Bad news, ladies: THEY KNOW.
They know about the Amazonian utopia, the breeding chambers, the grapes — everything.
Last night, on the Red Pill subreddit, REDPILLRECKONING revealed the super seekret feminist plan to take over the world:
[F]eminists see their battle as a genuine war. They have political motives, and they will not stop until they are indeed the dominant gender in our society, and anyone but their male breeding stock is subservient to them. …
Women are manufacturing a female amazonian utopia, where a few brainless chimps feed them grapes and they run planet earth.
How many brainless chimps will there be?
One at first, but he’ll train others!
Also note that women aren’t just trying to build an Amazonian utopia, but a FEMALE Amazonian utopia. As opposed to all those male Amazonian utopias out there.
With evil feminist ladies everywhere, REDPILLRECKONING complained, the male resistance has been forced to go underground, by which he means they have turned to numerous public message boards on the internet that they run and which exclude evil feminists and ladies and wait how is that underground again?
Men have literally been forced into the shadows to talk about how fucked society is getting. In the 90’s they tried to hide and talk in bars, now we have to go to the fucking corners of the web and hide our names for fear of getting our careers wrecked.
Note to self: REDPILLRECKONING isn’t that dude’s real name.
Note to self part two: Apparently in the 90s bars were secret no-girls-allowed sanctuaries for complainy dudes.
What makes the evil feminist plan even more evil, REDPILLRECKONING went on to explain, is that the evil feminist ladies have managed to win some totally desperate beta losers over to their side.
For example, there’s this one dude named “David Futurelle” who’s super-duper terrible.
[M]ale desperation is seen in David Futurelles article where he comes after me. Or when he goes after the redpill movie. He is the definition of a beta, supplicating to women for traffic and brownie points. The dude is exactly what is going wrong with our society, men that bend hand and knee to m’lady their way through life.
Oh, wait, I think he’s talking about me.
Which reminds me: Hey, ladies! Where exactly do I go to trade in all these brownie points for actual brownies? This wasn’t covered in Beta Male orientation.
Anyway, apparently guys like me
can wreck careers because they do it from the relative shadows. He hasn’t had his career ruined because he hasn’t had everyone in favor of free speech and world rid of insanity turn their gaze toward him, and honestly these kinds of people aren’t into ruining lives and careers. But I’ll tell you what, guys like him sure as fuck aren’t above doing so.
For example, I apparently ruined the career of some anonymous dude on the internet who calls himself REDPILLRECKONING by making fun of a post he wrote a couple of months back explaining that dudes can totally generate lady “tingles” in the Hot Babes of the world is by calling them “losers.” Evidently he’s still pretty steamed about the whole thing.
Also, and I didn’t realize this, when I write things on the internet, this apparently takes away the free speech of dudes like REDPILLRECKONING. And so the only way the righteous dudes of the world can protect free speech is to prevent people like me from exercising it.
We need more numbers, and when we get the numbers, hopefully we can focus blow up assholes that try to pervert free speech and ruin the lives of good people.
In a followup comment, REDPILLRECKONING complained that
Guys like this destroy careers. He exists in a world where he can rally juuuustttt enough feminists to create a cascade of shit wherever he needs, while remaining in relative anonymity.
Today I Learned that writing things under your own name on the Internet is a kind of anonymity.
In the comments, not everyone was ready to join REDPILLRECKONING’s War on Futurelle.
Indeed, the legendary Red Pill alpha GayLubeOil came to my defense, sort of.
Hold on, there do you not comprehend the magnificent beauty of David Futerelle? A man, alass no! An Angel. A magnificent 280 pound morbidly obease angel who guids us Red Pillers with his gentle cheesy puff hands. He is but a cherub who blows wind into our sails with his chubby cheeks.
Do you not see that it is Futerelle and his Bloopies that make the Red Pill what it is today? For without them who are we fighting? Why are we writing? True passion comes from opposition. True passion comes from having enemies and a cause.
David Futerelle has given us, has given you and has given me the gift of inspiration. And for that gift you should be grateful. So blow him a kiss and rub his breasts together in gratitude for it is he and men like him that have elevated this manosphere community above all others.
Thanks for the support, bro!
And yet another commenter dropped the Red Pill atomic bomb on REDPILLRECKONING, suggesting that he — brace yourself! — was manipulated by my insidious beta trickery into LOSING FRAME.
Dude, you’re losing the frame real hard.
This guy’s blowing your post out of proportions to make a case against the red pill is the societal equivalent of your girl getting angry at you and reminding you how three months ago you forgot to take the trash out. You keep your cool, you smirk and you agree and amplify.
Damn, son, that’s harsh.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I heard the bell ring. Someone needs their grape feeding.
Link 1. The StPattyDayMassacre video
Haha! I’m totally getting that t-shirt. Loving it.
Link 2. The Alex Jones video (link was provided in StPatty’s infobox)
They know!
(David, feel free to delete my double post. I somehow ended up with a typo in my email address and my comment got put in moderation.)
Hmm. Has anybody trademarked ‘David Futurelle and the Hypergamous Sluts’ yet? Because that would be a kick-ass band name
A Female Amazonian Utopia is still a utopia. I don’t see the problem. Utopia sounds great.
They would have a strong (but slightly antiquated) army made up of social justice warriors and white knights. People would travel by cock carousel. Socialized zombiefying vagina goo for everyone.
oh, thanks for reminding me about International Men’s Day, sn0rkmaiden! I think I’ll check out this book to celebrate…
Heh, I have a statue of the original version of the ‘LOLWUT’ pear (Actually the ‘Biting Pear of Salamanca’). Got it from Ursula Vernon as part of the Digger Omnibus Kickstarter.
Here’s the super seekreet that REDPILLRECKONING (I adore a man in all caps) and the rest of the MRA don’t know, and I’m about to spill it to them. Sorry if I “offend” any of you feminists.
This Amazonian uptopia? Where all feminists — or maybe all women — are equally elevated? And men (except the breeders, maybe) are subservient?
Here’s the harsh truth: Not every woman — or even every feminist — is on the planning committee. Which means that this so-called utopia won’t be democratic. So totes not a uptopia!
I’m not going to name names when it comes to who has been LEFT OUT but could be an INVALUABLE ASSET to the revolution — may it come quickly — but I will say that her name begins with a K and ends with a T.
May I bring the kittyz? They’ve promised to bake brownies and contribute feline wisdom.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Excellent point! (Among your many other excellent points.)
I guess we’ll have to go around them.
And maybe — maybe, maybe, maybe — some of them will grow up/have a change of heart//fall down on some old-school Legos, the kind that have sharp corners, and get up a new person.
Q: What’s sexier than a man in a fedora?
Here in Amazonia, of course. We are funding a new western society! It hasn’t left the paleolitic (is that how you say in english?) period yet, but we our male slaves DO MAKE SOME NICE POTTERY! And we walk with our tits out! And don’t shave! And we have grapes, even though amazonia is too hot for grapes! Join us!
Aaaaaaaand… another cheesy femdom fantasy from red pill land. Jesus Christ bros, just come out of the closet already. All this anger and bigotry and “alpha” bullshit pseudoscience, just because you’re too ashamed to admit you like being pushed around a bit (or, in this case I guess, chained up for some sort of extended b-movie fantasy role play.) There are way better ways to get your femdom on than being a dick on the Internet.
P.S. not generally all that sub, but I’d totally spend a couple days in Amazon women grape world.
P.P.S. Mmm… cheese puff hands.
Ps: Hey, everyone, there’s a documentary called “The Hiper-women”, about a somewhat gynocratic tribe living by the river Xingu in Amazonia.
We have a double agent among us! Seriously, we need a special language only we know to keep all our secrets and plans hidden.
Grape boy should be part of the harem, you know that harem meme the mgtow made awhile back?
I love it! Good job!
Paint eyelash
Yeah Iv heard about her, the women against feminism and other women/girls like them. The women and girls against feminism I think a lot of them are paid because I saw some on this one site where they get paid to hold up signs. The rest they’re really horrible, hypocritical twits who are mostly in it for the money and attention and don’t care at all about anyone or anything else.
Also ironic that he is afraid that women are gonna turn humanity into a bunch of Chimpanzees because red pillers whole worldview not that far off from from how Chimpanzee society works.
Oh, everyone also try to find material about the Icamiabas! Legend says that when Spanish and Portuguese arrived to Amazonia they found tall women warriors who lived in stone houses and gathered gold (obviously given to them by their beta males) who fierced resisted their invasion. They used bows and arrows and were a woman only tribe (Icamiaba means women without husbands). They were so successful in their resistance that they called them Amazonas, as well as the big river they lived by ^^
Wait, does that make me the beta male in my relationship if I buy my husband grapes all the time? No, wait, my husband sometimes buys me fermented grapes. We’re tied for beta male. That’s a relief.
Hey, misogynists, free pro tip for you here: If you want to convince everyone of how evil a particular group is, don’t accuse them of trying to create a utopia. I know you’d still rather live in a toxic wasteland of constant war and fire where men are in charge than the peaceful utopia that feminists want where men and women are equal and respect each other, but the word “utopia” doesn’t sound menacing in any context to sane people.
Speaking of which, this whole “war” Futrelle is waging against MRA’s, according to them at least, makes me think of a guy standing still and holding a mirror facing an army of soldiers with laser guns. They keep relentlessly firing at him while their lasers bounce off his mirror and hit them instead, all the while talking about what an evil monster he is for attacking them and trying to destroy them.
Red Piller: “Women are creating “a female Amazonian utopia, where brainless chimps feed them grapes”
What, its not “bon-bons” anymore? At least they’ve upgraded us from processed junk food to raw, natural, gluten-free and presumably organic fruit.
How do they know about the grapes?! Nooo, that was my division! I can give up on the utopia and on the breeding-centers, but NOT THE GRAPES!
You see, I’m very distressed.
On a serious note though – how is it that these people insist on claiming that redpill is about self-improvment? I know sometimes they will give some good advice (like “exercise” or “go read a book, ffs”), but, even if we ignore the relationship advice that runs over the line between “questionable” and “abuse” like a monster truck without brakes, there are still those posts that have nothing to do with personal betterment or relationships and are just angry men trying to turn their favorite porn scenario into an apocalyptical prophecy – and this things gets upvoted.
What the hell, Redpill? You’re losing frame.
(Seriously, how was redpillreckoning’s job ever in jeopardy if he posts under an anonymous moniker?)
They are easily frightened little kittens, aren’t they? He pastes the same DAVID FUTURELLE RUINS LIVES thing about ten times in the Red Pill thread. When that doesn’t get enough of a response he starts openly threatening David (“We need to make fucking examples of guys like this…”), which gets the other Red Pillers get pissed at him because that shit could get their terrible subreddit shut down.
Poor guy. David’s post from two months ago really hurt his feelings. Guess he’s still not over his girlfriend with the MBA and the great job who left him because he kept insulting her.
If you’re ever in the Bay Area, David, I will hells of make you brownies. But that’s all you’re getting from me, because according to that Reddit thread you’re already receiving nonstop sex from hordes of women, not to mention millions of dollars from the Rockefeller Foundation, as payment for advancing the feminist agenda.
Reddit? The 34th most popular website on the planet?