
MGTOW: Women literally hypnotize men with their zombifying vagina goo

Men! Don't let this happen to you.
Men! Don’t let this happen to you.

Attention, class! Today we will be discussing some important new discoveries in the field of vagina science, as reported by the Youtuber and Man Going His Own Way known as Sandman.

In a new video, Sandman alerts his readers to a terrible danger: How women can use their vagina powers to turn men into “walking talking zombie[s].” As he explains:

Inside every single woman are hormones called copulins that are used to drug a man and control his mind. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. And when I first heard about this it reminded me of the original film invasion of the body snatchers where aliens come down and take humans and turn us into pod people. When I first heard about how copulin hormones I felt the same fear.

So what do these evil copulins do? Well, according to a post Sandman found on the important, peer-reviewed scientific blog called “WOMEN NEED CONSTANT SUPERVISION,”

The vagina produces a thick fluid known as copulin that has actual mind control effects on a male’s brain. If a man is exposed to a woman’s copulins, over time she will be able to number one: change, remove, or insert memories in a man’s mind. Number two: Tell the male what he sees, hears, feels, smells, tastes. Number three: Insert subconscious thoughts that will surface as “his own ideas” or behavior later. and finally number four Plant trigger words or actions that can cause thoughts, actions, or sensations in the male at later dates (days, weeks, even months).

Now, I’m no scientist but that all seems totally legit.

The most effective way women can get control of men, Sandman explains, is to literally squirt copulins into his penis.

Apparently the female genitals squirt fluid into the male member and that’s how you get STDs. But that’s also how the copulins get inside of you as a man and how the female version of the Jedi mind trick works.

One way men can try to protect themselves from this diabolical zombifying vagina goo is to wear a condom — which, as Sandman explains, should keep the copulins from “enter[ing] your penis and start[ing] to influence you fully.”

But, Sandman warns, condoms can’t protect you from the butter-scented cloud of copulins that women release into the air around them. And yes, Sandman does specify that it smells like butter.

[S]imply by being around women they are releasing these hormones into the air. Apparently they smell like butter which is the smell I notice when I’m in any place where I notice girls walking around in their mid to late teenage years. I’m guessing those are the years when they they release the most of these hormones when they are approaching peak fertility.

And this vagina-zombie-butter-lady-gas is, Sandman suggests, the reason that some men actually seem to like and respect women. Well, he doesn’t quite phrase it that way:

I believe that it’s quite likely that most white knights and manginas have sniffed and been exposed to so many copulin hormones that they can’t control the way they behave. They could be under a form of feminine mind control and completely unaware of it.

Even Sandman sometimes finds himself falling under the spell of the voodoo vagina goo.

I would look into this more but I suddenly feel a strange urge to go assist some random woman with her packages.

EDIT: For more on the totally legit science of zombifying vagina goo, see my followup post: Zombifying Vagina Goo Part Two: All Your Questions Answered!


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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

And ninja’ed!

9 years ago

also, all those “comedy” pictures this blog used to share around where the joke was that the “MRAs” in question looked like men with Down Syndrome, or some stereotypical developmental/intellectual disability, in fedoras

When was that? That’s super shitty and whoever did it should definitely step on Legos.

9 years ago


We had a big discussion on how to enforce ableist comments a while back. Some people felt that too many threads turned into people calling out other commenters for ableist language, and then more people joining in because for example they would comment without refreshing the page and didn’t realize others had already called it out. Sometimes it would lead to a big discussion on what exactly counts as ableism, where to draw the line, in detail what’s ok to say and what’s not, what exactly is so bad about internet diagnosing, etc etc etc etc etc.

Because of this, it was decided that when someone makes an ableist comment, someone should simply inform them that the comment was ableist, and point them to the comment policy. Once this has been done, other people are discouraged from pointing out what’s already been pointed out. If the ableist commenter then doubles down even after having been introduced to the comment policy, it’s usually straight to banhammer.

Maybe that’s why it seems as if it’s not enforced very strongly.

Ps. I’ve been reading WHTM for about a year and I’ve never seen the kind of thing that you’re describing. I can assure you that the current regulars here would be strongly opposed to those kinds of “jokes”.

happy cat
happy cat
9 years ago

*sigh* If this was true, then every single rapist would be contaminated and do whatever the raped woman wants him to do (apologizing, going himself to the nearest police station, killing himself…)

9 years ago

@Mohammed and @argenti

oh! Interesting. I am of European and ameríndian descent, she was Korean and had traces of Thai too, so that may be why I noticed such a difference. Also, she was almost vegan, so there’s that.
But about black people, there is this really dark black woman who lived and worked in my house when I was a baby. I even slept in the bed with her when I had a bad dream and stuff, because

9 years ago

Ps. I’ve been reading WHTM for about a year and I’ve never seen the kind of thing that you’re describing. I can assure you that the current regulars here would be strongly opposed to those kinds of “jokes”.

I’ve been here since 2012, and while I haven’t read all of the comments by any means, I’m sure I’ve read enough that I would have noticed this if it was more than just a troll or two.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

We had a big discussion on how to enforce ableist comments a while back.

Hell, a bunch of people left afterwards because they felt we were enforcing it too strongly (or, let’s be honest, because we were enforcing it at all).

On which note, I’ll never understand why so many people visit a website about fighting bigotry and then get shitty when they see us… Fighting bigotry… What? I swear, Reddit could ban all the paedophiles and Nazis and it still would be a less contentious rule than our rules against being an ableist turd. o_O

9 years ago

Hell, this is the only site I’ve ever frequented where that sort of behavior is condemned at all.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


That, too.

@Juicebro tweets

Wait – “Sexual transmutation of energy”? Oh my God, is he talking about orgone? LOL… I shouldn’t be surprised that a snake oil salesman believes in snake oil, but… Jesus Christ, that quacky shit was debunked in the ’50s.

9 years ago

So two takeaways from this article – 1) why was I not initiated into this sinister plan? If I had known that I could mind control my husband, I could have spared myself so many bad movies (I have seen Shooter WAY too many times to be mentally healthy) and 2) does this mean that the so called ‘betas’ that are often derided by the MRA groups are actually getting all the action since they are supposedly mind controlled?

9 years ago

Haven’t read all the comments but this “copulin” theory would make a great sci-fi book/movie. Such silliness that it’s hard to believe anyone would actually espouse such a theory out loud. No different than claiming that women have voodoo powers over men.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

…I missed all of this…I MISSED ALL OF THIS?!?!?!?!?! I missed the failed biology AND the fact that they cant count a cup right, and then i ALSO missed that we’re supposed to sex unmoving for 15 minutes???? how am i supposed to have a life when i miss all this?!?!?!?! (special irony points that, upon returning home from a trip, Alpine PhD was testing this theory with Alpine, RN…he says “…this might need a larger sample size…IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!”

Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart
9 years ago

Artsygirly – Yes, that’s correct. The Alpha Males can only avoid this sexual entrapment that would degrade them into Betaness by avoiding sex. But the reason they wanted to be Alphas in the first place was so all the wimminz would have sex with them, which wasn’t happening back when they were just creepy sub-betas. Such a difficult problem their PUA courses never warned them about – but at least they get to wear cool hats and do tricks with them while they’re waiting for the wimminz to notice them.

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Hey! I know I’m very very late to the party. Was reading old Mammoth posts and I came across this. Something seemed very familiar about this theory. I was sure I came across this in a book. Than I realised it was in a book I had. Mo Hayder The Treatment. (Crime Thriller.) And the theory was put forward by a pedophile antagonist in the book. (He was literally afraid of the female gender.) Which makes you really think about the WTF sources these people claim! (And they shouldn’t be reading Mo Hayder in the first place coz she’s FFEEEEMMMAAALLLEEE. I do like her writing style though she does seem to cover ver uncomfortable subjects. I do rate her highly.) Though it does make me nauseous to think that this is all they got from it. *Shiver*

5 years ago

I actually had heard somewhere about 15 years ago that vaginal fluids had a molecular structure similar to opiods, it made perfect sense to me at the time, not from the point of view of zombifying men, but rather how it might come into play sedating a child in the womb, if these compounds existed in the womb as well.

I was never able to come up with any more information on the situation until stumbling across this page. Definitely worthy of further research.

I have no doubt that “mind control” is a natural attribute of the female, simply from the point of view of primitive procreation, the female of the species would need some biological tools to attract, subdue, and control the free roaming, usually physically more powerful male.

When you view these things from a cave person time frame it makes a lot of sense, now in modern days the manisfestations are different.

I have personally experienced rather noticable changes in my thinking and mental state since I began seeing a genuine dominat woman over this past year, simply, one activity we engage in is my consuming her urine, and yes, it is drugged, naturally, and powerful as well, so yes, beware, you will be altered, and be made easier to control by at least her that you worship.

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