
Open Thread for discussion of terror attacks in Paris

Paris tonight
Paris tonight

There have been multiple terror attacks in Paris. As I write this, there are reportedly dozens dead, and hostages being held.

I hope all WHTM readers in Paris are safe, and that this nightmare doesn’t get any worse.

This is a NO TROLLS/NO MRAs thread.

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Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

bananananana dakry — “Maybe I get brained with a sump pump, who knows?”

Lol, mine’s about a four inch cube in my open sump… oh, you didn’t mean fish did you? Do a DIY sump, it’ll take your mind of things and has made dealing with my brackish tank sooooooo much easier.

dhag — or we could just, you know, tax the fucking rich so Trump’s kid(s) are still paying for college (and healthcare and the rest) while the poor can access it for free*

*other than any taxes applicable to their income, preferably none below a certain income

I adore Sanders, I’m so voting for his socialist ass.

Chiomara — the how Clinton stands a chance is simple, her husband served his eight years. As in, she’s already well versed in the bullshit of Washington, and possibly the first truly viable female candidate. Plus, Sanders is a socialist and we still act like that’s a thing worse than being an open bigot.

As for religion, or lack thereof, in regards to responding to the attacks… fuck it, I don’t care what you do as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, and that includes pushing your believes (or lack thereof) on them.

9 years ago


I was just shown this:
GamerGate thought it would be funny to send a guy’s name and pictures to newspaper saying he was one of the men behind the attacks. His picture did make it into the media.

Thanks for sharing this. I hope that David writes about this. It’s a lot like what he’s been going through lately, with false accusations from Jack Barnes and even Cassie Jaye.

9 years ago


If I were allowed to vote, I’d vote Sanders as well. He’s been impressive so far. Hillary has been worse than I expected, but I’m at least looking forward to seeing her crush her Republican opponent in the debates. That will be hilarious.

9 years ago

1) wasn’t referring to that
2) don’t want to see any child molester’s movies posted casually and will say so

9 years ago

Came to say
France now dropping bombs
Fuck this fucking world

9 years ago

Aw shit..

9 years ago

None other than Dean Esmay taking a stand against islamophobia. Good for him.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Came to say
France now dropping bombs
Fuck this fucking world

That is part of the tragedy. The world has learned nothing from the recent wars. The bloodshed will continue to fire up under the desperation of the innocent, the hate of the extremists, and the propaganda of the war profiteers.

I’m gonna go get drunk now, *sigh*, cya all soon.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“France now dropping bombs”

What?! Where?!

9 years ago

Came to say
France now dropping bombs

To be precise, they are bombing Raqqa which ISIL claims is it’s capitol.

In theory, I don’t have a problem with this…IF France is working diplomatically with Syria for access, etc. Failing to make it a collaborative effort will cause more problems in the long run.

But apparently they have a history:

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

All of these people are ignorant with no knowledge of Self. Therefore terror and more terror to counter act terror is their only game plan. The yogi sees all sentient beings as acting out the results of their own karma. Buddha says the suffering can end but beings must end their desires. The ignorant must be open to wisdom in order to end their suffering and inflicting suffering on others. A global cultural revolution is in order.

9 years ago
Reply to  bvh

Syria’s been involved in a three-way civil war since Assad decided to launch airstrikes on peaceful demonstrations. There’s Assad’s loyalists, increasingly supported by Russia, ISIS, and a loose coalition of other rebels with some limited Western backing. Assad’s been letting ISIS run wild to discourage the West from attempting to back the other rebels, and the US has been launching airstrikes on ISIS without really caring what Assad thinks about it. His international credibility has been… limited since the period where he used chemical weapons.

epitome of incomprehensibility

OT to the present discussion, but I wonder what’s going to happen to the Paris climate summit that is/was supposed to take place in two weeks? I don’t want to be all “if there’s no climate summit than the terrorists will have won” but I really hope that it isn’t cancelled.

9 years ago

Idk about the area in question and I’m too upset right now for research that will fucking HURT but in general I oppose ANY bombing that could kill innocents esp kids, hospitals etc which the US and other such countries do all the damn time. if I find this bombing only hurt actual terrorists I will (prob) then withdraw my objection. I am so used to my country not giving a shit about civilians I admit I did assume this was anther such attack. I’m also fucking exhausted working long hours in anticipation of holiday, family in hospital, etc

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

The whole thing is scary as shit to me. This was not an attack just on Paris or France or Europe or the west. It was an attack on all of civilization. It was an attack on all off us. It was an attack on everyone who doesn’t support ISIS, which is just about every person, every culture, every religion, every country. These are people who want to drag us all back to the 7th century. The extra scary thing is there is nothing to negotiate. These people have zero interest in putting their arms down and working out a solution. It’s their way or nothing. Even if they would negotiate, these people don’t want anything that can possibly be given to them. They want a global caliphate, the extermination of the Jews, and the apocalypse. We can’t even bargain with them for their lives because they don’t care if they die. They think if they die, they will be martyrs so they get to go to heaven where the main appeal is getting to rape a bunch of virgins for eternity. WHO THE FUCK FINDS THAT APPEALING?! Well, I guess if you think that murdering random people would get you into heaven then that kind of heaven would appeal to you.

I’m also scared for the safety of normal Arabs and Muslims. People get crazy and think if they push a random Arab in front of a train somehow it does justice (yes, that really happened if you haven’t heard). One of the first things people started saying is “screw all the Muslims”‘and to not let them in to any country and to round them up and kick them out or round them up and kill them. THEY HATE THIS SHIT TOO! They like Isis as much as Christians like Westborough Baptist. So they are stuck (and fucked). I’m TERRIFIED of an Arab holocaust.

I also can’t handle a bunch of people pretending to be enlightened and saying that you shouldn’t feel bad about what happened in Paris unless you care equally about what happened in (insert location of other tragedy here). Because ALL mourning and tragedy over every event is the only thing that counts. If you don’t mourn everything you’re not allowed to mourn anything. I have absolutely no patience for that shit. Grrr. Just GRRRRRR.

Yes, let’s not mourn for our oldest allies. Let’s not mourn for those closest to us. Let’s pretend that the majority of us HAVEN’T decried this war since day one. Let’s pretend a lot of us DON’T already care about all the other war crimes in the world. SHUT YOUR FUCKING FACE, UNCLE FUCKER! There is no virtue in pretending to care about every problem ever just so you can condescend to everyone around you. That is something only a shit ass does. A shitty gross shit ass…with necrotizing fasciitis…and maggots eating the shitty dead ass flesh.

Idea: show up at one of their family members’ funerals and insist that they are misguided and unenlightened because they didn’t cry nearly as much for some random kid who died in the streets in Mongolia and that they’re sooooo insensitive because they knew that there were problems in Mongolia……


I also can’t shake my fear that somebody won’t decide to dust off the a-bomb and just level the whole Middle East because that could be what it takes to stop this. Innocent lives and permanent environmental damage be damned. As long as the enemies die too… Never mind that the enemies are all over the world and even if the Middle East was completely leveled, that wouldn’t stop terrorists that are currently in other countries… It would probably just piss them off even more and make them even more murderous.

It’s too much!! It’s scarier than 911 in a way. We know exactly how scary our enemies are now. And they’ve actually gotten worse. -has stroke, dies-

Thank you for giving me a rant space!

9 years ago

“The whole thing is scary as shit to me. This was not an attack just on Paris or France or Europe or the west. It was an attack on all of civilization”

I am uneasy with that kind of hyperbole.

It’s a terrorist act who killed an infime fraction of Paris population, and things like that happen regulary since at least 30 years. It’s horrible, but it’s neither new, exceptional, or worth a war for. And it’s as much a consequence of racism and poverty in France than a result of ISIS.

As someone else said, every day syrien lose the same amount of population to terrorism than France in several year.,

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago


I was thinking one of them big-ass home improvement sump pumps that are about twenty pounds. Or maybe I could get done in by a space toilet seat, see “Dead Like Me”, or some other goofy-ass shit. None know the hour or day, all that. If I have to have an obituary, I figure I should make people double-take at it.

My current setups aren’t too elaborate due to space and upkeep concerns in our apartment. 29 with a Marineland Magnum 350 (that I had the MAJOR luck to win in a raffle) and a Fluval Spec V and Spec III, all freshwater. The latter are *damn* nice tanks for their size, and the six ember tetras and four deranged male Endlers are doing smashingly. Ditto the assassin snails, the four cherry shrimp, and the unwanted masses of small snails that hiked in on the Java fern.

@A Land Whale

I am getting really damned tired of that kind of grief shaming, too. We’re fucking *human*, we *have* to choose which events effect us more than others, or it’s overload time. It’s like, so my cousin’s second cousin’s aunt’s third cousin by marriage died, so I’m not allowed to grieve my own mother? What the ever-loving fuck? It smacks to me a lot of the same silencing/ shaming tatics MRAs attempt to use on us to not complain about gender relations in North America because somewhere else women are getting stoned to death for looking funny at the wrong guy. The latter is abhorrent, true, but it doesn’t make the former any less relevant.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

Hello (from France).

Thank you everybody for the supports. It is always quite appreciated in dire events like this.

If i am allowed a small spike, however, it would be that we have here some kind of plane accident / car accident effect. There are vairous african and middle-east countries which are often hit by “small” terrorist attacks (there is nothing like small for an attack, of course, the meaning here is that the bodycount for one attack is smaller than the one we had last Friday), with a terribly sadly higher frequency, but they get less media exposure and/or we are sadly more “accustomed” to them (“Oh, another kamikaze attack in Niger. Sad. Oh, my favorite soccer team lost against this other one ! Let me rant about it for the day), even if the bodycount for a full year is far bigger. If we could also think about them a bit more often, maybe it could not be bad, i think.

If some of you look for information on french sites (and are not french), beware of false informations, conspiracy theories and other extremist rants. As you know, this stuff sprouts very quickly but it is sometimes very well disguised.

Daech obviously claims that it is its move, to strike fear and pain in the heart of one country for his support in the figth against them. That is right, of course, but that is only one part. The other (non told) part is to strike fear in the heart of the migrants (and those who may want to migrate). As Daech want to build a califate, it wants it with as many people to rule on as possible. The recent migrant waves annoyed them almost as much as military actions. So they hope that by raising hate on the side of (not so) welcoming countries, people considers it a second time before migrating and eventually remains under its control.
Hope we can prove them wrong.

On another note : an anti-harrasment poster campaign has begun in parisian public transportation.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ occasional reader

You raise a good point. People forget that ISIS have as much interest in shutting down the flow of refugees as they do in directly attacking the West. It’s a clever tactic on their part to use refugees for the bombings. It makes the political climate in the West less receptive to accepting refugees.

Ironically, for all its faults, such actions were anathema to the original Al Qeada. UBL was highly critical of refugees or naturalised citizens attacking their adoptive countries, he considered it an unacceptable ingratitude.

9 years ago

Howard Stern’s radio shows from 9/11 and 9/12 are on youtube. I listened to them a while back and it really opened my eyes to how many people instinctively react in these situations. It’s fascinating and vomit inducing at the same time.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

it really opened my eyes to how many people instinctively react in these situations. It’s fascinating and vomit inducing at the same time.


It’s fear, I think. To paraphrase Frank Herbert and Robert E. Howard in one go: Fear is the mind killer; nothing else reveals the red handed ape, so quickly.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Belated hugs to all the French Mammotheers. =/ Uggh… Just. Fuck the planet.

9 years ago

Ugh. Literally as I was reading the comments my colleague expanded on the “Muslim pushed in front of a train” story someone mentioned. It happened in London Underground. The woman is okay, she got away with grazes to her face, and the man has been arrested on count of attempted murder. I must admit, England does have a problem with racism and the recent terror attacks have brought the skinheads out in droves.

Also, I really really don’t want us to join in with the new wave of bombing ISIS controlled countries. It’s going to wind up as tit for tat violence and then we’ll have another repeat of 1970s Belfast, but world wide.

9 years ago
Reply to  sunnysombrera

ISIS doesn’t control any countries. They’re currently fighting the Syrian and Iraqi governments as part of their long-term stated goal of uniting Islam and killing the infidels. They nearly conquered Baghdad, but the Iraqi forces rallied and have been pushing back with the help of airstrikes against tank columns, and Kurdish militias coordinating with US air support have recently retaken a strategic city in northern Iraq.

ISIS effectively declared war on the world when their leader named himself Caliph and just hadn’t previously gotten around to attacking Europe.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

ISIS needs yoga and meditation and Hanuman and Ganesh and Durga and Kali and, and, and…. and so does everyone else.