
Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Nov 2015 Baby Needs Jelly Edition

Baby needs jelly bad.

An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.


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9 years ago
9 years ago


EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

PolicyOfMadness, if you’re reading this:

I recently started reading Adam Gurowski’s diaries from the period of the American Civil War. I think this would be exactly your thing – Gurowski is admirably clear-headed, vindicated by history, refuses to give in to sentimentality like so many other writers, and brings a very Polish attitude to it. He understands, on a deep and implicit level, that this is a war fought for various different reasons and doesn’t conflate them. His views on the racial politics of the war stand out even in 2015 terms as being radical – and he wrote these in 1861.

9 years ago

Chaos in the refugee situation this week. About 90 minutes ago the police started doing mandatory border control in the southern parts of the country, following a political decision. Persons seeking asylum in the country will be permitted to enter. All other refugees will be denied entry. This is normally not allowed under the Schengen agreement, but 30-day exceptions are allowed for special situations. This will go on for 10 days initially, but will presumably be extended to the full 30 days. After that, it’s possible to extend it for another 30 days at a time if deemed necessary. They’ve said this is a highly temporary state. I’m expecting it to go on for years.

Currently I don’t know what the situation is with the Öresund bridge, which connects Sweden to Denmark. It has 17 000 daily commuters, so traffic stock there would be catastrophic.

Last week we had 10 000 new refugees enter the country. That’s 0.1% of the population of the entire country. It’s the equivalent of if 320 000 refugees were to arrive in the US in one week. Just last Monday it was 2160 people in one day.

From early reports it says they denied entry to 43 refugees within the first 15 minutes, between noon and 12.15 today. I can’t imagine what it’s like down there right now. Feel like I should go down there and help, but my wife is out of the country and I can’t leave the cats. Can the world fix itself soon?

9 years ago

Uh, I meant traffic jam.

9 years ago

dhag – Everything else aside, that % influx has the potential to be immensely socially destabilizing.

Take care.

9 years ago

re: Fallout 4: My husband’s name (in the low tens in terms of popularity in the US) is not voiced in game, but mine (in the high 700s in terms of US popularity) is (weirdo spelling and all).

“Furiosa” and “Fuckface” are also voiced options.

Eve Rae Oun
9 years ago

If I may, I’d like to point out a comment of mine that has just been released from moderation, as it was my first here. It’s from yesterday morning, so it’s not for to scroll up, or here’s the direct link

If you use Photobucket, or you know somebody that does or might, please read.

Thank you.

9 years ago

@Eve Rae Oun

Thanks for the warning! I use Photobucket set to private and I never realized this. Luckily I don’t have any sensitive pictures there.

9 years ago

Our Bodies Ourselves is looking for donations guys. 🙂

9 years ago

I wasn’t quite sure where to put this, but I wanted to share. University of Chicago has shut down all activities (including classes) today because of an online threat. I don’t have any other details, except what is given in the link below, but it seems to be following the same pattern that we have seen with other recent events.

I’m a bit concerned because my partner is currently at UChicago. I haven’t talked to him today (damn 6 hour time difference) and I’m sure he’s fine, but this hits close to home for me.

David, I know you’re in Chicago too, so I figured you would like to hear about this (if you haven’t already).

9 years ago

This never ends, does it?

9 years ago

Update on the UChicago situation. They have someone in custody. Apparently, the threat was made in response to the shooting of Laquan McDonald. It’s unlikely that he would have been able to follow through on the threat, but it was still extremely detailed and obviously needed to be taken seriously.

I just don’t even know what to say any more. It’s just more killing (or threats of killing) and that’s not going to solve anything.

9 years ago

Random question, but does anyone have any tips for dealing with sexism on Facebook? I’ve purposefully tried to keep from starting conversations about sexism and have limited my participation in ongoing conversations because I know Facebook is not really a great place to have those kinds of discussions. It’s not even sexist comments directed at anyone in particular (for the most part). I’m just getting really tired of seeing sexist memes pop up in my news feed. Today it was:

Arguing with a woman is like reading the software license agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click “I agree.”

I really want to respond with:

This is sexist and insulting to both men and women. It paints women as uncompromisng and unwilling to listen and portrays men as being unable to make their own decisions.

The thing is, I know what’s coming if I do post that. “It’s just a joke.” “Don’t take it so seriously.” I’m not sure if I’m ready to deal with the backlash of calling someone out.

I’ve been screenshotting things and submitting them to, but doing that has made me realize just how much sexism is out there. Even though I keep my friends list pretty selective, I’m still surprised by how much sexism pops up. I’ve submitted 13 photos less than 3 months and, no, I don’t submit everything I see. I just want people to think about what they are posting and what kind of messages they are sending, but I also know that Facebook is not really the best medium to facilitate these discussions.

I’m also aware that I’m going to be looking for a job soon (like within the next year) and I don’t want employers to be put off by a bunch of feminist posts. (And I hate that I have to think like that.)

9 years ago


I’m not on facebook, but in other bits of the internet where I’m faced with jokes I don’t like, posted by people I know, and my reply will probably be read by lots more people I *don’t* know:

I try to counter it with a follow-up joke. It has to demonstrate that (i) the original joke doesn’t really work, and (ii) yes, I know it’s a bloody joke.

This works quite well when the joke is of the form “X is like Y”, as in your example above — you can rely on pedantry or “I think you’ll find it’s not as simple as that” to demonstrate where it falls down. But after a while you start sounding like all those commenters that came out of the woodwork to nitpick the tea/consent analogy. YMMV.

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