
Alternate Open Thread


I’m not going to do a regular post today.

I set up an open thread last night for those who want to discuss, or simply process, the Paris attacks.

For those of you who need to take a breather from the tragedy, here is an alternate open thread to discuss, well, alternate things. But let’s not talk about MRAs and the rest today. Let’s take a break from them too. (And this is, of course, a no troll, no MRA thread.)

The photograph I’ve used for this post? It’s just a picture of a man and his bunny in Paris on a happier day.

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9 years ago


According to my college course on drugs, it’s (in part) because pot was a competitor to good ol’ American tobaccos. It’s also in part due to racism, pot came from mexico, it was also associated with jazz clubs and the African American community. Hence the (very catchy) song ‘Reeferman’

I’m just glad I live in cali šŸ™‚

9 years ago


I’m sure I’m wayyyy late with this idea, but maybe for future baking/freezing projects: I’ve recently come across some examples of peach- or apricot-based desserts that used a touch of cardamom to wonderful effect. Mostly I’ve experienced it with warm or room temperature desserts, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with frozen desserts too.

In any case, your pie sounds amazing! Mmmmm.

9 years ago

There are a lot of jazz songs about pot. I’ve been listening to the Cats and the Fiddle lately, so I’m just going to leave this here.

And a bonus dance video! It starts off with another song from the Cats and the Fiddle and is one of my favorite performances.

9 years ago


Thanks, I’ll give that a try. My usual vegetable stock is Marigold bouillon, but Knorr is easy enough to find.

9 years ago

one thing I’d like to add is that I’m going through a troubled, turbulent time which a few regulars will know about (as you’ve been very supportive) If any of you would care to be a PM buddy I’d be dead greatful. I use WHTM to keep me steered away from the “red” side and going all MRA/MGTOW. David has kindly said he would forward stuff, but that was before the (jb)^2+cj=shitgale blew up.

Interesting thought if my red pill is WHTM, does that mean all TRP’s are my bkhe pills. Actually my cyrrentbpilks are light beige-y orange, which I must take now. Ta all

9 years ago

As an occassional pot smoker I’ll add that even when my chronic pains were at their worst, I was never in any pain while high.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

raysa — that sounds fucking terrifying, I’m glad he’s okay! And spot on about our economy, the private jails, that absurdity of the war on drugs, and the rest of it. It’s horrible that he held up your husband, but you’re right, if they’d have left him alone to get high this might not have happened, which, really, is cause enough for me to be in favor of legalization. Treat it as a mash up of our laws on tobacco and alcohol and stop treating personal use as a mandatory minimum THINK OF THE CHILDREN thing, and maybe, just fucking maybe, less of those children they’re supposedly thinking of won’t end up with a parent in jail, or worse.

/ rant

Don’t worry about venting, it’s why I love WHTM, venting is not just allowed but met with concern and cats! Speaking of which, this thread is low on cute, brb with cuteness.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Please embedā€¦

Assuming it does, that is an adorable bunch of the largest rodent on earth — the capybara.

9 years ago

Every time I see a capybara I think of that Kenny vs Spenny episode with the rat race. :p

9 years ago

So I’ve had the lyrics, “take good care of yourself; you belong to me” stuck in my head, and it’s one of those songs I always thought was sweet until I examined the lyrics. Is anyone else bothered by them? I mean, shouldn’t the other person take care of themselves for them, not for the author? And of course a person doesn’t belong to another person. It’s just been bothering me.

9 years ago

One of my favorite soups:
It’s vegetarian and very filling. I usually lighten it up by using half the butter answer subbing half-and-half for the cream. (I heard half-and-half is an American thing, so if anyone isn’t familiar with half-and-half it’s just a 50/50 mix of milk and cream.)

9 years ago


That is pretty messed up your country does that. That puts everyone at risk. The fact that the cops expected something like that shows how broken the system is. If your system is gonna cause more crimes than it stops its broken.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Nice wombat!

justlikeheaven — unless I misread, being on SNAP benefits means that country is the good ol’ us of a! Gotta love our global hypocrisy! I do not understand how the fuck we remain a global superpower who claims to be in the moral right when this shit is just plain expected here.

For an extra “laugh”, we’re too liberal according to even relatively moderate right wingers. Our left wing party is too far left for them! The mind, it boggles.

9 years ago

Raysa, all the best for you and your husband, happy to know he’s ok!

Argentu aertheri, you picture reminds me of something that always bothered me: they never made a pokemon based on a capybara! It’s so freaking cute, I can’t understand why it hasn’t been immortalized digitally in pokemon form.

9 years ago

Raysa – terrifying thing to happen, and so glad your husband is OK. He’s a brave man to have done what he did: I hope he gets a commendation from the company.

It is a very weird thing for the cop to say to you husband, isn’t it? – Seems like an admission he was pushing the guy into more damaging crime than the crime he was doing – or am I reading it wrong?

I do remember though, being told that when street sex workers were in court and fined for soliciting, they’d be outside looking to earn the fine back the moment the proceedings ended. Which seemed counter-productive, really, if the aim was to discourage street sex work.

Drug laws seem to be pretty screwy: here in the UK we hear a lot about legalisation of cannabis in some US states – and forget it doesn’t apply all over. Meanwhile, someone ruins their life (and could so easily have ended someone else’s life) over a pinch of weed.

And no, I don’t smoke anything either, and never have.

9 years ago

I am so glad your husband is ok! I also agree that laws can have devastating effects on those who comit the most petty of crimes. Why do they bother with things like someone buying a bit if weed? One would think that the law’s full attention should be on those who make money producing, distributing and selling the stuff. Also, arresting the buyers cause them to commit more serious offences. Your experience demonstrates this.

Even though I am still two minds about full legalization of the stuff, I do support medical legalization of the stuff. Weed does have some amazing properties which should be taken advantage of by the pharmaceutical industry. (Look up the variety of weed called Charlotte’s Web). I mean, opium is illegal, but morphine is made from it and is not illegal for medical use. Why can’t something similar be done with weed?

9 years ago

Raysa: Wow, that sounds really frightening! I’m glad he’s OK.

Argentu aertheri, you picture reminds me of something that always bothered me: they never made a pokemon based on a capybara!

Well damn, that’s one of those things I never missed having until you pointed it out. Like how you can’t get Muppet Babies on DVD.

9 years ago

Capivaras (how do you write in English?) are the SWEETEST animals. I once almost climbed one like a horse, I even touched her, and she didn’t even move, even having a pup close by. She calmly went “ooh, the dirty human touched me, I’ll go wash myself in that lake”. If you ever come to Brazil, go to a national park to see them. You’ll want to take one home (don’t).

Even though I don’t know if I can truly help with good advise, due to my young age and little experience, my e-mail is pretty.chiomara at Gmail. Actually, any of you, if you need some venting or a stranger, just go there.

9 years ago

@auto damn autocorrect.
P.chiomara at Gmail. Not pretty.chiomara. XD

9 years ago

BTW, do you know the history of Chiomara, guys?

She is pretty freaking badass, in a way I wish I was ^^
I hope I was able to embed the link šŸ™

9 years ago

Skiriki, where are the pecans?

9 years ago


Iā€™m thinking if changing career totally, and I;m trying to work out how to do it as Iā€™m half a year shy of 50.

My dad was a man of very few words. (His army nickname was Rowdy, so you get the idea.)

My mum is occasionally inclined to be pretty negative and self-denigrating. Whenever she said “I’m getting a bit too old to start [whatever she was thinking of at the time]” his response was a bit of a growl …

“You’ll never do it any younger.”

I’d say think about it a bit more. Find out everything you can about it. Even if this particular idea doesn’t pan out, you may find something else, you may find more contentment in what you’re currently doing. Whatever the outcome, you’ll feel a bit better about your life.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Rivendellyan — I know! They always look like they’re scheming, but scheming something like “can I swim in that?” or “which plant is yummier?”

mildlymagnificent — that’s perfect, “you’ll never do it any younger”, love it. Hell, I started what is technically gymnastics the weekend I turned 30, waaaaay too old for competition level, but it’s fun šŸ™‚ And hey, it’s trapeze, I’m too old for competition gymnastics, but not for the circus! šŸ˜€

I should so go to bed, I’ll be in the air in 12 hours, should probably sleep >.<