#gamergate creepy cuckolding evil SJWs literal nazis misogyny racism red pill

Cuck-obsessed neo-Nazis offer thoughtful insights on #ParisAttacks, refugees (Just kidding!)

Wait, WHAT did you just Tweet?
Wait, WHAT did you just Tweet?

Do you remember those Trump-loving, nonwhite-people-hating “alt-right” wingers  who are obsessed with calling everyone “cucks,” as in “cuckolds?” Were you wondering what they thought about the Paris attacks?

No? Well, too bad because I’ve collected a bunch of their Tweets for you. And they are as thoughtful and nuanced as you might expect. By which I mean as far from thoughtful and/or nuanced as is humanly possible.

Some of them take the “cuck” metaphor quite literally:

Oh, look, they’re fans of Breitbart!

But not fans of comedian Michael Ian Black:

Oh, don’t worry, they haven’t forgotten about the other pressing issues of the day:

And they haven’t forgotten about dear old Donald Trump either:

EXTRA POINTS: At least one of these Tweeters is a #GamerGater. Without looking at anyone’s Twitter timeline, can you tell which one(s)?


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9 years ago

Every time I see “cuck,” I think “flustercuck.”

9 years ago

The guy named James Vivian is almost certainly the ‘gator.

9 years ago

I saw a friend of mine call someone out on my newsfeed today. The person essentially talked about how when you have mad cow in a herd you have to kill the whole herd. You are correct they used this example to tell people how he feels about Syrian refugees. Needless to say I was beyond disgusted and cheered my friend on for calling the POS out.

9 years ago

Nah, I’m not going to read all those hateful tweets. I’m actually more worried about what Republican politicians are saying about Syrian refugees since their comments may end up leading to violence against actual people. I assume all tweets featured in the post are the same race baiting you’d expect from straight up racists. Sad that Republicans are voicing nicer worded bigotry.

9 years ago

@SFHC, that “Manspeak” being its own language. It totally is! It’s how they differentiate themselves from the out-group. I’ve sort of come to the personal opinion that the more a group relies on language to differentiate itself from outsiders, the more hateful and cultish it is. I imagine the mindset is “we aren’t going to explain ourselves to you, because our ideas are evil (oh, wait, I mean ‘politically incorrect’), so instead you have to immerse yourself in our hateful swill to figure it out, so that we can start filling you full of it. Either you become one of us, and learnt he language, or you get disgusted and leave, so that you don’t understand and we get to feel elitist and superior.” Does that make sense or am I totally off?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Neo-nazis should accept The Dharma. After all its based on चत्वारि आर्य (arya!) सत्यानि Chatvari Arya Satyani: The Four Noble Truths. They should be real aryas like this one;

“When I think about the tragedies in Paris and in Lebanon and in fact in many places in the world, It seems to me that’s it’s very clear that the cause is hatred. Therefore I feel for people that are committed to waking up and being of benefit to others, the key is for us is to not nurture hatred in our hearts. It may seem beyond many of us to feel compassion for the perpetrators, but probably the most important thing is for us to not add any more aggression to the planet, but to add as much open kindness and open heartedness as we can.”

Pema Chodron

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

How much cuck would a woodcuck cuck if if a woodcuck could cuck cuck?

9 years ago

Amen, Virtually Out of Touch.

(Voot? :3 )

9 years ago

That’s how cults normally work – make it so that prospective members don’t fully understand what they’re getting into, and reveal the truth gradually. By the time they do fully understand, some people believe in it because their subconscious can’t accept that the enormous time, money, and social cost to get that far wasn’t worth it. Basically, their cognitive dissonance is removed by judicious application of sunk cost fallacy. And those who reject it anyway find they can’t easily leave, because it means leaving their new friends behind… and that’s the best-case scenario, sometimes the situation is nastier than that. Meanwhile the members who have fully fallen into it believe that they’re superior to those who aren’t members, and those who leave are vile traitors, because it’s among the “truths” which the cult reveals.

9 years ago

Whenever I see the word “cuck” being used un-ironically (and even for some of the ironic usages) I tend to have this image of a Muppet Show chicken typing away at the keyboard with its beak. Then again, given most of the chickens on the Muppet Show are clearly career chickens who are serious about their performing arts work, possibly the ones doing the typing are the roosters left behind in the barn yards…

9 years ago

Trigger warning: Some politics. I’m also describing a deeply angry mentality that is prevalent among many MRM/MGTOW/ultra-conservatives. Also I’m not a liberal or a conservative, I’m a moderate, which means typically both sides end up wanting to dance on my grave, so heads up: you probably won’t agree with me, haha! 🙂 I ain’t bothered by it though as long as you aren’t, I just don’t want to ruin anybody’s day because we all deserve to have a pleasant evening, I should think. 🙂

Essentially what they mean when they call someone a “cuck” is that IN THE OPINION of these GamerGate/manosphere/PaulElamthumping/MRA/Muslim-hating/racist/misogynists, the person so-labeled is considered to be so immasculine and effeminate that were a stronger, better male to come along and have sex with ‘his woman’ right in front of him, the most he’d do to try to stop it is whine about it, wring his hands, and watch teary-eyed while his wife/gf was seduced (read: raped) by this other fellow.

Now, you’re right, sometimes they use it in a context that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the affections of a woman. In these cases, they’re applying that same perception of spineless bottom-feeding weakness to the political and international relations scenario.

In their minds, the Muslim world is attempting to conquer, colonize, and rape the dickens out of the Christian world, and so they see the attempt to emphasize that NOT ALL Muslims (indeed, not even a majority, not even a sizable minority!) are extremist radical terrorists as a failure to defend your country.

In other words, they feel that Islamic extremism presents as clear and as present of a danger as Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich and they see the failure of Western governments to just go in and nuke Syria into a smoldering hole in the ground as moral cowardice, weakness, and in extreme cases, actual insanity.

Please note, I disagree with their view most vociferously! I have many Muslim friends who are absolutely wonderful, hospitable, loving people. My point is just that this is how ultra-conservative, ultra-machismo MRA-types are thinking.

How do I know this? Well, I used to listen to the Alex Jones show a lot. This was maybe 6 or 7 years ago before he got into the habit of using “cuck” and other neo-misogynistic lingo, so I didn’t realize how over the top and off the deep end his show was. He and his radio network (Genesis Communications Network) paint themselves as ostensibly Christian broadcasting, but what they do is fear monger daily. I got in to listening to it because my brother started listening to it a LOT and didn’t ever seem to want to talk about anything other than what he’d heard on talk radio. So I listened so as to be able to reach him (he has severe ADD and refuses to take medication for it because he believes that a.) the side effects are worse than the syndrome (I and his parents and our entire family disagree, but what can you do?) and b.) (and this is really the issue) he believes pharmaceutical companies are, by and large, post-WW2 Nazi companies bent on slowly drugging us all into passivity and docility so that they can run the world without resistance. This is, of course, a conspiracy theory and my brother has a lot of paranoid or delusional ideations about government and world events, but he is not himself a paranoid or delusional person so much as one of his online friends is a diagnosed but unmedicated bipolar disorder sufferer who has wormed his way into my brother’s life and convinced him that “government wants to control your life and your mind with medications” etc. etc.

Alex Jones sells precisely this kind of trash journalism, and the longer I listened to him, the darker and bleaker existence seemed to be. But I remember one show he had about how “Back in the day men wouldn’t stand for this kind of crap. Do you really think that if the government tried to do ________ (I forget what thing he was raging about at the time) that men in the 1940s or 1950s would have sat around and let it happen? They would have raised hell, fought tooth and nail….” etc. As if we are all a bunch of dumb cows now and if we would just rip our shirts off Incredible Hulk like, run screaming and thumping our chests at Capitol Hill, and demand redress of grievances that would somehow make politicians magically become honest, decent, sensible folks when politicians have NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER been honest, decent, and/or sensible.

This kind of mentality seems to crop up all over the conspiratorially-extreme conservative fringe: that really what needs to happen is the secret uber-manly intelligentsia just need to riot with guns blazing, banners flying, and imaginary soundtracks blaring and then the world will just magically be a libertarian paradise where us cool dudes will get to bump uglies with allll the womens (ALL OF THEM!) and anyone who says boo about it will get voted off the island.

It’s this sort of “quasi-political, adolescent wet dream of Hollywood-brand Americana masculinity somehow winning the day, defeating evil once and for all FOREVER, and *obviously* making the world perfect and how dare you question it!?!?!?” mentality that fuels things like the MRM and these “cuck” comments on Twitter.

I think Mr. Obama made an astute observation recently (and I’m not exactly an enormous fan of the Democratic party, but neither am I hateful of Mr. Obama. I try to applaud him for his good moments and forgive him for his bad and hope that the next president we elect (oh please God not Trump or Carson or Cruz or Bush or Clinton…maybe Sanders? Maybe? Dunno…)). He said something to the effect of “when push comes to shove, I think you’ll find that what these guys [the GOP candidates who are hooting about how Obama is ruining America and making babies cry] are really just calling for things that are already being done.” They talk about how Obama isn’t being tough on terrorism, but we’ve never ceased in either term of his presidency to bomb the crap out of terrorist cells when we get leads on their whereabouts via drone strikes and the like. We’re bombing Syria presently in response to the ISIS attacks in Paris. We are, in short, doing exactly what the war-hawks are asking for with one exception: the person doing it isn’t loudly bragging about it on national news because he isn’t a butthole 4th grade bully who has to build himself by bloviating about how strong and mighty he is. Obama specifically indicated that what these guys want is for him to make himself look tough and he said he refused to do that. To take action was enough; he did not need to spout off a bunch of empty rhetoric about his might. Indeed, that is the kind of crap that the leaders of rogue countries (*cough cough Kim Jong Un cough splutter cough*) do. All things considered, I’m not overly disappointed with Obama. Dude’s had a lot dumped in his lap and he’s at least tried to do something to address the poopstorm.

Anyway, I hope this ramble explains some of it to you brian. I should note as a caveat that there is a certain portion of this that simply defies logic until you recognize that part of what fuels these people is just the addiction to being angry. Yes, you can get addicted to anger and yes, many of these guys are. So that means that when they are given a neutral factoid and they can choose to interpret it by giving the agent the benefit of the doubt or by assuming the worst about them, they will almost always choose the latter because then they can fan the flames of their rage, rant about it, and generate some traffic to their site (I blame Google AdSense). I think you have to recognize that some of this they would probably admit on their own isn’t completely logical or completely thought out, but that it’s important for them to be “sheep dogs” by just checking government by assuming the worst and making sure they are scrutinizing them, etc. etc. Does that make any kind of sense? Hope this helps 🙂

9 years ago

Yea… Virtually Out of Touch, I assume you’re joking.

MRAs would never accept a vegetarian, pacifist teaching like Buddhism. They believe the more red meat you eat, the manlier you are, and the manlier you are, the closer to being human and further away from being feminine (read (in their minds, not mine, I <3 ladies!): a dog), so they would see becoming Buddhist as the equivalent of their penis shriveling to a dry, lifeless husk, and then slowly blowing away on a cold, winter breeze like vampires do when struck by sunlight.

I'm a (mostly) vegetarian pacifist Christian, so I've got no beef (heehee, pun intended) with Buddhism on those grounds, but MRAs would see Buddhism as the "sissification" of superior Western (read: white) culture over inferior "Oriental" culture. And I'm sure they'd use "oriental" because it's moderately offensive to Asians and they feel like annoying a non-white person with rude commentary is equivalent to winning cultural victory points. I don't understand why, but they seem to think that way. :

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Scildfreja — damnit that never clicked for me. I think I’m with raysa on this one though, it’s fun to say and that meaning seems a bit obscure, maybe?

Knitty — oh my dear gods! If you want some straight analogy ammo — kuru may or may not be wiped off the planet. It’s a prion, like mad cow (valid parallel!) that has only been seen in humans, namely a tribe in Papua New Guinea whose funeral rights included canibalism. Guess what no one thought to do? Suggest genocide. Because fucking cows aren’t fucking human and you don’t treat humans like cows even when medically it’s a close parallel. Ugh, this is not a thing that should have to be explained to an adult!

AnAndrejaPejicBlog — a woodcuck would cuck as much wood as a woodcuck would cuck if a woodcuck could cuck wood!

DS — Virtually isn’t joking, see next bit here.

Virtually — look, I wasn’t going to say anything because fuck, the Paris attack has tenses running high all over the place, you think your religion is the solution and if that works for you, cool! But lay off pushing on the rest of us how it’s the solution to all the ills in the world, I don’t feel like getting into a religious debate tonight about Buddhism in particular so I’ll stick to religion (or lack there of) in general — you cross the line from “hey, if it makes you happy, enjoy” to “dude, knock in off” when you start trying to push your religion on others. So, you know, lay off on it please.

9 years ago

David, I have to say, thanks for directly linking to these tweets. It makes it so easy to block these chucklefucks.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago

Good God. They’ve managed to do the same thing to ‘cuck’ what right-winger have done to the words ‘liberal’ and ‘socialist’– turn it into a scare sound that has been drained of all meaning and has become a useless noise through mindless repetition, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.

…then again, that describes pretty much all of their rhetoric.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Do you happen to know when Alex Jones first started using the word “cuck”? Tracing the origins of that word is something of a hobby of mine, and I haven’t heard its origin or spread attributed to Jones before.

Troy Brooks
9 years ago

I’ve been seeing a lot people talking about the “Muslim invasion”, proving they don’t understand what an invasion is.

erica, ascendant
9 years ago

Only one? I wasn’t aware there was any difference between GooberGrape and MRAssholes anymore.

You know, the same MRM that was mocking gamers two years ago.

Uncivilized Elk
Uncivilized Elk
9 years ago

The amount of anti-refugee bigotry and irrational rightwing-styled fear-mongering I’ve seen from people on the left who claim to be liberal deeply saddens and infuriates me. Garbage like “My state has enough problems; refugees will just make it worse!” is everywhere, and arguably worse than the vocal people who are at least honest when they claim “I don’t want no terrorists in ‘Murica!” At least the latter wear their bigotry proudly on their sleeve, whereas the former try to cover their asses with faux-concerns and “legitimate issues” that are nothing but ignorance and a thinly veiled cover for bigoted xenophobia.

I’m constantly being reminded yet another time (how many total now, I can’t count) that the terrorists have already won.

9 years ago

Cuck cuck cuck….

9 years ago

Regarding the douche canoe discussion, I don’t think anyone uses it to mean vagina, and I don’t think it was ever meant to either. I think it’s just absurd, and people liked how it sounded so it caught on. Like asshat, for example. The literal meaning is nonsense.

And this is hardly scientific, but out of curiosity I scanned the first couple pages of definitions for douche canoe on Urban Dictionary, and I didn’t see any references to genitals at all.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Douche canoe makes me think of a douche so big that one must be in a canoe to keep from drowning in it. A douche yacht is a bigger douche than a douche canoe. A douche nozzle is someone who thinks they have the right to stick their metaphorical nose in someone else’s lady business.

There is similar split on the meaning of butthurt. Some see it as a reference to being spanked, others see it as rape-y. The rape-y thing never occurred to me until someone pointed it out; the first time I saw the term, I got a mental image of a whiny two year old.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I always thought “Butthurt” was a haemorrhoids joke, myself.

9 years ago

for douchecanoe I pictured a canoe made of douchebags (the actual bags) used to canoe across a lake, and how ineffective it would be.

(sometimes I’m very VERY Canadian…)

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I always understood “butthurt” to be a rape joke, in the grand tradition of ‘rape is funny if it’s male on male’ rape jokes. It conflates being whiny and pathetic with being a rape victim, since obviously nobody would get raped unless they practised such unmasculine behaviour.

It’s funnier as a haemmorhoids or a spanking joke though.