Given how many in the Manosphere are proud racists if not literal Nazis, it’s not exactly a shock to see the outbursts of anti-Muslim bigotry that have erupted in this Darkly “Enlightened” corner of the internet in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris.
Skinhead fantasy author and self-professed alpha male Vox Day is calling for “mass deportations” and heralding what he hopes will be the start of “Reconquista 2.0,” a violent backlash against the immigrant “invaders” of Europe.
And white supremacist pickup guru Heartiste, who seems to be growing more floridly Naziesque by the day, has declared the “Paris Diversity™ attacks” to be just one “front in the larger War of White Dispossession,” insinuating that white race “traitors” in the West, whether they are ” traitorous leaders” or “cucked countrymanlets,” could soon find themselves righteously lynched by white dudes who are, as they say, mad as hell and not taking it any more.
But don’t worry, dear readers, even in the midst of this virtual festival of Muslim-hate, the manosphere has not completely lost sight of the real enemy: Ladies.
In comment sections and internet forums bristling with harsh invective against the “muzzies,” some ingenious Manospherians have managed to figure out a way to blame women for it all. This might seem a bit of a hard sell, given the fact that the terrorists themselves — or at least those who’ve been identified or accused so far — were not only all men, but men evidently all in thrall to a misogynistic. patriarchal ideology. But never doubt the resourcefulness of a misogynist when he discovers something that women have not yet been blamed for.
On the blog of the reactionary Christian Manospherian Dalrock, a regular commenter calling himself Easttexasfatboy suggests that the Paris attacks were the predictable consequence of Western Women being, well, a bunch of filthy whores.
Echoing the logic of every victim blaming rape apologist ever, he insinuates that Western culture is “asking for it” by being “feminised and perverted” in the eyes of ISIS terrorists and reactionary Christian Manospherians alike.
“Masculinity will have its revenge,” he told one fellow commenter,
Do you believe feminists can spout such hatred without consequences? ISIS is very attractive to many young men. They promise revenge. They promise the chance to humiliate and kill the feminists who hate and drug them.
I have no idea what alleged drugging he’s talking about here.
I’m a 59 year old man who is a student of history. Feminism can’t suppress testosterone. As for violent Barbarians who behead men, women and children…….Effeminate perversions draw them out. …
Feminists have been killed out before in different cultures. Are you a student of the Bible? Think of what happened to the daughters of Jerusalem. During the siege, they had to choose between the slow death of starvation and pestilence……or going out to meet the maltreating sword. …
Sharia is very attractive. It basically means a huge societal reset. Abortion has filled our hands with blood. I cannot help but long for a day of stable families again.
On Roosh V’s proudly reactionary Return of Kings, meanwhile, a commenter calling himself Terry “Death to Equality” Xu argues that the west is losing to the evil immigrant “invasion” because it has become too effeminate to recognize that racist “ethnostates” are the real answer. “All diversity is conflict,” he declares,
you don’t need to wait until there’s terrorism/rape/sharia law to oppose it. …
All societies should progress towards the ethnostate – multiculturalism is something to be dealt with through nationalism, assimilation, or just plain xenophobia. The western world confuses empathy with rational thought because it’s too feminized, and values the opinion of its women too much.
Fellow Return of Kings commenter MCGOO has a similarly lady-based explanation for the spread of Islam in France. “France with its quisine and international hospitality had flashy women who dressed in bling before the term bling existed,” he complains.
The women were like Las Vegas girls and the short Frenchmen stood down to them. Sweden’s men stand down to their women as well. Wherever the women lead either as flashy divas or administer as frumpy tomboys with mop top haircuts like Merkel, Islam seems to make inroads.
Over on the Roosh V forum,more than a few of the regulars are blaming feminists and “feminization” for what they see as an insufficiently macho response to the Paris attacks. In a thread on the attacks that’s generated more than 1000 comments so far, a commenter called Onto expressed his worry that the west would be unable to muster up a properly muscular military response to Muslim extremists. “Maybe 50 years ago it could’ve been done,” he writes,
but the Western nations are completely under the sway of the feminine (Racial diversity, Amnesty, No borders, No wars, We should try to understand them, etc.)
Apparently Onto hasn’t noticed that the US, France, and other Western countries are already, you know, bombing ISIS strongholds on a pretty regular basis.
Another Roosh V commenter, Phatom, is similarly nostalgic for the macho dudes of the pre-feminist era.
If men of the caliber of Churchill were here they would take immediate action. Western Civilization was build by strong men and decisive leaders. Not effeminates, feminists, queers and social justice warriors.
Still another Roosh V commenter, Nomadbrah, lashes out at the “softness” of the baby boomers:
I can’t stand to read or watch responses from sheeple and on mass media. I see their stupid Boomer faces, their oh so concerned soft weak and old faces. Their entire lives having been spent trying to run away from all responsibility, their lives the easiest in any time of history and now they stand there having sold their children and grand children to tyranny, they stand there looking like old stupid sheep.
He follows up with a similarly disgusted tirade against their allegedly feckless children:
And the young signaling women with their selfies and sad eyes behind perfect makeup and $200 haircuts. The weak effeminate males who never had a chance, psychologically castrated from birth. Their response measured, mature, they talk, the express emotions, like little good boys, like they’ve been told by countless short haired matrons from birth to adulthood. The cowardly politicians standing in first row and their clichees after having invited these savages inside.
It is too much to deal with, fuck this gay earth seriously, it’s so surreal.
Like Eastsidefatboy on Dalrock’s blog, the Roosh V forum commenter calling himself simply Bill thinks that Islam may prove seductive to western men who think their culture has become too “feminized.”
There is a chance that some western guys who are the losers of societies may even like the muslim religion. The most powerfull motivator is women and with Islam some men may have a better chance to get women than now. I think many muslims just serve lip service to their religion because they don´t want to be controlled by their women like it seems to be in the west sometimes.
At the moment Islam seems to be the only system that can kind of withstands the feminisation. The trade off is one lives in the middle ages and if one doesn´t live in that one gets bombed in to the middle ages.
It’s a tough dilemma for the modern Manospherian: Should we kill the Muslims, or become them?
At least they can agree on one thing, though: Western women are degenerate whores, and pretty much everything is their fault.
H/T — Thanks to the WHTM commenter who pointed me to the comment on Dalrock’s blog.
At one time I would have been shocked by this, but I dropped by the blog today to find out if they’ve managed to find a way to blame women yet. The only question was how they’re going to blame us this time.
As usual, one section of the manosphere sets the bar as low as we think it can go, and another section happily limbos under it:
I’m also stunned that I have to give the daily mail more credit for writing a more progressive article than the guardian: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3320389/I-m-not-terrorist-m-Sikh-dude-turban-Canadian-forced-deny-Paris-jihadi-pranksters-photoshop-suicide-vest-Koran-selfie-Spanish-media-fall-it.html.
None of that wishy-washyness about globbergate that shows up in the guardian article
Wonder why all these brave men are behind computers, instead enmasse running to fight and kill ISIL? Too fat, too cowardly , too whiny.
*”more credit” should just be “credit”
Let’s be fair to these guys. They didn’t have much time to think these comments through, because they were in a rush to finish before going off to fight ISIS. I mean, you can tell from their words that they’re tough manly warriors: surely they wouldn’t want to cower at home and leave others to do all the fighting they’re calling for?
Also: “quisine”? Isn’t that what you use to treat malaria?
The manospherians are an interesting lot. I am reading a book now where one man has been completely bested and owned because he, of a “barbaric” people values masculinity too much and scornes all femininity. The simple hint of him being less masculine was all it took for “lesser, effeminate men” to goad the man into doing what others wanted.
That so called barbarian, reminds me heavily of those within the manosphere.
The Army recruiting office is thataway, macho warmongering dudes.
My money is on chemtrails.
I’m sorry, I know that was supposed to be a devastating mic drop insult, but it made me giggle.
That whole rant reminds me of Pat Robertson, who was always on hand after a hurricane or earthquake to make the victims feel better by assuring them it was God’s divine retribution for being soft on homosexuality. He’s not angry that innocent people were killed and hurt and families are grieving and a nation is in shock. He’s angry that the West lost face. He’s angry that politicians are responding in a measured, intelligent way instead of going into Hulk mode. Because nations are exactly like men, and real men are obligated to lash out in a blind rage when someone humiliates them. Those feeble pansy baby boomers with their “wisdom” and their “experience” and their “mature” responses to tragedy just don’t understand statecraft as well as this guy, who narrowly escaped the brainwashing the rest of us call civilized adulthood.
I think manospherians are angry about boys being treated for ADHD because they don’t like that any destructive behavior committed by a male person is seen as something that needs to be changed. It doesn’t matter whether behavioral problems are caused by mental health issues or by toxic masculinity. They see aggressive and disruptive behavior as a positive manly trait.
Oh, god bless the American public education system. It pumps out people who know shit about shit, and I’m speaking from experience here.
Observe the mobius strip that is Manosphere Lojik.
Men are naturally more violent, aggressive, and need to conquer everyone and everything, but don’t tell us that, because we’re more intelligent and rational and logical, but that doesn’t fit with being violent, aggressive, and a need to conquer, which men are biologically tuned to because evopsych, but evopsych also says that men are more logical and intelligent and rational because men hunted the mammoths, which is a violent, aggressive act that fits with their need to conquer…
Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
What I’m getting from all these comments is that modern Western misogynists really wish they could be Jihadis, except without being asked to blow themselves up.
Many things in life are a tradeoff. This one seems like a pretty reasonable one.
Sarcasm? Yes!
I thought women were all evil conniving whores, not people that have too much empathy/kindness to properly deal with the “invaders”? Aren’t women incapable of love or understanding? They have to make up their minds already on how it is women are wrong, because this is just pitiful.
It’s also hilarious given their thought processes that they tout themselves as rational.
Goddammit manospherians. May all of you step on all the Legos, have a nosebleed every time they wear a white shirt, and go to an Autogrill bathroom only to realize too late that they’ve ran out of toilet paper.
In other news, can we stop calling ISIS “ISIS” and start calling them by their Arabic acronym “Daesh”?
1) Daesh seem to think that being called “Islamic State” gives them legitimacy, therefore bleep you we aren’t giving you any.
2) Many Muslims who oppose the Daesh found out that “Daesh” sounds similar to the Arabic words daes, “trample”, and dahes, “run over” – which, when referred to a person or a group, can mean “oppressor”.
Well colour me shocked. /s
The dilemma for these guys is while they’re loyalty to white supremacists obliges them to hate all Muslims and scapegoat them for the actions of extremists, they also agree with everything Daesh stands for, especially its treatment of women.
So basically they don’t disagree with what the terrorists are doing on principle – their racism just gets in the way of full-on support.
Deftly ninja’d by sn0rkmaiden!
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
And feminists. He blamed 9/11 on, among other groups, feminists. I took that remark personally.
Good point.
I think that maybe some of us are evil, conniving whores, and some of us have too much empathy and kindness. And all of us have to be observed at all times. That’s what they call it — it’s not stalking. And none of us will date them, which is the real bone of contention.
I love how it’s always both that all women are skanks and that all women are frumpy tomboys. At the same time.
Just wanted to call attention to the name of the HTML file in that Daily Mail link:
.html, indeed!
I love how thoses manospherians think all man are uncontrollable moron. That’s called psychological projection.
I would very much love to have 0 retributions, and even 0 try to remove ISIS from the equation. At least none with military. Never have the western countries succeeded in establishing a democracy that way ; all it do is paint the western countries as bullies, which they kind of are. It’s time for western democracy to stop thinking they can solve other countries problems against their will.
And I can think of people left free until their natural cause death who were much more abhorrent and killed way more people than thoses ISIS questgivers. It’s not just, but it’s not just either to invade a country over less casualties than when a stadium is shoddily done.
I meant, “it’s not justice”, not “it’s not just”
All women are a quantum superposition of states, until a male observer collapses the wave function. Schroedinger’s Pussy, if you will.