
Open Thread for discussion of terror attacks in Paris

Paris tonight
Paris tonight

There have been multiple terror attacks in Paris. As I write this, there are reportedly dozens dead, and hostages being held.

I hope all WHTM readers in Paris are safe, and that this nightmare doesn’t get any worse.

This is a NO TROLLS/NO MRAs thread.

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9 years ago

@DS exactly. I feel so loved here! Thank you.
@Elb Thank you. Same goes for you, dear. Hope your family is alright.
No, no, don’t cry. There has been enough crying over this. We all have to fight.

Thats why we are are here, fellow feminists. If we bleed, we use it to paint our faces, stuff our chest, and go to another battle, so everyone can feel safe to walk the street and able to trust and love again. Feminist or antifeminist, man or woman, French or Muslim. We stand. We survive.
Laid in a bed, pale and with the skin of the face falling off, but still battling. I love you all, thank you for being such a wonderful community.

9 years ago

Living on the East coast of the US and was woken up by the sounds of military jets flying overhead. This is about the most creeped out I’ve been since 9/11. Really sorry for all of our French friends. Americans may make fun of the French for being weak, but that’s really because we’re just super envious of how strong, stubborn, and proud the French are. The French really were, and are, our first allies.

9 years ago

9 years ago

It only just realized that this happened on friday the 13th….

9 years ago

@spacelawn — pretty sure that the date was just a coincidence. This is nothing but my hunch and conjecture, but it could be possible that this group felt that they are about to be found out (because it is my understanding that at the moment there’s enhanced dragnet for terrorist scoping going on in Europe), and they must act before they get caught, and what are the busiest times of the week, Friday and Saturday, right?


Paris attackers had French, Egyptian, Syrian passports

French newspaper Libération report that one of the terrorists at the Bataclan shooting has been confirmed as a French extremist, who was known by police.

A 51-year-old Montenegrin detained in Germany after his car was found to be laden with weaponry and explosives is being linked to the Paris plot. The man was arrested in Bavaria near the Austrian border on November 5, according to Bavarian public radio.

If that latter link is confirmed (and it is looking more and more likely, since apparently his navigation system was set with Paris as final destination), it would definitely explain why this happed on Friday, and I think we should be thankful that the asshole with guns and explosives didn’t make it to join the mess, but got caught. This could be why all of the sudden there was such furious combing for extremists earlier this week (at least the Finnish police made such a big show about it on newspapers’ front pages).

happy cat
happy cat
9 years ago

I work in Paris and I still cannot believe what happened. They were innocent people and they just wanted to spend a nice evening. Now I wonder how my sister is going to explain her kids (age 8 and 6) what happened in the city where they live. What a sad world. Well, I feel a bit better now I’ve written this. Thank you very much.

9 years ago

It INFURIATES me that ISIS is behind these attacks. Why? Because there are over 1million Syrian CHILDREN internally and internationally displaced by the civil war there. Those kids are already facing racism and bigotry when they and their parents seek asylum and refuge, and now a European nation had 128 dead and 180 critically wounded. That’s a terror attack with nearly as high a death toll as 9/11 in the US and is the worst carnage France has seen since world war 2. The knee jerk reaction of conservative groups in France like ‘Le Front National’ will be to say “exile all Muslims and kill any who refuse to leave.” It’s going to cause a backlash across the western world that closes doors, turns backs, hardens hearts, and deafens ears against the plight of refugees.

As such, this is a particularly cowardly attack. I pray that the men who orchestrated this heinous atrocity will be unable to sleep, that their joy will vanish from them, that they will face the same fear and uncertainty their victims (both French and Syrian) have faced, and that their names will be remembered only with a hiss and a curse. May they be exposed, that the world may condemn them.

9 years ago


The death toll on 9/11 was just under 3,000:

Otherwise agree with the rest of your points.

9 years ago

I just hated the news this morning.

9 years ago


That’s a terrible story. Your doctor was a complete asshole and should lose his job over that. Absolutely infuriating.

Ryan James Sample
Ryan James Sample
9 years ago

“and that this nightmare doesn’t get any worse.”

ÂŁ100 says World War III’s chances of happening have increased due to these attacks.

9 years ago

Thanks everyone, regarding my dad. If he ages like his father, he’ll stick around until 90, have about 6 grey hairs on his head when he dies, and the thing we’re hoping isn’t cancer is just some weird-ass, fatty, benign tumor because bodies sometimes to weird, pointless stuff.

He’s trying to stay positive, but as he told me yesterday, it is one thing to think about one’s own mortality, it is quite another to have a serious discussion about it with an oncologist. He used to look at someone who died at 72 and think “Man, too young.” Now he’s thinking 72 looks darned good (he’s 62). He’s also demanding that we not cry yet.

It is good knowing that cases of “it doesn’t look like cancer, but we’ll check to be sure” usually aren’t cancer. Thanks.

Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, and Calais. SCREW yesterday.

Yesterday, before work, phone calls from my dad, and the awful news in France and the Middle East, I walked around the corner of the building I work in to find a male ruby-throated hummingbird sipping at some of the flowering bushes in our landscaping.

I was within about three feet of it, at the closest, just watching it do its bird-ish thing. So, here:

9 years ago

Chiomara, you are amazing and I admire your spirit.

9 years ago


I read your doctor story. What an asshole.

It doesn’t matter if you were a lying, conniving grifter who had made up a story of being attacked whole cloth. He was professionally out of line, full stop. I’d report that [expletive deleted]. A good shaming wouldn’t go amiss either.

Some of these people are still living in a time doctors were above criticism and displayed their arrogance with no fear of consequences.

9 years ago

@Chiomara that is really terrible. Im reallybsad and angry to learn that. I wish I could say I was surprised but I know there are medical personnel who are abusive to patients from personal experience.
I mention medical care primarily in terms of mental health, It can be hard to find someone trustworthy in that profession tbh. What you can do is find a rape victim advocacy group that can recommend a trustworthy professional to help you. I say this from personal experience. If a medical professiomal abuses or mistreats you again you have the right to leave immediately and report them. I am a medical student and we are taught to never tolerate this sort of heinous breach of ethics. Unfortunately abusive people still will try to take advantage of vulnerable victims.
Thank you for your concern.
We are all going to survive and find our joy again.

9 years ago

the doctor we went to – a long time after the attack bc they were still having physical symptoms – was a female OB/GYN and she was absolutely amazing so anyone who is attacked please dont feel you cant find a Dr who will act appropriately, they are out there.

9 years ago

@ Chiomara – goodness that is awful – both the rape and emotional abuse, and the reaction of someone who should really and totally have known better. You have all my respect for speaking out and all my best wishes for healing.

Everyone here – what a lovely bunch you are! How much strength and positivity I get from you guys.

My lovely stepdaughter’s best mates were in Paris (for a quiet romantic weekend!) and got locked down in a cafe near the stadium overnight. They are fine but understandably shaken. They thought the police had handled it pretty well, considering the size of the area and the fact that it was not clear for a while how many attackers there were.

It’s appalling, but the strength is there…

9 years ago

@guest and @bvh Thank you both so much.
@Kale I intend to go into med school too…. If I only had 5 thousand dollars to start. I was accepted by one last year, but didn’t have the admission money. An American friend advised me to do some crowd funding. Maybe I post the link here to get some help from you all, if David let’s me, of course.
I’ll just open in a few months, though. I would have to expose my true name, but worth it.

9 years ago


I don’t think you need permission to post a gofundme page or something similar. Others have done it in the past and as far as I know there’s no rule against it.

9 years ago

Chiomara if you do that I will chip in to support you.

9 years ago

And I’d have to give my real name too 🙂 at least to you….

9 years ago

I’ll just leave it here as a mild example of the manospherian commentary (on Dalrock) related to the Paris attacks:

Easttexasfatboy says:
November 14, 2015 at 11:19 am
Dragonfly…..Masculinity will have its revenge. Do you believe feminists can spout such hatred without consequences? ISIS is very attractive to many young men. They promise revenge. They promise the chance to humiliate and kill the feminists who hate and drug them. I’m a 59 year old man who is a student of history. Feminism can’t suppress testosterone. As for violent Barbarians who behead men, women and children…….Effeminate perversions draw them out. The USA still has a warrior class, but it’s being destroyed as we speak.

Feminists have been killed out before in different cultures. Are you a student of the Bible? Think of what happened to the daughters of Jerusalem. During the siege, they had to choose between the slow death of starvation and pestilence……or going out to meet the maltreating sword. Do you understand viscerally what that means? There are many examples in history, if you wish to learn. However, a woman trying to talk a young man out of revenge in this misandric world is misguided, to say the least.

Sharia is very attractive. It basically means a huge societal reset. Abortion has filled our hands with blood. I cannot help but long for a day of stable families again.

I hope Cassie Jaye is paying attention, but I’m not holding my breath.

9 years ago


So Human Rightsy!

9 years ago

When I see comment like that, I have to muster my entire self control to not wish harm, despair, and death to thoses who write it.

More reasonably, I hope they will at some point see how their belief make them miserable.

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