You may have already heard the story of Canadian journalist and GamerGate opponent Veerender Jubbal, misidentified in the media as one of the Paris terrorists after trolls took a bathroom selfie of his, photoshopped to make it look as though he was wearing a suicide bomber vest and holding a Koran, and spread it around labeled as a photo posted by one of the Paris suicide bombers shortly before Friday’s deadly attacks.
The photoshopped pic of Jubbal, a Sikh, was reported as authentic by major media outlets in Italy and Spain; one newspaper put Jubbal’s face on its cover as one of the Paris terrorists.
While the photo has been debunked now by more media outlets than originally reported it as real, this is the kind of smear that never really goes away; Jubbal will forever be tarnished by his imaginary connection to a terrible act of mass murder.
GamerGaters at first denied they had anything to do with the smear job — the standard GG response whenever one of their own does something utterly appalling — but Vice has now conclusively proven that the people responsible for creating and spreading around the photoshopped selfie were longtime GamerGaters.
Initially, even as GamerGaters were denying any connection to the photoshopped pic, more than a few of them were saying that Jubbal deserved the smear because of his criticisms of the alleged “ethics” movement; others, as Vice notes, concocted and spread fake Tweets allegedly from Jubbal to cement the false notion that he was a terrorist.
The GamerGate panderers over at Breitbart added fuel to the fire with a sneering “report” on the smear that was clearly designed to embarrass Jubbal further. “[A] large majority of the internet has found the situation hilarious,” regular BreitbartTech contributor Charlie Nash wrote,
especially due to the irony of Jubbal’s previous comments that have painted entire innocent communities as terrorists and hate-mongers.
In other words, he was asking for it. And it gets worse:
Luckily for Jubbal, there are many women that love serial killers and the foulest dregs of society serving life sentences, so an online reputation as a suicide bomber should be more than enough to earn him the female company that so far has eluded him.
The whole shameful affair tells us a lot about what GamerGate has become more than a year into its sordid existence.
Let’s start off by looking at what Vice uncovered.
First, the doctored photo of Jubbal-as-terrorist was whipped up by someone called @turd_wartsniff back in August. This lovely fellow, Vice writer Rich Stanton reveals,
is also responsible for a series of images, Photoshopped and otherwise, attacking Gamergate opponents. Among this individual’s favourite targets are Arthur Chu, Anita Sarkeesian and Zoë Quinn – all of whom have spoken out against Gamergate harassment. The account also posted images containing the Gamergate logo, a purple and green “GG” badge, and the Gamergate cartoon character Vivian James.
After the Paris attacks, a colleague of the photoshopper who goes by the name of blacktric reposted it, claiming that Jubbal was one of the terrorists. As Stanton notes,
Gamergate members have insisted that blacktric has no association with the group, but that is contradicted by his posting on the GG subreddit KIA*, jolly back-and-forths with Gamergate’s “based lawyer” Mike Cernovich, and his history of commenting on stories about the group. Astonishingly, amongst the evidence offered by Gamergate that blacktric has no association with them is a tweet where he refers to GG as “us”.
Short of a stamp from a Notary Public confirming the smear job as an official GamerGate production, this is about as conclusive as it gets.
After Vice posted its story, one of the mods on Reddit’s KotokuInAction subreddit, one of GamerGate’s main online hubs, deleted blacktric’s KIA comment in what seems to have been a crude attempt at a cover-up.
The mod later explained that he deleted the comment “to fuck with the [Vice] author ‘smoking gun’, meh.”
Apparently destroying evidence in an attempt to exonerate the guilty is … ethics?
Vice’s Stanton suggests that maybe, just maybe, GamerGate’s
linking an innocent man with one of the most despicable terror attacks on European soil, within hours of it happening, will be what brings Gamergate to an end.
I’m not quite so hopeful. While the smearing of Jubbal is, admittedly, a new low for GamerGate, the phony “ethics” movement has been morally and ethically bankrupt from the start.
But it will likely drag on as a sort of roving harassment squad for some time, bolstered by its enablers at Breitbart, on YouTube, and within the American Enterprise Institute, even as more and more GamerGaters give up even the pretense of giving a shit about media ethics or even basic human decency.
In other words, expect more of this crap. And more denials.
EDIT: Added a quote from the KIA mod, which I found linked to on GamerGhazi.
I think I heard it put best that gamergate is a political party of a-holes who’s primary goal is to attack people for saying they’re a-holes.
Also, they’ve just managed to interfere with the investigation of a horrific mass murder.
I follow Jareender on twitter, and he is one of the nicest, sweetest people around, and that they did this to him is what drives me to imagining punching every single gamergater behind this mess in the face.
I know I should be better than that, but dammit, this will result not just in tarnishing his image, but possibly getting him hurt or worse, killed.
Which is what Gamergate wants. They WANT him killed, there is no doubt in my mind about that. Just as they want every other critic gone in one way or another.
Like, it’s bad enough that every day is August for Zoe Quinn, or the sheer amount of death and rape threats that Anita Sarkesian, Brianna Wu, and Randi Harper get. That they shit post anyone who says ANYTHING so common decent leveled as “Hey, don’t harass women”, that they lie to get into a convention and then whine when they’re kicked out…
THIS… this is a whole new low, and I hope someone pays for it through a court of law to put some real fear into the rest of them.
GamerGate always has this weird way of leaving me simultaneously entirely baffled by how they can be, well, what they are and yet somehow also entirely not at all surprised no matter how low they stoop. I still don’t know how to process the combined sensation of bewilderment and unsurprise.
What still has me flabbergasted is that none of these media outlets had red flags go off when seeing a man in a Sikh turban holding the Koran???
And this is why I stopped using the word “gamer” describe myself and just started saying “I’m someone who plays video games”.
My question is how can such scumbags stay around for so long?
Well, yes. This may be because I’m a native Londoner and therefore have no difficulty distinguishing between Sikhs and Muslims even from a fair distance, but I’d have given that image the side-eye regardless of context. And I certainly wouldn’t have published it in a major media outlet without following up on my suspicions.
You seriously think they can (or even care to) tell the difference? Remember the white supremacist who massacred a Sikh temple because he thought it was a mosque?
Jubaal is one of the nicest, sweetest people on the interwebs,t hat they did this to him is so freakin’ vile.
” Remember the white supremacist who massacred a Sikh temple because he thought it was a mosque?”
Remember the “Don’t Freak, I’m a Sikh” T-shirts that came out after 9/11. Turbans are really a Sikh and Hindu thing, more than a Muslim thing.
I know around where I live (Minnesota), white Christians think that all men wearing turbans are Muslims. Even with the Sikh temple massacre that happened in the state next door, very few people around here know that Sikhs exist, or that they’re not some sub-sect of Islam.
A lot of people don’t even know what a Sikh is or that they exist. I’m not that surprised people failed to pick up that he wasn’t even a Muslim. Just very, very disappointed.
@Arthur Meyer
“My question is how can such scumbags stay around for so long?”
They have anonymity, they’re white guys, and gaming has always had a bit of an image issue so people can assume the worst. Well, they made the worst manifest.
At some point they’ll overstep, which will basically be someone getting killed who’s male and probably white, or the overstep will be so incredibly public. I have to wonder what game companies and studios will do then . . .
These racist turds never bother to distinguish between the religions that scary brown people follow. A Hindu temple in Ontario was vandalized following the Paris attack.
This isn’t a problem with the game companies or studios. I’m a gamer myself and GamerGate boils down to the loudest, most vile and immature men in the hobby. The game companies aren’t the ones with an image problem because of this. It’s a smear job on other gamers, they’re just too far gone to realize it.
So, is this when the Feds finally get involved?
Unfortunately that would probably mean a whole new wave of “Obama as Hitler” memes. Its funny how intimidation works, isn’t it?
Yeah Sikhs in the US might need to become more vocal about this issue. But then would it be like, “I’m not the ‘other’ you want kill, its that Muslim guy over there”?
Still, everyone should be educated on who’s who and what’s what. There’s a lot to learn about world cultures and religions. And a lot of positivity to be gained from many of them.
Gamergate- it’s about ethics in video game journalism, and a complete and utter lack of ethics in literally everything else. And also a lack of ethics in video game journalism.
“A Hindu temple in Ontario was vandalized following the Paris attack.”
I thought those south of the border were the ones with the “dumb redneck American” reputation, not Canadians.
There will be calls for “Muslims to come out publicly against terrorism” as if they never have. I mean, that’s practically all Muslims in the West do these days is make clear they are against terrorism. A lot of the Muslims I know bring it up out of the blue in conversations on the defensive because they don’t want to be identified with ISIS, Al Qaida, and terrorism. I guess they assume everyone is giving them the side eye but no one in my circle does. Still, I get it. Mainstream media heads call for them to “speak out” all the time as if each individual Muslim is personally responsible for these things!
Hey, I’m Minnesotan too! The funny thing is, there isn’t a huge South Asian community here, but there is a large number of Somali Muslims and the men don’t wear turbans. You’d think a Minnesotan would be able to tell a Sikh isn’t a Muslim, but apparently not.
Isn’t that the Republican party?
I’m sure Cernovich’s chumminess with blacktric, and the intersection between GooberGate, KiA, and TheRedPill, will make the cut of The Red Pill movie. After all, it’s about ethics in documentary filmmaking.
I saw this on snopes earlier today and never realized who the guy was. Damn I feel really, really sorry for him. Anytime he looks for a job he is going to have to explain to the recruiter who does a google search on him what all this is about.
How the heck can you dehumanize someone so much where you gleefully present something like this to the public to destroy them and their reputation? F^&*$ GG and everyone who still wants to be a part of them.
I seem to remember a hilarious Daily Show segment with Jordan Klepper about how relieving it was for assholes everywhere that Donald Trump was running as the first openly asshole presidential candidate, but I can’t find it.
@Virtually Out of Touch: You mean like this? http://www.salon.com/2015/11/17/this_cnn_segment_is_everything_wretched_about_our_response_to_the_paris_attacks/
I expect GG to be scum so I’m more pissed off at the (don’t deserve the title) Journalists who reprinted It unskeptically