cuckolding cultural marxism literal nazis misogyny racism

Do these sweatpants make me look like I’m supporting WHITE GENOCIDE?

Hey, those prices aren’t bad!

Most of us, when we hear the word “genocide,” think of things like gas chambers, mass killings, ethnic cleansing.

But for the white supremacists of the world, “genocide” has a somewhat, well, broader meaning, encompassing anything and anything that might possibly, in any way, put even the slightest dent in the efficient production of white babies.

A white person marrying a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same neighborhood as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same country as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide!

As far as I can tell, practically the only thing that white supremacists don’t consider genocide is the actual Holocaust. 

The latest thing that is #WhiteGenocide?

Ads for sweatpants.

No, really. Some of Twitter’s white supremacists have noticed a new promotion for Hanes, the underwear, t-shirt and sweatpants giant, that – gasp! – features INTERRACIAL COUPLES!

Cue racist heads exploding.

The prices look pretty good. I might have to buy myself a hoodie. AND DESTROY THE WHITE RACE.


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9 years ago

I must not be as much of a bigot as I thought — I had to look at these pictures a couple of times before I could figure out what was supposed to be so awful about them.

9 years ago

We seem to have various opinions about what white racists think. Who’s at the top of the purity/empowerment list? And who’s right below that? And next?

IMO, one reason they’re being coy about the exact list because each one of them wants to put his name at the top. But they can’t come out and say it, because then the infighting would tear apart their (extremely tenuous) group.

Here’s another reason they’re vague: They want to be as slippery as possible to evade a thoroughgoing critique.

I’m sure that they have other, equally slimy reasons.

9 years ago

@Virtually Out of Touch

Racist parents and grandparents are globally common. My grandparents, both sets, are not into us their grandchildren interracially, interculturally, interclassly and sometimes even interreligiously dating. I still love them and they have many great qualities. They are just products of their times.

I agree. Most parents and grandparents sacrifice for their children and grandchildren and love them a lot — even if their attitude toward some other people is less than it could be.

9 years ago


Thanks for the info about Hanes!

9 years ago


my high school banned Harry Potter in response to an article from The Onion

Our Attorney General tweeted out a satire article from the Daily Currant posted on Jan 2, 2014, claiming 37 people died of “marijuana overdose” in the first 24 hours after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado. Some people just can’t.

9 years ago


You’re welcome. I think.

9 years ago


Are you also thinking that seemed a bit sarcastic? :p

I don’t know what to think.

9 years ago


It seemed a bit sarcastic and kind of bitter, but I’m a terrible judge of interweb tone.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Oh, crap, did someone tell Skip that women are really interdimensional tentacle monsters in skin-suits? That’s suppsoed to be a secret!

9 years ago

When I read it, all I could think was “THANKS OBAMA”. 🙂

But if it was sincere, then that’s cool.

9 years ago

I wasn’t sure what to make of it either. I initially read it as a MGTOW testimonial and then later realized it could have actually been sincere.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

” my high school banned Harry Potter in response to an article from The Onion”

“Our Attorney General tweeted out a satire article from the Daily Currant posted on Jan 2, 2014, claiming 37 people died of “marijuana overdose” in the first 24 hours after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado. Some people just can’t.”

– And what about the Daily Mail?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Virtually — that excuse works better when said parent isn’t mid-50s who spent his entire life in very liberal New England. Also, neither of his parents were particularly racist, even given the era they grew up in.

Anyways, people can learn, we aren’t stuck with the opinions of our parents and their parents before them, nor do we reach some age after which we’re incapable of judging whether we should say what we’re thinking. So no, he’s not a “product of his age”, he’s a retrograde bigot.

9 years ago

Is there any particular reason why white supremacists fear a caramel planet?

What exactly is it that they are afraid of happening?

I simply can’t grasp what it is about white people and black people pro-creating together that bothers them so much? What are they afraid of? Seriously?

9 years ago

Skip was a bit short on details, but I chose to believe him. After all, lurkers pop up not infrequently to say that they don’t comment but will just this once to show support.

9 years ago

Dear Feminists,

This is one guy that thanks you for his awakening with all of his heart. Without you, there was a lot about women I would have never discovered. The information feminists gave me regarding women saved me from a lifetime of pain. Thanks to feminists, I’m a free man today and a free man for life. Men have much to learn about life, about feminists and about women in general from feminists. Keep up the good work!

Feminists set this man free! Thank you so very, very much feminists!

I’m going to go out on a limb and say Skipper is a Migtow who’s thanking feminists for exposing how icky women are and inspiring all that own way going. I Figured that out because he’s a free man who somehow avoided being enslaved by women. As we know, that’s only possible if a man fixates on how terrible women are and complains endlessly ablout them on Internet comment boards.

I’m not sure why he’s leaving the comment on this thread so I’ll just assume he’s one these guys freaking out over a Hanes advert.

9 years ago


Thanks for the info about Hanes!

No problem. You’re welcome, dhag85.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Does the Bush Family not own an oil company ? Does it make them oil drillers ?

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Argenti

Ha, I recently had to buy 20 cheap phones with just £10 credit on each. They were for a perfectly legitimate purpose (back up for the radios normally used in case of signal problems) but I loved that the guy in the phone shop said “I take it you’ll be paying cash?”


9 years ago

If my father were still alive, he’d be ninety five. Back in the mid 1980s, I introduced him to my first husband, who was Chinese-Panamanian. My father seemed to approve, and they got along fine. I mentioned to my sister how surprising that was, and she laughed. “You were his last chance for a Catholic son-in-law, and you came through!” In retrospect, my older siblings really helped my coming out process.

Regarding the OP, Ira Levin wrote a dystopian SF novel, “This Perfect Day”, in which people worldwide have been intermarrying long enough for everyone to be brown-skinned, brown-eyed and black haired. That’s not the dystopian part, just so you know. It may be the reason it’s never been made into a movie – no roles for white actors.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Dear Feminists,

This is one guy that thanks you for his awakening with all of his heart. Without you, there was a lot about women I would have never discovered. The information feminists gave me regarding women saved me from a lifetime of pain. Thanks to feminists, I’m a free man today and a free man for life. Men have much to learn about life, about feminists and about women in general from feminists. Keep up the good work!

Feminists set this man free! Thank you so very, very much feminists!


You’re welcome! Now will you once and for all actually GO YOUR OWN WAY!!!!

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

ljy2008 | November 18, 2015 at 11:53 pm

Is there any particular reason why white supremacists fear a caramel planet?

What exactly is it that they are afraid of happening?

I simply can’t grasp what it is about white people and black people pro-creating together that bothers them so much? What are they afraid of? Seriously?

Its not just white supremacists, or black supremacists or supremacists at all that fear their particular ethnicity being “bred out”, if you will. I know people from various ethnicities who do not believe their ethnic group to be superior to any other, but they don’t want to see it no longer exiting in a distinct way because it has been bred out. They what their ethnicity and their culture to be preserved.

9 years ago

Obligatorily pointing out that everyone wouldn’t be medium brown if all the races completely mixed. There would still be blondes and blue eyed people.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Some people would have the talent of a medium, and some people would be named Brown. Those features would pop up randomly all over the world, and occasionally unite in the same person.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Some people would have the talent of a medium”

Care to explain?