antifeminism bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

“Men who didn’t worship p***y didn’t pass on their seed,” and other lessons from MGTOW biology class

Drink that SCIENCE in!
Drink that SCIENCE in!

So why are women such predatory babies and men such manginas? Let Reddit’s User-31f64a4e lay down some science for ya! In a discussion of women’s predatory nature in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, Mr. 31f64a4e explains that:

Men and women co-evolved. Female “value” is partially a result of the selection pressure they exerted on men. Most female DNA has been passed on; most male DNA has not. At the dawn of agriculture, there was a choke point where this ratio was (if memory serves) 10:1. So men who didn’t worship pussy … didn’t pass on their seed. This is how evolution groomed male nature. Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.

Men select only for reproductive fitness and youth (which is also about reproductive fitness.) We have breed neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.

So there is only nature, ours and theirs. The values men and women place on each other are biologically driven, with a veneer of minor variation layered on by culture.


Well that all makes complete sense, huh?

By the way, that was:


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9 years ago

Reymohammed – I think ‘bad faith intellectual mush’ works nicely. Good job coming up with it.

I usually use ‘badmindedness’, which I got from a comic strip back in the XXth century.

The phenomenon strikes me as a secular version of ‘my god hates everything I hate, so my hatefulness is actually virtuous’.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

GardenGallivant — that is gorgeous! Y’all are not helping with my decision that the 29g is too small to convert to saltwater!

9 years ago

Argenti Aertheri, just think how lovely a tank would be with a tiny flock of leaf sheep to graze the algae meadow. My friend keeps one of her tanks as an aquascape (landscape with waterplants) and I sent her the leaf sheep pictures, too.

9 years ago

The leaf sheep is adorable. I particularly love its little anime-like pink cheeks.

But I feel the need to be a party pooper and point out that nudibranchs are extremely difficult to keep in captivity 🙁

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Don’t worry Katz, I know. If I do it I’m starting with cultivated corals and invertebrates (easily captive breed, and inverts have the bonus of being hard to kill)

In ideal-land I’d have a proper guests visit it aquarium, but I don’t. That would be a glorious thing though, were nudibranchs capable of being pets.

9 years ago

It seems that “mom’s basement”–in contrast to “dad’s basement” our”parents’ basement”–succumbs to a bit of sexism and misogyny, though.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

As long as no copper is involved. Gah. Nothing like putting in some cherry shrimp and THEN finding out the plant food I’d used a month earlier had copper sulfite in it. Oops. Gah.
Trying again, with the one survivor and another and two others in my two freshwater nanos. I will have some shrimpses, yes….

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Costasiella kuroshimae colloquially known as the Leaf Sheep.

Now that’s adorable 🙂

Incidentally, the famous* US comic artist Keno Don Rosa once referred in his work an allegedly real piece of Slavic folklore that posits a sheep-like creature covered in green leaves. It was called “Listovtsa”, although if you google this particular Latin spelling, you basically only get Finnish references to Rosa’s comic. Someone could try googling it in Cyrillic, maybe?

*That is, famous in Finland and to lesser extent in other European countries. Apparently, only few Americans read Disney Duck comics. Over here the Disney Duck universe is like, the most popular franchise in the history of anything ever.

9 years ago

It’s funny how international popularity can play out. The Phantom, for example, is probably the world’s most widely read costumed superhero (yes, beating even Batman), yet he’s fairly obscure in America.

9 years ago

@Arctic Ape

Don Rosa is pretty huge here in Sweden too, or at least he was for my generation. Not sure what’s his status is among the younger generation right now. I got to say a few words to him at the Gothenburg Book Fair in 2013. He had a long line of kids lining up for autographs, so I guess his work is still relevant.

The Quest for Kalevala must’ve been huge over there!

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

It was definitely huge! He’s mentioned in some prefaces and interviews that Finnish fans are his favorite/most enthusiastic fans. Dunno how true it is, but he did make The Quest for Kalevala and I thought it was pretty good, too.

9 years ago

@Arctic Ape

I don’t know about his status in specifically Finland, but he’s definitely had most of his success in Northern Europe. For the bulk of his career as a Duck cartoonist he was employed by Egmont in Denmark, so I suppose it’s only natural he’s had the most success and popularity around here. He did win an American Eisner award for the Scrooge stuff he did for Egmont, so he at least has some recognition in the US.

His Lost in the Andes sequel and the Return to Xanadu story are some of the best things I’ve ever read and a huge part of my childhood. He really deserves more fame and money for what he’s done there.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Women shaped [men] genetically in ways that have always favored gynocentrism.”

– If only!

“We have bred neoteny (childish features in adulthood) into women – not anything related to a mature, fair or otherwise useful temperament.”

– Did he just say pre-historic man preferred pre-pubescent little girls to fully grown women?

9 years ago

It was called “Listovtsa”, although if you google this particular Latin spelling, you basically only get Finnish references to Rosa’s comic. Someone could try googling it in Cyrillic, maybe?

I tried and it didn’t turn up anything for me.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Bananananana dakry — a fellow aquarist! I’m already strictly no copper, my babies are clown loaches 🙂

The 55g is them, upside down catfish, and congo tetras. As soon as somebody near here finally has glass cats again, I’m getting a school of them.

30g is puffer puff and a bumblebee goby, he’s supposedly a green spotted puffer but I’d swear he’s a figure 8 — care is basically the same though, so I guess it doesn’t matter much.

29g, the one I might convert, is neon tetras and cory cats (who keep breeding, I think I’ve got third gen inbreed at this point, despite not even remotely trying to rear the fry, hardy buggers!)

Then my Tiny Tank holds a pleco that seems to refuse to grow up enough to go in the 55g, and my snail colony (see: puffer fish, above). And, of course, Nivi! My axolotl 🙂

Plus the family dumbass dog, an indoor kitty, and an outdoor kitty / stray that we accidentally adopted, and Darwin, my adorable grumpy old man (aka tortoise)

KATZ!!! I nearly got the outdoor kitty to come in yesterday! She was real skittish and darted for the outside when she heard the dog (he’d been relegated to the basement for this), but she was happily exploring the downstairs bathroom — which means that one needs to get cat proofed too now, upstairs always has been, but that one is too close to the door for indoor kitty to really get to it. I’m (hopefully) going to have to figure out where to put a second litter box!

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Er, that implied Nivi was in with the pleco and snails, she’s not. She has her own tank all to herself with some plants and a nice sand bed.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Katz, make that I got her into the kitchen before dummy realized something was up (she was by the door, he was asleep further into the house, I figured why not), his collar made noise, she skedalled, but consensus has been reached — we’re reopening the long closed hole into the basement tomorrow and getting another litter box. The hole was discovered gods, 25 years ago by my childhood kitty, she came and went as she pleased and I guess not even a squirrel ever tried it, so it’s getting reopened.

So yeah, I think my stray cat issue is sorted! My only mammal experience really was my former roommate’s “this is why you neuter your pets” puppies. Poodle puppies, so scary smart, but I handled training puppies, I can handle an adult cat, I hope *fingers crossed*

9 years ago

Argenti: Great, I’m so glad to hear it! I’m sure the kitty will be much happier and more comfy in the basement than outside (and will appreciate not having to share it with a dog).

9 years ago

@Argenti That’s the great thing about cats! Give a place to dig and pee/poo, maybe someplace where they feel high up, food, pet occasionally and they are way more easy to deal with than poodle pups.

9 years ago

What this guy is kinda (not very well) describing is coevolution. There are some beautiful examples of how flowers have coevolved with their pollinators. But coevolution requires at least TWO species. These MGTOWs and many MRAs seem to think men and women are completely different species, which is scientifically unsound (to say the least). It takes both a male and a female human to make a new human and the offspring may be either male or female (in the usual case). This is a ridiculous point to make, but it appears it must be made to the MGTOW.

I think it’s perfectly acceptable to be speciesest. I do think humans are worth more than slugs or bunnies or even cats. So I don’t have a problem with placing humans first. The problem with these dudes is that they can’t even recognise that women are human.

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