a woman is always to blame irony alert PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V: If I were French, I would totally round up a posse and throw out all the Muslim refugees

Roosh V raises an army

Not long after I finished my post this morning on the Manosphere dudes who are blaming the Paris attacks on the alleged “feminization” of Western culture, Manosphere dude Roosh Valizadeh put up a post in which he blamed the attacks on, well, you guessed it.

Declaring that “[t]he European people do not deserve Europe,” Roosh writes that

I’m afraid what we’re witnessing is a people who have been so feminized, weakened, and mentally controlled that they simply can’t identify an enemy within their broken gates that threatens their way of life, and is instead aiding the invaders who are actively trying to replace them.

So I was going to simply add this to my previous post.

But then I read the rest of Roosh’s post, and discovered that Roosh thinks the real solution to that whole refugee thing would be for him, Roosh, to round up some dudes and launch some sort of Red Dawn style assault on the refugees and any local police who showed up to defend them.

No, really:

If I was an angry French or German man at this moment, I know what I would do:

  • I would find a small town in my country with good strategic defense that has had refugees dumped within it.
  • I would open a line of communication with a sympathetic government like Russia for possible military support.
  • I would find at least 30 men with arms who believe that their nation is worth dying for.
  • I would invade the town, kick out the invaders, and defend my position against the local police while prolonging the standoff as long as possible for maximum media effect.

Then he’d try to get other equally delusional Muslim-haters to join him in his little revolution.

Either we solidify our position and expand with external support or we die trying to defend our country. I could not think of a more honorable way to leave this Earth, of asserting my destiny in a world where lunatic terms are being dictated to me that harm myself, my family, and my nation.

Roosh does not actually have a family, per se. At least he doesn’t have one in whichever Eastern European country he’s now living in. He lives alone.

He does have a family in the United States, the family he came from. Interestingly enough, his parents are immigrants from two countries –Armenia and Iran — that are not that far from Syria. If I’m not mistaken, they’re Muslim.

You’ll need to use your own irony meter here, folks, as mine is broken again.




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9 years ago

Roosh just isn’t even trying any more. I can’t be offended by something this daft.

9 years ago

Ya know, there are quite a few ways that Roosh could actually fight against ISIS if he wanted, as in real, honest-to-goodness, bullets flying combat. There are plenty of foreigners that have joined the various militias in Syria and Iraq, or who are fighting alongside the Peshmerga. If this is really Roosh’s thing, if he is really that committed, he could buy a plane ticket and be fighting his enemy by the end of the week.

9 years ago

Fnarf, that’s exactly what the racists in the US used to say they wanted to do with black people “send them all back to Africa!”, nevermind that some of their ancestors had been in the USA far longer than those calling for their deportation…

expecting bigots to logic is bound to end in dissapointment.

9 years ago

“I’m afraid what we’re witnessing is a people who have been so feminized…”

Yikes, even the women?!!! You know, the ones who make up half the population?

No, no, the women all got masculinized. But that doesn’t help the problem of society being too feminine, for some reason.

9 years ago

No, no, the women all got masculinized.

Or, perhaps more likely, Roosh doesn’t consider women to be “people”.

9 years ago

Or, perhaps more likely, Roosh doesn’t consider women to be “people”.

Pretty sure it’s this.

9 years ago

I often wonder what racists think the logistics of sending black people “back to Africa” would be. It’s not there’s one immigration and visa system that will get one citizenship to every country on the continent. Records weren’t kept, so Americans descended from slaves don’t tend to know which country their ancestors came from. Plus, borders change over the centuries. You’d have to get DNA tests for everyone and then gain the cooperation of each country where someone’s DNA is traced to.

It would cost billions, maybe trillions of dollars and would be nearly impossible to carry out.

I know I shouldn’t expect even the most basic knowledge of how government works, let alone a modicum (modecome?) of rational thought from these people, but these are the places my mind wanders to when I’m bored.

9 years ago

Funny story but unrelated:

The other day I was spying on 4chan and noticed some Mod or whatnot had made it so that the word “cuck” was automatically changed to “kek”. Needless to say, communication became impossible. It was all a mess, like “kek you’re such a kek kekservatives and all jews are keks kek kek kek for kek that kek”

9 years ago

it is very interesting that many Anglo’s and in particular American Anglo’s have a belife that France is intolerant of Islam. The French respect and tolerance of Islam stretches back to the late 18th century, when Napoleon was very taken by it during the Egypt campaigns. Later (I think) during the third Empire and the colonial possession of north and sub Saharan Africa, the was again an influx of liking Islam (islamoohilia), finally in 1915, the north & west African Muslim dominions were granted citizenship. It was only during the 1950’s & 60’s during the Algerian crisis was there any feeling of Anti Muslim sentiments mostly caused by pied-noirs (returning white French embittered colonists) return to France and the attempted assassination of de Gaul.

France has always (in my mind ) always had a very positive bias towards Islam. Perhaps because of France’s post war involvement in Syria as a sphere of influence, Daesh wants to keep on taking digs at France and because of its tolerance.

What now becomes very interesting is that France has always been very cordial towards Russia and with Russia now a player in the Syrian quagmire, France can act as the bridge between Russia and the US. And with Russia signing an oil swap deal with Iran recently, we may see Daesh being squeezed on many fronts, with cooperation (at last).

I also feel it is important to point out that Sweden’s attempt to implicate Israeli treatment if the Palestinian’s is a red herring, as Hamas and Fateh are closely tied to Iran and Daesh doesn’t give a shit about the plight of Palestine. Especially as Daesh got close to the Golan after a dust up with Al-Nusra and HizbAllah.

So finally, what I’d like to say, is that manospherian bollock-brains like Roosh and his toxic buddies are trying to co-opt this aweful atrocity to continue their shite agenda.

9 years ago

I often wonder what racists think the logistics of sending black people “back to Africa” would be.

Probably dump most of them off in Monrovia and declare that it’s Liberia’s problem.

9 years ago

The best way to ensure your plot is foiled, Rooshie, is to ANNOUNCE IT ONLINE. Rooshie wouldn’t have survived hunting mammoths, or gotten any sort of command post during a war, he can’t even deal with having beer tossed onto him! Get to walking on that carpet of legos Rooshie, and stay away from the ladies – they’re on to you and not in the way you want.

9 years ago

We’re all lucky the real life version of Roosh is so unambitious and useless in every way.

9 years ago

I’ve found Roosh a Job

U.S. Company Hiring Mercenaries To Kill ISIS; Starting Pay $600K/yr – No Background Or History Required

9 years ago

Rillion-“Wait, what? He’d kick himself out?”

That’s exactly what I thought, too! Roosh’s grammar is as as awful as his ‘ideas’.

9 years ago

Since no-one has mentioned it yet, I think I should point out that Armenia is, in fact, a Christian nation. They have their own special brand of Christianity, called the Armenian Apostolic Church, an offshoot of the Myasyphites, or Copts. This, of course, makes the Armenians the followers of one of the oldest forms of Christianity, since the Coptic church was founded by the Ethiopian eunuch that St. Thomas baptises in the book of Acts. Not that any of this makes Roosh the Rapist any less awful. I just like things to be factual. 🙂

9 years ago

Are you Muslim or not, Roosh? Make up your bloody mind! Also, if you are going to invade anything, do not post your plans on the internet! Everyone can read them, you know.

I am very worried about the Syrian refugees right now. Those people have been through hell and they have to deal with so much hatred on top of that. Now the attacks on Paris happen and things get even worse for them. Before the attacks, Australia was going to accept 20, 000 refugees. Now it looks like this is not going to happen. If other countries refuse to take them in, they would have no where to go. :'( what would become of them? I am so angry right now!

9 years ago
Reply to  Monzach

Ummm I mentioned eastern orthodoxy and the Armenian apostolic in my comment discussing that North Western Iranians are mostly ethnic Armenians, then I corrected myself after reading a comment where Roish described himself as Shi’a.

Frankly, As my grandad would say, he doesn’t know if he wants a shit or a haircut. The man’s a dope at best.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
9 years ago

‘So let’s you and them fight.’ Gotcha.

9 years ago

Is Roosh headed for a breakdown where he’s now entertaining shoot-outs, and finds himself doing just that in the future?

9 years ago


Sorry, I must have skipped the relevant part of your post on my original read-through of the comments. I’m more than happy to have been ninja’d by someone with more knowledge, though. Hopefully there was no offence given, since it was certainly not meant.

9 years ago

I think, I said it before: Democracy and free speech is good for many Things: One of them being that people tend to show their real face in the long run.

9 years ago

Off topic, but I think a lot of my fellow Mammotheers might like this

9 years ago

I see Roosh is still dreaming of Whiteness. Strange that an Iranian/Armenian is so self-identified as a White Supremacist when they’ve made it clear that he is not one of them.

9 years ago

But Roosh, sweetie, it was just a few months ago that you were instructing us in “Islam lite,” remember?

The manosphere sez that women are fickle — but you go waaay beyond that.

Autosoma has found you a job — a job! — that is your stated dream job. And the pay’s not bad! Will you heed the call?

Integrity: The manosphere has never heard of it.