antifeminism bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

“Men who didn’t worship p***y didn’t pass on their seed,” and other lessons from MGTOW biology class

Drink that SCIENCE in!
Drink that SCIENCE in!

So why are women such predatory babies and men such manginas? Let Reddit’s User-31f64a4e lay down some science for ya! In a discussion of women’s predatory nature in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, Mr. 31f64a4e explains that:

Men and women co-evolved. Female “value” is partially a result of the selection pressure they exerted on men. Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not. At the dawn of agriculture, there was a choke point where this ratio was (if memory serves) 10:1. So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature. Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.

Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth (which is also about reproductive fitness.) We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.

So there is only nature, ours and theirs. The values men and women place on each other are biologically driven, with a veneer of minor variation layered on by culture.


Well that all makes complete sense, huh?

By the way, that was:


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9 years ago

Actually, it remind me of a book I read a long time ago where two women have the same man on their sight. When the second one learn that the first one have the same crush, she is distressed and talk about it to the first one. Her answer is basically “well, if we have numeric superiority, we have better odds of success !”.

That seem the same level of intelligence as MRA ; as well as the same level of “holy shit that’s actually a terrifying suggestion”.

9 years ago

Men and women co-evolved.

No, they didn’t, because we’re the same species, you ludicrous person.

Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not.

There is no “male DNA” or “female DNA,” except kinda sorta if you’re talking about the Y chromosome and nothing else (and even that isn’t so simple). Otherwise, it’s all human DNA. Your sister has kids? Congratulations, some of your “male” genes have survived.

9 years ago

Jeez, MRAs are even more abusive towards genetics than they are towards women.

Why do they hate genetics so much?

9 years ago

So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature.

I’m pretty chill with this. He’s basically admitting what MRAs label “beta males” (by MRA definitions) are normal products of evolution and MRA/PUAs are the aberrations.


As they said back in the day: “Thanks for playing.”

9 years ago

Oh Sarcasm Gif, how I have missed you.

I’m late on this, and I might have missed it if it was addressed upthread, but @reymohammed – please don’t use ableist terms. MRAs/MGTOWs aren’t “insane,” they’re just full of shit.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

…that’s not how neoteny works…

9 years ago

Is he … is he confusing mitochondrial DNA with nuclear DNA?

9 years ago

I still maintain that you could just as well claim men are neotenous because they don’t usually grow breasts.

But we all know this guy is just trying to justify being a pedophile (excuse me, “ephebophile”).

9 years ago

so at the dawn of agriculture, whose agriculture exactly? Meso-American was at a later date than Eurasian. Also a ratio of 10:1 of what exactly as well? So bollockchops, the author, of this stella piece of Archeo-Anthro-Shitology that bearly any blokey dna has been passed down then how the fuck did he get his?

9 years ago

Here it is again. These guys always have such a low opinion mens’ decision-making abilities:

Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.

Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth. We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women.

Women are able to actively make choices that improve their lives. Men are passive slaves to their genetic programming, even when that compels them to act in a self-destructive manner.

I wonder why it is that only women have free will? Maybe the Y-chromosome turns off the genes that allow souls to attach to bodies? I don’t understand theology very well, but seems like that’s the only explanation that makes sense.

David N-T
David N-T
9 years ago

@WWTH I think that you’re looking too deep. As I understand it, Mr. 31f64a4e means that most women ended up having offspring, while most men did not.

9 years ago

@katz, ew ew ew ew ew

9 years ago

“People just hang around in internet clots and stoke this insanity in each other? How sad!”

“Insanity” is a ableist term please don’t use it.

“I have a feeling that evolution will not be kind to Subreddit Man. Leaving DNA in your mom’s basement isn’t the best adaptive strategy… so long as .jpeg’s can’t reproduce.”

I live with my mom and grandma a lot us mentally and physically disabled people do. I’m not saying there are no lazy and horrible people who do live with their parents so they won’t work but I’m tired of hearing this from people, I’m not a lazy, horrible loser. Please don’t compare us to people like this guy.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Hell, lots of people who live with family and aren’t disabled are decent people who find it a better financial option. Our basement was basically a long term hotel for my cousins for awhile.

What I really don’t get about “living in your mom’s basement” is the melding of “your mother’s house”, which you likely grew up in, and “basement”, as in not the bedroom you had as a kid. Exactly zero things about this make actual sense.

9 years ago

I think Creationists may actually be better at science than MRAs.

9 years ago

Argenti Aertheri
“Hell, lots of people who live with family and aren’t disabled are decent people”

Absolutely apologies for not mentioning them.

“What I really don’t get about “living in your mom’s basement” is the melding of “your mother’s house”, which you likely grew up in, and “basement”, as in not the bedroom you had as a kid. Exactly zero things about this make actual sense.”

Apologies again are you referring to my comment or…

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

That’s not how evolution works!

Likewise, culture and environment can often play a big role in what people want in their significant other or what communities they wish to associate with.

9 years ago

The bullshit about only 1 “male DNA” being passed on for every 10 “female DNA” I can’t even
THAT’S NOT HOW DNA WORKS. HALF of a kid’s DNA comes from the father, HALF from the mother! It’s 50/50! It’s literally Biology 001! You can’t pretend that “male DNA” can be erased just like that why the pluck am I trying to explain things to these dipshits.

I’m done. Here’s a snail with a poncho.

9 years ago

I see your poncho snail and raise you a velvet worm.×440.jpg

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

fruitloopsie — no need to apologize, your comment was just the jumping point for my annoyance with the concept 🙂

Are we doing cute sea life? Are we doing cute sea life!?

9 years ago

I’m guessing that whole “co-evolved” idea comes from the Fisherian Runaway Theory:

Or possibly from the fact that in mammals, humans included, it appears that the male adds epigenes to his DNA contribution which promote fetus growth (because larger babies tend to be born healthier) while the female does the opposite (because larger babies are more likely to kill her) and there may be an evolutionary “arms race” between the sexes of many species as a result. However, that doesn’t mean that the underlying DNA is in any way “male” or “female”. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with “promoting gynocentrism”.

9 years ago

You haven’t posted axelotl (sp?) pics in a while.

9 years ago

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