a woman is always to blame irony alert PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V: If I were French, I would totally round up a posse and throw out all the Muslim refugees

Roosh V raises an army

Not long after I finished my post this morning on the Manosphere dudes who are blaming the Paris attacks on the alleged “feminization” of Western culture, Manosphere dude Roosh Valizadeh put up a post in which he blamed the attacks on, well, you guessed it.

Declaring that “[t]he European people do not deserve Europe,” Roosh writes that

I’m afraid what we’re witnessing is a people who have been so feminized, weakened, and mentally controlled that they simply can’t identify an enemy within their broken gates that threatens their way of life, and is instead aiding the invaders who are actively trying to replace them.

So I was going to simply add this to my previous post.

But then I read the rest of Roosh’s post, and discovered that Roosh thinks the real solution to that whole refugee thing would be for him, Roosh, to round up some dudes and launch some sort of Red Dawn style assault on the refugees and any local police who showed up to defend them.

No, really:

If I was an angry French or German man at this moment, I know what I would do:

  • I would find a small town in my country with good strategic defense that has had refugees dumped within it.
  • I would open a line of communication with a sympathetic government like Russia for possible military support.
  • I would find at least 30 men with arms who believe that their nation is worth dying for.
  • I would invade the town, kick out the invaders, and defend my position against the local police while prolonging the standoff as long as possible for maximum media effect.

Then he’d try to get other equally delusional Muslim-haters to join him in his little revolution.

Either we solidify our position and expand with external support or we die trying to defend our country. I could not think of a more honorable way to leave this Earth, of asserting my destiny in a world where lunatic terms are being dictated to me that harm myself, my family, and my nation.

Roosh does not actually have a family, per se. At least he doesn’t have one in whichever Eastern European country he’s now living in. He lives alone.

He does have a family in the United States, the family he came from. Interestingly enough, his parents are immigrants from two countries –Armenia and Iran — that are not that far from Syria. If I’m not mistaken, they’re Muslim.

You’ll need to use your own irony meter here, folks, as mine is broken again.




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9 years ago

I see Roosh is still dreaming of Whiteness. Strange that an Iranian/Armenian is so self-identified as a White Supremacist when they’ve made it clear that he is not one of them.

This is actually pretty sad. I would probably feel a little bad for him if he weren’t a serial rapist who spends his time convincing other men to be rapists.

9 years ago

You nailed the translation!

9 years ago


France has always (in my mind ) always had a very positive bias towards Islam. Perhaps because of France’s post war involvement in Syria as a sphere of influence…

Not just post-war, Syria and Lebanon were French Protectorates from 1919 onwards. My dad fought in Syria against them during WW2.

9 years ago

Yes, yes, let’s launch an organized campaign of violence against a particular group of people based solely on their shared ethnicity and/or religion. Because that has always worked out *so* well it’s happened throughout European history.

Also, Roosh talking about fighting and dying for his country. What a joke that is. This is the guy who threatened to file assault charges when a woman poured beer on his head.

It’s so easy for cowards to talk about violence towards others. Why don’t you go walk into a room full of your white supremacist friends, Roosh. I’m sure they’d *love* to have a word with you with the Paris attacks still fresh in their minds.

What an unbelievable tool.

9 years ago

Ok. I just realized WordPress ate the link I tried to post. Trying again.

9 years ago

Ok. I don’t even know what’s going on here. Nvm.

9 years ago

He’s a very confused man, and it goes to the bone.

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

All I could think while reading this was “And Mark Wahlberg totally would have stopped 9/11.”

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

GammaWidow | November 16, 2015 at 3:10 pm
Yet, this is still a more practical plan his proposal to micromanage every woman’s daily life.

comment image

Roosh might need to know where the nearest burn center is. Hope they don’t have any Muslim doctors who’d have to put up with this shit.

And I don’t want to Godwin this entire topic, but…Roosh is pushing it.

9 years ago

Huh, when I reloaded the page the link you posted was there, but then it vanished. Let me try it like this:
How to Write a “Political Correctness Run Amok” Article

9 years ago

Uh… so his reaction against people violently storming a French city armed to the teeth is to violently storm a French city armed to the teeth? What’s the difference?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

But, but, but…. Roosh’s dad? Oh yeah. Not French, ergo.

Pavlov's House
9 years ago

RooshV’s ill-informed and ill-conceived fantasy of raising a small European-nativist paramilitary force has brought us here at Pavlov’s House of our lurker-mode. Indeed this blog has had some references to military affairs that we should have commented on but did not, but, alas (unlike Manospherians and MRAs) the inhabitant(s) of Pavlov’s House have real lives and (incidentally) serve in a real army. Roosh’s rendition of his fantasy reveals his ignorance of military affairs. First, he does not even demonstrate and ability to use the terminology correctly, which would immediately reduce his credibility as a planner and potential commander in the mind of any experienced, competent English-language military professional. He mentions he would “find a town with good strategic defense”. The meaning of this is unclear as his phrasing is garbled. Does he mean a town with a good defensive position? Perhaps that is what he means, but if so “strategic” makes no sense, as that term refers to a level of decision-making higher than type of defensive operation about which he fantasizes. Seizing and then defending a town would be a *tactical-level* or at best perhaps operational-level action, not a strategic-level action. That fact that he does not understand even how to describe what he contemplates doing demonstrates his ignorance of military affairs. He mentions finding men with arms, but in the type of media-attention-getting stand-off he envisions, supplies and communications capability and especially intelligence and counter-intelligence capability would be as important as arms. He gives no indication that he realizes any of this. His planned operation is essentially a terrorist operation (though, to be fair, if he or anyone did manage something like this AND were careful enough to bear arms openly, have responsible chain of command, and obey customary humanitarian international law regarding land warfare, he could make a very credible claim to be a entitled to POW treatment under international law, though that would be difficult and probably unsuccessful and he would differ in that respect from no other rebel group). Of course they’re talking about expelling civilians so they’d run afoul of the law of land warfare right there anyway, but it’s an important point conceptually.

His ignorance on this matter is understandable, though not forgivable. It is difficult to forgive because he makes quite clear that his concept of neo-masculinity includes military competence. Those who disagree with him are seen always as effeminant weaklings. RooshV and those of his ideology often claim that adherence to feminist ideology, egalitarianism, and anti-racism goes hand-to-hand with military weakness and in fact creates it. Yet here is the self-proclaimed champion of anti-feminism who cannot describe his plans in a manner that demonstrates any military knowledge.

Meanwhile, Pavlov’s House is indeed a male feminist who YES, does indeed lift (probably more than RooshV, and has core strength he likely does not), airborne and air assault trained with an 11B MOS, has taught at one military academy and now works at a service academy. Oh, and those of RooshV’s ideology also judge a man’s masculinity by the type of woman whom he attracts. We at Pavlov’s House do not agree with such criteria for judging human worth BUT nevertheless find it of great irony that, in addition to the above qualifications, also have as a companion a fit, trim blonde girlfriend who also has military experience (actually as Soviet Army nurse). (Yes, that does make her old enough to be deemed an over-the-hill non-woman by PUA-standards, but she’s hot and smart and keeps Pavlov’s House looks awesome in her yoga clothes, which fact she uses to continually seduce Pavlov’s House who seeks always to be seduced by her). (And, yes, we are also beyond amused that with a name like Pavlov’s House there an actual real former Soviet Army nurse involved. And, for the record, we began posting under Pavlov’s House before we met her so the irony and karma are supremely edifying.)

There are probably people on this blog erudite enough to have long-ago “gotten” the Pavlov’s House reference (and, yes, it is meant to be blatantly anti-fascist) but 10-to-1 odds offered to anyone that a manosphere inhabitant is too historically ignorant to get it.

Oh, one last note, Roosh thinks Putin would help him…as if he understands anything about real Russophilia.

P.S. if this thing comes through without paragraph breaks, sorry… don’t comment on blogs much and couldn’t figure it out.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

@WWTH, re: racists sending people back to Africa.

You’re being far too reasonable in thinking about this. Do you really think they’re aware that Africa isn’t a country?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Speaking of La French….

A quote from Alexis de Tocqueville about Islam”

“I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.”

– I don’t like that jab at polytheism, obviously.

Monzach, “Not that any of this makes Roosh the Rapist any less awful. I just like things to be factual. :)”

Kay, but his dad is Shia from Iran and as per his “how do yer huskerdo, fella muslims?” qoute;

” The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.”

… Roosh chose to side with his Shia dad, not his Christian mom, just a few months ago. Ramadan’s over now so I guess its back to Islamophobia for him, or, er, sumthinzzz.

If I ever geta hold of him I’ll try to make him a respectable polytheist. He is inclined toward Buddhism, so there’s hope.


9 years ago

@autosoma “taken with Islam” might be a little strong from what I’ve read about Napoleon, but certainly at worst, he thought that very broad freedom of worship was a great practical measure to minimize unrest in his empire. A “You will be respectful to Islam” order to his troops pre-Egyptian invasion is good politics regardless of his philosophical/religious views.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

JoeB, ” but certainly at worst, he thought that very broad freedom of worship was a great practical measure to minimize unrest in his empire.”

Kay, I agree with broad freedom of worship. But the problem with Islam, and all Abrahamic faiths really, but in this day and age Islam in particular is showing up strongly in this regard (while the other 2 chilled out a bit), is that it does not agree with “broad freedom of worship”. Jews and Christians are considered “people of the book” but us idol worshippers must be converted and our idols destroyed.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago

I think we should deport Roosh to Pakistan. He’d probably like the sandwich restaurant there:

9 years ago

I am in upstate SC, we pick up NC tv channels in addition to local ones.

News is reporting that governor McCrory of NC is following SC governor Haley in the “refugees are terrorists, they can’t come here.”

I don’t know what that means, if they have to have permission from some government entity, or something, to keep refugees out. But this is the public stance they are taking.

Comparing all Muslims to a few violent extremists is like comparing all Christians to the ones that blow up abortion clinics and/or kill providers (Dr. Tiller). It’s closed minded and blindingly intolerant, and that is putting it mildly and kindly.

9 years ago

@raysa: It don’t mean jack shit, because it’s ultimately the Feds who make the decision on how to handle refugees and so far it looks like the President is not planning any restrictions. So basically it’s just another case of right-wing assholes waving their greasy little dicks around to rally the base.

David the First.
David the First.
9 years ago

Would love to see Roosh and his ROK bros have a run in with the French anti-terrorism task forces like the GIGN or RAID. They are as good as it gets. Roosh and his little “posse” wouldn’t know what hit them.

9 years ago

@Nequam @Raysa I reckon it means something but not much. It will only affect first settlement and access to support services. Once any Syrian folks learn English (if they don’t know it already) and get reaccredited in their profession (if applicable) and get back on their feet in whatever way is relevant to them, they’ll be able to go wherever they please within the US.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

How the mighty have fallen. Valizadeh was once someone who helped shape opinion; now he’s desperately running along behind it, trying to echo what he images the popular opinions are in the hope that he can pretend to stay relevant.

An anecdote:

A few years ago I was on a large passenger ship, the sort that’s really just a floating shopping mall. I like the sea so I was reading a book in a cafe right at the very front where the windows overlook the endless grey waves. There was a small boy there; he was telling his mother loudly that he was in fact the captain of the ship and here, on the windowsill, were his controls to make it move.

The ship came up to a point where right ahead of us was a harbour lighthouse, and it was evident that we could go around it either left or right but not continue straight ahead. The boy’s mother looked up from her magazine and said to him, “Which way around it are you going to make us go?” Her son looked at her, embarrassed, seeing that she had asked the question that made it very difficult to continue to claim that he was steering it. An instant later the ship turned left and he started loudly assuring her that he had steered left, had always meant to go left, had in fact done it earlier and she shouldn’t distract him by asking such questions.

When Valizadeh capers about with posts like this, he always reminds me of that small boy.

9 years ago


Jews and Christians are considered “people of the book” but us idol worshippers must be converted and our idols destroyed.

It would behove English speaking people — slightly different concerns for Europeans — to revive their memories of not-so-long-ago IRA attacks in England and of the centuries long loathing of Protestants for Catholics.

I used to sing in a choir back in the 60s which did a lot of really interesting music, including a regular service of lessons and carols each Xmas. We always mixed the predictable carols to be sung by the congregation with some interesting-difficult-exciting stuff that we liked. One year we did nearly all 14th century French works, another year it was mostly modern American composers.

More importantly, it was a service of lessons and carols, so we Had No Option but to include carols and readings about Mary, Angel Gabriel and all the rest that leads up to the birth. The spitting venom and hissing scorn that can accompany the word Papist or idolatry from a respectable conservative member of a city church congregation is something to see. How we could sing any carol, let alone a 14th_century_French one, that had no links at all to catholicism or to Mary is an unfathomable mystery.

As for terrorism, mainland Britain managed to live through almost 4 decades of bombings and other attacks without laying waste to ordinary Brits rights, though they were fairly brutal as an occupying force in NI — they never invaded the south. (Though I believe a lot of people were a bit cross about all the bins being removed from city streets.) And, in addition to the IRA, Europe’s had to deal with ETA and the Red Army Faction and a whole heap of lone wolf terrorists thoughout my life. If those organisations or individuals were active now, they’d be using the same weapons and tactics as we’re seeing from Daesh. If I recall correctly, ETA, IRA, Libyans, Palestinians and various others used to train together in North Africa for 20 or so years.

Christians as a group, protestant, orthodox and catholic alike, can’t claim any marvelous record in dealing with Jews as mutually respected “people of the book” either. Pogroms over several centuries right up into fairly recent times and all kinds of petty vandalism and intrusive supervision as well as downright violent discrimination don’t give us too much cause for pride or acclaim on that score.

9 years ago


Jews and Christians are considered “people of the book” but us idol worshippers must be converted and our idols destroyed.

It would behove English speaking people — slightly different concerns for Europeans — to revive their memories of not-so-long-ago IRA attacks in England and of the centuries long loathing of Protestants for Catholics.

I used to sing in a choir back in the 60s which did a lot of really interesting music, including a regular service of lessons and carols each Xmas. We always mixed the predictable carols to be sung by the congregation with some interesting-difficult-exciting stuff that we liked. One year we did nearly all 14th century French works, another year it was mostly modern American composers.

More importantly, it was a service of lessons and carols, so we Had No Option but to include carols and readings about Mary, Angel Gabriel and all the rest that leads up to the birth. The spitting venom and hissing scorn that can accompany the word Papist or idolatry from a respectable conservative member of a city church congregation is something to see. How we could sing any carol, let alone a 14th_century_French one, that had no links at all to catholicism or to Mary is an unfathomable mystery.

As for terrorism, mainland Britain managed to live through almost 4 decades of bombings and other attacks without laying waste to ordinary Brits rights, though they were fairly brutal as an occupying force in NI — they never invaded the south. (Though I believe a lot of people were a bit cross about all the bins being removed from city streets.) And, in addition to the IRA, Europe’s had to deal with ETA and the Red Army Faction and a whole heap of lone wolf terrorists thoughout my life. If those organisations or individuals were active now, they’d be using the same weapons and tactics as we’re seeing from Daesh. If I recall correctly, ETA, IRA, Libyans, Palestinians and various others used to train together in North Africa for 20 or so years.

Christians as a group, protestant, orthodox and catholic alike, can’t claim any marvelous record in dealing with Jews as mutually respected “people of the book” either. Pogroms over several centuries right up into fairly recent times, the KKK, and all kinds of petty vandalism and intrusive supervision as well as downright violent discrimination don’t give us too much cause for pride or acclaim on that score.