evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA red pill

MGTOWs think it’s hilarious that Charlie Sheen may have given HIV to “hypergamous” women


In the interview with the Today show in which he acknowledged that he’s HIV positive, Charlie Sheen declared that HIV is “a hard three letters to absorb.”

Over on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are responding to claims that Sheen may have had sex with 200 or more partners since becoming HIV positive with three other letters: LOL.

In a post with the told-you-so headline “Hypergamy Bites Back: Sheen Fucks 200+ Women After Being Diagnosed With HIV,” Redditor Factushima, whose comment history is filled with contributions to the MGTOW, MensRights and TheRedPill subreddits, declares:

Hypergamy Bites Back: Sheen Fucks 200+ Women After Being Diagnosed With HIV. (self.MGTOW) submitted 18 hours ago by Factushima Who would have thought riding the cock carousel was such a dangerous job. I'll bet right now there are hundreds of women who wished they had thought better of sleeping with a guy simply because he had money and had been on TV. What an insane waste of life.

The possibility that “cock carousel”-riding women may have contracted HIV from Sheen makes some of Reddit’s MGTOWs positively giddy. Some of their responses:

ransay3277 9 points 13 hours ago WINNING!

enry-invisible-h 4 points 16 hours ago They wanted the tiger blood. They got it.

Isaiah4verse1 2 points 18 hours ago TS for them! I don't know why they're suing him. They probably won't live long enough to spend his money. LOL

(I assume that in this context, TS means either “Tough Shit” or “Totally Sweet.”)

There were a few critics of Sheen as well. Like this gentleman with the lovely username “drippingdownherbreas” (sic).

drippingdownherbreas 2 points 7 hours ago Hypergamous whores. Sheen's still a giant asshole though.

As are you all, MGTOWs, as are you all.


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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

“What a beautiful morning! What can I do today to be the absolute fucking worst?”

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

The moral of the story for everyone who is not either abstaining or strictly monogamous: always use condoms/other STD protection and get tested in a regular basis.

In general, good thing HIV-suppressors help contain the spread of the virus and make the lives of those infected easier.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

“Oh, look, people who I don’t like got a disease that will slowly kill them while they have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on medical treatment over the course of the rest of their lives, because they had sex with someone who they didn’t know was infected! Pity? Sympathy? What are those?”

Yet, if this had been a woman sleeping around with a bunch of men, they’d be calling for her to be burnt at the stake.

9 years ago

Charlie Sheen is a top caliber asshole but… MRAs constantly manage to find ways to disgust me even more. What worthless pieces of shit.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Where are Charlie’s lips?

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

MGTOW are of course jealous of Charlie Sheen but too preoccupied with hating women to admit this.

It is about hating people who have the sex they wish they had. So sad.

9 years ago

They’re just jealous because they didn’t get to have sex with Charlie Sheen.

9 years ago

So classy, all of them…

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“It is about hating people who have the sex they wish they had. So sad.”

Dullcock (Dalrock) noted this on his blog. “Jealous of Sin” he called it, or something like that. Still somehow it was concluded that its worse for women to have all this “sexual choice” and “opportunity to sin” than men.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Much class. Very impress. Wow.

…in other words: what a bunch of fucking assholes.

9 years ago

Wait what? Cock carousel? Charlie Sheen is the one who had sex with scores of people. And I’m pretty sure he only has one dick. Did they somehow get confused and think that it was a story about one woman having sex with hundreds of Charlie Sheens?

9 years ago

In between all the “War and Peace” length scriptural references that are tied in with “told you so”, “this is why you shouldn’t have sex before marriage”, “all non-believers are going to hell with their slutty disease-infected evil ways taking them down the devil’s path”…and insinuations that Sheen must have been ‘doing butt stuff’ with other men because HIV is (not) a ‘gay disease’…I knew I could count on the MGTOW bunch to find a way to make this one man announcing he has HIV all about hating on women.

I hope they cannot find any lego-protective slippers and live the remainder of their sad days without a woman, or a sexbot, in a house carpeted wall to wall with legos – even the stairs, the bathtub/shower, and can’t have grass in their yard (water conservation requirements, natch’) so instead it’s all legos. Their mattress and chair seats should all be legos too.

9 years ago


to a MGTOW ‘cock carousel’ translates as ‘didn’t have sex with me’ or sometimes simply ‘not a virgin’

I feel bad for Sheen, but worse for the women. I’m sorry to victim blame, but what is it with celebrities and not using condoms? I have nothing against people who seek to have multiple partners, providing they aren’t assholes about it and bloody well stay safe.

9 years ago

The moral of the story ought to be if you have HIV and you know it, tell your partners.

Also, sick of the slut shaming and disease shaming of people. No shame in having HIV.

Every day when I’m driving I see all you all motherfuckers doing dumb reckless shit so I know none of us should be sitting in judgement of “sluts” (if you don’t drive you probably smoke or eat burgers or something).

Malice W Underland
9 years ago

“They probably won’t live long enough to spend his money”

Uh…Like, I’m sure Charlie Sheen has a lot of money, but how much money does this commenter think he has exactly? Does he think Charlie Sheen hands out full pensions to every one of the hundreds of women he’s purportedly slept with?

Sometimes I look at comments from the manosphere and have to conclude that a large part of its constituency is 17 year olds who don’t know much about the adult world.

9 years ago

As a lego collectioner, I can ensure you stepping on lego isn’t that painful to begin with, and it’s something one adapt to very fast.

Also, thoses peoples are high caliber asshole. I wish I had an asshole rifle who would allow me to fire thoses assholes on another planet. Or plane. But far enough that I can never ever encounter them.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

dlouwe | November 18, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Wait what? Cock carousel? Charlie Sheen is the one who had sex with scores of people. And I’m pretty sure he only has one dick. Did they somehow get confused and think that it was a story about one woman having sex with hundreds of Charlie Sheens?

He rode the pussy coaster. And maybe the cock carousel as well.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

As a lego collectioner, I can ensure you stepping on lego isn’t that painful to begin with, and it’s something one adapt to very fast.

Lego toilet seat.

9 years ago

I think the old Legos may have had somewhat sharper corners than the recent ones– at least, that was the observation my friend made when I gave him some 70s-80s-era Legos because I wasn’t doing anything with them…

Anyway, Legos are too kind. If you don’t want to go full medical sharps/undisposed blades on them, I would recommend liquidambar fruit.

9 years ago


At least one of his ex-girlfriends, Bree Olson (an adult actress who was with him for a while), has stated that he used lambskin condoms, which prevent pregnancy but do jack against STDs. So it isn’t like there was no attempt at using protection.

9 years ago

So ok I’m like livid right now and blown some brain cells so can’t really think right now and gonna to look up brain bleach like a lot of brain bleach and apologies for spelling and grammar and not making sense but I just want to say this right now becuase Iv been seeing this a bit often but uh for the men and boys out there who is reading this and probably thinking “..I don’t want to be a male anymore”, “I’m ashamed” and “these s***s are giving men/boys a bad name” or whatever please don’t think like this becuase then I have to be ashamed for what other women and girls have done and all that so all I want is men and boys to like be angry at stuff like this and stand up to it and try to listen to us women and girls that’s all. (And not be “nice guy”) Now excuse me I’m gonna to like try to be calm and stuff with kitties and stuff.

9 years ago


Well I’m glad to finally have a worthy cause to donate all those old legos sitting around at the storage place to…I should see about starting a charity drive where people bring legos
that are no younger than 80’s vintage. If that doesn’t work I’m sure I can find a few raccoons to gnaw the edges on newer legos to prevent the MGTOWs from developing calluses that render their lego decor less punishing. I’ll just train my s/o to think it’s his idea to train some raccoons to sharpen those legos (if this isn’t something using those copulins is meant for I don’t know what is!) and all will be fine and right in the world again.

However, I cannot condone anything resembling actual violence, because that would be wrong (barring situations that involve safe words and thorough negotiation, plus consent).

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

I did not know lambskin condoms were still sold in the Western world. I have never seen them even in specialised condom shops in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Then again we use those things to prevent STDs first and foremost here.

9 years ago

@sofia van der Linde

Charlie Sheen got an early start with having sex, maybe he had stocked up on lambskin condoms before they more or less disappeared in stores? He’s also a celebrity, and they seem to be able to order all kinds of stuff that is then delivered to their door that most of us wouldn’t even imagine possible to order. There are all sorts of wild possible theories.

I mean, in theory he could have been making his own in his free time, but I doubt it.

9 years ago

Sheen is abusive pond scum, and if he was sleeping with people without informing them of his HIV status once he knew about it, he’s guilty of at least attempted manslaughter and should be locked up. That these shitbags are even worse is an impressive low, even for them.

Also, dipshit MRAs–sleeping with Charlie Sheen (or any other celebrity) doesn’t make these women “hypergamous” even by your own horribly twisted definition, unless the women were in relationships at the time with men who were unaware of their dalliance with Sheen. I strongly suspect that most of Sheen’s encounters have been with women who were not, in fact, involved with anyone else in particular.

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