cuckolding cultural marxism literal nazis misogyny racism

Do these sweatpants make me look like I’m supporting WHITE GENOCIDE?

Hey, those prices aren’t bad!

Most of us, when we hear the word “genocide,” think of things like gas chambers, mass killings, ethnic cleansing.

But for the white supremacists of the world, “genocide” has a somewhat, well, broader meaning, encompassing anything and anything that might possibly, in any way, put even the slightest dent in the efficient production of white babies.

A white person marrying a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same neighborhood as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide! A white person living in the same country as a not-so-white person? #WhiteGenocide!

As far as I can tell, practically the only thing that white supremacists don’t consider genocide is the actual Holocaust. 

The latest thing that is #WhiteGenocide?

Ads for sweatpants.

No, really. Some of Twitter’s white supremacists have noticed a new promotion for Hanes, the underwear, t-shirt and sweatpants giant, that – gasp! – features INTERRACIAL COUPLES!

Cue racist heads exploding.

The prices look pretty good. I might have to buy myself a hoodie. AND DESTROY THE WHITE RACE.


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9 years ago

Back when I still watched TV, which I haven’t really done for at least a decade… I remember seeing a Saturday Night Live sketch where there was fake commercial featuring an interracial couple (I think it was for a toothpaste product called “sparklebright” or something). At the time, I didn’t notice anything remarkable about it and wondered what they were trying to parody. Or for that matter, how it even counted as a parody at all. I was completely surprised to find that it was merely a setup for a “racist company heads who don’t want to admit to being racist” sketch.

It’s not so much that I’ve ever been “race-blind”, but more like that I’ve seen enough interracial couples to consider the idea of it unremarkable. Combine that with the fact that I virtually never remember ads or commercials… I hadn’t even realized that at the time that this wasn’t really a thing.

The fact that this *is* now a thing (I’m guessing… I still don’t remember ads) shows progress.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

I see nothing wrong with the ads. They’re quite a happy couple.

Besides, I color outside the lines when it comes to what I find attractive. I’m sorry, but skinny white girls just aren’t sexy to me.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

On the sixth day of Hexmas my true love gave to me…

Incidentally, Swedish language has homonymy between “six” and “sex” (sex), which sort of writes itself into a festive joke.

Meanwhile, Finnish language has homonymy between “six” and “spruce” (kuusi), while the Christmas tree is literally “Yule spruce” or facetiously “Yule six” (joulukuusi). Bilingual Swedish/Finnish speakers may sometimes joke about getting “julsex”. I guess there’s also some joke to be made about proper “Hexmas tree” being a Finnish spruce…

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

On the 10th day of Hexmas, my true love gave to me, sixteen emperors-a-emperoring!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Hanes don’t ship outside the US. This means that we Africans can’t carry out white genocides. I’m sad.

9 years ago

Living in bilingual Canada, around this time of year I always enjoy a glass of chicken milk* in front of the Christmas mouth**…

* Lait de poule literally translates to “hen milk,” which isn’t exactly the best description of eggnog.
** While buche de Noel translates fairly straightforwardly as Yule log, bouche (mouth) sounds almost exactly the same, at least en français.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)


I’m sure those doofuses think you’re white-genociding just by existing.

tricyclist (@tonycollinet)

It’s elephants before turtles, isn’t it? First grass, then soil, then rock, then magic, then elephants, then turtle. But it does look as though – when you cut the elephants and turtle in half, they all have “patriarchy” written all the way through.

9 years ago

Wearing Hanes t-shirt and Hanes boxers right now, and nothing else. Take that, far right weirdos.

9 years ago

Hmm …

I would’ve thought based on company history that white supremacists would unabashedly support Hanes.

In 1947 James Hanes, the hosiery magnate who started the brand, along with Dr. Clarence Gamble of Procter & Gamble, founded the Human Betterment League of North Carolina, driving the eugenics movement in North Carolina, which sterilized 7,600 people who were deemed unworthy of having children—including black girls who had been raped and were for this reason considered “promiscuous”, poor children from large families, people with epilepsy and those considered too “feeble-minded” to raise children.

No, all it takes is some ethnically diverse models posing semi-intimately in paid advertising for them to abandon someone who would be their hero in another context.

White supremacists that can’t even be consistent with their bigotry?  Priceless.

9 years ago


Eww. Should I just get naked?

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Tricyclist — in my world it’s turtle (tortoise really) then dirt. But that may be because my tortoise was just out and exploring my bed, which means a corner of my blanket is now dirt.

It was adorable, but I was either too busy making sure he didn’t fall, or his was on my phone, or there’d be pictures, sorry about that! Maybe bath pictures later, thanks to the outdoor kitty getting sorta comfy exploring the indoors, the litter tray I’d been using for him got claimed by a kitty and he gets a new tub! (Less confusing version of that sentence — I’ll try to take pics of him exploring his new bathtub, once it has been purchased.)

9 years ago

@ dhag85 | November 17, 2015 at 1:56 p.m.

Nah, you’re good.  I’m sure James Hanes’ racism is far enough removed from the modern operation of the company that you don’t have to start a nude boycott.

Wear your Hanes proudly.  I was just noting the inconsistent logic of white supremacists, that’s all.

Michael Shur
Michael Shur
9 years ago

Please don’t try to tell me these guys ever buy new underwear anyway.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Fiery death meteor from outer space : dinosaurs :: Contented interracial couple lounging in sweatpants : whites.

At least the dinosaurs’ extinction event was cool.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I saw a pretty cute Cheetos commercial that had an interracial couple with children that I just can’t wait for the manosphere/white supremacists to get in a tizzy over. /s

9 years ago

Arthur Meye: Thank you for that update from your penis. The happiness of your penis is important to us and we rely on your feedback.

9 years ago

I haven’t been watching the manosphere that closely lately; what’s their reaction to the Campbell’s soup ad with the two gay men feeding their son? I bet it’s *glorious*.

Double points if you point out those two guys have Gone Their Own Way. And you know what? Good for them! They’re doing great, it looks like. Doin’ It Right.

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

there is a puppy in the ad too- are they going to boycott puppies as well?

9 years ago

Fiery death meteor from outer space : dinosaurs :: Contented interracial couple lounging in sweatpants : whites.

The “superior race” is so damn fragile it can be wiped out by underwear ads.

9 years ago

James Hanes died in 1972, and the company was sold to Sara Lee in 1978. The Human Betterment League of North Carolina gradually became less racist starting in the early 1970s, switched focus toward genetics rather than eugenics in the 1980s, changed their name to “Human Genetics League” in 1984, and became defunct in 1988. Whatever faults the company may have, I’m pretty sure that the link between the modern Hanes and the old HBLNC is about as tenuous as the link between the modern Volkswagen and the WWII Nazis.

Burger King Kid's Club
Burger King Kid's Club
9 years ago

Please stop giving these twitter troll cliques the attention they crave. Nobody is earnestly going to “boycott” anything. You’re only encouraging them by posting articles like this.

9 years ago

Is part of the sarcasm because you’re aware that they already did get worked up about the Cheerios commercial?

Silver lining, it inspired a Kids React to the commercial that was super adorable.

9 years ago

Oddly enough, there’s rarely a discussion of “black genocide” when the far right gets uppity about these kinds of images. The assumption with “miscegenation” is its always the destruction of the “white race”, and never the “black race”. They like to perceive themselves as rational and empirical, but they rarely pick up on the other low hanging “logical” conclusions.

9 years ago

Oddly enough, there’s rarely a discussion of “black genocide” when the far right gets uppity about these kinds of images.

“Black genocide” only exists when it’s being used as an anti-abortion talking point.