
Open Thread for discussion of terror attacks in Paris

Paris tonight
Paris tonight

There have been multiple terror attacks in Paris. As I write this, there are reportedly dozens dead, and hostages being held.

I hope all WHTM readers in Paris are safe, and that this nightmare doesn’t get any worse.

This is a NO TROLLS/NO MRAs thread.

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9 years ago

Stay strong, Paris, our thoughts are with you.

9 years ago

modmyst: I’m already seeing the islamaphobes out in force, saying that clearly it’s refugees who did this.

Also, the climate change deniers are speculating whether it’s related to COP21.

9 years ago

I very personally feel that France will have a very difficult time coming to terms with its feeling regarding this. The likes of daesh have managed to tap into a historic vein of resentment from the Empire/Colonial times, the Algerian crisis and the T’chadian police/coin actions.

I am though at a loss as why to choose France at this time.Rusdia gas stepped up it support of Bashir and with daesh military leadership considered to be Chechen, that with the YPG/PKK advances with US backing, They would be seen as the must obvious targets. My understanding is that France has been lessening it’s military involvement, particularly after its success and consolidation in T’Chad, Mali and northern Nigeria (using proxy forces).

Frankly, I condemn the group (I’m guessing long term sleeper cell) who did this as it it unnecessarily provocative and is so harmful/hurtful/destructive to people who have no direct involvement and only indirectly because of the previous decisions made by their government.

It saddens me as this is an escalation.

9 years ago

Bataclan op has been reported to be completed.

9 years ago

Dammit. Rob Lowe is cordially invited to go fuck himself. This is what the refugees are fleeing.

Those in the midst of this, stay safe.

9 years ago

For those who want up to date reports without all of the editorial rhetoric, use this link as France 24 Live is doing a really good job of confirming stories, sources, etc…..

9 years ago

That Rob Lowe tweet. Ugh. Naked xenophobia with over 1000 likes.

9 years ago

@skiriki reports of two terrorists killed in the assault. Seemingly no word yet on the hostages.

9 years ago

I’m just dreading the local shithead response to this. We already have had incidents where people have tried to murder-arson a refugee center, fired fireworks at buses transfering refugees, etc. No matter who did this, the white power low-life nazicrap are going to take it out on innocent people.

Nunya (@ottodidenari)
9 years ago

Was just there this spring so of course it’s just all these memories flashing by.
I feel strangely guilty for being alive.

Nunya (@ottodidenari)
9 years ago

sorry that was weird

if we had signatures, that would need to be mine, “sorry that was weird”

9 years ago

So how should I explain to /pol/tards and those succeptible to lies from he conservative right how helping immigrants ISN’T going to cause downfall of EU.

Cause right now when in the few moments I can stop thinking to myself “I hope as many people can come out of this safe as possible” -and “France and its people are never going to feel safe for a long time”is “I know exactly what sort of people prey on these sorts of things.”

9 years ago


The tinfoil crowd at Infowars is tripping all over themselves: “See, this is what happens when you don’t have gunz!!!11!!1”

Insensitive and unhelpful. As a person who has no problem with responsible gun ownership/use, I am baffled at how anyone thinks carrying a fire arm for self-defence would in anyway be helpful against an organized surprise attack from people with GRENADES.


Message to Tea Party types: Please shut up.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

My thoughts and prayers for safety to the people of Paris right now. There are no words for this level of awful.

9 years ago

@skiriki – yes, they are also terrorists. I’m hoping a majority of people can keep a level head and remember what values are actually worth defending, and enforcing where necessary.

9 years ago

I also apologize for my tone and spelling, I am just filled to the brim with emotions right now from the news.

9 years ago

Oh gods Bataclan situation is now officially “holy fucking shit that is so awful that I cant even”.

“According to the agency, one official described “carnage” inside the building, saying the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages.”

~100 estimated dead.

9 years ago


I’m just dreading the local shithead response to this. We already have had incidents where people have tried to murder-arson a refugee center, fired fireworks at buses transfering refugees, etc. No matter who did this, the white power low-life nazicrap are going to take it out on innocent people.

Sadly you have reason to worry. That’s why, IMHO, it is misguided to tolerate organized groups based around racist/fascist philosophies because of “freeze peach”. Antifa groups have documented the rise in violence in direct proportion to the “tolerance” of hate propaganda, even if the group producing it isn’t overly violent. This is doubly true when they are.

9 years ago

Oh fuck

“AFP quotes police sources as saying about 100 people have been killed in the Bataclan concert venue.”

9 years ago

Why? What could they possibly think they will gain? The main result besides death and pain and fear will probably be an increase in military action against extremists like Isis and unfortunately it will probably cause harm to the peaceful Muslim refugees.

btw Rob Lowe was already scum for “having sex with” (I would call it rape of) an underage girl.

9 years ago

@bvh — I know, but over here, there’s also this little problem of “unexamined racist thinking” and “reasonable suspicion that in certain areas police are actively hindering investigation due to racist sympathies”.

9 years ago

So two terrorists have been shot dead, but with the logistics of this attack there must have been more than two perpetrators.

9 years ago

“Several groups of police have burst into the Bataclan concert venue. Gunfire has been heard. Police have brought out at least 100 hostages; some appear to be wounded. Watch CNNgo.”

9 years ago

I just saw an update from the BBC saying that 100 people have been killed in the Bataclan.

This is beyond horrific.