
MGTOW: Women literally hypnotize men with their zombifying vagina goo

Men! Don't let this happen to you.
Men! Don’t let this happen to you.

Attention, class! Today we will be discussing some important new discoveries in the field of vagina science, as reported by the Youtuber and Man Going His Own Way known as Sandman.

In a new video, Sandman alerts his readers to a terrible danger: How women can use their vagina powers to turn men into “walking talking zombie[s].” As he explains:

Inside every single woman are hormones called copulins that are used to drug a man and control his mind. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. And when I first heard about this it reminded me of the original film invasion of the body snatchers where aliens come down and take humans and turn us into pod people. When I first heard about how copulin hormones I felt the same fear.

So what do these evil copulins do? Well, according to a post Sandman found on the important, peer-reviewed scientific blog called “WOMEN NEED CONSTANT SUPERVISION,”

The vagina produces a thick fluid known as copulin that has actual mind control effects on a male’s brain. If a man is exposed to a woman’s copulins, over time she will be able to number one: change, remove, or insert memories in a man’s mind. Number two: Tell the male what he sees, hears, feels, smells, tastes. Number three: Insert subconscious thoughts that will surface as “his own ideas” or behavior later. and finally number four Plant trigger words or actions that can cause thoughts, actions, or sensations in the male at later dates (days, weeks, even months).

Now, I’m no scientist but that all seems totally legit.

The most effective way women can get control of men, Sandman explains, is to literally squirt copulins into his penis.

Apparently the female genitals squirt fluid into the male member and that’s how you get STDs. But that’s also how the copulins get inside of you as a man and how the female version of the Jedi mind trick works.

One way men can try to protect themselves from this diabolical zombifying vagina goo is to wear a condom — which, as Sandman explains, should keep the copulins from “enter[ing] your penis and start[ing] to influence you fully.”

But, Sandman warns, condoms can’t protect you from the butter-scented cloud of copulins that women release into the air around them. And yes, Sandman does specify that it smells like butter.

[S]imply by being around women they are releasing these hormones into the air. Apparently they smell like butter which is the smell I notice when I’m in any place where I notice girls walking around in their mid to late teenage years. I’m guessing those are the years when they they release the most of these hormones when they are approaching peak fertility.

And this vagina-zombie-butter-lady-gas is, Sandman suggests, the reason that some men actually seem to like and respect women. Well, he doesn’t quite phrase it that way:

I believe that it’s quite likely that most white knights and manginas have sniffed and been exposed to so many copulin hormones that they can’t control the way they behave. They could be under a form of feminine mind control and completely unaware of it.

Even Sandman sometimes finds himself falling under the spell of the voodoo vagina goo.

I would look into this more but I suddenly feel a strange urge to go assist some random woman with her packages.

EDIT: For more on the totally legit science of zombifying vagina goo, see my followup post: Zombifying Vagina Goo Part Two: All Your Questions Answered!


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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Okay, we’re literally in “Kenyan JFK can’t melt steel FBI agents” territory here.

9 years ago

I reckon he’s 14

9 years ago

Well. I know we don’t use words like “crazy” on this blog but it’s seriously difficult not to sometimes, and this truly takes the biscuit.

What a… stupefyingly ludicrous theory.

9 years ago

I’m guessing… he’s only around teenage girls in movie theaters?

9 years ago

You know, after I read this, my family’s theory that cats emit sleep rays seems positively scientific.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

I’d like to know more about this real science. Do copulins only effect straight cis men? Are lesbian and bi women affected by them, and if so, do they mind control their same sex partners into an ever spiraling vortex of mind control? Are gay men immune? Hell, there are questions I have about trans men, trans women, non-binary people, intersex people,women with Swyer syndrome… hell, the list goes on. Please, MGTOW scientists, we need to know more!

9 years ago

davidknewton: “Well. I know we don’t use words like “crazy” on this blog but it’s seriously difficult not to sometimes, and this truly takes the biscuit.”

My thought exactly. I truly hope this person gets the mental health treatment they need.

9 years ago

What century are we living in again?

9 years ago

davidknewton: Out of curiosity, I googled “couplin”.

Google instantly returns “Did you mean “coupling?”” followed by hit number 2:

So yeah, there’s a whole bunch of people swallowing snake-oil about human pheremones and trying for “legal chemical influencers”. It has to be a term of art, since the phrase dosen’t actually appear on Wikipedia.

It’s basically a form of PUAhate: he’s looking for the magic bullet to get him laid, furious that nothing works, then blames women, using the terms he’s picked up on the back of the bottle. Not crazy, just Garbage-in Garbage-out logic.

9 years ago


9 years ago

But that’s not even how it worked in Invasion of the Body Snatchers! The pod people are alien duplicates who grew in plant pods and replaced the originals, not humans affected by brainwashing. I mean gosh, if you’re going to make women out to be sci-fi monsters, the least you could do is get your sci-fi allusions right.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

Uh oh. The MGTOWs have seen the true face of my vagina.

9 years ago

Apparently they smell like butter which is the smell I notice when I’m in any place where I notice girls walking around in their mid to late teenage years.

This creeps me the fuck out. It sounds like a very weak justification for a predatory interest in minors. Ick. No. No. No.

I hope he commits fully to going his own way. I’m guessing teenage girls want naught to do with this asshole.

9 years ago

so these copulins, I’m intrigued. So I’m now going to be TMI, I’d say that one in three of the times when I go down on Mrs. Autosoma she has a “squirting” orgasm. Now being the kinky bugger that I am I do enjoy having my mouth in the right spot to swallow. So does that mean I’m a stupufied zombie?

This Sandman garbage sound like some teenage tommyrot I would hear in the late ’70’s.

So short of not having sex and living off planet so he can keep away from these nefarious toxins produced by women’s bits, does he know of any protection against it?

9 years ago

Some women do this. They’re called Bene Gesserits.

giant nanosanta
giant nanosanta
9 years ago

Oh please, God, let this be Poe! I cannot live in a world where someone takes this shit seriously!

9 years ago

And when I first heard about this it reminded me of the original film invasion of the body snatchers where aliens come down and take humans and turn us into pod people. When I first heard about how copulin hormones I felt the same fear.

“I felt the same fear”. Did he think Invasion of the Body Snatchers was real? Does he fear fictional narratives as much as frightening things he believes are real? Or is he just a bad writer? Hmm.

Apparently they smell like butter which is the smell I notice when I’m in any place where I notice girls walking around in their mid to late teenage years.

The surreal aspect of his retroactively deciding all teen girls smell like butter does offset the pedo creeper aspect, which is helpful because he’s a fucking creep.

9 years ago

OOOO, I feel dizzy with power! I had not realised that I have so much potential between my legs. Thank you Sandman for enlightening and empowering me. Now I plan to refrain from washing for a month and take over the world!


9 years ago

Uh… that has got to be a joke, right? It has crossed what I imagine is the “”””””””reasonable”””””””” limit for MGTOW rationalization.
BUT I know I could be wrong. It’s just that this particular text made me go “HAHAHAHAH WTF?!” rather than “Ugh, those assholes.”

Also, I’m pretty sure this is not how hormones work?

9 years ago

That’s… Um…
We need better science teachers.

9 years ago

Looking on the bright side, at least the nincompoops who believe this will actually be religious about using condoms (in order to avoid the fiendish mind-controlling hormones or whatever) and thus be less of a risk for disease and pregnancy.

But seriously, the lengths some guys will go to in order to avoid having to admit that women might be human beings too is positively startling at times.

9 years ago

That’s a broad slate of powers copulin has. I’m curious as to how it works. Is there some interface I use to manipulate men’s thoughts? Does the copulin just magically know what I want it to do? What if I change my mind? What if I have multiple men and I want them to do different things?

9 years ago

Sounds like… damn, I can’t say that.

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