antifeminism bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

“Men who didn’t worship p***y didn’t pass on their seed,” and other lessons from MGTOW biology class

Drink that SCIENCE in!
Drink that SCIENCE in!

So why are women such predatory babies and men such manginas? Let Reddit’s User-31f64a4e lay down some science for ya! In a discussion of women’s predatory nature in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, Mr. 31f64a4e explains that:

Men and women co-evolved. Female “value” is partially a result of the selection pressure they exerted on men. Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not. At the dawn of agriculture, there was a choke point where this ratio was (if memory serves) 10:1. So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature. Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.

Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth (which is also about reproductive fitness.) We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.

So there is only nature, ours and theirs. The values men and women place on each other are biologically driven, with a veneer of minor variation layered on by culture.


Well that all makes complete sense, huh?

By the way, that was:


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9 years ago

“Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not.”

Translation: women are so super privileged that they don’t have to worry about men being selective.

“Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth (which is also about reproductive fitness.) We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.”

Translation: women are exactly like what (I think) men want because of selection pressure.

As a biologist, this angers me.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Frilled sharks are such goofy, happy fishies.

Hasso von Moltke
Hasso von Moltke
9 years ago

Yep, men only want childish features. That’s why when I meet a potential romantic partner my first thought is “damn, why doesn’t she look twelve?” Not of course whether our goals, interests, views, and personalities are compatible. I feel like these MRAs, Red Pillers, etc just keep stumbling back into the whole borderline, or occasionally straight up, pedophilia.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Frilled sharks are… fill in anything because holy fuck do we know nothing about them. They do look perpetually happy 🙂

Please embed…

That is a baby ray, and I’ll have to take more Nivi pics, I don’t have any new ones to post! Which is just a shame, she’s done axolotl puberty and her “I’m not albino, I’m leucistic” colors have come in gorgeously, she’s basically pink with black/brown freckles on her little face!

9 years ago

Well obviously sciencecand history is just shit we make up for fun. Its not as if you would need actual evidence of any of this perposterous shit in order to believe it

9 years ago

Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not. At the dawn of agriculture, there was a choke point where this ratio was (if memory serves) 10:1.

_I_ got all the RECESSIVE genes, brrrrrrrotherrrrr!

9 years ago

But…but, if modern humans evolved from MRAs, how come there are still MRAs?

9 years ago

I lived in the literal ghetto a good chunk of my life and to me getting to just leave your parents is kinda a rich white privilege as well as an unusual cultural standard. A lot of cultures expect youg people to take care of their parents, a lot of poor people like my neighbors cant afford to either move out and pay their own rent or to lose the contributions of their adult children to their rent, it takes more than two adults at low wages to pay rent even where the rents are lowest, and these are people who work more than 40 hours a week, some of my neighbors leave home before 7 and dont get home til like 10, and the teens work and help pay rent and the moms who have to stay home with little kids sell food from home and so on. So the idea that living with a parent is bad strikes me as a classist thing to say.

9 years ago
9 years ago

But…but, if modern humans evolved from MRAs, how come there are still MRAs?


Also, who did the first MRA have sex with if there were no FeMRAs at the time? It’s a mystery.

9 years ago

So I think I found the source of this, actually. It seems there really is some scientific basis for thinking that more females passed on DNA. Of course, it comes from women being treated as chattle – ie men buying multiple wives away from their native homes:

9 years ago

They got one thing almost right.

Anthropologists estimate in prehistory 70-80% of dead female homo sapiens reproduced, and 20-30% of dead male homo sapiens reproduced. Those aren’t great odds if you’re a prehistoric man.

But virtually every deduction they arrive at from their hyperbolic representation of those facts is absurd.

9 years ago

“Men select for only reproductive purposes and youth?????????” What? ???

Well, my husband chose badly on both counts, then.

9 years ago

Where’s that thing that was going around where the guy was all “I am 18 and I have an expense account, these are all things that feeeeemales select for in a mate” ?

9 years ago

Oh my god, what is that?! It’s so cute!

9 years ago

Actually guys what he’s saying about the chokepoint is actually true. There was a study done of a variety of people groups that found that at some point in the past, several thousand years back, it seems that there were roughly 17 women breeding for every 1 man that was breeding.

However, this has nothing to do with women instigating the behavior. Rather, most societies began as polygamous (or more specifically, polygynous with a few rare exceptions that were polyandrous). This is not surprising when you have early agrarian societies where resources are scarce and where women cannot level the physical strength difference between men and women with codified legislation, superior armaments, etc. In these scenarios, older, stronger men typically horde women because typically in these settings the men control the financial wealth of the women, so more women = more money = more status, which gives the man every impetus to horde women (in the absence of morality, obviously). Obviously for all the powerful folks to amass a lot of wives and concubines, it is a given that lower class males do not get to breed, and indeed, this is precisely what we saw in many early societies and in some remaining agrarian societies today.

The author of “Diary of an Autodidactic” has a fantastic write up about it that is pretty thoroughly evidence-based. Here is a link to his article ( and here is a link to the research he quotes that shows that 1 man passed on his genes for every 17 females that did (

So the guy who posted this was a little off with his numbers (it’s 17:1 not 10:1), while his explanation for *why* this happened was cut from wholecloth. So he’s got good numbers, but he’s totally wrong about his reason for why.

In light of this, it’s not a good idea to post a bunch of spam mocking him for being a moron because it would be relatively easy for MRAs to fire back that he is quoting a research finding which then makes us look like the idiots. Protip. 🙂

9 years ago

@ikanreed and DS
I think there’s a pattern, though. I’ve noticed this in some articles (like the one about the copulins). They take actual research, but extrapolate it to justify a point that sometimes has nothing to do with the research.

But the use of “co-evolve” in particular has prompted me to take the position that he’s indeed a moron (by that I mean someone who doesn’t have the knowledge needed to make the sort of claims he’s making), and I’m sticking with it.

9 years ago

That’s an overly elaborate way of saying, “If you’re an asshole to women they probably won’t fuck you.”

9 years ago

I was going to mock the whole “co-evolved” statement, but Viscaria already did it pretty well.

It’s funny that, for all their love of bio-troofs, they have a pretty poor understanding about science. Certainly don’t think this “no male genes” are passed on thing has any basis in… all of reality. It doesn’t take much effort to notice that the offspring of two people, oddly enough, can have the traits of both parents! Who’d-a thunk it!

9 years ago

Also: Sea Slug Bunny is my new favorite thing. That’s just beyond adorable. 😀

9 years ago

What I really don’t get about “living in your mom’s basement” is the melding of “your mother’s house”, which you likely grew up in, and “basement”, as in not the bedroom you had as a kid. Exactly zero things about this make actual sense.

I believe the idea is that you lived upstairs as a child, but when you let home to go to college or whatever, your room was given to another sibling or converted into a study or whatever. When you had to move back in, your old room wasn’t available, so you had to go to the basement. So basically, it adds a stronger connotation of failure to “living at home” because it implies that coming home was not the plan. It may also imply that you parents are hiding you away (out of shame) or that you prefer the basement because you fear the outside world and/or are possibly a neeeeerd.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Crappy pic of Nivi! I’ll see about a better one once she turns around, at the moment she’s ass end out and getting behind the tank is dodgy. But what looks like she’s covered in the tank’s sand is mostly her natural colors (and a bit of sand, by the water on the lid she made quite a splash when she turned around)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Damn, that’s huge, that’s like 1.5x life size! Sorry about that. For scale, the tube there is airline tubing, it’s about toothpaste think.

Orion — that explains it I guess, though I still find it odd that that particular wording is the insult that caught on.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

bvh | November 13, 2015 at 11:09 am

So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature.

I’m pretty chill with this. He’s basically admitting what MRAs label “beta males” (by MRA definitions) are normal products of evolution and MRA/PUAs are the aberrations.


As they said back in the day: “Thanks for playing.”

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