antifeminism bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

“Men who didn’t worship p***y didn’t pass on their seed,” and other lessons from MGTOW biology class

Drink that SCIENCE in!
Drink that SCIENCE in!

So why are women such predatory babies and men such manginas? Let Reddit’s User-31f64a4e lay down some science for ya! In a discussion of women’s predatory nature in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, Mr. 31f64a4e explains that:

Men and women co-evolved. Female “value” is partially a result of the selection pressure they exerted on men. Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not. At the dawn of agriculture, there was a choke point where this ratio was (if memory serves) 10:1. So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature. Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.

Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth (which is also about reproductive fitness.) We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.

So there is only nature, ours and theirs. The values men and women place on each other are biologically driven, with a veneer of minor variation layered on by culture.


Well that all makes complete sense, huh?

By the way, that was:


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Orion | November 13, 2015 at 3:59 pm
I believe the idea is that you lived upstairs as a child, but when you let home to go to college or whatever, your room was given to another sibling or converted into a study or whatever. When you had to move back in, your old room wasn’t available, so you had to go to the basement. So basically, it adds a stronger connotation of failure to “living at home” because it implies that coming home was not the plan. It may also imply that you parents are hiding you away (out of shame) or that you prefer the basement because you fear the outside world and/or are possibly a neeeeerd.

If Bravil taught me anything, it’s that basements are cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.

9 years ago

when I was about 8 in the 70’s I was sitting in my mum’s new car a green Datsun and I said ‘mum what are (g)jeans’ a long lecture then ensued about RNA, DNA, mononucleotides, helix’s, basically stuff. many hours and miles later when she came to an end, I went ‘mum, when can I gave my first Levi’s’ Basically by 9 I betcha I knew more about this stuff than bollockchops of redpil knows

9 years ago

Breaking news: Sadly, at least 26 are dead in Paris in a hostage-taking situation.

Details are scarce.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

She is really not having this camera thing today, but that’s a much better photo of her markings.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

FFS Paris. That’s the opposite of beautiful and romantic!

This is me joking because otherwise I’ll start screaming.

9 years ago

It’s very sad. And world leaders plan to meet in Paris to discuss climate change from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kat

some good new Sinjar has been retaken by the Pesht-Murghah, weher last years Yadazi humanitarian crisis happened

some good is starting to happen

9 years ago

Wow. Not sure if there are any French regulars here but if there are my heart goes out to you. This is terrible. Refreshing my news feed every 2 seconds for updates on this.

9 years ago


It’s a goat! I love them, particularly the fainting kind – I tend to upset petting zoo owners because I enjoy chasing the goats around trying to scare them to see if any are the fainting kind. That and I bring ALL the quarters to empty the food machines so the goats mob me while I pronounce myself Queen of the herd until the food is gone. Goats also seem to have a thing for eating buttons off clothes, I do NOT recommend hanging out with any wearing a buttoned shirt.

9 years ago

I believe the ‘parent’s basement’ thing gained permanent status as an insult after an SNL skit, where William Shatner blows his top at a Trekkie convention. The skit was in 1986, so… yeah. It’s pretty much locked in at this point.

9 years ago

ds, ikanread, and kel beat me to it.

Yes, current research does seem to indicate that there have been breeding choke points, that at multiple times throughout history (usually when agrarian societies are being established) most men have not been able to breed while most women have…

…but (and it’s a big BUT), literally everything in our history indicates that this is because warlords and big men traded and hoarded women and girls like cattle, NOT because nefarious feeeeeemales all ganged up and decided to only reproduce with those who sufficiently “worshipped pussy”.

Or to put it on Old Testament terms: If the King has 1000 wives and concubines, some dudes are missing out.

My-fucking-gawd, how wilfully ignorant can these guys manage to be?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Y’know, I’ve been thinking: I’m surprised we haven’t heard any Goober gibbering/MRA whining about Fallout 4.

I mean, the dog companion was modeled after a girl dog a couple involved with the development own, even though Dogmeat’s identified as a male dog in the game, you can play as a female character and your husband will take care of the baby for you in the opening sequence before shit happens to him (Not sure if that’s too much of a spoiler, but I didn’t specify just in case. Though, the exact same thing happens to your wife if you play as a male character too, same lines and everything, so that’s pretty good).

Of course, most of the “misandering” will take place when you play as a female character, so I doubt that they’ll find most of it. Lol.

And there’s the fact that you can have multiple romantic partners of male or female gender.

All in all, Bethesda Bugs aside (which were to be expected, because there’s a track record there), from what I’ve seen it looks amazing, and I can’t wait until I can get a way to play it for myself.

I have so many plans for my settlements…so many plans…

9 years ago

Fruitloopsie, I didn’t call anybody “insane”, which in all events has not been a medical term in my (rather long ) lifetime, but a legal defense, the criterion of which is difficult to meet. But I referred to their shared ideation as “insanity”, in that it is based in ungrounded fantasy, supported by neither facts nor logic. I don’t think any of them actually believe a word of what they say. They simply propound it out of malice towards half the human race (and half their ancestors). If someone can come up with a better term for this bad-faith intellectual mush, I’d be glad to use it.

9 years ago

Mockingbird :

That is my thought.


People also didn’t have indoor plumbing. So, indoor toilets must be misandry. We also didn’t understand the relationship of hygiene to public health, so, bathing must be misandry.

I don’t think this guy’s source is idiotic, or that the base material is stupid. I think that for it to be interpreted in a mysoginist, idiotic way, the way that benefits these guys and just reinforces their core belief that women are evil and if we would just stay in our place and serve our original purpose……….

That’s what makes this guy a total douchecanoe.

9 years ago

Aw, I’ve been avoiding Fallout spoilers :C

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

reymohammed — liar, the word you are looking for here is liar. Willfully ignorant also covers MRAs well. One or the other 99% of the time, with a serious overlap with asshole.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Scildfreja | November 13, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Aw, I’ve been avoiding Fallout spoilers :C

To be fair, I didn’t say what would happen or when. >.>

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Paradoxy – it’s going to be a while before I have the time to play it. Have you considered doing a Let’s Play? I would watch the hell out of that.

9 years ago

More fanciful, aaaw inducing, sea life that is a photosynthetic (harvested chloroplasts from algae) equipped animal, the Costasiella kuroshimae colloquially known as the Leaf Sheep.

When the MGTOW’s try for just-so stories for science they fail at science and story telling.

9 years ago

I think these people think humans have only two chromosomes, X and Y. They then assume that, since the Y chromosome contains a lot less information than X, that DNA itself is misandric!

9 years ago

They also seem to think that people only inherit genetic traits from the parent of the same sex, and only pass them down to children of the same sex, as themselves. Thus a muscular, aggressive man and a svelte, timid woman will produce buff, headstrong sons and slender, shy daughters AND NO OTHER COMBINATION.

9 years ago

I call it Lady and the Tramp syndrome.