plagiarized from wikiquote and various anti-Muslim blogs like Stormfront and Gates of Vienna and places like that.

Not that I would take a Red Pill review at face value, but it seems the manifesto is in many places a bit of a snooze.

9 years ago

Something about the fact this guy has written “They told me…” fucks me off.

9 years ago

@Arthur Meyer
Could you give me a brief of what “new sincerity” means? I looked it up, but the explanations I found were either too long (and I ain’t got not time for researching internet phenomena), or confusing.

9 years ago

Funny, a lot of manifestos, rants and other pieces of media written by reactionary idiots tends to be given the compliment of “well written”. As in “this manifesto is well written (because it says things I agree with)”. Naturally it has nothing to do with the actual application of literary or creative talents, and everything to do with saying what the reactionary group wants to hear. Somehow they need to frame their support as a literary critique. Jeez, I can only wonder why that is!

Same situation I see happen when Gators complain that Gone Home is “badly written” when they really mean “it’s not an FPS survival horror game like I expected and any sort of change terrifies me”.

9 years ago

I just had a youtube atheist bigot make this comment in a discussion, when I asked him how he thought we could ’round up all Muslims’:

‘We just wouldn’t let anyone enter the country. But to get them to leave, easy lol Ban all region, knock all religious buildings down. Punish anyone caught preforming any type of praying. Also going all Nazi, yes, get people to inform me of their neighbors, parent uncles, aunts, anyone and everyone. ‘

See, these guys truly are the baddies. I’d dismiss them (on spelling alone), but sadly history is full of people who tried to implement this shit.

9 years ago

@idle dillitante,

is she the one who wrote The Bookseller of Kabul? I loved that book.

9 years ago

I would also highly recommend Åsne Seierstad in general, and this book in particular. She’s amazing.

9 years ago

Tulse, they have Da’esh envy. Note how both Da’esh and the Taliban were seeded with money and arms by ril Chrischuns

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Note how both Da’esh and the Taliban were seeded with money and arms by ril Chrischuns”

No doubt. Christians are funding militant terrorists in the Northeastern states of India too. I tell my global Christian friends not to donate to any “missions” in India for this reason. The nexus is kind of convoluted, but well meaning Christians in the US and other countries have no idea what they’re funding when they give to these missions.

Cthulhu's Intern
9 years ago

Does “dark enlightenment” refer to vamachara tantra?

To paraphrase someone on SomethingAwful (can’t remember who), the Dark Enlightenment is a movement made up of people who think that “Dark Enlightenment” is a good name for a movement.

9 years ago

Funny, a lot of manifestos, rants and other pieces of media written by reactionary idiots tends to be given the compliment of “well written”. As in “this manifesto is well written (because it says things I agree with)”. Naturally it has nothing to do with the actual application of literary or creative talents, and everything to do with saying what the reactionary group wants to hear. Somehow they need to frame their support as a literary critique. Jeez, I can only wonder why that is!

Same situation I see happen when Gators complain that Gone Home is “badly written” when they really mean “it’s not an FPS survival horror game like I expected and any sort of change terrifies me”.

Fascists and other reactionaries are weird like that. They think they’re the elites of the world, the most intelligent and creative people out there. But the obvious truth is they’re the dregs of the world. They embody humanity at its most stupid and spiteful.

9 years ago

Moocow @1.28pm

I suspect by “well-written” they mean “the copy I read was not obviously written in crayon” as well as “says the things I think are Right”.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern

And that sadly says pretty much all people need to know about their capacity for original thinking right there.

9 years ago

The right, overwhelmingly, is defined not by what they want, but by what they hate. Any time you wonder why they aren’t friends with some group with almost identical ideology, it’s because that group is different from them in some small way thus the enemy.

As Emo Philips so sagely observed many years ago:

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off.

So I ran over and said “Stop! don’t do it!”

“Why shouldn’t I?” he said.

I said, “Well, there’s so much to live for!”

He said, “Like what?”

I said, “Well…are you religious or atheist?”

He said, “Religious.”

I said, “Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?”

He said, “Christian.”

I said, “Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?”

He said, “Protestant.”

I said, “Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?”

He said, “Baptist!”

I said,”Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?”

He said, “Baptist Church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?”

He said,”Reformed Baptist Church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are you reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?”

He said, “Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!”

So I said, “Die, heretic scum”, and pushed him off.

Aris Boch
Aris Boch
9 years ago

“Dark Enlightenment”? Sounds too much like the title of a really, really bad Harry Potter fanfic… And there is also the fact, that they’re brimful of all kinds of far-right extremists with ironically great overlaps with the ones they’re claiming to fight (these Internet tough guys claim to fight, amongst other, the Islamists, but their views on social issues (e.g. on women, LGBT, civil rights and so on) are very similar to those of DAESH, al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah and so on).

9 years ago

The Dark Enlightenment is one seriously fucked up collection of assholes…..and at least some of them potentially dangerous, too.