
Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: Nov 2015 Baby Needs Jelly Edition

Baby needs jelly bad.

An open thread for non-personal stuff. No MRAs, trolls, etc.


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9 years ago

@wwth: Jesus.

9 years ago

Have you noticed how those stories are always an adult male author and a teenage girl? It’s almost as though men feel threatened by women and girls showing them insufficient deference and having independent opinions, even when the girl in question has literally no power to affect the man’s life.

9 years ago


How awful. And what a surprise, the main character in his book (the ‘perfect princess’) is based on a letter he wrote on Valentine’s day to a woman whom he was ‘benevolently stalking’, who eventually had to contact the police about his behavior. Ugh. Just Ugh.

9 years ago

One cool thing that happened recently was in my mope of not having anything to play Fallout 4 on I picked up a collection of old genesis games for the PS3. I started playing the first Phantasy Star game and was pleasantly surprised to discover the main character was a female.

9 years ago


Phantasy Star is actually pretty cool like that (and it’s a great game too).

The character designer for Phantasy Star I and II was a woman, Rieko Kodama. She was also the team leader for Phantasy Star IV, which is in my opinion the best game in the series.

It also had a woman game designer, Miki Morimoto. She also directed the original Ys.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago

Hey, have any of you heard of Am I Right? It’s a website where you can write and submit your own song parodies.

I wrote a parody of the Village People’s “Macho Man” a while ago, which lampoons the Manosphere guys. You can read it here:

If any of you have any ideas for song parodies, you can submit them too. Perhaps we need more musical send-ups of the manosphere.

9 years ago


Ive never played the Ys games Ill have to check it out.

9 years ago

League of Legends just revealed the new characters, and it’s a brawny priestess who smacks people around with an idol of Cthulhu.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

I’m watching 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown and I’m paraphrasing but Jimmy Carr uttered the most absolutely perfect thing ever — I feel like that was very much an IKEA sentence, all the parts were there, just not in the right order.

I am so stealing “IKEA sentence”, that’s everything that NWO said — the words were there, they just made no sense in that order; also works for back ways forwards slips, and Yoda.

9 years ago

@Hu’s on First
I checked out your parody. That’s pretty funny!

9 years ago

On last night’s Republican debate:

– Jeb is fucked. He made no impression at all, once again.

– Kasich is fucked. He was booed.

– The audience was laughing at Trump when he went into his usual script about “we’re losing to blah blah, we’re losing to blah blah, we don’t win anymore” and “I’ve created bilions and billions and billions of jobs”. He’s also fucked.

– Rand Paul got both massive cheering and boos, like always.

– Winners of main debate: Carson, Fiorina, Rubio.

– Rubio will probably be the nominee.

– Cruz was pointless.

– As far as I can tell, Christie promised to go to war with China and to let the police kill as many innocent people as they want.

– Huckaburger did ok in the kids table debate.

– The early debate was nothing but tedious bickering and repetitive nonsense.

– Biggest boo of the night was in response to the moderator accurately stating Hillary’s resume. They’re booing facts.

9 years ago

Well heck, looks like my computer might be just barely able to run Fallout 4, so now I’m seriously considering getting it on console. I’ve got plenty of other games with which to retreat to my computer.

We’re planning on getting a PS4 next February or March, after our tax return comes in.

Eve Rae Oun
Eve Rae Oun
9 years ago

I’m sorry, I don’t know if this is the right thread for this. I just wanted to give you a PSA.

Do not put install the Photobucket app on your phone. They advertise it as a photo backup app, but PB is a photo SHARING site, and their default settings are to make everything you upload totally public. Even if you make a library or album “Private”, the photo still shows up in PB’s “Recents” page, it just makes it so a person can’t follow the link and see the rest of the album. There is a subreddit with thousands of subscribers that watch the “Recents” page for people who upload things they don’t realize are public, then repost them elsewhere like Imgur. It’s sickening. Neither Reddit nor Photobucket seem to care. And even if Reddit did close them down, they’d just go somewhere else. The problem is Photobucket. So please, spread the word. Do not use PB to backup your personal photos.

9 years ago

*heavy breathing*

9 years ago

@Falconer re: sharing gaming with your SO: It’s the best 😀
And I look at it this way: It’s a helluva lot cheaper than going out! Especially if you have to factor childcare into the equation.

re: a console: There’s apparently a PS4 bundle out right now that includes Fallout 4 😡
But post-holiday / tax return specials are good, too.

@dhag: Games really are a time suck, but, meh, gotta have some vices.
Mine include playing videogames and a teeny touch of sloth, at least if that sloth involves brewing some coffee and curling up under a blanket to read for entirely too long…or wishing that that could happen more frequently.

9 years ago

That should’ve been a 😀 not a 🙁

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I got the same impression. The fanatics have shifted from Trump to Carson, which is both worrying and annoying: worrying because he’s less openly absurd and so stands more of a chance, and annoying because I have a bet riding that Trump will win the nomination.

9 years ago

@EJ – Is he really less absurd, though?
Is he?

Dude thinks that the pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain.

*sigh of resignation*

I guess he’s less absurd to those that would embrace him, though.

9 years ago

I agree with what EJ said; Carson is less openly absurd. However, when Donald speaks it’s just empty bragging and nonsense catch phrases. When Carson speaks it’s always things that make you go “wait… whaaat?”

9 years ago

^ Yeah.

Trump (who I’m far from a fan of) when asked about the Starbucks cup thing (*eyeroll*) to laugh, “I dunno – boycott them? I don’t really care.”

Carson’s the type to start in on a…very…slow…and…monotone…spiel about the War on Christmas and Christians and the need for people to fight back, etc, etc – and he’d mean every world of it.

Trump’s a showman.

Carson considers himself to be a righteous warrior.

The second’s more potentially damaging.

9 years ago

Related to Carson’s idiocy, here’s a fun quiz:

I failed pretty hard XD

9 years ago

So what would a Trump presidency actually be like? That’s the part I can’t figure out. His campaign promises are of course horrifying, but on the bright side, we know he’s a man who feels absolutely no obligation to keep his promises. He’s used to be socially liberal and I doubt his heart is really going to be in going after Planned Parenthood in a big way. The obvious role model for him would be Bush W, but I don’t think that playbook flies any more. If he antagonizes the Republican theocrats, then what? Work with Democrats?

Like everyone else, I at first thought the campaign was a money grab / publicity stunt because I didn’t think he was a viable candidate. Then he did well and it looked like he was taking it seriously, so I thought no more of it. But now I realize there’s another reason I thought his run was for publicity: because I can’t imagine why he would actually want to be president.


9 years ago


He is clearly completely uninformed on every single issue. Not qualified to take a guided tour of the White House, and he knows it. If he were to become the nominee I guarantee he would drop out and hand it to someone else, making up some story about “for personal reasons I would rather not discuss in public, blah blah blah”.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Trump would, in my opinion, be a very long way from George W. Bush. Bush was a lightweight, elected as the “MBA President” who would get out of the way and let the corporations make money, not rocking the boat of the post-Clinton boom. He wasn’t a huge showman or a huge personality, but was good at getting along with the business interests. Trump is… none of those things.

I believe he wants to be president because he wants to see how long the ride goes on for. As Orion points out, I think he did it for shits and giggles at first, but when he realised just how weak the opposition was, kept going.

As dhag85 points out, Trump would make a terrible President. I think that’s why people support him: they are now so divorced from reality that nobody sufficiently in touch with reality to govern, is acceptable to them. What they want is the Platonic ideal of an unreasonable egotist, and they found one.