a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism cuckolding dark enlightenment empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

Ingenious misogynists somehow manage to blame the Paris attacks on women

The Paris attacks: Once again women are to blame, allegedly
The Paris attacks: Once again women are to blame, allegedly

Given how many in the Manosphere are proud racists if not literal Nazis, it’s not exactly a shock to see the outbursts of anti-Muslim bigotry that have erupted in this Darkly “Enlightened” corner of the internet in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Skinhead fantasy author and self-professed alpha male Vox Day is calling for “mass deportations” and heralding what he hopes will be the start of “Reconquista 2.0,” a violent backlash against the immigrant “invaders” of Europe.

And white supremacist pickup guru Heartiste, who seems to be growing more floridly Naziesque by the day, has declared the “Paris Diversity™ attacks” to be just one “front in the larger War of White Dispossession,” insinuating that white race “traitors” in the West, whether they are ” traitorous leaders” or “cucked countrymanlets,” could soon find themselves righteously lynched by white dudes who are, as they say, mad as hell and not taking it any more.

But don’t worry, dear readers, even in the midst of this virtual festival of Muslim-hate, the manosphere has not completely lost sight of the real enemy: Ladies.

In comment sections and internet forums bristling with harsh invective against the “muzzies,” some ingenious Manospherians have managed to figure out a way to blame women for it all. This might seem a bit of a hard sell, given the fact that the terrorists themselves — or at least those who’ve been identified or accused so far — were not only all men, but men evidently all in thrall to a misogynistic. patriarchal ideology. But never doubt the resourcefulness of a misogynist when he discovers something that women have not yet been blamed for.

On the blog of the reactionary Christian Manospherian Dalrock, a regular commenter calling himself Easttexasfatboy suggests that the Paris attacks were the predictable consequence of Western Women being, well, a bunch of filthy whores.

Echoing the logic of every victim blaming rape apologist ever, he insinuates that Western culture is “asking for it” by being “feminised and perverted” in the eyes of ISIS terrorists and reactionary Christian Manospherians alike.

“Masculinity will have its revenge,” he told one fellow commenter,

Do you believe feminists can spout such hatred without consequences? ISIS is very attractive to many young men. They promise revenge. They promise the chance to humiliate and kill the feminists who hate and drug them.

I have no idea what alleged drugging he’s talking about here.

I’m a 59 year old man who is a student of history. Feminism can’t suppress testosterone. As for violent Barbarians who behead men, women and children…….Effeminate perversions draw them out. …

Feminists have been killed out before in different cultures. Are you a student of the Bible? Think of what happened to the daughters of Jerusalem. During the siege, they had to choose between the slow death of starvation and pestilence……or going out to meet the maltreating sword. …

Sharia is very attractive. It basically means a huge societal reset. Abortion has filled our hands with blood. I cannot help but long for a day of stable families again.

On Roosh V’s proudly reactionary Return of Kings, meanwhile, a commenter calling himself Terry “Death to Equality” Xu argues that the west is losing to the evil immigrant “invasion” because it has become too effeminate to recognize that racist “ethnostates” are the real answer. “All diversity is conflict,” he declares,

you don’t need to wait until there’s terrorism/rape/sharia law to oppose it. …

All societies should progress towards the ethnostate – multiculturalism is something to be dealt with through nationalism, assimilation, or just plain xenophobia. The western world confuses empathy with rational thought because it’s too feminized, and values the opinion of its women too much.

Fellow Return of Kings commenter MCGOO has a similarly lady-based explanation for the spread of Islam in France. “France with its quisine and international hospitality had flashy women who dressed in bling before the term bling existed,” he complains.

The women were like Las Vegas girls and the short Frenchmen stood down to them. Sweden’s men stand down to their women as well. Wherever the women lead either as flashy divas or administer as frumpy tomboys with mop top haircuts like Merkel, Islam seems to make inroads.

Over on the Roosh V forum,more than a few of the regulars are blaming feminists and “feminization” for what they see as an insufficiently macho response to the Paris attacks. In a thread on the attacks that’s generated more than 1000 comments so far, a commenter called Onto expressed his worry that the west would be unable to muster up a properly muscular military response to Muslim extremists. “Maybe 50 years ago it could’ve been done,” he writes,

but the Western nations are completely under the sway of the feminine (Racial diversity, Amnesty, No borders, No wars, We should try to understand them, etc.)

Apparently Onto hasn’t noticed that the US, France, and other Western countries are already, you know, bombing ISIS strongholds on a pretty regular basis.

Another Roosh V commenter, Phatom, is similarly nostalgic for the macho dudes of the pre-feminist era.

If men of the caliber of Churchill were here they would take immediate action. Western Civilization was build by strong men and decisive leaders. Not effeminates, feminists, queers and social justice warriors.

Still another Roosh V commenter, Nomadbrah, lashes out at the “softness” of the baby boomers:

I can’t stand to read or watch responses from sheeple and on mass media. I see their stupid Boomer faces, their oh so concerned soft weak and old faces. Their entire lives having been spent trying to run away from all responsibility, their lives the easiest in any time of history and now they stand there having sold their children and grand children to tyranny, they stand there looking like old stupid sheep.

He follows up with a similarly disgusted tirade against their allegedly feckless children:

And the young signaling women with their selfies and sad eyes behind perfect makeup and $200 haircuts. The weak effeminate males who never had a chance, psychologically castrated from birth. Their response measured, mature, they talk, the express emotions, like little good boys, like they’ve been told by countless short haired matrons from birth to adulthood. The cowardly politicians standing in first row and their clichees after having invited these savages inside.

It is too much to deal with, fuck this gay earth seriously, it’s so surreal.

Like Eastsidefatboy on Dalrock’s blog, the Roosh V forum commenter calling himself simply Bill thinks that Islam may prove seductive to western men who think their culture has become too “feminized.”

There is a chance that some western guys who are the losers of societies may even like the muslim religion. The most powerfull motivator is women and with Islam some men may have a better chance to get women than now. I think many muslims just serve lip service to their religion because they don´t want to be controlled by their women like it seems to be in the west sometimes.

At the moment Islam seems to be the only system that can kind of withstands the feminisation. The trade off is one lives in the middle ages and if one doesn´t live in that one gets bombed in to the middle ages.

It’s a tough dilemma for the modern Manospherian: Should we kill the Muslims, or become them?

At least they can agree on one thing, though: Western women are degenerate whores, and pretty much everything is their fault.

H/T — Thanks to the WHTM commenter who pointed me to the comment on Dalrock’s blog.

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9 years ago

Sam McConnich | November 16, 2015 at 12:15 pm
“Wonder why all these brave men are behind computers, instead enmasse running to fight and kill ISIL? Too fat, too cowardly , too whiny.”

Let’s not fat shame please.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

So, the solution to stopping Daesh is simple.

STEALTHY FEMALE ASSASSINS! But seriously, what these terrorists want are these so-called “macho men” to go all out and kill all the things, because the bigger and louder the western world is, the more is supports their cause as to why we are all crazy (in which not everyone in the west is crazy).

Thus, I would assume that the smartest solution would be for the military strategists to think small and to attack Daesh in areas that while small, are severely crippling.

The other part of the solution, of course, is just to cull our addiction to the black gold and go for alternative fuel sources… But that means we stop driving our big sports cars and pick-up trucks (which clearly perform better than manosphere-dude performs in bed) and learn to drive those adorable cars like the Prius and Leaf. But if people stopped using so much oil, it would hurt the business.

Viable strategies, right?

9 years ago

I’ve got a proposal — these idiots wanna charge off to the sandbox and fight? Okay, let them. Give them the minimal outfit (but let them know they’ll be largely dependent on their own guns and supplies, because that’s the way to foster a sense of personal responsibility), give them time to put their kit together, and then at some time previously appointed, fly them into the middle of Sinjar, drop them off, and wish them luck.

Enjoy, muchachos, enjoy.

latsot (@latsot)
9 years ago

On the plus side, Cucked Countrymanlet is an excellent name for a cheese.

9 years ago

I guess it’s just because it’s an area that I can explain at length why they are wrong, but the weird pseudo-history in a lot of the MRA posts is what usually jumps out at me.

Napoleon, who the short frenchman meme comes from, probably wasn’t actually short for 1800-ish.

Churchill who the next quote talks about in glowing terms is quoted as answering a question at a dinner of “If he couldn’t be himself, who would he like to be?” With, “Mrs. Churchill’s 2nd husband.”

9 years ago

I love the way these racist bozos are trying to twist themselves into pretzels in support of IS’ violence, but the misogynists in them cannot be suppressed either. It must be killing them.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Echoing Tizio: Please start referring to the terrorist organization as Daesh, instead of ISIS, ISIL, or IS. Daesh is the preferred acronym of Muslims and Arabs who oppose the terrorists.

This article explains why:

TL/DR: ” the use of this word [Daesh] is part of a multi-pronged, diverse range of efforts by Arabs and Muslims to reject the terrorists’ linguistic posturing, their pseudo-classical use of Arabic, their claims to Quranic authority and an absolute foundation in sacred scripture, as reflected in their pompous name. “

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Funny how these dolts are too dim to realize that Daesh stands for everything they stand for. You’re looking in a mirror, boys. Like what you see?

9 years ago
Reply to  Tizio

Tizio your second point is incorrect, the trample bit comes from non dialectical Arabic speakers looking up a phonetically similar classical Arabic word.

I refer you to Alice Guthrie’s article 12th paragraph

9 years ago

Reading posts like this I have a lot of different thoughts. Like, I wish there was a way to let people to live in the past, so that they could experience the many ways that it was not so great. And, I wonder if someone could program their computers to give them a small shock every time they try to post something so awful? (I know, I know, “Free Speech” and all that.) And seeing how much short hair on women bothers them, I now have another reason to keep my hair short.

I tend not to wish people ill on the internet. Not even stepping on Legos. When I do, I tend to keep it general and karma-ish, like “I hope they get what they deserve” or “I hope that someday they realise how wrong they are and how much harm they’ve caused.” Reading the quotes in the OP and seeing how much they hate the idea of any woman having any power, I have a new one: “I really hope Hillary is our next President.”

I’m already kinda supporting Hillary. I’m more of a Bernie supporter, but if Hillary wins the primary I’ll have no problems enthusiastically supporting her in the general election. But seeing how much women upset these guys, and picturing how much a female President will distress them… I predict that their reactions will be both hilarious and utterly terrifying.

9 years ago

Man, TRP assholes just keep managing to outdo themselves. It’s like the only thing stopping them from outright endorsing ISIS is the fact that they’re too racist to admit they agree with them.

It’s *really* hard for me to not wish violence on them.

9 years ago

“…Men of the calibre of Chuchill…”

What, d’you mean alcoholics?

Also, France dropped 20 bombs on Syrian ISIS strongholds over the weekend. Pretty sure that isn’t “overly feminized”.

9 years ago

HTML = Hate-filled Trolls*, Meet Legos.

…yes, the same Legos that happen to be spread over the entirety of the floor.

* Troll in this instance does not refer strictly to the traditional definition of persons who stir the pot to get a reaction, but also includes the cretins of the manosphere who behave as though they live under bridges, may also eat any nanny goats who might cross their paths, and don’t really understand how words work; ultimately they are the LAST people who should be in charge of a country.

9 years ago

There’s so much evil in the world. 🙁

the quai
the quai
9 years ago

All this nonsense about brainless violence clearly being the only response to brainless violence makes me ill. Has anyone thrown this study to these obnoxious poo-flinging brutes?

Quoted from article:
[ Dr. de Waal, who wrote an essay to accompany the new baboon study, said in a telephone interview, ”The good news for humans is that it looks like peaceful conditions, once established, can be maintained,” he said.

”And if baboons can do it,” he said, ”why not us? The bad news is that you might have to first knock out all the most aggressive males to get there.” ]

9 years ago

Can’t imagine living all my life hating people because of their religion, race, sex, sexuality, whatever. Doesn’t sound very healthy. People who you don’t like (because of silly bigotry) aren’t just going to disappear so you might as well enjoy the diversity.

9 years ago

Sorry I didn’t get to read all the comments so I don’t know if anyone point this out already or not. It is funny to me how they are blaming feminism for socialization of men and women. I thought they blamed majority if not all of gender roles on biology and that socialization has no effect.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

sunnysombrera | November 16, 2015 at 4:32 pm
There’s so much evil in the world. 🙁

And, apparently, it’s all our fault. Somehow. Something something wimmens, something something cuckolding, something something femucommunazis.

(Hope my attempts at sarcasm make someone laugh, even a little. I can’t help but feel like we all need a good laugh just to cope.)

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago

I don’t get why these guys keep linking feminism to abortion, too. If you look at abortion rates worldwide, they are by far the highest in third world countries such as Kenya (in which feminism is practically nonexistent).

9 years ago

Hu’s On First,
Anti-choicers aren’t typically upset that abortion happens. They’re upset when abortion is safe and legal. Because women must be punished for having sex.

9 years ago

I knew it. I just fucking knew manospherians would do this. So predictable.

9 years ago

“At least they can agree on one thing, though: Western women are degenerate whores, and pretty much everything is their fault.”

This is the key point. Dick supremacy trumps race supremacy always. All men can bond over hating women. And Western women are the current, convenient whipping girls for boys of all skin colours, religions, sex preferences, and SES’s.

9 years ago

Cucked countrymanlet is best served with grits and steamed mustard greens.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Ingenious misogynists somehow manage to blame the Paris attacks on women”


And yet they are deadset against goddess worship, the Divine Feminine, and all that could reverse this tide of ill will that has swept the planet since the Abrahmic small cucked “god” took center stage.

9 years ago

Only in MisogynyWorld can helping boys concentrate in school so they can succeed and excel be considered a terribad awful nogood thing.