In the interview with the Today show in which he acknowledged that he’s HIV positive, Charlie Sheen declared that HIV is “a hard three letters to absorb.”
Over on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are responding to claims that Sheen may have had sex with 200 or more partners since becoming HIV positive with three other letters: LOL.
In a post with the told-you-so headline “Hypergamy Bites Back: Sheen Fucks 200+ Women After Being Diagnosed With HIV,” Redditor Factushima, whose comment history is filled with contributions to the MGTOW, MensRights and TheRedPill subreddits, declares:
The possibility that “cock carousel”-riding women may have contracted HIV from Sheen makes some of Reddit’s MGTOWs positively giddy. Some of their responses:
(I assume that in this context, TS means either “Tough Shit” or “Totally Sweet.”)
There were a few critics of Sheen as well. Like this gentleman with the lovely username “drippingdownherbreas” (sic).
As are you all, MGTOWs, as are you all.
“I thought they were lying!” is a terrible argument or excuse in general. The only reason to use it is if you know them well enough be be certain that they probably were lying, and the person you’re saying it to knows you well enough to trust that judgment. Even then it’s pretty weak. Rather, you need to say why you think what someone said was incorrect.
“I thought she was an ageplayer because she didn’t look 14!” is either grasping at straws to avoid responsibility, or jumping to an unwarranted (and in this case, highly unlikely) conclusion. You wouldn’t assume that someone is a librarian because they’re reading a book, and that’s the level of stupidity this argument displays.
It did! I haven’t broken that one out in ages now, but some things never change do they?
As for Sheen’s sexual partners, I was under the impression most of them were hired sex workers. Which, if true, is just another layer of fucked since they’re out of work until they’re sure they’re HIV-. And if he infected anyone? Yeah, try for attempted murder, but most definitely charge with assault with a deadly weapon since I think there’s a precedent there. If their livelihood depends on their ability to perform sexual acts, add in a suit for lost wages. Or, I guess, if that applies regardless if the partner in question was a sex worker, I’m just extra cranky that, afaik, most of these women were paid, and thus likely explicitly lied to about his status (he can afford high class call girls, I’m fairly sure they are in a position to ask about such things, a luxury I acknowledge that many sex workers do not have)
So yeah, if the whole thing about him hiring sex workers is true, please add the appropriate layer of bigotry.
The one and only time my husband and I tried using lambskin (it wasn’t an STD issue but rather a “didn’t get my birth control refilled in time” issue) it was a literal boner-killer. The damn things smell like lanolin, and unless one gets profoundly aroused from the smell of the sheep exhibit at the state fair…
“Any sign of Bart and Milhouse?”
“No, and if they don’t get here soon it’ll be T.S. for them.”
[cut to Ralph Wiggum in a pool under a sign that says “Tethered Swimming”]
“Eeh, eeh, eeh, I don’t feel right!”
Not sure where to post this, but I’ll just drop it here. Anecdote from work today, which can be used as a daily reminder that refugees are people:
Somali woman, mid 20s, married with a 1 year old daughter. She says she wants to study to become a nurse, but she’s not sure if she knows the language well enough. Her husband learned the language fast and got part time work as a teacher. She has been cleaning hotel rooms.
Her motivation for wanting to become a nurse is literally this: “So many people want to be cleaners because you don’t need a specific education and you don’t need to know the language. There are so many who can’t find a job. If I get an education and become a nurse, someone else can get my old job and make money.”
Me: “uhhh hold on I got something in my eye”
Laugh away boys, as it is fairly clear that very few of you are getting laid any time soon, you will never have to worry about catching HIV. Phew! Looks like your cretinous personalities have actually done you some good for a change!
I’ve been dodging most of the misogynistic crap surrounding the Paris attacks, that was too much to handle for me. But glad to see I’m just in time to laugh at this nonsense!
Many of the people you’re telling to ‘laugh away’ are married. Now please be quiet, grownups are talking.
But MGTOW doesn’t hate women. Right? It’s about MEN’s Rights not women! Right? Crickets……………..
BTW today is my first time commenting on this site. I have been reading it for the past few months, but have not commented, so I want to first thank David Futrelle for being the voice of reason, and just as importantly the voice of mockery, because if we don’t mock them, we will lose our damn minds!
Howdy everyone!
Also “cock carousel”, how can I get one of these things, do I order it from Neiman Marcus? Does it actually spin? And what will my neighbors think?
Moocow, I assumed ljy2008 is addressing the Manosphere. They’re the ones laughing at people at risk for HIV.
So let me get this straight…
1. MRAs consider all women to be filthy sluts who spread STDs
2. A man has sex with hundreds of women, spreading his incurable STD to them
3. MRAs call all the women he slept with filthy sluts and ignore any responsibility on his part
4. MRAs continue to accuse feminists of hypocrisy and double-speak all over the internet
Yep, that’s pretty much exactly how I expected them to react to this issue.
Aw, you’re telling me I’m not gonna get HIV? What a devastating insult.
@Lady Mondegreen
Oops, is that what that was? Looks like I made the same mistake as Moocow. If so, my bad ljy2008.
Moocow, I was referring to the manosphere. As most of them are not likely to be getting any action any time soon, they can rest assured they won’t be catching HIV, that was the point.
I wasn’t attacking people who have contracted HIV.
Probably didn’t word it so well.
Lambskin condoms are far more effective at stopping the transmission of many STIs in actual use than they’re given credit for, and there are reasons for this. This is a long read, but a really good read. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/04/latex_condoms_are_the_worst_why_after_all_these_years_don_t_we_have_a_better.html
I read that backwards, I completely apologize! I was a little too trigger happy
*ljy2008. Ack. OK I’m done for tonight.
Welcome to the site, Here Kitty Kitty! Pull up a hard chair and enjoy your stay.
Paradoxy’s got a little online store selling WHTM merchandise. We should ask her if she stocks cock carousels; and if not, whether she could get some in for us.
The data science blog FiveThirtyEight built an awesome toy: a graphing tool which plots how commonly certain words are used on reddit, and how it’s changed over the years. For example:
Give it a go, it’s enormous fun.
This whole story is so sad. He obviously had a hard time coming to terms with his diagnosis, hence his bizarre behaviour a while back. And if he’s passed it on to anyone knowingly then it adds a whole new layer of awfulness to the story.
These red pill assholes are hopefully just stupid, ignorant boys who will one day grow out of it when they get more life experience. Part of my job as a drug worker is testing for blood borne viruses like HIV and hepatitis. Supporting a devastated person through a positive diagnosis is heartbreaking. TRPers should be ashamed of themselves.
Well what I was trying to say earlier is that its kinda shitty to be all like “use comdoms dummy” at someone who already has HIV. One reason is because you can still get HIV using condoms. Another is that “you should have used condoms / not had sex / not had “gay sex” has been a common refrain of people shaming AIDS victims, and that shaming has contributed to the epidemic rather than alleviating it. Go ahead and tell your friends and your kids to use condoms but saying that as a response to someone coming out and saying they have a disease please.
saying = *dont say
Hah! I recommend searching for “cuck”. It’s a pretty steep curve.
Also, search for Cernovich to get an idea of why he’s desperately trying to stay relevant. :p
Interesting, “Futrelle” is poised to overtake “Cernovich” given the patterns over the last few months; right now they’re about neck and neck. Since July, “Roosh” has also overtaken “Elam.” “Yiannopoulos” isn’t even common enough to be tracked at all.
Of course, all these gentlemen’s names put together don’t even start to compare to the results for “Sarkeesian.” “Quinn” is even higher but is a more common name, so might be accumulating references from other sources too. I didn’t even try searching for “Wu.”