antifeminism creepy dark enlightenment mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rapey reactionary bullshit red pill

New Theory: Feminists argue with misogynists online because they are desperate for male attention


The Dark Triad: Pretty much a synonym for "giant douchebag."
The Dark Triad: Pretty much a synonym for “giant douchebag.”

So I was skimming my way through the comment section on a recent Telegraph article on MRAs and the Red Pill. Naturally, the comment section was filled to overflowing with angry comments from an assortment of familiar MRA and “Red Pill” names. I happened to notice some, well, intriguing contributions to the discussion from a fellow I didn’t know: DarkTriadMan, first name, Ivan.

Though he avoids the “red-pill, blue-pill” lingo that so fascinates so many reactionary. woman-hating doofballs, Ivan Adultman — sorry, Ivan DarkTriadMan — basically thinks we live in the Matrix:

The dark world is lit from age to age with the light of reason and progress, with technology and science, and our creature comforts are blinding. But the reality is quite different. Western civilization is nothing more than a teasing curtain, increasingly ridiculous and tottering, drawn over the dark world that remains as the base nature of creation.

How can a curtain be “teasing” or “tottering,” much less both at the same time?

But never mind, because Ivan DarkTriadMan opens this “teasing curtain” to reveal the DARK TRUTHS about women. Or at least about the teenage girls he fantasizes about having sex with.

Dear readers, if you’re not in the mood to read some seriously skeevy, rapey shit, you should probably skip the next quote.

The half-dozen teenage girls twittering and chatting and giggling over their cellphones and taking selfies of their perfect clothes and bodies and hair are an illusion. The reality after the power goes out is that they are a huddled group of frightened, beaten commodities kept for the amusement of the warlord and any of his men he chooses to reward. They don’t giggle and take selfies and they don’t dare talk back when they are told to present their naked rears.

Um, what? Somehow i doubt that the readers of the Telegraph are much interested in hearing about the creepy Gorean sexual fantasies of one Ivan DarkTriadMan.

But apparently he doesn’t think his creepy sexual fantasies are creepy — or, for that matter,fantasies.

Nope. Ivan DarkTriadMan is convinced that teenage girls taking selfies, feminists who find him repellent, and presumably every other woman in the world, are all secretly in lust with the giant hunk of man that is DarkTriadMan.

As he explains in another comment, feminists (or maybe all women?)

change from whining to salivating at the drop of a hat when the male they truly desire walks past. You cannot change biology, although you can layer over it with false, blathering frippery.

Yeah, that’s right, even those man-hating feminist harpies are totally into him.

Such creatures as our local feminist thrive on the concern and disgust of men. It is through such engagement they find value, as the engagement and attention of men is not otherwise available to them on the open sexual market that forms the basis of human interactions.

I’ll let Jennifer Lawrence handle this one.


Presumably, when feminist women post comments on message boards mocking him for “living in your own weird little world” and noting that “you talk about women like you have never spoken to one,” they’re just flirting.

They totally want the DarkTriadMan.

PS: I’m not sure what sort of “frippery” DarkTriadMan was talking about, but some of you might enjoy this Frippery. Well, Frippertronics, to be more precise.




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9 years ago

Completely OT, but note to Orion: FerretBrain’s back up, if you didn’t know already!

9 years ago

Even the 5s and under who don’t deserve male attention get it all the time. So why do we need to be doing all these things to get attention from men when we all have beta orbiters and cock carousels at our disposal?

The feminists trying to get DTM’s attention are post-wall. Remember, women get kicked off the alpha cock carousel when they’re 30 or so. They’ll still have beta orbiters, of course, but beta attention is inherently unsatisfying. They seek out DTM online because they’re trying to get back on the carousel, even though of course they can’t, because they’re withered 35 year old feminists.

9 years ago

Adding to the chorus that “Disgruntled Keyboard Jockey” is not a role that will be of much use to post-apocalyptic societies. I also have no idea why these guys think they’ll be rulers and lords “when society falls thanks to feminism”. Seriously, why? Is it because they think that since they’ve taken The Red Pill and know How Things Truly Are, they’ll have some sort of upper hand during chaos? Maybe because they’re such self appointed gurus on Women’s Real Nature(TM), they think that their willingness to treat half the population like dirt will…do what, exactly? When people are struggling to maintain order and survive, I doubt they’ll have much patience for a bunch of dudes yelling “I TOLD YOU SO! NOW BOW TO ME, YE FEMALES!”

9 years ago

People like this (and certain films) make me think that, when shit hits the fan and people are roaming in lawless bands throughout the waste, whoever starts a rumour that their place that “has women” will have a ridiculously reliable source of food.

9 years ago


And in regards to the bit about agriculture, that is really cool. Do you know any sources or the name of the tribes so I can look it up?

Can’t help you with indigenous American agriculture, but indigenous Australian agriculture is pretty interesting. Can only give you a taste though, I can’t see any genuinely cheap prices for the two best books I know of.

Here’s some tasters,
and a report, not a transcript, of a radio program.'s-agricultural-past/5452454

Two of the books referred to are these

Unfortunately they’re scholarly works even though they’re also of general interest. So I can’t see any cheap second-hand copies and certainly no audio versions. (I haven’t looked especially hard so I might be wrong.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


It’s difficult for me to articulate, but I’m going to try. I guess, it all boils down to their failure to see women as human beings. They don’t seem to realize that these teenage girls are still maturing. They’re going to engage in some testing of boundaries and some questionable behavior. They are going to exhibit bad judgment at times, date “inappropriate” men, etc; BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT YET MATURE.

This. And then they complain that women are childlike, fickle, untrustworthy, irresponsible, etc. That really shouldn’t come as a surprise when dating 16 year olds, but then they go all AWALT and argue that women shouldn’t vote or have careers.

Re: the Keyboard Jockey Warlords, I feel like these guys spend a lot of time fantasizing about how much easier it’s gonna be to get sex after the apocalypse. Once all the complicated 21st century social media/bar scene/hookup rules are swept away and the prevailing social order breaks down, they imagine they won’t be so baffled and disadvantaged. If sex becomes all about survival and perpetuating the species rather than recreational attention and betabux, they figure they stand to benefit. Education, career, looks, social awareness, diversity, political correctness – all those barriers they believe are holding them back will no longer matter (so they think) in a world where people are foraging for canned peas among the radioactive ashes.

Except for one small thing: if birth control suddenly stops being available and pregnancy returns to 15th-century levels of hazardousness, women are going to get hella choosy about who they have sex with, and it sure isn’t going to be with these guys. No more plates and ONS’s, no more sport sex, no more high n-counts for anybody. The “sexual marketplace” will change dramatically, and not in favor of the commitment-phobic.

I don’t think that bothers them, though. They figure there won’t be any law enforcement to stop them from acquiring guns and simply taking women and food by brute force. They think that they’ll be able to raise a private army or join a roving gang of alpha warlord bad boys (without falling prey to them), and that peaceful socialist hippies won’t have the means, the knowledge, or the will to defend themselves against outside attacks. Those are some mighty large assumptions.

tl;dr The apocalypse will be less like a video game than they imagine.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

None of these guys would survive an apocalypse. And this is coming from someone who most certainly will not either.

I’m not physically fit, my legs and back hurt when I stand too long, I get ear infections on the regular, and the only good survival skills I have are cooking, caring for small kids, and what little I’ve retained from reading survival books for funzies. If anything, I’d be a nanny for other people’s kids, helping to keep them safe while Parental Units go off to hunt/scavenge, and I’d also help with farming and water collection. Base building stuff. I wouldn’t be good in a caravan-style situation.

And yet, while I know I won’t survive for long, if at all, I still stand a better chance than these fuckers.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Apart from my asthma, I might actually stand a chance in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. However, I don’t want to live in one. I quite like electricity, regular meals, running water and Darkest Dungeons. The world we live in is awesome and if it collapsed then I suspect we would all do our very best to rebuild it as soon as possible.

Neoreactionaries who obsess over post-apocalyptic worlds amuse me tremendously. When they say “we’d be in charge if civilisation collapsed”, it can more accurately be rendered as “there is no place for us in a civilised society.” This is true, and it’s good that they recognise it. Fortunately we live in a civilised society which is wealthy enough for us to subsidise socially-incapable fantasists like Mr DarkTriadMan who have no productive place.

In my utopia, the one we’re currently living in, everyone gets to live. Even my enemies. Even people who would deny me my life were the positions reversed.

Also, creeping on sixteen year olds? Fucking ew, dude.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

PI — there’s suspicions that menopause exists because of how important the caretaker role is, pretty much no other mammals have such a wide gap between the end of fertility and death. Makes sense given human young are completely helpless, barely able to walk even, for the first year, and entirely dependent on adults for a few more years — without access to birth control besides the not always reliable breastfeeding you can have a kid every other year or less. Figure 15-45, because I refuse to do math any younger, and the 25% mortality rate pre-modern era, that’s 8 kids per woman. Damn straight you need a population who is neither hunting nor producing babies.

So yeah, when family size is only limited by death and disease (and abstinence), having people around who can help raise the kids is a damn important skill!

These guys? Nope. They’d either be told to fuck off, or find themselves doing things like being told how to set traps. They severely underestimate how much of survival relies on community and following the directions of people who know what they are talking about.

What I don’t get is what sort of disaster they envision that will destroy infrastructure beyond all repair, but not kill humanity outright. Nobody starts their riots by destroying cell towers and servers, overthrown governments destroy documents, sure, but shit isn’t centralized like it was in Alexandra, wiping knowledge from memory isn’t easy and if there’s one thing we’re great at as a species, it’s rebuilding.

Samantha Vimes
9 years ago

If there are guns after the apocalypse, enslaving women might not be so easy– guns neutralize physical inequality.
If there aren’t guns after the apocalypse, enslaving women might not be so easy– physical distance neutralizes physical inequality.

Dark Triad Men have to sleep sometime.

9 years ago

^ What’s that quote from ASoIaF? “A man can hold a woman, and he can hold a knife, but he cannot hold both for long.” Something like that.

9 years ago

I’m not convinced The DarkDouchebagMan isn’t a Poe. He’s so over the top, it is more laughable than it’s typically the case with these characters.

Then again, the whole ‘sphere has a Poe-ish quality. I keep waiting for the moment they will yell out, “Psych! You’ve been p’wned!”

9 years ago

I had to double-check if I read the correct article after delving into the comments, as they have very little — if anything at all, in most cases — to do with the article itself.

I’ve noticed it previously: any article on MRA / TRP will attract the usual suspects; however, they do not address the issues presented in the article, launching instead into semi-coherent tirades or just torrents of the same ol’ insults.

It’s gotta be that much-vaunted malelojick, methinks.

That works very well, though, as an illustration of the mentality we are dealing with in this “movement.”

epitome of incomprehensibility

That paragraph mixing up lighting and civilization and curtains was funny to read, but the next one quoted (about the teenage girls) was honestly disturbing.

I’ve been in situations where I’ve had a crush on someone and simultaneously found them annoying, but I didn’t fantasize about terrible things happening to them! Like, what? Why??? (Also, I assume he’s fairly young himself, but if he’s in his mid-20s or older that just adds another layer of grossness.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

Also, “triad” makes me think of a three-note chord. Ivan appears to have only one note, and it’s not dark so much as off-key.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Samantha Vimes | November 21, 2015 at 5:27 pm
If there are guns after the apocalypse, enslaving women might not be so easy– guns neutralize physical inequality.
If there aren’t guns after the apocalypse, enslaving women might not be so easy– physical distance neutralizes physical inequality.

Dark Triad Men have to sleep sometime.

Story Time:

When my grandma and grandpa got married way back in the day, my grandma told him “If you hit me, I won’t be able to fight back (she was always tinier than him by a good margin), but you better not go to sleep around me if you do decide to lay hands on me.”

And he never laid a hand on her, rest his soul.

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

Um. Is that like the men going their own way that can’t do anything besides yell at and complain about women even though their whole point is that they don’t need women at all?

9 years ago

This is a really good post but that top graphic is a giant facepalm.
“Psychopathy” is not code for evil, it’s a somewhat questionable psychiatric label that itself comes with a lot of racist, classist, and ableist baggage.
@Neurotypicals: please stop blaming mentally ill people (ANY mentally ill people, including those that don’t meet your standards of respectability) for awful people and ideas in society.

9 years ago

For starters: Please stop abusing the English language with your attempts to sound poetic and refined. None of the language or metaphors make any kind of sense.

Second, the idea of an immediate post apocalypse world having things like harems doesn’t make any sense in the context of history. Harems take a lot of resources to support and a very stable government. When you look at history, societies really only can support monarchies and elaborate court rituals when there is peace, money, support, and resources. It is like the difference between the Heian and Edo periods of Japanese history (stable, peaceful, and full of art, culture, and court life) vs the periods in between (Kamakura and Muromachi which were more filled with conflict and war). When you try to have an elaborate and expensive court system without the necessary conditions (like say, after an apocalypse) you have the French and Russian Monarchies.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Mattie | November 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm
This is a really good post but that top graphic is a giant facepalm.
“Psychopathy” is not code for evil, it’s a somewhat questionable psychiatric label that itself comes with a lot of racist, classist, and ableist baggage.
@Neurotypicals: please stop blaming mentally ill people (ANY mentally ill people, including those that don’t meet your standards of respectability) for awful people and ideas in society.

I was wondering about that myself, actually. We have a strict rule against ableism in the comments policy, so I’m wondering if David just pulled that image from a “Dark Enlightenment” site.

9 years ago

“The dark triad is a group of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.”

Aris Boch
9 years ago

Arguing with other Internet users is just marginally more productive than counting the ants in your garden.

Mo Fei Chen (@DynaMoChen)

On the idea of women seeking men’s approval, aren’t MRAs and Anti-SJWs suspect when a woman supports them? Do they question her motives as just a woman seeking male approval?

9 years ago

Terminology in psych is kind of a train wreck. Psychopathy in this case is a personality trait (or behavioral trait), not directly connected to a particular disorder. Being can be relatively low psychopathy or high psychopathy without being “a psychopath” or having ASD. Similarly, you can be high or low in obsessiveness without having OCD, or high in narcissism without having NPD.

9 years ago

So the dude is a major lulzcow.

I find the butthurt about “women competing with men” to be really hilarious.

In the case of Tesla, he might have been “gay” but due to the social pressures of the era, he had to come up with excuses why he would not marry or show interest his whole life.