cuckolding cultural marxism literal nazis misogyny racism

Do these sweatpants make me look like I’m supporting WHITE GENOCIDE?

Hey, those prices aren’t bad!

Most of us, when we hear the word “genocide,” think of things like gas chambers, mass killings, ethnic cleansing.

But for the white supremacists of the world, “genocide” has a somewhat, well, broader meaning, encompassing anything and anything that might possibly, in any way, put even the slightest dent in the efficient production of white babies.

A white person marrying a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same neighborhood as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same country as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide!

As far as I can tell, practically the only thing that white supremacists don’t consider genocide is the actual Holocaust. 

The latest thing that is #WhiteGenocide?

Ads for sweatpants.

No, really. Some of Twitter’s white supremacists have noticed a new promotion for Hanes, the underwear, t-shirt and sweatpants giant, that – gasp! – features INTERRACIAL COUPLES!

Cue racist heads exploding.

The prices look pretty good. I might have to buy myself a hoodie. AND DESTROY THE WHITE RACE.


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Miss Andry
9 years ago

Fashion genocide maybe. Whites still aren’t in danger.

9 years ago

They like to perceive themselves as rational and empirical, but they rarely pick up on the other low hanging “logical” conclusions.

Logic is moderately difficult. Making shit up is easy.

9 years ago

Regarding “black genocide,” I figure the racists tend to think along the lines of Mark Twain regarding cats: “If a man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat,” replacing “cat” with “white,” and “man” with whatever “race” du jour.

9 years ago

That’s because the destruction of the black race *isn’t* bad, as far as they’re concerned. If that destruction is because they cease to exist, that’s good. If that destruction is because their descendants are all half-breed “muds” or “thugspawn”, that’s neutral.

But destruction of the white race? Bad no matter how it happens. This is more a matter of values than logic. So this is neither illogical nor hypocritical if within the framework of typical racist values. It’s just repugnant.

9 years ago

I participated in White Genocide and all I got was this stupid T-shirt

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Cheetos, not Cheerios. The Cheetos involves a couple camping with their two children in the woods.

Christopher Tucker
9 years ago

Hail Tighty Whitey!

9 years ago

I am still laughing about uptighty whiteys.

How can they keep up with all their boycotts?

9 years ago

Human Genetics League sounds like a retro-80s synthpop band name.

9 years ago

Oddly enough, there’s rarely a discussion of “black genocide” when the far right gets uppity about these kinds of images. The assumption with “miscegenation” is its always the destruction of the “white race”, and never the “black race”.

This follows naturally from the “one-drop rule”; the children of a “white” and a “non-white” are defined to be “non-white”.

Sometimes I try to explain to white supremacists that there’s no way to prevent the “white race” from going extinct as long as the one-drop rule is in effect. But all they need to do is announce that they’ve flipped the definition, and then the “white race” will start getting bigger every generation, and eventually make up the whole of humanity. They never listen to me though.

9 years ago

There’s at least one White Genocide group on Facebook. I keep reporting them and they keep mostly not getting taken down (I’ve lost track — I think they did get taken down once and re-emerged).

9 years ago

Oops! I guess reading manosphere and white supremacist drivel has killed some brain cells. Also I’m famished and Cheetos sound kind of good.

9 years ago

I’m sorry for being off topic (trust me, I’m enjoying these shits getting so angry over a mixed couple in a clothing advert) and I lurk more than post, but I got into a long argument with a friend for years over male privilege and I’m so sickened by his belief that privilege is being used to silence the poor innocent men by angry activists (who are totally at fault for not being nice to the kind privileged people). I have not been so furious in this long and I need to talk to real feminists.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Here’s that Cheetos commercial.

Annnnd when I was googling it.

Someone burn the internet. :^)

9 years ago

Is “burner” something derogatory too?

9 years ago

I took a brief look at racist sites and urban dictionary, and apparently “burner” is short for “coal burner” which is a slang term for a young white woman who has sex with black men. Apparently the theory is that young white some women will go out and fuck as many “coals” as possible in order to rebel against all that is good and decent, but most grow out of it.

(Goes off to vomit)

9 years ago

I believe “burner” is short for “coal burner”, which is an extremely vile and racist term used by white supremacists.

9 years ago


History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

If you’re going by the definition of genocide in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, something can be genocide if it involves causing serious “mental harm to members of the group,” “[i]mposing measures intended to prevent births within the group,” or “[f]orcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” The offense doesn’t have to involve mass murder, just an intent to substantially reduce the population of the group.

So a state could theoretically be guilty of genocide if it implemented a systematic policy to prevent white people from having babies (like by only allowing white people to have interracial relationships). The key is that substantially reducing the population must be intentional. But there’s no systematic policy to brainwash white people into only having interracial relationships or something, and the definition is obviously not intended to cover intermarriage that happens naturally or natural changes in population and culture that happen over time.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

But white supremacists are probably one of the most aggrieved “victim groups” out there. So they project that onto everyone else.

9 years ago

er… That should be “some young white women”, not “young white some women” in case anyone’s confused.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

It’s all a variation on the “white people/men are the REAL oppressed minorities” bullshit and false moral equivalence arguments.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I could have gone my whole life without learning what “burner” meant.

9 years ago

I figured “burner” was about the white women but I was hoping it was ironic slang for park ranger. There I go, getting my hopes up.

9 years ago

Ugh, that YouTube video seems to have attracted the attention of the “white genocide”ers:

aaron parker wrote:

This is an attempt from the coddlers and libtards to shove Coalburning down our throats. You very rarely see a depiction of Oil Drilling in a commercial/movie. There would be mass chimpouts if that happened.

dapabur1 wrote:

I do not appreciate the white woman paired with the black male. I will boycott Frito-Lay and others will too. This is more liberal attempts and ruining white families and white unity. Be sure that Cheetos and Frito Lay are on our list. You libs will laugh and taunt now but this “list” is going to be a really big deal in your lives in the future. Wait for it. Call me racist if you wish. I am not the one trying to destroy two races; the libs are the ones doing that.

The “racists” you speak of are not racist. They are traditionalists and you and others will soon find out that traditions are not ‘old fashioned beliefs’ but they came about because of facts. WE are watching and taking notes right now. We will get our chance.

:: puke ::