
Dear Paul Elam: Criticizing you is not equivalent to inciting murder

Paul Elam, alleged Human Rights Activist

So last night, shortly before going to bed, I decided to watch some dumb videos on YouTube to clear my head of all the manosphere nonsense I’d been reading about for much of the evening. Scrolling through my various Youtube subscriptions, I happened to notice one with a rather intriguing title:

David Futrelle: Trying to Get MHRAs Killed

It was a video by the self-described “Men’s Human Rights Activist” Paul Elam, who needs no introduction to readers of this blog. Happily, it turns out that only a portion of the hour and a half video was devoted to me; I found that segment of the video and watched — well, listened — to several minutes before I had to turn it off. (I’m not going to link to it.)

Apparently, Elam is convinced that, by writing critically about him and his colleagues, I am whipping up hatred towards the Men’s Rights movement.

His specific complaint: a day or two ago, someone apparently doxxed Elam’s colleague Jack Barnes on Twitter. Needless to say, I don’t support doxxing and I have no idea who did it; indeed, I only learned of it, last night, from Elam’s video.

But apparently Elam holds me personally responsible, because I wrote a post about Barnes a few days ago, a response to a post he did about me that was filled with ridiculous accusations and rather puerile attacks on my weight.

In Elam’s mind, evidently, when I point out the terrible things he and his colleagues say and do, I’m giving them a bad reputation and therefore “trying to get MHRA’s killed.”

Paul, do you want to know who is responsible for the bad reputation of Men’s Rights Activists? You are. Your allies at AVFM are. The Men’s Rights Activists who fill the internet with angry misogynistic screeds are.

Hell, you did more damage to the Men’s Rights movement with this two-minute video than I could do in a year.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Paul, but most of what I do on this blog is to simply chronicle what you and other internet misogynists say. Sometimes I make jokes about it. Sometimes what you and your pals say is too horrifying to make jokes about.

Oh, and sometimes I post pictures and videos of cats.

You won’t find any threats, much less any incitements to violence, on my blog — except in the quotes of the people I write about.

And as long as you and other internet misogynists keep on saying terrible things, I will continue to point them out.


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9 years ago

Kudos to you David for wading through the MRA sewage. I couldn’t do it.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

For anyone interested, I haz audio of this latest mantrum. 🙂

9 years ago

David’s and WHTM is ok by me and Elam and his cronies aren’t. ’nuff said.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

People killed by feminists: 0.

People killed by MRAs: [I lost count several murder sprees ago].

9 years ago

Two wrongs do not make a right. If we rejoice in the fact that Barnes was doxxed, we become MRAs in so doing. For what it is worth for any MRA reading this, I’m very sorry one of your comrades was made to feel threatened and unsafe by someone behaving reprehensibly. I hope that the perpetrator faves justice for it.

I also hope that having the shoe on the other foot will cause MRA doxxers to think twice before hatefully doxxing women for supporting equality and feminism.

9 years ago


Death threats against feminists = Criticism

Criticism against MRAs = Death threats

We’re back in Topsy Turvy Land aren’t we?

9 years ago

Who has rejoiced in Barnes being doxxed? No one. Doxxing is totally not OK.

9 years ago

Long-time lurker just signing in to comment: thanks for your blog. The horror of the misogyny you archive is obviously upsetting, but you make a space for folks to reject it and support each other. Rock on. Also, as a fellow rubanesque person: making awful people angry just by existing is one of the perks!

9 years ago

The paranoia is huge with those Guys…

9 years ago

One breath, he is agreeing that women need to have false rape accusations raised against them. Next, he’s telling the world how horrible David is for allegedly inciting whoever the clown is that doxxed Barnes.

Doxxing, whoever did it, is super wrong. Shame on them.

Telling men that they need to be filing fake rape reports against women is also super wrong. Not doing so well at holding moral high ground there, Paul and JB. Shame on you.

9 years ago

No one is rejoicing. Doxxing = not good at all.

They could :sigh: typical emotional manospherians always trying to be the victims, don’t they know it’s the Internet? I mean free speech amirite?

9 years ago

Paul Elam presumably has a promising future career as a cinema appliance (i.e. a projector). I do hope he starts it soon.

9 years ago

Victimisation: Way more fun to be the oppressor. I suppose that not playing the oppressor is too hard? Or… their manly brains aren’t flexible enough to bend that way?

Miss Andry
9 years ago

No prob, Dave. Just doing my part to document the idiocy of the Manosphere.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Telling men that they need to be filing fake rape reports against women is also super wrong. Not doing so well at holding moral high ground there, Paul and JB. Shame on you.

Well. At least this sounds like it has the potential to backfire *spectacularly* into their own woman-hating faces. So there’s that.

9 years ago

So… MRAs can dox, harass, stalk, terrorize, and do any sort of illegal/immoral things to respond to opposition… but the opposition cannot do the same – heaven forbid we even call them shitheads!
Would love to see their justification.

9 years ago

Jack Barnes is in favor of doxxing. I don’t understand why they’re upset.

9 years ago

David: Other commenters have said it very, very well. Thanks for your hard, harrowing work.

Paul Elam: Liarliarliarliarliar.

9 years ago

I’m not surprised by Elam’s whining. This is the same clod who thinks Roosh V getting a drink in the face counts as attempted murder, after all.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Yet again, I’m in favour of every Internet-capable device of Paul Elam’s being fixed with a breathalyser lock.

9 years ago

“You’re not allowed to point out my incitements to murder! That’s incitement to murder!”

MRA ManLogic™ in a nutshell.

9 years ago

“to clear my head of all the manosphere nonsense I’d been reading about for much of the evening”

Mr. Futrelle… I don’t know how you do it… read all of that shit… I hope it pays well!

9 years ago

Well, to be fair WHTM *does* technically incite hatred against Paul Elam. Though I’m not entirely sure it’s possible to quote his own words without inciting hatred against him.

And major NO on the doxxing of circumcision doctors. Just…no. By all means argue whether certain medical procedures are necessary or advisable for minors, but “male genital mutilation” as proof of a double standard is a false equivalence if I ever saw one. And doxxing doctors who are performing a safe and legal medical procedure is MAJOR no.

9 years ago

Hell, you did more damage to the Men’s Rights movement with this two-minute video than I could do in a year.

But you see, if you hadn’t made a post about it, nobody would know or even talk about the video. That is the real cause of the problem. Just like how the actual problem with racism isn’t the racist, it’s people always talking about racism. And the real cause of sexism is talking about sexism. It’s science!