In the interview with the Today show in which he acknowledged that he’s HIV positive, Charlie Sheen declared that HIV is “a hard three letters to absorb.”
Over on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are responding to claims that Sheen may have had sex with 200 or more partners since becoming HIV positive with three other letters: LOL.
In a post with the told-you-so headline “Hypergamy Bites Back: Sheen Fucks 200+ Women After Being Diagnosed With HIV,” Redditor Factushima, whose comment history is filled with contributions to the MGTOW, MensRights and TheRedPill subreddits, declares:
The possibility that “cock carousel”-riding women may have contracted HIV from Sheen makes some of Reddit’s MGTOWs positively giddy. Some of their responses:
(I assume that in this context, TS means either “Tough Shit” or “Totally Sweet.”)
There were a few critics of Sheen as well. Like this gentleman with the lovely username “drippingdownherbreas” (sic).
As are you all, MGTOWs, as are you all.
“Also, dipshit MRAs–sleeping with Charlie Sheen (or any other celebrity) doesn’t make these women “hypergamous” even by your own horribly twisted definition, unless the women were in relationships at the time with men who were unaware of their dalliance with Sheen. I strongly suspect that most of Sheen’s encounters have been with women who were not, in fact, involved with anyone else in particular.”
They mean those women passed up “indicators of interest” from “regular Joe’s” for Charlie. But let’s examine this idea that women trade up. If that were the case we’d see women en masse divorcing every 2 years or so for someone “more alpha” than the previous husband. So most women would be married and divorced dozens of times before old age and death.
One of my friends has a latex allergy, so she uses lamb skin (or alternative materials) because she can’t use standard condoms. She has to special order them online. Because they don’t work so well for STIs she’s pretty careful about testing before sleeping with people.
… I see lambskin all the time sold as latex free. I was kind of weirded out the first time I saw them, but they certainly exist. I don’t know why you would use them unless you couldn’t wear latex though, since they’re supposed to reduce feeling even more and not prevent STDs
VooT: That’s just it, though–you’re only ‘trading up’ if you have something that you’re trading out of in the first place. Sheen clearly likes his sexual relations to be as uncomplicated as possible; a jealous boyfriend/husband is likely to actually be something that makes a woman less interesting to him.
If they’re saying hypergamy means… women exercising choice in whom they will and will not sleep with? Well, okay, yes, I suspect these shits actually do have a problem with that, but they’re usually trying desperately not to admit it.
There’s no way MEN would sleep with an attractive popular movie star given a chance.
There’s no double standard, no unreasonable expectations for men, no nothing other than them being judgmental pricks.
“The moral of the story ought to be if you have HIV and you know it, tell your partners. ”
This. Charlie Sheen deserves sympathy for having HIV. But he doesn’t deserve sympathy for failing to tell any partner about his HIV+ status. Consent means informed consent.
Ugh. I’d say these people are repellent, but… I mean, this is the behaviour I expect from them. I can’t rouse an appropriate level of anger at it, just a sort of cynical ‘that’s what I figured you’d say’ feeling of disgust.
Need a vacation from the human species for awhile. Any suggestions?
I thought hypergamy was just a general term for ‘marrying up’. Anyway it’s hard to see how it even applies to casual sexual encounters with a celebrity.
OT: Some high school kid stabbed a girl in the neck after she refused to go to prom with him because she was going with her boyfriend. He brought the knife to school the day he stabbed her so it was premptive. :/
The article is also terrible.
“I thought hypergamy was just a general term for ‘marrying up’.”
It is. The ninny-nanny Nanosphere hijacked the term for their own purposes.
Some people have thin lips. I’m not sure why you needed to bring that up. There’s a lot of villainy to go around. No need to mock a physical feature that plenty of non-assholes have.
That story is a year old. I remember it though.
I must not have read the date correctly then wth. Sorry.
Wow, I really read the year wrong because it states in big bold print ONE YEAR AGO in bold. Jesus. I am bad at reading today.
I’m just relieved it didn’t happen again!
The morals is always use protection. You might be monogamous but your partner might not. And get tested regularly. And do never do it in the back without protection NEVER. HIV is not the death sentence it used to be but antiretroviral drugs sucks. And PEP has also nasty effects. I know it very well. Cover up. It is worth it.
Ew. I just read in the news about a suuuuper creepy case of a 40 year old dude who paid a 14 year old girl for sex, but was not convicted of statutory rape because he claimed not to know her real age (she looked older! she seemed sexually experienced!). Even though she had told him in a text she was 14! She had literally told him straight up: “I’m 14”, and he’s still getting away with saying he didn’t know she was 14. The trick? He thought she was “age playing”. Not kidding. What the fuck, society.
Anyone still need brain bleach?
I checked. It turns out Lambskins are sold country but only with the very specific warning they do not protect against STDs. Other latexfree Condoms do protect against STDs so why these things are even sold is beyond me.
Polyurethane, polyisoprene or other synthetic materials are all cheaper than lambskin and there is less loss of sensation.
The coven! Best thing I saw today.
I’m tired of the whole hypergamy argument. It’s nonsensical to me; like men don’t dump women everyday for someone “better”. As a matter of fact, other men would consider them out of their minds for not going for it, so they can just stick their resentment that women have choices where the sun don’t shine.
Baw. Thank you, @weirwoodtreehugger
Assuming that embeds, I leave it here without further comment.