#gamergate creepy cuckolding evil SJWs literal nazis misogyny racism red pill

Cuck-obsessed neo-Nazis offer thoughtful insights on #ParisAttacks, refugees (Just kidding!)

Wait, WHAT did you just Tweet?
Wait, WHAT did you just Tweet?

Do you remember those Trump-loving, nonwhite-people-hating “alt-right” wingers  who are obsessed with calling everyone “cucks,” as in “cuckolds?” Were you wondering what they thought about the Paris attacks?

No? Well, too bad because I’ve collected a bunch of their Tweets for you. And they are as thoughtful and nuanced as you might expect. By which I mean as far from thoughtful and/or nuanced as is humanly possible.

Some of them take the “cuck” metaphor quite literally:

Oh, look, they’re fans of Breitbart!

But not fans of comedian Michael Ian Black:

Oh, don’t worry, they haven’t forgotten about the other pressing issues of the day:

And they haven’t forgotten about dear old Donald Trump either:

EXTRA POINTS: At least one of these Tweeters is a #GamerGater. Without looking at anyone’s Twitter timeline, can you tell which one(s)?


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Uncivilized Elk
Uncivilized Elk
9 years ago

I always thought butthurt was along the lines of “This person fell on their ass” and thus they are “butthurt”. As in your stupidity got you hurt either mentally or physically, but for butthurt it refers to mental embarrassment.

But that was just an assumption.

9 years ago

@Uncivilized Elk

That’s more or less what I thought too.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

DS | November 17, 2015 at 11:12 pm

Yea… Virtually Out of Touch, I assume you’re joking.

MRAs would never accept a vegetarian, pacifist teaching like Buddhism. They believe the more red meat you eat, the manlier you are, and the manlier you are, the closer to being human and further away from being feminine (read (in their minds, not mine, I <3 ladies!): a dog), so they would see becoming Buddhist as the equivalent of their penis shriveling to a dry, lifeless husk, and then slowly blowing away on a cold, winter breeze like vampires do when struck by sunlight.

I'm a (mostly) vegetarian pacifist Christian, so I've got no beef (heehee, pun intended) with Buddhism on those grounds, but MRAs would see Buddhism as the "sissification" of superior Western (read: white) culture over inferior "Oriental" culture. And I'm sure they'd use "oriental" because it's moderately offensive to Asians and they feel like annoying a non-white person with rude commentary is equivalent to winning cultural victory points. I don't understand why, but they seem to think that way. :

– Well there are some Manospherians into Buddhism. And I think most Buddhists are not vegetarians, in fact. I'm not a Buddhist myself nor do I *officially* identify with any religious sect, I just think people have a lot to learn from the values of dharmic paths like Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, etc.

The only Manospherians I've seen present as "anti-Muslim" are the Christian ones and a few atheist ones. Otherwise the gist I gleaned from them is that they very much appreciate certain Islamic values, particularly pertaining to women, divorce, custody.

The Manosphere is "complicated" and "nuanced" on all but one issue: women.

I'm a bit surprised any of them believe what they call "the lamestream media" account of the Paris attacks, given to conspiracy theories as they are.

9 years ago

I also thought “butthurt” was about being spanked. The implication is definitely that the hurt is very minor and it’s mostly hurt pride.

9 years ago

I always thought “butthurt” was a riff on the previous ideas of “having a stick up your butt” or “being a tight-ass.”

9 years ago

I always understood “butthurt” to be a rape joke, in the grand tradition of ‘rape is funny if it’s male on male’ rape jokes.

This has been my assumption as well.

9 years ago


“cuck” as a verb seems to mean “to cause a man to become a cuckold” and can be positive or negative depending on who the man is.

“Cucking yourself”, “cucking yourself for x group”, or “cucking for x group” are bad. So is “cucking your friends” or “cucking your country.” However, “cucking a celebrity you don’t like” or “cucking some nerd or person of color or whatever” is good.

9 years ago


there’s Buddhist terrorism, so … who knows really. I thought one of the big early MGTOWs used “Zen” in his online handle.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Orion, “zen” has become a totally mainstream, corporatized American term now. Its used to sell stuff in ads now.

9 years ago

I never imagined ‘butthurt’ in a rapey way. More like a cranky, self-pitying unlovely whine way.

The spanking interpretation also surprised me – which says something about how I’ve lived my life.

9 years ago

Amateur 4chan historian here. I was an avid follower of “Internet culture” before 4chan, and I was first acquainted with 4chan in 2004. I got cred, homes, and I feel I can clarify the origin of “butthurt.”

It is absolutely a reference to rape.

I can’t pinpoint the exact origin of “owned” (or “0wn3d” as we used to say), but recall the late 90s-early 00s. oz was a thing. I’m certain “owned” owes its origins to the idea of prison bitches, as in, to dominate an opponent so completely as to make one his (it’s always “his”) bitch. “Owned” stopped being cool around 2001, along with leet, but persisted in the lexicon, usually ironically. But the sentiment remained. Among gamers, the use of “rape” to mean defeat was a move from euphemistic to explicit.

Butthurt was a meld of “owned” and 4chan’s “u mad” or “you seem upset” (the idea being that getting emotional means you’re losing the argument). This creates an environment in which not caring is currency. As 4chan posts are anonymous, it’s a simple matter to assume that a long post refuting one’s arguments was written by someone defeated earlier, and has been stewing in anger. I don’t need to explain this part – you get it. Butthurt means you’ve already lost.

The variations on butthurt offer additional evidence. “Ass-pained” and “anus-devastated” point to rape, and not spanking.

4chan justifiably has a bad reputation, and I’m not gonna pretend it was ever a particularly nice place, but I will say that I remember a time before conservatives found 4chan. Before reactionaries were radicalizing the hopeless among us. It’s hard to imagine now, but my first contact with feminists was on 4chan. What they lacked in volume, they made up in being smarter and more thoughtful than the detractors. I’m drunk and sentimental and mourning the loss of a truly creative and weird community. Normals brought in their unironic racism and their casual sexism and ruined everything.

People make fun of SJWs, but I don’t want people to feel like talking over the Internet doesn’t matter. Those are the type of people that broke through to me.

Longtimefirsttime. What up

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

” Normals brought in their unironic racism and their casual sexism and ruined everything.”

Is it “normal” to be racist and casually sexist?

Do you think these murder cases could be revenge against Chads?

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Virtually — normals is another chan culture thing that has little to do with the definition of normal that the rest of us use.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I welcome Syrian refugees to Britain; why should I not welcome *chan refugees to WHTM? Pull up a misandric fucking hard chair, Julian, and be at peace.

9 years ago

Julian: Thanks for the clarification.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago


Have some scented fucking candles while you’re at it, and avoid the spanx-wearing penguins. They may be lost.

9 years ago

I was going to call you a garden variety xenophobe, not a Nazi. But since you brought it up, you don’t have to be German to be pro Nazi. Just look at gamergaters.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

80% of refugees are men? Which orifice did you pull that number out of?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Wow, the guy who keeps calling people the r-word is a flaming racist too? I never would have guessed. (That was sarcasm.)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(On second thought, I just went ahead and reported him to David. If he wants to be a racist skidmark, he has the other 99% of the Internet to wipe his ass on already.)

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“80% of the so calles refugees (in fact most arent even from syria) are male and dont view women as equals.”

So then why aren’t red pillers, mens’ rights activists and MGTOW’s taking them in then?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Thankye’, Dark Lord!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

There’s a perfectly valid reason why most Syrian/Iraqi refugees are men. Getting to Europe is both expensive and dangerous. People traffickers charge pretty much a family’s life savings to transport one person. You’ve only got to pick up a paper to see how hazardous the journey is. It’s not an experience any parent would want to put their children through.

So generally the children stay behind and are looked after by their mums whilst the husband spends the weeks in containers and on unsafe boats and hopes he makes it.

If he does, under EU law once he’s granted asylum his family can automatically join him. That means they can travel legitimately without risking their kid’s lives or being ripped off by gangsters.

Is it any wonder that’s why they choose that option when they can?

When I was a kid we were made to read a book called “The Silver Sword”. I don’t know if people here are familiar with it but it should be compulsory reading for anyone who thinks people choose to be refugees.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“There’s a perfectly valid reason why most Syrian/Iraqi refugees are men. ”

I saw some “western civilization FTW” er try to spin it that they left their women and kids behind to suffer in a poor, war torn region while they “lived high on the hog” at the expensive of tax payers in safe, developed countries. They did a meme with contrasting photos of European immigrants coming to the US, depicting entire families, with these refugees, depicting only men.