cuckolding cultural marxism literal nazis misogyny racism

Do these sweatpants make me look like I’m supporting WHITE GENOCIDE?

Hey, those prices aren’t bad!

Most of us, when we hear the word “genocide,” think of things like gas chambers, mass killings, ethnic cleansing.

But for the white supremacists of the world, “genocide” has a somewhat, well, broader meaning, encompassing anything and anything that might possibly, in any way, put even the slightest dent in the efficient production of white babies.

A white person marrying a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same neighborhood as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same country as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide!

As far as I can tell, practically the only thing that white supremacists don’t consider genocide is the actual Holocaust. 

The latest thing that is #WhiteGenocide?

Ads for sweatpants.

No, really. Some of Twitter’s white supremacists have noticed a new promotion for Hanes, the underwear, t-shirt and sweatpants giant, that – gasp! – features INTERRACIAL COUPLES!

Cue racist heads exploding.

The prices look pretty good. I might have to buy myself a hoodie. AND DESTROY THE WHITE RACE.


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9 years ago

Traditions come about because of facts? Just reading that one sentence shows how clueless these people are!

Of course, that guy is ridiculous though- he actually thinks that a few racists depriving themselves of certain products is ever going to be a big deal for us. It would be adorable if it weren’t propelled by so much bile and hate.

9 years ago

@ autosoma, those slippers are perfect! And their owner has a brand new shiny Lego Santa Workshop to boot.

9 years ago

There are other companies for them to boycott then. Here’s one for Swiffer featuring a BW/WM couple and their biracial children. Oh the horror!! THE HORROR!

9 years ago

I had previously associated the word “burner” with people who attend “burn” events – such as Burning Man and its derivatives. I like burners. Forever tainted. Such sad. 🙁

9 years ago

Given the definition of “burner,” I can work out what “oil drilling” is supposed to mean.

I’ve learned so many new racist terms in the past few years :/

9 years ago


Ugh, that YouTube video seems to have attracted the attention of the “white genocide”ers:

aaron parker wrote:

This is an attempt from the coddlers and libtards to shove Coalburning down our throats. You very rarely see a depiction of Oil Drilling in a commercial/movie. There would be mass chimpouts if that happened.

Ugh, after reading the explanation of what “coalburning” is to these people, it wasn’t hard from the context to get “oil drilling.” I think I could have gone my whole life without knowing about it.

9 years ago

@Snowberry, thank you for clarifying. “young white some women” seems much like “young whitesome women”, which is a particularly 19th Century turn of racist phrase that you really only hear from racist jerks. Typically of the Asatru/pagan version, which are the most annoying and angering for me! I’d have a lovely tattoo in anglo-saxon script if it weren’t for the fact that those sorts of tattoos are extremely common in white supremacist/neo nazi circles. They ruin everything they touch :C

#”coalburner” etc, … ugh. Notice how they always make their stupid racist slang with reference to the white person being the one acting? Robbing everyone else of agency. Guess it wouldn’t be racism if it wasn’t doing that, though!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Coalburner”… See what I meant in the other thread about bigots having their own language?

The White Speech of Mandor.

9 years ago

Oh my! So much bad.

Race in advertising is a strange thing. Recently I went to the cinema and saw three adverts in a row for confectionary. In each advert a bunch of people escaped from their dull routine by dancing around with delight as they chomped on some high calorie sweets.

Looking at the people in each advert, an alien to the planet would deduce that all white people have exactly one friend who is a person of colour, but no person of colour has any p.o.c. friends at all.

@ arctic ape I once wrote a poem (for a given value of “wrote”) by putting the different English translations of the Finnish phrase “kuusi palaa” into verse.

9 years ago

Honestly, if you, David, had not released this story and I had gotten this flyer in the mail, I would NOT have even noticed that the meaningless strangers in the ad were of varying skin tone, because why?

I live in a casual household and these Hanes items might make a great little Xmas gift for literally everyone on my list.

Thanks, you zany racists! I really do ordinarily worry over what to get everyone, but I bet Hanes will be a great choice this year. I bet they even deliver.

9 years ago

Hello luvvies. Found out this video from a couple of years ago. I’m sure a lot of people have seen it already but I thought I’d share, the children are wonderful:

9 years ago

The bright side about learning racist lingo; the bastards can’t hide behind code words anymore.

9 years ago

White woman as whore. Person of colour as invader of that whore. Classic misogyny and racism wrapped up in one!

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

There’s been a longstanding youtube war between black american women and black american men about “swirling” and its not reached peak quite yet. They both say the media pushes it in order to destroy “black love”. I dunno. I think the media may be a little lax when it comes to portraying interracial couples. Under-representing it. They say its over the top and over-representing.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

The White Speech of Mandor.

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9 years ago

And here I thought “coal burning” was another term for the idiotic practice known as “coal rolling”.

9 years ago

Is there a single movie, television show or company that right-wing idiots aren’t boycotting?! ‘Brave’ is anti-male, ‘Frozen’ is anti-male, ‘Maleficent’ is anti-male, ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is anti-male, ‘The Lego Movie’ is anti-business, ’12 Years a Slave’ promotes white guilt, ‘The Butler’ promotes white guilt, ‘Selma’ promotes white guilt, ‘Fruitvale Station’ promotes white guilt, ‘Focus’ promotes white genocide, ‘Annie’ promotes white genocide, ‘Fantastic Four’ promotes white genocide, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ promotes white genocide, ‘Bella and the Bulldogs’ promotes cuckolding, Target promotes gender-neutrality, Doritos promotes the gay agenda, Campbell’s Soup promotes the gay agenda, Starbucks is anti-Christmas… EAT SHIT ALREADY! And these people say that liberals are the ones who are offended by everything! At this stage, I think it’d be easier to compile a list of the movies they CAN watch (hint: it’d consist solely of ‘American Sniper’) and the companies they CAN patronize (hint: it’d consist solely of Chick-fil-A) than the ones that they can’t. Jesus, can you just imagine what the reaction would be if ‘Thelma and Louise’ had been made today rather than the 90s?

9 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

*goes back to thinking of burners as phones* you know, those prepaid deals you can get fucking everywhere? They are magnificent for *cough*illegal*cough* activities.

…which I probably wouldn’t know if pot was legal, funny that.

Seriously though, $6 for long sleeve shirts? I’m glad I popped back here before going to bed because fuck, I really need to see if I can order some. Having just one shirt to keep me from rope burned armpits sucks and considering my aerials leggings are $25 a pop on sale… yeah, cheap shirt = hell yes!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Argenti Aertheri | November 17, 2015 at 12:32 pm
PI — but is it #FF0000 and #00FF00 or #FFFF00?! And that clip is definitely giggle inducing!

Is it #0000FF and #000000, or #FFFF00 and #FFFFFF?

And it’s the one that responds a few seconds after that makes the whole clip for me. Not that the four little snowmen going “HAIL SATAN” in tiny cute chipmunk voices aren’t funny enough.

Erika | November 17, 2015 at 3:27 pm
I participated in White Genocide and all I got was this stupid T-shirt

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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’ve yet to find a white supremacist man who doesn’t have an asian girl fetish. Race mixing must therefore be fine as long as it doesn’t happen in a white person’s womb.

9 years ago

@EJ: I think it’s all about “submission” to them. Since Asian girls are supposedly more submissive (that is, as white women should be) their children will grow up under the benevolent guidance of a white father. Since white women who sleep with black men are supposedly dominated by their partners, their children will grow up under the baleful influence of a person of the non-good skin color. Thus, race-mixing is ok if the “dominating” culture is the correct one.

Race is a curious thing, is it not?

9 years ago



You gained: A small restoration of faith in humanity.


Oh… *returns to previous faith in humanity levels*


Yes, exactly. According to them, white men can have sex outside of their race if they want, but if a white woman does, her uterus is polluted forever.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@LordCrowstaff, @zyvlyn:
When you scratch them it really does seem to be all about men’s power, doesn’t it? No matter what’s going wrong, hurting women is these peoples’ answer.